laupäev, 27. august 2016

Ene armuseiklused Roomas ja mujal, teine osa

Jätkame minu täditütre Ene päevikumärkmete avaldamisega. Nimelt sõitis noor Ene seitsmekümnendatel oma vanemate krediitkaardiga Euroopasse ringreisile. Tal oli seal palju armuseiklusi erinevate meestega, mida ta oma päevikus üksikasjalikult kirjeldab. Head lugemist!

Ahjaa, üks asi tuli mul veel meelde - nimelt oli Ene üks paljudest boyfriend'idest Ameerika bluusilegend Johnny Winter, kelle ajakiri Rolling Stones on valinud 100 meie aja parima kitarristi sekka.

Nüüd aga tagasi imelisse Rooma, Ene muretu eksistentsi juurde...

Monday, May 12

Went window shopping. Went to Serena's house and decided that I must paint again. Went to the dentist and had a tooth pulled out. Walked all over Rome. Got a ride home with a boy from Canada and one from Germany. Slept, had dinner and talked to Carlo and Ray. Went to bed.


Went to Serena's house. Mario made a play for me. Ran all over Rome trying to find sour cream, beets and pickles. Took the bus for the first time. Not bad. Got home. Carlo was sick.

Started to prepare food for Wednesday night's guests. Talked to Ray. Albert called and made a date for Thursday.


Prepared the food for the party. Carlo feels terrible. Party very successful. Thank god they liked the food.

Serena and her boyfriend came, Edda the actress, a farmacist and a young man were the others. Had very nice time. But got very drunk because I was so over tired.


Hangover. Had to make a mad rush to the Piazza D'Espagne to meet Albert. We rode around on his motor scooter in the Villa Borghese and Villa Ada. Necked in the grass. Went home. I like Albert but he's so young. He doesn't even shave.

At home we had company - a poor but noble prince. Very nice and promised to take me to museums. We'll make arrangements for that on Saturday when we have another party.


Carlo is still sick. Lounged around the house all day. Washed my hair and clothes. Had dinner with Ray and Carlo and went to bed.


Carlo and I went out and bought a sewing machine. Drove around and came home. Ray took me to Serena's house. She was not home.

The party was a blast. I met many attractive people. Francesco tried to rape me. Umberto promised to teach me italian. Roberto and I had great fun dancing. Got terribly drunk and shouldn't have but Ray insisted that I dance so shyly that I had to drink.


Went to the clinique to visit Lila Italies. Most famous actress had lunch with Ray and Carlo. It was magnificent. Met Albert at the Piazza D'Espagne. Drove to the beach. Came back because of rain.

Brought Albert to the house which was a disaster. Malina caught us necking. Ray was terribly upset about what Carlo would say. I've never felt worse in my life. I hope and pray everything will work put alright...

Nonii, läks juba põnevamaks, kas pole? :). Mulle on kõik need nimed võõrad, aga paistab, et Enel oli Itaalias suur menu. Ene kirjutab, et Francesco üritas teda vägistada. Mul tuleb selle peale meelde, kuidas ta mind hoiatas, kui rääkisin talle 2003. aastal (Ene oli siis umbes 60-aastane) oma plaanist Portugali mehe juurde elama minna. „Ära sa seda mingil juhul tee,” ütles Ene. „Seal on kõik mehed vägistajad.” Mina muidugi ei kuulanud, tuulepea nagu olen, ja läksin ikka. Ene oli pärast väga üllatunud, et Joáo ei üritanudki mind vägistada :). 

Ene kirjutab ka, et peaks rohkem maalima. Ta joonistas ja maalis väga hästi, nagu meie mõlema vanaisa Gustav Eduard, ning temast oleks saanud väga hea kunstnik, kui ta oleks viitsinud kunstile natuke rohkem pühenduda. 

Ka süüa oskas ta hästi teha. „Õpi kindlasti keetma,” pani ta mulle südamele (just keetma, mitte süüa tegema). „Muidu mees jätab sind maha.” Mina aga ei õppinud ja nüüd on mul mees, kes teeb ise süüa. 

Siin aga veel paar pilti Enest:

Enne Modenat elas mu onu pere Pearl River'is. Seal on tehtud ka see pilt raamatut lugevast Enest. Kõige rohkem armastas Ene poliitikaalast kirjandust.

Ene koos August Albo maaliga, millel on kujutatud teismelist Enet. Tema seljas olev valge kleit on ilmselt tema ema, minu tädi Endla õmmeldud. Tädi Endla armastas väga õmmelda.

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