reede, 20. märts 2009
Maksim Reva: Jüri Pihl on tõusmas Eesti liidriks
Jätkub intervjuu pronksiöö ühe nn ninamehe Maksim Revaga. Reva jätkab Lihula samba mahavõtmise teemal, kus samba võttis maha valitsus. Ja loodi samuti kunstlikult konflikti õhkkond, nagu pronkssõduri puhul. Valitsus lõi vaenlase ja hakkas sellega võitlema.
Reva märgib, et enamik venelasi olid rahul Lihula samba mahavõtmisega, ent nad ei taibanud, et see oli vaid eelmäng, et sellele järgneb pronkssõduri mahavõtmine.
Reva on veendunud, et kogu nn pronksiöö oli täpselt ette valmistatud, ette planeeritud sündmuste jada. Kus ühelt poolt öeldi, et hakatakse välja kaevama inimeste säilmeid, teiselt poolt tuli kohale sadu politseinikke. Soomusautod, staabibuss. Mis näitab, et valmistati ette pronkssõduri äraviimist ja eeldati ka vastuaktsioone. Järgnevalt tuli mis tuli, politsei lihtsalt ei tegutsenud. Reva räägib, et vaatas korduvalt üle salvestisi seoses oma kriminaalasjaga ja veendus, et politsei teadis täpselt, mida tegi. Täpselt tegutseti, muudeti asukohta. Mitte midagi ei tulnud üllatusena.
-Aga miks seda vaja teha oli?
-Aga sellest me alustasime- oli vaja eksperimenti, räägib Reva. Ja selline olukord on väga mugav, majandus käib alla, tööpuudus suureneb, ja kõik istuvad hirmunult kodus ja kuhugi ei liigu.
-Mis meeleolud seal kohapeal olid?
-Reva räägib, et inimesed tahtsid näha ausammast, et võetaks telk ära. Teiseks oli näha provokaatoreid, kes loopisid kive.
-Kes nad olid?
-Noored inimesed, kellel olid maskid ees, nad olid ette valmistunud. Kui mindi politseiniku juurde ütlema, et kutsuge provokaator korrale, ta loobib kive, siis ütles politseinik, et tal pole sellist korraldust. Aga pärast põhjendati rahva laialiajamist sellega, et rahvas oli politsei vastu agressiivne. Aga agressiivne tegevus politseid ennast ei häirinud.
Kui rahvamass laiali aeti, Pärnu maanteele ja Endla tänavale, siis seal polnud valves ühtegi politseinikku. Üks vahtkonna liikmetest, Aleksandr Korobov seisis Pärnu maanteel Ungari restorani juures ja kutsus inimesi korrale, ja sellest piisas, et restorani aknad jäid terveks. Kui kohal oleks olnud politseinikke, poleks tänavatel midagi juhtunud.
-Nagu oleks tahetud, et midagi sellist juhtuks?
-Mitte nagu, vaid nii tahetigi. Reva meenutab, et justiitsminister Rein Lang ütles pärast pronksiööd 2007. aasta mais, et kohal olid relvastatud retsidivistid, kes tulistasid ja tahtsid korraldada riigipööret. Kust tema seda teadis?, küsib Reva. Ja kui teadis, siis kus on tõendid? Tema on justiitsminister, kellele allub prokuratuur. Kohtus selliseid tõendeid ei olnud. Kus on need retsidivistid? Kus on see kõik?
-Ja sellest väljus Ansip ligi 60% rahva toetusega.
-Jah, kuidas muidu. Mässu mahasuruja, kangelane, rahva päästja. Sellest kõigest lõikas dividende veel üks mees, Pihl. Ansipiga on juba kõik, aga Pihl on saanud särada pronksiööl, pronksiöö ninameeste kohtuasjas, ninameeste õigeksmõistmises, ja lõikab dividende praeguse majanduskriisiga. Ainus erakond, kes praegu populaarsust kogub, on sotsid. Sotside populaarsus muudkui tõuseb. Isegi üle 10%.
-Esiteks seetõttu, et sotsid on vasakpoolsed, kes praegu koguvad populaarsust. Nad ei vastutanud valitsuses majandusotsuste eest. Nad on majandusest väljas. Teisest küljest on Pihl end näidanud kui riigimees, kui aktiivne ühiskonnategelane, kes on võimeline kriise lahendama. Tal on palju plusse, leidke mulle mõni Pihli miinus! Miinus on ainult see, et ta on Ansipi valitsuses siseminister. Aga kui ta poleks olnud, mis võinuks siis saada pronksiööst!
-Aga teda on väga vähe näha! Karismat pole.
-Aga tal pole vaja pildis olla, ega mingit karismat. Suured diktaatorid on olnud kõik vähe pildil.
-Mitte just nii väga!
-Aga näiteks Stalinit oli vähe näha. Ka Pihlil pole seda vaja. Selge on see, et Eesti ühiskonnas võib kerkida esile diktaator, ja diktaatorlik partei. Kus on oma halla kardinal, hall liider.
-Diktaatorlikuks osutus Res Publica?
-Ei, need olid lapsed. Nad olid vaid lapsed, kes mängisid diktatuuri.
Postituse kommentaarid (Atom)
10 kommentaari:
see reva nagu oleks kuskil mujal käinud ja muid pronksiöid näinud. Provokaatorid olid ikka teisel poolel, need keda vene televisoon näitas särki lõhki rebimas ja krokodillipisaraid nutmas.
Politsei käitus õieti, see on loll jutt et keegi reva tuleb ja ütleb , et kutsuge maskis mees korrale, politsei kuulab oma ülemuste käsku.
Ehk saate Sirõkilt pikema (ja "kallutamata") kommentaari Helsingi-aktsioonile?
Ja sellele nupule paluks ka kommentaari:
Tänud ette!
mida max esmaspäeval teeb?äkki põrutate ka dozooriga koos soome ja teete intekad?
Mis krd soga see Reva ajab: majandus käib alla, tööpuudus suureneb... Ta räägib siinkohal ju 2007. aasta aprilli lõpust, kui majanduse allakäigust ja töötusest ei nähtud undki veel! Nii on ka kõige muuga, mida see poevargast tibla teie abiga suust välja ajab. Ja tore on, sest mida lollim jutt, seda enam veel saab selgeks selle õnnetu kamba olemus.
kesse ahto muld päriselt on,kas kivisildnik?
keda valite euro parlamendi valimistel,mina olen oma valiku teinud-see on kivisildnik.
kas see ära ei tüüta juba. ma ei viitsi ühtegi intervjuud lugeda. nii mõttetud.
Loomulikult oldi valmis. Oli ju analüüs, mis rahutusi üsna täpselt prognoosis ja Ansip, kes seda ebakompetentseks pidas.
Reva ajab jahu: igasuguste massirahutuste korral peab politsei tegutsema jõulise ja monoliitse üksusena. Väikesteks gruppideks jagatuna saaksid korrakaitsjatest ohvrid.
Oli näha pealtnäha rahumeelseid korralduste jagajaid meeleavaldajate seas. Oli näha, kuidas õpetaja kontrollis, et õpilased jalga ei laseks.
Olid liikvel grupid, kelle kehahoid reetis sarnast füüsilist väljaõpet.
Olid näha ka retsid, kes kasutasid juhust "mentidele" ära teha. Muide, pärast jahtis politsei just neid.
Ei maksa ikka iga soovunelmate järgi ümberjutustust tõe pähe võtta.
Luuletada Reva oskab. Eks see ole pärilik. Tal ema ärib imettegevaid sõrmuseid ja muud säärast võlukraami täiesti reaalse raha eest. Poeg teeb sama poliitikas.
Pronksöö ajal olite teie mujal ja kaugel.
Mina olin siin kus sündmused. Ei olnud mingeid nn. "maskides provokaatoreid", vaid oli suur hulk marodööre, kes röökisid Rossija, rossija.
Kui ei olnud kohal, pole mõtet kaabuga vehkida.
Ja veel - reva-sugused peavadki pihli kartma:)
Ma arvan selle postitusega sobib kokku ajakirja ECOLOGIST järgmine lugu.
Media debates on what the future will be like can be enormously frustrating.Many are little more than show trials.The most outspoken,and often least helpful,pundits argue the extremes:
living like cavemen or embracing a world that fels more like science fiction than fact.Rither wy,the sence of what we might stand to lose feels like terible act of surender,underscored by the fact that so few of us are sure of what constitutes a `good idea`for the future of mankind anyway.
Perhaps that is why,even though our very survival is in question,we tend to lookat the crises that are facing us in asuperficial way.givng up the car or the supermarket or the long-haul flight becomes a sentimental journey too far.
So we think small,act small,and ultimately feel frustrated with how little power we seen to have to shape a better future.
To face the future confidently we ned to think biger and outside our usual frames of referance.We need to share our achievements and keep inspiring each other.These big thoughts aren´t likely to originate with politicians,nor with businessmen.So where will
these ideas-sustanaile,ground-up,human,humane and,perhaps most importantly,replicanle in the real world-come from?
The following pages feature profiles of people in various specialist fields who the Ecologist believes have a demonstrated a clear vision for a better world.Although many of them worked within the system for at least part of their professional lives,it is their willingness to
step outside it to better voew what needs to be done that links them.
Whether finance,law,waste,urban design,conservation,transport,agriculture,business,consumerism or energy,each has dared to think bigger-even though their peers haven´t always thanked them for it.
They are not famous;you aren´t going to see their faces on TV or on t-shirts,but for the futures´s sake you migt want to get to know them and their ideas just the same...
Profiles by Mark Anslow,Laura Sevier,Dan Box and Matilda Lee.
Main portraits by David Partner.
Ann Pettifor
Ann Pettifor has changed the world once;now she wants to do it again.The driving force behind the Jubilee 2000 campaign,last year she was also a key player in the launch of the Green New Deal,a defiant public challenge to government to restructure the failing world of finance to save the environment.Early drafts of the document were written in Pettifor´s London flat,and it was at her insistence that its demands were as much economical as enviromental.Does that make her a pragmatist? No,Pettifor replies.She is an idealist.After all,she was born in apartheid South Africa;she knows the world can change.
Pettifor grew up´in the shadow of a gold mine´and saw how the price of gold govned all life around her.Gold had s power,she says,sending ´very large numbers of black people burrowing down to the depts of the earth´. Later,she learned that South African gold was taken to build up the reserves Britain used to establish itself as the world´s banker.
Gold backed the loans Britain made to other countries to build their factories,railways and ships.This,too,was a power,ahe understood.This s where economics as a lever for change comes in´You have to be prepared to look at the world as it really is in order to change it´,she says.
This clarity of vision makes her very persuasive.In december,UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for a´Green New Deal´.In january,South Korean prime minister Han Seung-soo announced s `Green New Deal jobcreation plan´. In February,japanese prime minister Taro Aso told his ministries to draft a`Green New Deal´to deal with climate change and and economic recession.
Pettifor´s first job after moving to London in the 1960s was as a cleaner,before stints in local and national government,then the charity sector.the jubilee 2000 campaign to cancel the $100 billion of dept owed by the world´s poorest governments grew from only a few people working in a draughty shed into a movement across 100 countries,backed by a petition with 24 million signatures and courted by Bill Clinton,the Dalai Lama and Mohammed Ali.Its success,Pettifor says,was down to two things.
first,a deadline.´That meant we had to pack all our energy into the time we had,but it was also a pressure on the creditors to do it by 2000´Second,a huge movement of Christians,inspired by tge biblical ides of jubilee-a time for universal pardon.Faith was another powerful way to make things move.
The campaign became a model for others,but Pettifor herself kept working on dept-she predicted the creit crunch back in 2003.Today,she is advising British chuches on their on their climate change campaignm Operation Noah.
`People of faith think of green issues as belonging to enviromentalists and not to them´,she says.Ultimately,This is about values,about asking people` How do you value the Earth? If you value something,you neve reason to act.Which brings us back to economics.
Jätkub...veel üheksa isiku monoloogi...
Vargad ahju"
Eelmise komentarijurde kuuluvad lingid:
Green New Deal
New Economics Foundation
Ann Pettifor blog at
Advcacy Inernational
Operation Noah
Järgmne eeskuju.
Derek Gow
`Small-scale,incredibly cautious and very slow`is how Derek Gow sums up the Govenment´s approach to nature conservation.`The future of nature conservation is not fidding round with tiny patches.We need to have mush more imagination and we should be much dynamic,imaginative and agressive carrying it forward´he says.
Gow is inspired by large-scale rewilding projects such as the Oostvaardersplassen,a 6,000-acre wilderness in the Netherlands where nature has been given a change to proliferate.´It´s incredible´he says.´There´s nothing like it in western Europe.It´s very dramatic.´The Dutch argue that it´s good for nature and good for people
too-they´ve totted up the true value of it.´
In the UK,by contrast,wildlife reserves´are isolated patches amid human development and agricultural land.´We´re very conservative here. There´s a strong agricultural lobby and nature conservation is not considered a massively significant issue.Natural England has had big budget-cut and a freeze on funding.´
At the wilder edge of rewilding is the reintroducing of charismatic,once-extinct species such as the lynx.As much as Gow supports he idea of the reintroduction of some species,he is also a pragmatist.´It´s not about how far we can push it,´he says.´It´s what degree of tolerance we can have.There are some things we can do and some things not.Take red squirrels,for example:they´re doomed,and it´s all but unstoppable.´
Gow is sticking with what´s realistic and possible.He´s involved in a number of water vole reintroducion projects(the water vole,once common throughout mainland Britain,has suffered a catastrophic decline over the past few decades)and is also working on the feasibility of reintroducing the European beaver into UK sites.The beaver,which hasn´t roamed Britan since it was hunted to extinction more than 400 years ago,can easily be restored´.The UK has been reluctant to reintroduce beavers to the countryside,but Gow is championing them because´they are not an animal of the wilderness-they can live in modern,developed,farmed or urban environments´.He says there are many ecological benefits:beaver dams act as highly effectve silt traps,for example,which have a positive impact on downstream water quality,and can also help reduce flooding.
Gow´s 130-acre farm in west Devon is home to the first licensed beavers in he UK-26 of them.
Seventeen are currently in quarantine,but in May they will be transported to Scotland,where beavers will be reintroduced to two locations(though it´s taken since 1994 to reach agreement).
The beaver project is a ´work in progress at the moment´,but what´s unique about it is its structure.Instead of imposing as grassroots project that aims to get a groundswell of support.Gow believes that for nature conservation to be effective you have to work with land-based groups-farmers,hunters and anglers.´Landowners think conservationists have an axe to grind,´he says.´We need to get them to see it as an opportunity.´
There are financial incentives such as stewardship grants and woodland grants,and also ecoturism opportunities that can be run by the local community.´They can be the major stakeholders.That´s where the money will be going.This type of grassroots effort will make people value it.We´ll have them on board from te beginning.´
Whereas usually people are employed from elsewhere and the money comes from elsewhere,´which can create real conflict,real bitterness´,Gow believes this kind of community-led conservation puts people in charge.´It´s never been done before,´he says. ´the issue to understand is that it´s a local decision.Some people in consevation share this view.Most don´t.´
Derek Gow Consultancy Ltd
Beavers In England
Vargad ahju!
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