Thank you for your report. We've completed our investigation and we're
re-enabling your access to this account. We've changed the secondary email
address to To sign in, you'll need to reset your
password by visiting this link:
If you're asked a temporary security question while trying to reset your
password, ignore it. Instead, click the link that says "Change your
password by sending an email to your secondary address."
Once you've reset your password, please sign in at and select a new security question. We've
removed the existing security question. We encourage you to add a new
question to your account to make it easier to recover it in case you have
problems accessing your account in the future. To do so, follow these
1. Visit
2. Sign in with your username and newly-reset password.
2. Click 'Change security question' next to Security.
3. Enter your password, select a new security question and answer, and
click 'Save.'
For tips on how to create a secure password, please see For
information on selecting a strong security question, see
We also suggest you check that the personal name on your account is
correct. To do so, follow the instructions at
We look forward to having you as a Google Accounts user again.
The Google Team
Please don't reply to this email, as we won't be able to review your
response. If your question wasn't answered, please search or browse the
Google Accounts Help Center at
5 kommentaari:
Piisas vaid Mikk Saarel Keskerakonda astuda kui kohe hakatakse kottima!
olümpik on omadega nii pees et rendile on anda pärnu maantee draamateatri vasatas olev hoone ja ka stoki vastas tartu maantee nurgal.
Ma arvan, et Teil oleks aeg midagi asjalikku teha.
Keskeakriis läheneb...
Hahaahaaa - unustasite oma parooli ära ja süüdistate kapot ja teab keda ....
to ano 13:15 - aga ega pole ikka vaja meedias ärbelda, et olen kusik memmekas ja vaadake kui hästi sellega hakkama saan. Omad vitsad peksavad. Mis kesikuks hakkamisse puutub, siis Ekspress juba sahistas, et ilmselt on uuel Hundisilma Ööbikul peagi genosselt kesklinna korteri võtmeid oodata. Vaatame-elame-näeme.
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