teisipäev, 7. november 2023


See läheb nüüd lahti, ma hakkan kirjutama, sest mu uue romaani peategelane Joao hakkas mu peas "rääkima"! Roosi kooli raamatukogus, kus teda hispaania keele tunnist tagasi ootasin :D Mul on nii, et kui esimesed read tulevad, siis tuleb ülejäänud romaan ka kohe otsa. Nii et pange vaim valmis :D Tegu siis romaaniga, mille pealkiri on "Private Joao G. Memoirs of a War Hero." Ehk eestikeeli "Reamees Joao G. Sõjakangelase memuaarid." 

"Of course war is a terrible thing, but anyone can be a soldier. It's just a question of bravery, you know. Either you've got guts or you have not, simple as that. And anyone who's read my book (well, everybody who's interested in well-written literature has!), knows that I've got more guts than ten rambos put together.

So it will be no surprise then to you, my friends, that I was a soldier. And not just any kind of a soldier, not like these mama's boys who run when they first see blood, but a soldier who put himself right in the middle of the fiercest battle and and became a war hero.
Remember Estonia, the country that caused me so much heart-ache? Well, I almost liberated it. Single-handedly! 

I saw death and stared it right in the eye, not fearing anything. I was David fighting Goliath. 

You wanna know how it all happened, right? Well, grab your seats, cause my story is not meant for the faint-hearted. If you feel you can take it, I'm ready to tell you everything. Let's roll!"

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Anonüümne ütles ...

Mina alustan oma tulevase raamatu kirjutamist tavaliselt lõppsõnast.
Näiteks: Kuu aja pärast olid Miina ja Mihkli pulmad. Kuri Jaan aga jäi vanapoisiks.