laupäev, 11. aprill 2009
Kelle tankist on Toomas Luman?
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Võtaks ette sellise mehe nagu Toomas Luman. Kes siis Reformile "füüri laseb", kui tsiteerida Rein Kilki. Keda justkui ei kõiguta miski. Mis tähendab, et tal peab olema kõva seljatagune. Kes seisab tema taga? Kelle tankist on Toomas Luman?
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Järgmisena võiks sellise mehe nagu Toomas Luman geniaalsust ja tähelendu lahata. Kelle tankist on see kõigutamatu tüüp kõik need aastad olnud? Selge see, et reformierakonna kardinal aga kellegi eriline soosik peab ta veel tagatipuks olema, ehk kellega jagab füüri.
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Aga kelle tankist on EV valitsus ja opositsioon? IMF-i!
Ajakirja Nexus artikkel America´s Looming Fiscal Collapse.
By Prof.Michael Chossudovsky
The new budgetary measures designed to rescue the US economy are serving the interests of Wall Street bankers to the detriment of working people,causing economic dislocation,unemployment and mass poverty.
Both the Bush and Obama bank
bail-outs are hand-outs to major financial institutions.
In all likehood,this crisis is leading us to the privatisation of the State,where activities hitherto under government jurisdiction will be transferred into private hands.
The establishment of a worldwide unipolar financial system is part of the broader project of the Wall Street financial elites to establish...a world government.
Under the present political arrangement,those responsible for monetary policy are quite deliberately serving the interests of the financiers to the detriment of working people...
"We will rebuild,we will recover,and the United States of America will emerge stronger."
-US President Barack Obama,State of the Union Address,
24 February 2009
"Strong economic medicine"with a "human face"
At first sight the recent US budget proposal has all the appearances of an expansionary program,a demand-oriented"Second New Deal" geared towards creating employment,rebuilding shattered social programs and reviving the real economy.The realities are otherwise.Obama´s promise is based on a mammoth austerity program.
The entire fiscal structure is shattered,turned upside down.
To reach these stated objectives,a significant hike in public spending on social programs(health,education,housing,social security)would be required as well as the implementation of a
large-scale public investment program.Major shifts in the composition of public expenditure would also be needed,i.e.,a move out of a war economy,requiring a movement out of military-related spending in favour of civilian programs.
In actuality,what we are dealing with is the most drastic curtailment in public spending in American history,leading to social havoc and the potential impoverishment of millions of people.
The Obama promise largely serves the interests of wall Street,the defence contractors and the oil conglomerates.In turn,the Bush-Obama "bank bail-outs" are leading America into a spiralling public debt crisis.The economic and social dislocations are potentially devastating.
Obama´s budget submitted to Congress on 26 February 2009 envisages outlays for the 2010 fiscal year(commencing 1 October 2009)of US$ 3.94 trillion,an increase of 32 per cent.Total government revenues for the 2010 fiscal year,according to preliminary estimates by the Bureau of the Budget(Office of Management and Budget),are in order of $2.381 trillion.The predicted budget deficit(according to the President's speech) is in the order of $1.75 trillion,almost 12 per cent of US gross domestic product.
Vargad ahju!
This is a "war budget".The austerity measuries hit all major federal spending programs with the exeption of defence and the Middle East war,the Wall Street bank
bail-out and interest payments on a staggering public debt.It deverts tax revenues into financing the war.It legitimes the fraudulent transfers of tax dollars to the financial elites under the "bank bail-outs."
The pattern of deficit spending is not expansionary.We are not dealing with a Keynesan-style deficit,which stimulates investment and consumer demand,leading of production and employment.
The "bank bail-outs",involving several initiatives financed by tax dollars,constitute a component of government expenditure.Both the Bush and Obama bank bail-outs are hand-outs to major financial institutions.They do not constitute a positive spending injection into real economy.Quite the opposite.The bail-outs contribute to financing the restructuring of the banking system,leading to a massive
of wealth and centralisation of banking power.
A large part of the bail-out money granted by the US government
electronically to various affiliated accounts,including the hedge funds.The largest banks in the US will also use this windfall cash to buy out their weaker competitors,thereby consolidating their position.The tendency,therefore,is towards a new wave of corporate
buy-outs,mergers and acquisitions in the financial services industry.
In turn,the financial elites will use these large amounts of liquid assets(paper wealth),together with the hundreds
of billions acquired through speculative trade,to buy out
real-economy corporations(airlines,the automobile industry,telecoms,media,etc.)whose quoted value on the stock markets has tumbled.
In essence,a budget
deficit-combined with massive cuts in social programs-is required to fund the hand-outs to the banks as well as to finance defence spending and the military
surge in the Middle East war.Obama´s budget envisages:
1.Defence spending of $534 billion for 2010,a supplemental $130 billion appropriation for fiscal 2010,for the wars in Afganistan and Iraq,and a supplemental $75.5billion emergency war funding for the rest of the 2009 fiscal year.Defence spending and the Middle East war,with various supplemental budgets,is officially in the order of $739.5 billion.
Some estimates place aggregate defence and military-related
spending at $1 trillion+.
2.A bank bail-out in the order of $750 billion,which is added onto the $700
billion bail-out money already allocated by the outgoing Bush administration under the Troubled Assets Relief Program(TARP).The total of both programs is a whopping $1.45 trillion,to be financed by the US Treasury.
It should be understood that the actual amount of cash
financial "aid" to the banks is significantly larger than $1.45 trillion.
3.Net interest on the outstanding public debt is estimated by the Bureau of the Budget at $164 billion in 2010.
The order of magnitude of these allocations is staggering.Under a "balanced budget"
criterion-which has been a priority of government economic policy since the Reagan
all the revenues of the federal government,amounting to $2.381 trillion,would be used to finance the bank bail-out(1.45trillion)
,the war($739billion)and interest payments on the public debt($164billion).In the other words,no money would be left over for other categories of public expenditure...
A major crisis of the federal fiscal structure is occuring.The multibillion-dollar allocations to the war budget and to the Wall Street bank
bail-out program backlash on all other categories of public expenditure.
The Bush administration's $700 billion bail-out under the TARP was approved by Congress in October 2008.TARP is but the tip of the iceberg.A panoply of
bail-out allocations in addition to the $700 billion were decided
upon prior to Obama's assuming office.In November,the federal government's bank rescue program was estimated at an astonishing $8.5 trillion-an amount equivalent to more than 60 per cent of the US public debt,estimated at $14 trillion(2007).
Meanwhile,under the Obama
budget proposal,$634 billion is allocated to reserve fund to finance universal health care.At first sight,it appears to be a large amount.But it is to be spent over 10-year period,i.e.,a modest annual commitment of $63.4 billion.
Public spending will be slashed with a view to curtailing a spiralling budget deficit.
and education programs will not only remain heavily underfunded,they will be slashed,revamped and privatised.The Likely outcome is the outright privatisation of public services and the sale of State assets including public infrastructure,urban services,highways,national parks,etc.Fiscal collapse leads to the privatisation of the State.
The fiscal crisis is further exacerbated by the compression of tax revenues resulting from the decline of the real economy.Unemployed workers do not pay taxes;nor do bankrupt firms.The process is cumulative.The solution to the fiscal crisis becomes the cause of further collapse.
Vargad ahju!
This large-scale appropriation of liquid money assets under the bank bail-outs by a handful of financial institutions serves to increase the public debt overnight.
When US Treasury allocates $700 billion to the Troubled Assets Relief Program,this amount constitutes a budgetary outlay which inevitably must be financed from within the structure of government revenueas and expenditures.
Unless all other categories of public expenditure including health,education and social services are slashed,the various outlays under the bank which in turn will increase the US public debt.
America is the most indebted country on Earth.The US(federal government)public debt is currently in the order of $14 trillion.This does not include mounting public debts at the state and municipal levels.
This US dollar denominated federal debt is composed of outstanding Treasury bills and government bonds.The public debt,also called
"the national debt",is the amount of money owed by the federal government to holders of US debt instruments.
US debt instruments are held by American residents as part of their savings portfolios,by companies and financial institutions,by US government agencies,by foreign governments and individuals in foreign countries,but do not include
inter-governmental debt obligations or debt held in the Social Security Trust Fund.
Types of securites held by the public include,but are not limited to,Treasury bills,notes,bonds,TIPS(Treasury inflation-protected securities),United States savings bonds,and State and Local Government Series(SLGS)securities.
The proposed solution becomes the cause of the crisis.The$700 billion bail-out under the TARP,combined with the proposed Obama $750 billion aid to the financial services industry,is but the tip of the iceberg.A panoply of bail-out allocations,in addition,in addition to the$700 billion,has been decided upon.
The government's bank rescue program under the Bush administration was estimated at a staggering $8.5 trillion,an amount equivalent to 60 per cent of the total gross federal debt of $14.078
trillion(2010).This amount does not include the"aid" to financial institutions proposed by the Obama administration,including an additional$750 billion in Obama's February 2009 budget proposal.The size of these allocations of liquid assets endangers the very structures of the fiscal and monetary system.
The total of Bush administration bank bail-outs($8.5 trillion)can be broken down into funds by the Federal Reserve,the Treasury,the Federal Housing Authority.
The hand-outs to the financial institutions financed out of Treasury are government expenditures,to be met either through tax revenues or the emission of public debt instruments.
The disbursements under TARP are categorised by the Bureau of the Budget as part of"a mandatory program" under an Act of US Congress.The Treasury's liability,which includes the controversial TARP,was estimated in November 2008 at $ 1.1 trillion...
Is the Treasury in a position to finance this mounting budget deficit,officcially tagged at $1.75billion,through the emission of Treasury bills and government bonds?
The largest budget deficit in US history coupled with the lowest interest rates in US history:with the Fed's "near zero" per cent discount rate,the markets for US dollar denominated government bonds and Treasury bills are in a straitjacket.Moreover,the essential functions of savings(which are central to the functioning of national economy) are in crisis.
Who wants to invest in US government debt?
What is the demand for Treasury bills at exceedingly low interest rates?
The market for US dollar denominated debt instruments is potentially at a standstill,which means that the Treasury lacks the ability to finance its mammoth budget deficit through public debt operations,leading the entire budgetary process into a quandary.
The question is whether China and Japan will continue to purchase dollar denominated debt instruments.Washington is running a public relations campaign to lure Asian investors into buying
T-bills and US government bonds.
With the markets for US dollar denominated debt in crisis both domestically and internationally,further pressure will be exerted on the Treasury to slash civilian public expenditure to the bone,exact user-fees for public services and sell off public assets including State infrastructure and institutions.
in all likehood,the crisis is leading us to the privatisation of the state,where activities hitherto under government jurisdiction will be transferred into private hands.
Who will be buying State assets at rock-bottom prices? The financial elites,which are also the recipients of the bank bail-out.
A massive amount of liquidity has been injected into the financial system from the bail-outs also from pension funds,individual savings,etc.
The stated objective of the bank
bail-out programs is to alleviate the banks' burden of bad debts and non-performing loans.In actuality,what is happening is that these massive amounts of money are being used by a handful of institutions to consolidate their position in global banking.
The exposure of the banks,largely the result of the derivates trade,is estimated in the tens of trillions of dollars,to the extent that the amounts and guarantees granted by the Treasury and Fed will not resolve the crisis.Nor are they intended to resolve the crisis.
The establishment of a worldwide unipolar financial system is part of the Wall Street financial elites to establish the contours of a world government.
In a bitter irony,the recipients of the bail-out under TARP and Obama's proposed $750 billion aid to financial institutions are the
creditors of the federal government.The Wall Street banks are the brokers and underwrites of the US public debt;althouh they hold only a portion of the debt,they transact and trade in US dollar denominated public debt instruments worldwide.
They act as creditors of the US State.They evaluate the crediworthiness of the US government.They rank the public debt through Moody's and Standard & Poor's.They control the US Congress.They oversee and dictate fiscal and monetary policy,ensuring that the State acts in their interest.
Since the Reagan era,Wall Street has dominated most areas of economic and social policy.It sets the budgetary agenda,ensuring the curtailment of social expenditures.Wall street preaches balanced budgets but the practice has been lobbying for the elimination of corporate taxes,the granting of hand-outs to corporations,tax write-offs in mergers and acquisitions,etc.,
all of which lead to a spiralling public debt.
Vargad ahju!
The Federal Reserve System is privately owned central bank.While the Federal Reserve Board is a government body,the process of money creation is controlled by the 12 Federal Reserve banks,which are privately owned.
The shareholders of the Federal Reserve Banks,with the New York Federal Reserve Bank playing the dominant role,are among Americas's most powerful financial institutions.
While the Federal Reserve can create money"out of thin air",the multibillion-dollar outlays of the Treasury(including the TARP program)will require the emission of public debt in the form of Treasury bills and government bonds.
US financial institutions oversee the US public debt.They are involved in the sale of Treasury bills and government bonds on financial markets in US and around the world,but they also hold part of the public debt.
In this regard,they are the creditors of the US government Part of this increased public debt required to rescue the banks will be financed or brokered by the same financial institutions which are the object of the bank rescue plan.
We are dealing with a pernicious circular relationship.When the banks pressured the Treasury to assist them in the form of major bank rescue operation,it was understood from the outset that the banks would in turn assist the Treasury in financing the hand-outs of which they are the recipients.
To finance the bank bail-out,the Treasury needs to run a massive budget deficit,which in turn requires a staggering increase of the US public debt.
Public opinion has been misled.The US government is in a sense financing its own indebtedness:the money granted to the banks is in part financed by borrowing from the banks.
The banks lend money to the government,and with this money the Treasury finances the bail-out.In turn,the banks impose conditionalities on the management of the US public debt.They dictate how the money should be spent.They impose fiscal responsibility.
They dictate massive cuts in social expenditures which result in the collapse and/or privatisation of public services.They impose the privatisation of urban infrastructure,roads,sewerage and water systems,and public recreational areas.Evarything is up for privatisation.
The recipient banks are the beneficiaries as well as the creditors.
As creditors,they will oblige the government to slash expenditures and run up the public debt through the issuing of Treasury bills and government bonds.
This public debt crisis is all the more serious because the US federal government does not control monetary policy.
All public debt operations go trough the Federal Reserve,which is in change of monetary policy,acting on behalf of private financial interests.The government as such has no authority over money creation.This means that public debt operations essentially serve the interests of the banks.!!!
The Obama stimulus program constitutes a continuation of the Bush admnistration's bank
bail-out packages.
The proposed policy solution to the crisis becomes the cause,ultimately resulting in further real economy bankruptcies and a corresponding collapse of the standard of living of Americans.
Boths the Bush and Obama bank
bail-outs are intended to come to the rescue of troubled finacial institutions to ensure the payment of"inter-bank" debt operations.
In practice,large amounts of money transit through the banking system,from the banks to the hedge funds,to offshore banking havens and back to the banks.
The government and the media tend to focus on the ambigous notion of "inter-bank debts".The identity of the creditors is rarely mentioned.
Multibillion-dollar transfers are conducted electronically from one financial entity to another.
Where is the money going? Who is collecting these multibillion-dollar debts,which are large part the consequense of financial manipulation and the derivates trade?
There are indications that the finacial institutions are transferring billions of dollars into their affiliated hedge funds.From these dedge funds they can then channel money capital towards the acquisition of real assets.
Through what circuitous financial mechanisms were these debts created? Where is the bail-out money going?
Who is cashing in on the multibillion-dollar government bail-out money?
This process is constributing to an unprecedented consetration of private wealth.
Financial manipulation is an integral part of the New World Order.It constitutes a powerful means to accumulate wealth.
Under the present political arrangement,those responsible for the monetary policy are quite deliberately serving the interests of the financiers to the detriment of working people,leading to economic dislocation,unemployment and mass poverty.
This article has focused on how financial manipulation has served to shatter the structure of US public expenditure.More generally,this restructuring of global financial markets and institutions(alongside the pillage of national economies)has enabled the accumulation of vast amounts of private wealth,a large portion of which has been amassed as result of strictly speculative transactions.
This critical drain of billions of dollars of household savings and state tax revenues paralyses the functions of government spending and spurs the accumulation of public debt which can no longer be
financed through the emission of US dollar denominated debt.
What we are dealing with is the fraudulent transfer and consfiscation of lifelong savings and pensions funds,and the fraudulent appropriation of tax revenues to finance the bank bailouts,etc. To understand what has happened,follow the money trail
of electrobic transfers with a view to establishing where the money has gone.What is at stake is the outright criminalisation of the financial system-"financial theft"on an unpredcedented scale.
The monetary system,which is integrated into the State budgetary process,has been destablised.The fundamental relationship between the monetary system and the real economy is in crisis.
The creation of money "out of thin air" threatens the value of the US dollar as an international currency.Similarly,the financing of mammoth US budget deficit through dollar denominated debt instruments is impaired as result of exceedingly low interest rates.Moreover,the processs of household savings is undermined with interest rate close to zero.
What we have dealt with in this article is one central aspect of an evolving process of global financial collapse.The international payments system is in crisis.
The economic prospects are terrifying.Bankruptcies in the United States,Canada and the European Union are occurring at an alarming rate.Country-level exports
have collapsed,leading to contraction of international trade.
Reports from the asian economies indicate a massive increase in unemployment.In China's Pearl River Basin in southern Guandong Province's industrial export processing economy,some 700,000 workesr were laid off in January.In Japan,industrial output
has collapsed by more than 20 per cent since December.In the Philippines,exports collapsed by more than 40 per cent in December.
There are no solutions under
the prevailing global financial architecture.Meaningful policies cannot be achieved without radically reforming the workings of the international banking system.
What is required is an overhaul of the monetary system including the functions and ownership of the central bank,the arrest and prosecution of those involved in financial fraud both in the financial system and in governmental agencies,the freezing of all accounts where fraudulent transfers have been deposited,and the cancellation of debts resulting from fraudulent trade and/or market manipulation.
People across the globe must mobilise.This struggle to democratise the financial and fiscal apparatus must be broad-based and democratic,encompassing all sectors of society at all levels in all countries.What is ultimately required is to disarm the financial establishment.We need to:
1.confiscate those assets which wre obtained through fraud and financial manipulation;
2.restore the savings of households through reverse transfers;
3.return the bail-out money to the Treasury and freeze activities of the hedge funds;
4.freeze the gamut of speculative transactions including
short-selling and derivates trading.
About the author:
Professor Michael Chossudovsky is
Professor of economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Resrearch on Globalization,Montreal,canada
He is editor of and a regular contributor to,the group's online presence.He is the author of The Globalisation of Poverty and the New World Order(1997) and America's"War on terrorism"(2005).
The complete version of Prof.Chossudovsky's original article "America's Fiscal Collapse"'with documents and tables,is available at the web page
Noh koid,mida kostate?
Juudid nimetavad meid koideks,kui te seda veel ei tea...kuula Nõmmeraadiost Läks Liimile...
Selle artikli kohta niipalju,et EV riigivõimud erastati juba 1992 aastal laari ja savisaare initsiatiivil...
Vargad ahju!
"Jah, milleks Lumanile ministri positsioon, kui ta oli niigi oluline niiditõmbaja ning suunas oma töölaua tagant seadusandjate tegevust."
Paavo Kangur, 09.sept 2008
Väga huvitav kiidulaul! Kuid kellele see sabakergitamine, mille jaoks, mis eesmärkidel? Kes on siis Toomas? Toomas on mees, kellest saate teada, kui oskate lugeda seda artiklit ridade vahelt... Toomas on kõva mees. Tunduvalt kõvem kui Seli ja Kilk, kes perse mullas- käed kullas oma esimese miljoni teenisid. Kuid kellega jagab Toomas siis füüri? Lugupidamisega "Teie Pärisorjuse tunnetaja"
Suht huvitav, kas pole? Aga kes on Paavo kangur?
Paavo Kangur, 31.märts 2009
Luman kingib endale juubeliks tornmaja
Lumani firmale kuuluv Emil Urbeli projekteeritud mandala on juba välja renditud Nordea Pangale, mida juhib endine Eesti Panga president Vahur Kraft (48).
Kes on Toomas Luman? Optimistlik töönarkomaan. Eurorahad on veel maale tulemata ja Luman on teinud ehitusega raha seal, kus oskab: nii Venemaal kui ka Tallinna Sadamas. Eesti Ehitusel on olnud au remontida ka Lääne firmade alltöövõtjana Kremlit.
"Kuidas selle töö saite? Luman köhatab ja naerab. «Nii nagu ikka erinevates kultuuriruumides. Vanad ajaloolised isiklikud suhted.»
Luman on Kremli Toomas. Kremli Toomas otsib vist uut naist, et Kroonikas suurt propagandat teeb. Äkki Kemli Toomas ongi see miljardar, kellel pidi kõik olema aga seksi ja naist ei ole. See tähendab, et on aga asi ei funka ja mees on õnnetu. Seda rääkis estonskis üks chikk nata joogise peaga peale keppi, keda mõni aeg tagasi "panin". Käivat teine suure raha ja kingituste eest selle miljardari juurde. Lugupidamisega "Teie Pärisorjuse tunnetaja"
Uskumatu, Kremli Toomas on saanud raha otse Kremlist, Georgi saalist. Kui Kremli Toomas on reformierakonna suurtoetaja, siis oravad on läbi Kremli Toomase otse Kremli ülalpidamisel olnud. Mis mees on Luman, seda juba teame. Aga kelle tankist on Luman? Kes ajas välja töö Kremlis. Mingil juhul kohe mitte EE agent Moskvas ajalehe kuulutuse peale. See on kohe nii wä mullike, lausa utoopia kuubis, mida võib mõnele blondile tibile läbi Kroonika seletada. Kes on oravate agent Moskvas? Kelle firma on Mercata Trading Ltd? Kui palju Kremli raha jõudis liberaalidest oravateni?
"Kremli remontimisega tegeles ka kurikuulus Šveitsi firma Mabetex, mida süüdistati ekspresident Boriss Jeltsini perekonna finantseerimises ja rahapesus Bank of New Yorgi kaudu."
Lugupidamisega "Teie Pärisorjuse tunnetaja"
Mulle hakkab siin lehel kõige rohkem vastu "pärisorjastamise ennetustöö" pidev pikk mula!
Juudid nimetavad sinusuguseid koideks.)))
Vargad ahju!
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