Inno ja Irja bloog alustab uut rubriiki: "Millest Äripäev ei kirjuta", mis kajastuvad edaspidi alajaotuses "Äri".
Sest tundub, et Eesti majanduslehe jaoks on teemasid, mis on õhus, aga millest millegipärast ei kirjutata.
Niisiis. Äripäev ei kirjuta sellest, et Eesti ettevõtjaid on vallanud paanika krooni kursiga seoses. Massiliselt vahetatakse kroone nii eurodeks kui dollariteks. Ja seda, NB!!!, soovitavad teha pankade töötajad. Vat kus huvitav, eksole!
Mina ütleks: nii pole ilus, sõbrad! Teenida teiste õnnetuse pealt. Teha omale nõndaviisi tööd juurde. Te teate ju hästi, et mingit devalveerimist ei tule, ja sellise paanika abil teenite kopsaka teenustasutulu.
Sularahaeurod olevat Eesti pankades juba otsakorral. Just-just. Hirm on nii suur, et ettevõtjad hoiavad raha sukasääres.
20 kommentaari:
Kas äripäev kirjutab:
1.Iirimaa reservrahad on otsas ja valitsus palub,meie mõistes,süüa kartulakoori.Minu arvates selle on põhjustanud IMF!
2.USD on toalett paber sest USD tulevik sõltub Hiinast,vaata Savisaare blogi.
3.Kuis muuta Eestimaa püstirikkaks enam argumenteeritult kui seda on tehtud:
2008.08.28 ????
Pärisorjastamise ennetustöö.
Äripäev nagu teisedki meedia väljaanded muudkui reklaamivad kuritegevust.
Kuid paraku kusagil ei mainita kus saab õppida kurjategijaks.
Soovitan õppida mõrvariks.Nimelt on võimalik mõrvata ilma jälge jätmata,valuta ja hääletult,kasutamata selleks külm või tulirelvi või mürkki,ning kiiresti-mõne sekundiga.Kursused on legaalsed.
Neis õpetatakse kuis peatada ohvri südame tegevus õrna puudutusega tema südame piirkonda.Hiinlased suudavad peatada südame tegevuse ka distantsilt s.t. ilma ohvrit puudutamata.Nad on suutelised distantsilt liigutama ka puuhalgu-ilma puuhalgu puudutamata.
Kursused toimuvad:
Great River Taoist Center
Ma ei saa aru?
Kas tõesti ettevõtjad ei oska inglise keelt või milles asi? Mikspärast ettevõtjad pole vaadanud juutjuubist globaliseerumise vastaste tõestusi?
Kui nood oleksid vaadanud noid tõestusi siis nad ei oleks paanikas ja võtaks vastu kaalutletuid otsusi,eks ju.
1.The Money Masters.
2.Ron Paul.
3.David Icke-Big Brother.
4.Sameer Dossani.
5.Michael Badnarik on the Federal Reserve System.
6.America:Freedom to Fascism-Directors Authorised Version.
7. tehtud,vene keeles.
9. vene keeles.
millest I+I ei kirjuta: otsustasime olla kõvad mehed ja anonüümsed kommentaarid ära kaotada. ei läinud läbi, kommenteerimine peaaegu lakkas. tegime nägu nagu poleks midagi juhtunud ja muutsime olukorra endiseks.
Kust sa tead, et devalveerimis ei tule? Argentiinat ei päästnud mingi valuutakomitee, piisab kui usk kohalikku valuutasse kaob.
Argentiinal oli palju muid probleeme, näiteks suur riigivõlg. Riik oli end lõhki laenanud. Eestil seda probleemi pole.
> Eesti ettevõtjaid on vallanud paanika krooni kursiga seoses. Massiliselt vahetatakse kroone nii eurodeks kui dollariteks. Ja seda, NB!!!, soovitavad teha pankade töötajad. Vat kus huvitav, eksole!
mille põhjal sa seda väidad? või õhutad niisama paanikat.
Vaadake presidendi valimiste otseülekannet
Eestit päästavad euroabirahad. Pangapapp otsas. Nüüd EL projekte treima. Idee/kasulikkus pole oluline. Oluline on vormistus.
Ma soovitan meedial heaga lõpetada
Berliini müür,lõpetada desinformatsioon ja pööbli hoidmine infosulus.
Valel on lühikesed jalad.
Võtek eeskuju iirimaa meediast.
Artikli pealkiri
:Presence in China a business
The Goverment is now taking China,and Asia,more seriosly as a place to do business,writes Clifford Coonan in Shanghai.
THE DEPARTURES area at Shanghai's Hongqiao airport is full of Irish businesspeople,many of them ducking into shops to do business away form the loud flight announcements booming the hall.
You can't get a flight from Shanghai to Beijing,they're all full,so some of the large trade delegation who stayed on a bit longer in Shanghai-to finish up contract negotations or drum up some business-fly on a bit later than their compatriots.All told,this is not a picture of country in recession.
Taoiseach Brian Cowen arrived late to the trade delegation organised by Enterprise Ireland,but the fact he arrived at all given the political crisis at home is a clear indication that the Goverment is taking China,and Asia,more seriosly as a place to do business.
"The global reach of Ireland can be seen here in the emerging power of China.This is the second largest ever trade delegation out of Ireland,and the largest was also to China,in 2005.It's an indication of the interest in Ireland in doing business out here,"said the Taoiseach in address to the Irish community.
"The power that is China will have a major role to play in meeting the systemic risk in the global finacial crisis.Change is on the way,and how we manage change is the challenge,"Mr Cowen said.
The global economic slowdown is hitting China too-economic growth slowed to nine per cent in the last quarter after five years of duble-digit growth.There are reports of the closing of hundreds of factories whic had manufacturing the toys and
knick-knacks that were the lifeblood of China's economic rise in the booming southern province of Guangdong.
Vivek Tulpule,economist with the global miner Rio Tinto,cut his outlook for economic growth next yer in China,which is the main driver of soaring demand for commodities.
"We're saying that we think China will grow between eight and nine per cent.That's reduction in our view.Our view about commodities demand was that it would slow as the Chinese economy slowed,but it slowed faster."Tulpule said.
What wouldn´t Ireland give to be able to talk of eight or nine per cent growth this year?
This is a robust figure,and very much in line with what the Goverment has been trying to do for the past few years-ie,cool the overheating economy to calm rampant inflationary pressures.
Tulpule expects commodity prices to bounce back some time next year,as Beijing´s recent moves to ease credit constraints kick in over the next six months.
The broad picture in China may be of one of a slowdown,but there is no sense of inertia creeping into the economy,and much of this is because of huge domestic market.Irish companies on the trade delegation to China are cautious,but the overall tone remains bullish.
Next year Ireland celebrates 30 years of diplomatic relations with China,and Enterprise Ireland´s current Asia-Pacific director,
Alan Dixon,the first trade representative to set up in 1979,has seen the huge chances at first hand that have transformed China.
"It´s hugely important for Irish companies to be in here,as it´s a major player.Here they are talking of a smaller downturn,but in the Ireland we´re talking of a bigger downturn. The future development of Irish companies is in this part of the world," says Dixon.
The focus is particularly on service exports,in areas such as education and aviation services,which more than dubled last year.China is Ireland´s second biggest trading partner in the region,after Australia and head of Japan.
Dr Michael Murphy,president of University College Cork,has been fine-tuning his organisation´s approach to China to make it more productive.
"We abandoned participation in education fairs,as we found random fishing wasn´t efficient.
Here it´s about identifying good universities who want to develop programmatic relations to come to Ireland for,say, a joint degree programme," Myrphy says.
Showing that the relationship is mutual is also important.There are 200 students from Cork at UCC this year and there will be 300 next year.Students from Cork also taking part in Chinese programmes and most of them will spend time in China at some point.
"All the experience of downturns and recessions tells you that recessions are great for education.
What we need to see is that there are three million students crossing borders every year for education,and if we fail to see that we losing out on one the biggest opportunities available.Being here is a
no-brainer for us," Myrphy says.
So far this trip has yielded Euro 25 million in trade deals,no small figure at time when belts are theoretically being tightened all over.These are real deals.
Finian Connolly,chief executive of Edgewater College in Drogheda,has just signed a deal with Air China to train 400 pilots in technical English in five centres around the country.
New aviatation rules mean all pilots and air traffic controllers must speak the English required in aviation by this year,and China has been given an extention until 2011 to meet the requirements.
"I´ve been here since 2000 and we´ve had a presence since 2002 with representative office,which you need to get business,"
Connolly says.
Hiljem jätkan edasi,üks kolmandiku teksti on veel...
Healthcare is a big growth area in China,and from a very low base in some cases. Audit Diagnostics from Cork has signed a deal worth up to Euro 10 million,and possibly more,providing facilities to carry out testing outside the hospital laboratory,which will have a major application in developing parts of China."All the equipment is made in Cork.We´ve been working in China for nine years and it accounts for 40 per cent of our business this year and next year it will be 50 per cent," chief executive Mihcael O´Donovan says.
We´re expecting to grow and keep on growing because the healthcare side is really growing,"he adds.
Also expanding in the healthcare,business in Greater China is Oneview,which supplies patient entertainment and education systems to hospitals,which allow patients to receive TV,video,internet,e-mail and telephone services at their bedside.
Oneview has just installed its system at GE´s flagship hospital in Hong Kong,the HK Sanatorium,in what sales director Neill Ryan says was a "seven figure deal".
"The main purpose is to educate and entertain patients using network devices,including
video-on-demand and Internet Protocol TV(IPTV).It´s a
multi-tasking thing and all the software is 100-per cent developed in Ireland," he says.
The economic slowdown has not hit the private hospital market,and Ryan says there was huge appetite for Oneview´s products in Asia,and the company was close to signing a second deal.
mine perse kuradi idioodist "varga hirm" peast segi läinud jobuluuser.
John Breen of
Instant Upright,which signed a deal to provide scafolding systems to power stations owned by CEC,has been coming to the country for 20 years.
"China is all about relationships and in terms of our business,Asia is growing rather than contracting.People are nervous in Europe,but you see a strength here.The strength of the Chinese currency is also an equilibrium factor," Breen says.
Galway network services provider Lightstorm signed up with the leading Chinese telecom provider ZTE Corporation to use one of its solutions in a Video on Demand(VoD)application.
"Lightstorm´s Brooklyn-10 carrier ethernet switch was chosen because its technology is unique to prevent pixelisation and/or poor video quality," says
Dr Malachy Rice,sales director for Europe&Asia with Lightstorm Networks.
"China is rolling out
state-of-the-art IPTV services to millions subscribers.To be a key- enabling tecnology in the infrastructure of this deployment is an amazing achievement for a young Irish semiconductor company.
"This deals shows that with the right engineering talent,the right venture capital and Government support,and the right market foresight,Irish high-technology companies can complete for leading edge technolgy deals across the globe,"he adds.
Siia ma pean lisama,et:
1. alles kaheksa aastat tagasi Dublini linnas ei olnud heitvete puhastusjaama.Terve linna heitveed jooksid linna läbivasse solgineevasse(jõgi Liffey) ja sealt Dublini lahte,kalad surid koos hüljestega ja terve linn lehkas.
2.Viis aastat tagasi Dublini peatänavad nagu OĆonnel ja
Grafton olid kaetud inimisitaga igal hommikul,kodutuid olid täis kõik tänavad.
3.Kerjamine on siiani populaarne,Grafton kubiseb kerjus toladest.
4.Wi-fi ilmavõrku pole üheski bensiijaamas.
5.Internet hakkas levima iirimaal alles kolm aastat tagasi ja see oli nõnda aeglane,et jube.Kaks aastat tagasi oli internet kasutusel vaid 20%-l firmadest!!!!! kodudes vaid 3%-l elanikest!!!
6.Lauatelefone pole elumajades tänase päevani!!!
7.Valdav ühesuunaline liiklus on tervele euroopale nalja numbriks.
8.Keskealised inimesed ei oska lugeda ega kirjutada.
9.Inglise keelt ei oska mitte ükski iirlane perfektselt,iiri keelt ei oska mitte keegi,vaatamata sellele,et seda koolides õpetatakse.
10.Ainult uued majad peavad sooja.No need mis ehitatud kusagil alles kaks-kolm-viis aastat tagasi.
Vanemad majad ei pea sooja mitte üks raas.
11.Müra ei pea ühegi maja seinad.
Pesumasina mürin kostab kolmanda naabri tuppa.
Mil lülitad sisse sooja vee siis terve maja müriseb ja väriseb veepumbast. Sama lugu mil kasutad tushi.Seinal ripub mingi kast milles sees elektri pump ja see teeb põrgulärmi mis kostab naabriteni.
12.Selle artikli põhjal tekkis küsimus peaminister
Andrus Ansipile:
Milliseid väärtusi peate tähtsamaiks majanduslikest huvidest?
Miks iirimaale sobib ajada väärtuspõhist välispoliitikat Hiinaga aga meie peaministrile mitte?
Iirlaste kõik käitumismallid on ju ameerikalikud,ja traditsioone pole neil mingeid,no täitsa ameerika aga Hiina on neil peamine äripartner,peale Austraalia ja Jaapani.
Ameerika presidendi valimised!!!!
Mikspärast Eesti meedia ei kajasta USA presidendi valimisi???!!
Kuulake vaid mida Obama räägib!!
Kui Obama tuleb võimule siis muutub ju kogu maailma käekäik ja juba selle valimispropaganda käigus maailm on muutumas sest Obama sõnavõtud muudavad juba iseenese eest tervet maailma....
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