reede, 13. veebruar 2009

Rikas riik on ohus! Ma armastan rikast riiki!

Just sellised loosungid pressivad hommikust õhtuni viimastel päevadel sisse nii uksest kui aknast, piltlikult öeldes. Stiilis, et isamaa on ohus, ma armastan isamaad!

No ja so what?!, kui tsiteerida Ingrid Tähismaad, või Priit Pulleritsu. Selge see, et kõik armastavad oma peret, kodu, lähedasi, küla, linna, maakonda ja riiki. Aga kas see siis tähendab, et peaks jätkuma senine prassimine ja pillerkaar igal rindel?!

Pehmelt öeldes kummaline, ja rahva suhtes kuritegelik on mõnede Tallinna poliitikute kramplik kinnihoidmine oma ametikohtadest ja hüvedest, sidudes selle mingite linnaosade eksistentsiga. Justkui kaoksid ära Nõmme ja Lasnamäe, kui mõned bürokraadid seal tala saavad.

Mina olen igatahes reformide poolt ja kõige reformimeelsem on viimasel ajal olnud Keskerakond. Isamaa oli ka, aga on muutunud Stagnatsioonierakonna sülekoeraks. Mul on millegipärast kõige enam usku Keskerakonda.

11 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

Anonüümne ütles ...

Kui olla aus enese vastu, siis minul ei ole usku mitte kellegisse tänastest poliitikutest, kaasa arvatud Keskerakonda. Poliitika on tänastele kartulitele olnud viimased 15a labane, eneseimetluse taustal, üksteisele ärapanemise ja oma privileegide eest seismise kõrgelennuga mäng. Las nüüd praevad kuni kõrbevad.. kahju vaid, et orjarahvas peab nende tegevuse või tegematajätmiste tagajärjel täna ja tulevikus kannatama. Olen absoluutselt veendunud, et mitte ükski vana peer ei suuda seda riiki sitast välja vedada, mistahest erakonnast. Maailm on liiga palju selleks muutunud. Populismiga enam loorbereid ei lõika mõistust üleöö ei sünnita.. Õige varsti kuulete esikartulite hädakisa foonil: "Kallis Eesti Rahvas, Kallis Eestimaa. Pöördun Eesti Rahva poole.." jne. Lugupidamisega "Teie Pärisorjuse tunnetaja"

Anonüümne ütles ...

Koristage see kiirlaenu reklaam siit minema, vastasel juhul lahkun mina. Rahva orjastamine kiirlaenuga on kuritegelik tegevus. Ehk ka Teie soodustate rahva vastu suunatud kuritegevust. Nii mõneski arenenud riigis on selline tegevus kriminaalkorras karistatav. Kelle nägu te nüüd olete?, postimehe või keskerakonna? Kas riputaksite homme minu püramiidiskeemi reklaami ka sellele kõrvale kui pakun välja? Investeeri täna 1000 krooni - saad homme vastu 1300. Lugupidamisega "Teie Pärisorjuse tunnetaja" ütles ...

Kuldse Trio laulus lauldakse,et riigid need püsivad orjade tööl...
üks asi mis teeb vaeseks ja orjastab on ka internet...sest kui inimene ei tee piisavalt tööd ta jääb vaeseks ja ta on valmis tegema ka odava raha eest tööd,just nii nagu on see juhtunud minuga...
Viimasel ajal on räägitud interneti kahjulikkusest lastele.
Nad ei maininud interneti tõelisi pahesid.
Nimelt,paljud inimesed unustavad oma elu ja upuvad interneti ookeni avarustesse pikaks ajaks,kuudeks aastateks...ei huvita neid miski muu,ei taha nad süüa ega minna kodunt välja...olen seda kuulnud mitmetelt inimestelt...
Üks naisterahvas mängis arvutimängu...aastaid...unustas oma pere ja töö,ei läinud ta enam tööle ega huvitanud teda ta abikaasa ega läinud korda lapsed...
Vargad ahju!

Anonüümne ütles ...

No Inno, kui Kesk seal Tallinnas midagi edulist toimetab, siis peab kogu erakonnale sellise reformistliku üldistuse andma või?
Vaata ikka seda ka mida nad mujal toimetavad, näiteks Pärnus!!!
Ja tegelikult ongi Pärnus selline kurb olukord, et järgmistel valimistel polegi kedagi valida muideks.Kõik erakonnad on üles näidanud oma rumalust, võimuahnust.
Kas kuidagi ametlikult (juriidiliselt) ei saa seda erakondade jama ära lõpetada, et kogu võim rahvale.Et kandideerib linnapea oma vaadetega ja paneb kokku linnavalituse ja otsuste vastuvõtmisel räägib rahvas kaasa e-hääletamise kaudu? Läks väga utoopiliseks jah?:)

Anonüümne ütles ...

Kallis Inno
Praeguse Keskide reformikavaga ei saa bürokraadid kinga. Toomas Vitsus on ise öelnud, et võib tulla mõningaid koondamisi, kuid kõik need inimesed on linnale vajalikud ja saavad tööd. Mida see tähendab? Noh ikka seda, et praeguse 8 linnaosa asemel hakkab olema 10 osakonda - lisanduvad Ülemiste ja Kadriorg. Ja kes tegelikult peaksid ametist kaduma? Linnaosajuhtide assistendid. Toome näiteks Haabersti, kus toodi tööle Vassiljevile juurde abi, kes pidi suhtlema halduskoguga. Halduskogu on IMO suht pointless organ, aga palju mõttetum on selle jaoks panna tööle eraldi abi, kes lisaks sellele pole käinud viimased pool aastat ÜHELGI halduskogu istungil. Aa, meenus, abi on muidugi Keskerakonnast. Päikest. ütles ...

Vartsi saavad meist kõigist näljarotid kui ei pane intensiivset rõhku eletrienergia tuulikute püstitamisele.
Ajakiri Business and finance artikkel
Could we become wind sheiks?
Coul windmills in the sea be an answer to our economic woes asks Fearghal O`Connor?

Recent weeks have been bitter,in more ways than one.The gloomy weather perfectly matched the deeping economic crisis.But the weather and the economy could also be linked in a much economy could also be linked in a much more beneficial way.Ireland has come of the best winds in the world and if harnessed properly,they could help provide the type of economic stimulus the country so badly needs.Promoters of offshore wind energy say that if planning and administrative blockages are removed that Ireland could be tansformed into an energy exporter,creating thousands of jobs and generating billions for the economy-not to mention ensuring we meet the target laid down for us by the EU of 16% of energy consumption to come from renewable sources by 2020.
And with range of wind-farm developes hoping to spend billions putting hundreds of wind turbines in the seas around our coasts,the idea is much more than a far-off dream.
Ireland`s winds are a tremendous resource which will ultimately give this country tremendous benefit", says Brian Britten,spokesperson for the National Offshore Wind Association of Ireland(Now Ireland).
"2160MW of wind power is either consented or moving through the consenting process.That is nearly 40% of Ireland`s existing power usage and involves a proposal capital investment of between Euro 5bn and Euro 6bn.At a time when there are so many problems in the Irish economy,we believe that offshore wind power could create a vital economic stimulus that could create jobs almost immediately.
But for this happen,we need an environment where we can safely go and order expensive turbines and begin to finance these huge projects.If I was microsoft or Intel and I was prepared to invest Euro 5bn or Euro 6bn in this country,they would be cutting my arm off.So why when Irish companies look to make such investments,is this not happening?"
To strenghten the sector´s case,Now Ireland enlisted economic consultants Indecon to examine the economic case for offshore wind.The Indecon study identified a Euro 3,8bn benefit to the economy from the deployment of 1000mw of offshore wind power generation.Fuel-cost savings and reduced emissions would bring a direct benefit of Euro 1,7bn to the economy.Further indirect benefits would contribute an estimated Euro 2.1bn,according to the report.It estimates that deploying 1000MW of offshore wind would give an annual reduction of 1.3m tonnes of carbon emissions,roughly equivalent to the emissions from 200,000 cars.The report further predicts a"do-nothing" cost to the Irish economy of Euro 1.17bn in respect of Kyoto protocol carbon fines.But,of course,this Euro 3.8bn benefit is based on 1000MW.
Indecon points out that over 2000MW of offshore wind generation is in advanced stages of planning with proposed capital investment of over Euro 5bn. Indeed,it also notes the general belief within the industry that Irish waters can deliver in excess of 5000MW,more than our current total electricity usage.
This would create huge potential for exports if Ireland can produce more power than it needs by utilising wind(as well as wave)energy.Withs proper interconnection into the UK and France,this becomes very feasible.
The UK,for example,has an investment strategy to deal with energy needs.But energy experts fear that as an old plant is decommissioned,it may not be replaced quickly enough by the proposed but controversial expansion of nuclear power.This could leave the UK with a major shortfall by 2016."They are very afraid of the lights going out in the UK",says Britten."But England`s problem becomes Ireland`s opportunity.So the Government should be talking to Westminster to see how they can fill that gap and the same applies to Europe.We need more joined-up thinking in Government departments and we need more co-operation with our EU counterpants."
But many believe that while Minister Ryan is making all the right noises,significant blockages still constrain the industry."There needs to be more timely deliverably on the commitments being given.There are commitmnets being given on streamlining the planning-that needs to happen.There are commitments on grid infrastructure-that needs to be speeded-up.There are commitments on the clarification of the REFIT
scheme-that needs to be dealt with so that projects can be financed and people can start moving forward."
Britten is hopeful that his company`s own project,the proposed 330mw Oriel Windfarm off Co Louth,will get planning consent in the coming months.This would mean the windfarm could be operational in 2014.But all of this depends on the structure of the so-called REFIT sceme,an incentive scheme that would see windfarm operators able to sell their power into the grid at a guaranteed price.
It was broadly welcomed when Minister for energy Eamon Ryan announced such a scheme but
would-be developers are still waiting for it to move to reality.This has serious implications for the future of their projects.
"The very first step for us is to ensure that the lease we negiotiate is financeable",says Britten."After that,we have to get decisions on grid connections,source turbines,deal with construction etc.But all of that requires finance and that requires clarity-it requires that Ireland gives same clarity that its European counterpants have given in relation to the support mechanisms that are there to encourage investment in the idustry."
"The Government has got to be brave in relation to the support mechanism.What they are being asked to commit to is relatively small compared to what we are commiting to.If we can get certainty on the type of support mechanism that other countries are giving to their offshore wind industries,this will create a stimulus that the Government don´t have to pay for until 2014.As a private investor,if you have better clarity ión the support mechanism then you can negotiate better funding arrangements over a longer period of time."
The other major issue for perspective wind farm developers is the lack of clarity on the development of the national grid.Major investmentis needed in Ireland´s grid,if it is to be able to handdle a significant amount of renewable energy recources.Eirgrid has published plans that that will eventually transform the grid but,agin,developers say they need certainty on this before they commit billions to building windmills in the sea.For now,perhaps the major problem facing any new wind farm would be actually getting a connection into the grid and that does not encourage dvelopment.
Vahepalaks nii palju,et kusagil viis aastat tagasi üks iiri talumees rääkis,et ta tahtis oma talu õuele püsti panna elektrienergia tuuliku ja ta ei
saanud selleks luba.Euroopa liidu määrused olevat olnud vastu,EL olevat keelanud tal oma õule panna püsti tuulikut...sama lugu mis juhtus Hiiumaal...
Vargad ahju!

Anonüümne ütles ...

ega jah. muud ei muutugi. kui et linnaosad kaovad ära. inimesed koondatakse. ja siis luuakse linnaviletsuse juurde hulga uusi ameteid, ning samad joped pannakse teistele selga.
asja hea mõte on see, et omad saavad korralikku pappi. ma olen ka reformide poolt. eriti, kui mina võidaks reformidest.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Ma siiralt loodan et tulevikus kaovad poliitikute sõnavarast väljendid nagu: "Oleks, peaks, teeks, vaatame" jne. On aeg juba tõele näkku vaadata ning oma... ok läheb liiga ropuks, aga nu mõte sai vähemalt välja öeldud :)

Anonüümne ütles ...

nonoh, kuhu devalveerimine on jäänud? ütles ...

Airtricity´s wind farm on the Arklow Bank is a perfect example.Currently,it consists of seven 3.6MW turbines generating a total of 25.2MW,enough to power 16,000 homes.But Airtricity has full consent to build 200 turbines.Given that the company
already uses 5MW turbines in Scotland,Arno Verbeek,head of offshore developmnet with Airtricity,says that Arklow could
produce 1,000MW of power-the same as a major coal or gas plant,without the emissions.But despite the fact that planning(or a foreshore lease,as it is known in matters of the marine) was granted in 2002,Airtricity is still waiting for guarantees on a grid connection.
Verbeek expresses bafflement as to why things are moving so slowly."When I speak to the politicians and the civil servants,they all agree that this has huge potential resources,ie the wind," he says."They agree that we are too dependent on imports of oil and gas and that can become far less dependent if we fully utilise the power that is available in the wind around the island.But Ireland is being left behind by other countries on this."
Airticity´s own building schedule bears this out.It is currently developing its massive Greather Gabbard project in the Thames estuary.It will then build in Germany,followed by the Netherlands before returning to the
Uk."If the market conditions
are not attractive,then could run the risk that Ireland could be left out or left with the crumbs,"says Verbeek.
"The UK,German and Dutch markets
are definitely more attractive to us because they have support mechanism in place for offshore wind.They are also looking at the
issue of how to sort out the grid connection.In Germany if you have a consented wind farm,the transmission system operator must ensure that it can get a grid connection.A good solid feeding
tariff for renewable power is also available in these countries.That makes it very attractive for us to go out there and construct offshore wind farms.But in Ireland,neither of those things are in place yet even if there are some signs of progress."
So what is the hold-up? Surely these projects should be top priority for a Government,particularly one involving the Green party? A number of sources have suggested that at least some of the problems are down to an old-fashioned civil service power struggle.Just which department suppose to handle offshore wind generation is not clear cut.When the Department of the Marine was abolished,the section that handles foreshore licenses was transferred to the Department of Agriculture.
A decision has now been taken to move that to the Department of the Environment.But,because of decentralisation,this involves relocation and staff are unhapy with this.
Of course,issues connected to power generation are dealt with by Eamon Ryan´s Communications,Energy and Natural Resources.Fine Gael´s Sean Barrett is chairman of the joint Oireachtas commitee for climate change and energy security.As a former minister for the marine,he has taken a particular interest in this issue."There is a massive need for joined-up thinking amongst all Government departments because Ireland is waking up later than other countries to the massive wind resource that we have.Eamon Ryan needs to drive this.
Other departments should not have
bits and pieces of it.It´s a question of the Government getting in behind him and supporting his decisions.I´m not interested in
inter-department disputes.I think it is time for some brand new thinking."
In an effort to tackle some of the blockages,his all-party committee
has taken the unprecedented move of publishing draft legislation,the first time a committe has taken such a step.The purpose of the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Bill is to provide a much simplified,streamlined,transparent and fast-trackled planning and development framework for the deployment of offshore energy renewable technologies.Currently,
planning is dealt with under the Foreshore Act of 1933 and the consenting process is long,arduous and a major discouragement to investors.
"The 1933 act was never intended to deal with such major developments," says Barrett.
"Nobody then anticipated that we
would be using the wind to provide energy.We,as a committee,are dependent on the Government to do that.But what we have done is prepared the legislation and it is now up to the Government." But Barrett does not believe that the State´s involvement should stop at purely enacting legislation and then hoping that development takes place.
"We should strive to become the major research and development centre in Europe,or even the world.In terms of how we can
advance technology to improve wind and wave energy.There is tremendous potential in this at a time when we need some good news and the developmnet of some investment opportunities.
"The private sector says it wants to invest billions in this area so we should put modern structures in place and encourage people to invest.As an island nation in the EU,Ireland should be the centre of excellence for research and development.We should even look at the possibility of manufacturing turbines in this country.If we are
prepared to invest in massive road infrastructure throughout the country we should also be prepared to invest in this industry.We could become the wind sheiks of Europe."

Noh,Äripäev ja muiduleivasööjad ministrid jms politiikud,häbenege oma silmad peast välja,mul hakkab paha teie peale mõeldeski...
No ikka päris jubedad on need eesti meedia artiklid mis kajastavad tuuleenergia kastusele võttu...nõnda kallutatud ja pahatahtlikud ja on üsna ilmne,et kinni makstud kellegi poolt...

Kallid Inno ja Irja!
Väljamaal on täna kallima päev aga Eestis on vast ikka vanaviisi sõbra päev...
Tihtilugu inimesed üsna võõrastele inimestele ütlevad sõber...
Ma olen pea juba aasta olnud teie blogis...
Head sõbrapäeva mu kallid sõbrad!
Vargad ahju!