teisipäev, 21. aprill 2009

Mõned kriisi-sketšid Venemaalt

Väljavõtted androsov.com veebist.

1 kommentaar:

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...

Hääd naljad.)))
Kuna nood karikatuurid meenutavad revolutsiooni plakateid siis järgmine tekst ajakirjast Adbusters.

"I AM WHAT I AM." My body belongs to me.I am me,you are you,and it´s not going too well.Mass personalisation.Individualisation of all condition-of life,work,misery.Diffuse scizophrenia.Rampant depression.Atomization into fine paranoiac particles.Hysteric upon contact.The more I want to be Me,the more I feel and emptiness.The more I express myself the more I dry up.The more I run after it,the more tired out I get.I hang onto it,you hang onto it;we cling to our"I" like a tedious bureacratic window-job.We´ve become our own representatives in a strange commerce...

From The Coming Insurretion,an anarchist manifesto passed around during upsurge of rebellion in Europe.

Keegi Kalle kirjutab sedasi...kuna kohviku tsensuur ei luba pikka teksti kirjutada siis
üks lõiguke tema tekstist...
The recent food riots may also be a harbinger of the rising revolution.The world´s one billion slum dweller are the real victims of the economic collapse and it´s only a matter of time before a passionate leader-an"Abdul the Avenger"-emerges among them to call for a jihad against the decedent West.His fiery speeches will trigger massive protests against the richest one billion,whose economic philosophies and immoral
five-planet lifestyles are accelerating climate change and propagating misery and inequity throughout the world.He will lead the call for a radical new frugality in Western lifestyles,repayment of the West´s ecological debt and a democratic overhaul of the UN Security Council,the IMF and World Bank.

This year,or maybe next...our neoliberal world order will explode like a million fireworks against the night sky.And as the smoke clears,we will find that the sky has lightened and a new era has dawned.

Vargad ahju!