esmaspäev, 18. mai 2009
Kõik algab otsast: Lõhmus laenab jälle ettevõtjale
Väljavõte Äripäeva veebist.
Pole midagi öelda, kõik algab jälle otsast peale. Ajal, mil suurtest Skandinaavia pankadest on saanud järelmaksukontorid, mis koguvaid vaid vanu võlgu ja uusi laene peale ei anna, alustavad Lõhmus ja teisel endised hansapankurid taas nagu 17 aastat tagasi: ettevõtjate pangaga. Ettevõtjatele laenuandmisega. Oli ju Hansapank'ki algul ettevõtjate pank, kus arve avamine käis suisa tasu eest.
Ja nii see majandus taas käima hakkab: LHV annab vaikselt laenu, ja ettevõtted hakkavad tasapisi taas tööle, tegutsema, inimesi värbama jne. Täpselt nii nagu 17 aastat tagasi. Vot nii. Ja sinnani, kus Eesti oli oma näitajate poolest, ütleme, 2006-2007. aastal jõutakse taas kuskil 15 aasta pärast. Kui sedagi, sest paljud inimesed lähevad kriisi käigus välismaale, ja jäävadki sinna. Aga sellestki pole suuremat hullu, sest kontseptsioon, ehk vundament, mille praegune valitsus rajas, ehk siis teravad suhted naabritega ning nadi hariduspoliitika, ei võimaldagi lähiaastatel pakkuda suurele hulgale inimestele Eestis suuremat elamist. Riik jääb pikaks vinduma. Eesti ja teised Balti riigid jäävad rikkamate ELi naabrite ülalpidamisele ning on parem, kui neid ülalpeetavaid on vähem. Siis jagub teistele rohkem. Näeh, olen ise ka paras rehepapp.
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3 kommentaari:
Eks see majandus sõltu ka poliitikutest..aga poliitikud on korrumpeerunud ja seega kasutud...Lubage mul siin jätkata ajakirja Business ja Finance artiklit
THE GRAVY TRAIN OF POLITICS mille alguse kirjutasin postituse "Mahajäetud mehe agoonia,appi!"kommentaari...
This is even if they continue to serve as backbencers,though it seems that efforts are underway to restrict such rights in future.
At one stage,it looked like Michael Martin and Mary Hanafin would eventually enjoy three pensions-four,if you count the
old-age pension.Nice work if you can get it!
Meanwhile,we have the
well-remunerated Oireachteas committee system.For example,just to chair the committee looking at Dail procedures(and presuambly this kind of gravy train malarkey)a deputy is awartded a further Euro20,00.Presuambly even to move sideways inside Leinster House,you are paid for it.
Another scandal is an unvouched expenses system which,naturally,is being milked for all it is worth.Each time a story like this appears about political privileges,there is a public and media outcry but still politicians do very little about it.
And some stories just get ignored altogether such as the revelation that Fine Gael TD´s Olwyn Enright and Joe McHugh,who are married,were both claiming theEuro 145 overnight allowance when they stayed in Dublin in the same room.This is almost Euro900 for three days.The revelation appeared in Sunday newspaper but only in a minor way.There was no tabloid pick up and no flak from Fianna Fail who don´t seem to have the appetite for counter attack these days.Enright has said that the couple have now stopped double claiming.
Big deal.Why don´t they pay the money back as they were urging the bankers to do? Worse still,Ms Enright is Fine Gael´s spokesperson on Community and Family Affairs,hardly setting a good example to social welfare recipients and others.In the UK,the Labour MP Jacqui Smith was grilled for far less,on an expenses claim.
Deputies McHugh and Enright are married for almost four years(let say3.5)so if you take three days a week for say 30 weeks a year at Euro145 a night,this gives a figure of Euro45,675.What kind of message does this give?
If the couple are civil servants then they can only claim for one bed,vouched.
But this just one of many cases of such soakage.Even on a seemingly innocent system,such as a mobile phone allowance,TD´s are offered a ridiculously high Euro500.
But nearly all of them take it.And then repeat the claim for replacement phone a year or two later.It is shameless stuff when the public exchequer is making cutbacks elsewhere.
Or what about the Progressive Democrats who are continuing to draw State funding even though its own members voted it out of existence last November.The PDs came into being to clean up politics but now some of them are just cleaning up.Mark Costigan,their Government press spokesperson,is being kept on the Stateś payroll working with
Health Minister Mary Harney,who is now an independent TD.Costigan argues that he always contracted to work for the Minister for Health and not the PDs.
The problem with this is that,among her many advisers,Harney already has a personal press officer to advise her on health matters and who is paid Euro122,300 a year.She also has long-term programme manager who earns Euro177,000 and a special adviser whi is taking home Euro150,700.Harney,and the rest of us,must be wondering what value she is getting for her money.
Our politicians have shown repeatedly that vcalue for money is not top of their agenda.After the recent scandals over Fas expences,TD pay hikes and ministerial helicopter rides,you´d think they might finally understand that the public is
fed-up paying for inefficiency and greed in the publiv sector.
The confusion over whether or not Brian Lenihan can ban TD´s
long-service bonuses was yet another signm of ignoring the vital issue of public trust.
How can the politicians complain about bankers´bonuses and other perks when they themselves are milking the system for all they can get?
It´s a far cry from the frugality and modesty of those who founded our political culture and it makes it very hard for those of us who respect politicians,to defend their pampered world.
Vabandan,et ei jõua teha vigade parandust,teine kord teen kui viitsin.)))
Vargad ahju!
LHV tegeleb hetkel ka üliaktiivselt pensionisammaste ümbervormistamisega oma pangale, pakuvad 350 krooni kui tuled oma endisest pangast neile oma murenenud savisambaga üle. Äriidee?
viimasele kommentaatorile: ei tea kas äriidee, aga LHV sammaste omajad on hetkel või sees võrreldes nn."juhtivate" pankadega. kui ei usu, küsi mõne LHV samba omaniku käest:)
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