neljapäev, 18. juuni 2009
Asjalik artikkel Krister Pariselt
Väljavõte Päevalehe veebist.
Soovitan lugeda ajakirjanik Krister Parise kirjutist tänases Päevalehes. Tõeliselt asjalik lugemine äsja Riigikogus vastu võetud seaduse kohta.
Kommentaariks niipalju, et Krister nagu polekski Eesti ajakirjanik. Sest üks Eesti meinstriim ajakirjanik on tasalülitatud ja silmaklappidega, ei jaga maast ega ilmast ööd ega mütsi ning laulab kiidulaulu parteile (Reformierakond) ning selle juhile (Ansip).
Või kas pole kummaline, et seda nn hunta seadust ei võtnud arutuse alla ükski ajakirjandusväljaanne, ainult Riigikogu liige Indrek Saar, elukutselt näitleja, võttis selle vastu sõna. Tekib küsimus, kus on kõik need rõtovid, kadastikud ja luiged? Miks on nad vait?
Ja kas panite tähele, kui ruttu kadusid lehtede veergudelt uudised nn Tartu maffia pealiku Aivar Otsalti kohta, kes oli juhtumisi ka Lõuna politseiprefektuuri juht. Kes siis kõmmutas metsas loomi ja linde nagu mingi paadunud pätt. Kes on ühtlasi peaminister Andrus Ansipi ja Tartu kunni Neinar Seli lähedane sõber ja klubikaaslane. Ja võib arvata, kuidas nad kõik koos seal metsas "müdistasid". See oleks igas nn Lääneriigis sensatsioon, millest pasundaks kogu ajakirjandus terve aasta vältel. Aga Eesti ajakirjandus on vait. Sest tal on päitsed peas. Eesti ajakirjandus on äraostetud. Peatoimetajad käivad regulaarselt peaministri juures "vaibal". Sarnaselt nõuka ajaga.
Tekib küsimus, millega need Eesti ajakirjandusjuhid on ära ostetud?! Kas infoga selle kohta, et nad olid KGB palgal? Võimalik. Ja nii on nad vait ka siis, kui ajakirjandusele päitsed pähe pannakse.
Postituse kommentaarid (Atom)
39 kommentaari:
ma ka ei saa aru- otsalt ju eile oma " vabanduses" oli u tiesti ylbe ja samas jättis ka mulje et oi sorri mu alluvad tegid ma pidin vastutuse võtma ja
et nyyd edaspidi ma sellest enam ei räägi...
ajakirjanikud saite ikka kõik aru - otsalt ei räägi sellest st. teil pole lubatud kysida ka
aga jah palju on eestis ajakirjanikke kes sooviksid otsaltiga jutustama ja intervjuud tegema minna...?:)
see Paris on tõesti liiga kauaks jäetud väliskorrespondendi tööd tegema, välismaal olek on mõju avaldanud.
oleks pidanud ta varem kodumaale tooma - väljaannetesse pressiteateid ümber kirjutama nagu enamik tema kolleege teevad , nüüd aga on dzinn juba pudelist välja lastud - siit sünnivadki sellised anomaalsed artiklid
Talt ju leiti kuulipilduja lukk...selle omandamise eest talle oleks pidanud määrama reaalse vanglakaristuse...aga tõbras sai vaid tingimisi...
pidarast jebannõi on see kohtunik...
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huvitav, et te liishaaveli asjus nii vait olete jäänud!!!
Nüüd arvatavasti enam ei toimu mitte ühtegi pede paraadi...sest pederastia on Eesti rahvusele kahjulik ja seega põhiseadusest tulenevalt...jne.
Mil toimub kasvõi ainus pedeparaad
Eestimaa pinnal ja seda seadust ei rakendata siis muutub see seadus kehtetuks...
Ootame huviga pedeparaadi!
Elagu konkurents!
Osa Eesti ajakirjandust, see kollane, padupropagandistlik ja kohati näkku valetav paneb pika puuga ära ka nõukaaegsele ajakirjanusele, mis oli/mis oli, vähemalt soliidsema mulje jättis.
See sõnavabaduse piiramine toimub uue maailmakorra loomise raames...
Selle kohta ajakirjast Nexus artikkel:
In response to the current economic crisis,plans are being fast-tracked to create a New World Order in finance and establish a global central bank and regional currencies if not a single curency.
The euro has grown in prominence over the past several years.However,it is not to be the only regional currency in the world.
"The GCC(Gulf Cooperation Council)
should not rush into forming a single currency as member states need to work out the framework for a regional central bank..."
"East Asia does not appear to have an obvious candidate for an internal anchor currency for a cooperative exchange rate arrangement..."
"It is important to note that in practice Canada has given up its economic sovereignity in many areas,the most important of which involve the World Trade Organization(formerly the GATT)..."
"As perceptions grow that the world is gradually segmenting into a few regional currency blocs,the logical extension of such a trend also emerges as theoretical possibility:a single world currency."
See oli sissejuhatus...
Elagu konkurents!
Kuhu ja mismoodi need Otsalti&Co lood siis "kadusid" - vägagi üksikasjalikult sai lugeda nii lastud loomade-lindude kui vasakule vehitud jooksukingade kohta, muust rääkimata. Need sinu Edgari-nimelised silmaklapid on ikka kole kõvast materjalist, Innokene.
Eriti nõme oli Gruusia-Vene konflikti ajal rahvale valetamine!Poola president võttis oma avalduse Saakashvilli ülistamisest tagasi ja vabandas oma rahva ees kuna avaldus põhines valeinfo alusel!Meie oma nätsutas Soomes nätsu ja kui sai terava kriitika osaliseks Vene poolt ,peale "hauakaevamisi" Tõnismäel siis mees lihtsalt lasi jalga!Vot kus president!Õige mees oleks oma vaated välja öelnud ja seisnud oma rahva eest!Väga hea meel ,et teil selline blogi on ,sest meediast lendab enamus valet ja suunamist hallile massile!Ärge aint endile päitseid laske panna!Parimat!
P.s. Laar nähtavasti valas pärast Gruusia konflikti krokodilli pisaraid kui aru sai ,et teda lihtsalt kasutati ära ja mäng käis tunduvalt kõrgemalt.Sest kes sellest konfliktist siis kasu lõikas?Venemaa ju!Nemad sai enamuse Osseetiast ja lõikasid praktliselt Gruusia pooleks!
Samamoodi kuhu kadus parvlaeva Estonia uputajate kriminaalasi...niisamuti kuhu kadusid pankurite kuriteod mida kirjeldab oma raamatuis
Tiit Madisson...lihtsalt ei algatatudki või mätsiti kinni...
Elagu konkurents!
Ja põhiline on see,et sellist pulli tegi mees kes ise oli jaganud vene maffiale 110 EV kodakondsust...Laar andis vene maffossidele 110 EV passi "eriteenete" eest...
Tiit Vähi andis neile 120 EV passi..
Elagu konkurents!
Muidu rahuliku olendina, ajab siiski mu madalad tunded elevile see jutt, et kala käidi elektriga püüdmas. Selle nn elektrikute kambaga olen seni oma väikses peas leidnud seoseid mingite Narva vantide ja Võru kandi õukajoodikute vahel. Aga et politseiametnik... Tõepoolest kaob igasugune huvi maksta harrastuskalapüügi maksu ja teha kitsedele vihtasid jne jne
artiklit"Analüütiline unenägu:tukastus majandustrassil 2005-2006,suvalises peatuses."
Milton Murumägi 1/2006
Elagu konkurents!
Kuule üks sadam seal Pärnust lõuna poole on maksuvaba,nad ei maksa riigile makse...ei tea küll miks see nii on...keegi kommentaator kirjutas,et sadamad üldse ei maksvat makse ja kui maksvad siis ääretult vähe vaatamata nende suurele ksaumile...raudteega pidavat olema sama asi...
Hotell Radisson ehitati ilma ehitusluba taotlemata...vaevalt too hotell maksab ka makse...
Kadakaturu piraadid tegutsesid(tegutsevad)üle kümne aasta ja muidugist nad ei maksnud makse...
nende päevane kasum oli vähemasti 2miljonit...päevas nad panid toime sadutuhandeid kuritegusid ja KAPO ega EP ei reagerinud sellele...kesse teab kui palju maksavad maksu hotellid...Viru päevane kasum oli ligemale viis miljonit krooni...
Ja Eesti pank...miljardeid kannab kusagile väljamaale ja riigile ei halli munnigi...
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Following the 2009 G20 summit,plans were announced for implementing the creation of a new global currency to replace the US dollar´s role as the world reserve currency.Point 19 of the commiuniqué released by the G20 at the end of Summit stated:
"We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject$250bn (£170bn)into the world economy and increase global liquidity." SDRs,or Special Drawing Rights,are "a synthetic paper currency issued by the International Monetary Fund(IMF)." As the UK Telegraph reported:
"...the G20 leaders have activated the IMF's power to create money and begin global 'quantitative easing".In doing so,they are putting a de facto world currency into play.It is outside the control of any sovereign body.Conspiracy theorists will love it."
The article continued in stating:"There is now a world currency in waiting.In time,SDRs likely to evolve into a parking place for the foreign holdings of central banks,led by the People's Bank of China." Further,"(t)he creation of Financial Stability Board looks like the first step towards a global financial regulator",or,in other words,a global central bank.
It is important to take a closer look at these "solutions" being being proposed and implemented in the midst of the current global financial crisis.These are not new suggestions,as they have been in the plans of the global elite for a long time.However,in the midst of the current crisis,the elite have fast-tracked their agenda of forging a New World Order in finance.It is omportant to address the backround to these proposed and imposed "solutions" and what effects they will have on the International Monetary system(IMS) and the global political economy as a whole.
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Kahju, et Krister ära unustati. Korralik töö, respect.
Minu meelest on meie väliskorrespondendid kõik üsna viisakat joont hoidnud.
In October 2008,Gordon Brown,Prime Minister of the UK,said that we "must have a new Bretton Woods-building a new international financial architecture for the years ahead"-building a new international financial architecture for the years ahead".He continued in saying that"we must now reform the international financial system around the agreed principles of transparency,integrity,
responsibility,good housekeeping and co-operation across borders". An article in the Telegraph reported that Gordon Brown would want "to see the IMF reformed to become a´global central bank´closely monitoring the international economy and financial system".
On 17 October 2008,Prime Minister Gordon Brown wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post in which he said:
"This week,European leaders came together to propose the guiding principles that we believe should underpin this new Bretton Woods:
transparency,sound banking,responsibility,integrity and global governance.We agreed that urgent decisions implementing these principles should be made to root out the irresponsible and often undisclosed lending at the heart of our problems.To do this,we need cross-border supervision of financial institutions;shared global standards for accounting and regulation; a more responsible risk-taking;effort and enterprise but not irresponsible
risk-taking;and the renewal of our international isntitutions to make them effective early-warning systems for the world economy."
(Emphasis added.)
In early October 2008,it was reported that"as the world´s central bankers gather this week in washington DC for an IMF-World Bank conference to discuss the crisis,the big question they face is whether it is time to establish a global economic ´policeman´to ensure the crash of 2008 can never be repeated". Further,"any organisation with the power to police the global economy would have to include representatives of every major country-a United Nations of economic regulation".
A former governor of the Bank of England suggested that"the answer might already be staring us in the face,in the form of the Bank for International Settlements(BIS)".However,he said:
"The problem is that it has no teeth.The IMF tends to couch its warnings about economic problems in very diplomatic language,but the BIS is more independent and much better placed to deal with this if it is given the power tom do so."
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Vigade parandus.
Viimases lauses peab olema tom asemel to.
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On 1 January 1999,the European Union established the euro as its regional currency.The euro has grown in prominence over the past several years.However,it is not to be the only regional currency in the world.There are moves and calls for other regional currencies to be set up throughout
the world.
In 2007,Foreign Affairs,the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations,ran an article titled"The End of National Currency",in which it began by discussing the volatility of international currency markets and saying that very few "real" solutions have been proposed to address successive currency crises.The author posed the question:"..will restoring lost sovereignity to governments put an end to financial instability?"
He answered by stating:"This is a dangerous misdiagnosis...The right course is not to return to mythical past of monetary sovereignity,with governments controlling local interest and excange rates in blissful ignorance of the fatal notion that nationhood requires them to make and control the money used in their territory.National currencies and global markets simply do not mix;together they make a deadly brew of currency crises and geopilitical tension and create ready pretexts for damaging protectionism.In order to gobalize safely,countries should
abandon monetary nationalism and abolish unwanted currencies,the source of much of today´s instability."
The author explained:"Monetary nationalism is simply incompatible with globalization.It has always been,even if this has only become apparent since the 1970s,when all the world´s governments rendered their currencies intrinsically worthless."The author stated:"Since economic development
outside the process of globalization is no longer possible,countries should abandon monetary nationalism.Governments should replace national currencies with the dollar or the euro or,in the case of Asia,collaborate to produce a new multinational currency over a comparably large and economically diversive area."
Essentially,according to the author,the solution lies in regional currencies. According to a Bloomberg report,in October 2008"European Central Bank council member Ewald Nowotny said a
´tri-polar´ global currency system is developing between Asia,Europe and the US and that he´s skeptical the US dollar´s centrality can be revived".
Elagu konkurents!
The Union of South American Nations(UNASUR)was established on 23 May 2008,with the headquarters to be in Equador,the South American Parliament to be in Bolivia,and the Bank of the South to be in Venezuela.The BBC reported:"The leaders of 12 South American nations have formed a regional body aimed at boosting econimic and political integration in the region..The Unasur members are argentina,Bolivia,Brazil,Chile,
Peru,Suriname,Uruguay and Venezuela."
The week following the announcement of the Union,it was reported:"Brazilian President Luiz Inàcio Lula da Silva said...that South American nations will seek a common currency as part of the region´s integration efforts following the creation of the Union of South American Nations..."
He was quoted as saying:"We are proceeding so as,in the future,we have a common central bank and common currency."
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In 2005,the Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC),a regional trade bloc among Bahrain,Kuwait,Oman,
Qatar,Saudi Arabia and the United Arab emirates,announced the goal of creating a single common currency by 2010.It was reported:"An economically united and efficient GCC is clearly a more interesting proposition for larger companies than each individual economy,especially given the impediments to trade evident within the region.This is why trade relations within the GCC have been a core focus of late."
Further,it was stated that"(t)he natural extension of this trend for increased integration is to introduce a common currency in order to further facilitate trade between the different countries".
It was announced that"the region´s
central bankers had agreed to pursue monetary union in a similar fashion to the rules used in Europe".
In June 2008,it was reported that"Gulf Arab central bankers agreed to create the nucleous of a joint central bank next year in amajor step forward for monetary union but signaled that a new common currency would not be in circulation by an agreed 2010 target".
In 2002,it was announced thet the
"Gulf states say they seeking advice from the European Central Bank on their monetary union programme".
In February 2008,Oman announced that it would not be joining the monetary union.In November 2008,it was reported that the"(f)inal monetary union draft says (the)Gulf central bank will be independent from governments of members states".
In march 2009,it was reported:"The GCC should not rush into forming a single currency as member states need to work out the framework for a regional central bank,Saudi Arabia´s Central Bank Governor Muhammad Al Jasser said..."
Al Jasser was quoted as saying:"It took the European Union 45 years to put together a single currency.
We should not rush." In 2008,with the global financial crisis,new problems were posed for the GCC initiative:"Pressure mounted last
year on the GCC members to drop their currency pegs as inflation accelerated above 10 per cent in five of the six countries.All of the member states exept Kuwait peg their currencies to the dollar and tend to follow the US Federal Reserve when setting interest rates."
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kuidas kommenteerite?
aasta tagasi see kuradi jaagup kreem käis tv3 es kirumas üht blogi wtf dumbuser kus tema üle veits nalja tehti ja see blogi sulges ennast enesetsensuuri tõttu kreem ähvardas kohtusse anda vaadake mis nüüd ise tegi.
In 1997,the Brookings Institution,a prominent American think-tank,discussed the possibilities of an East asian Monetary Union,stating:"The question for the 21st century is whether analogus monetary blocs will form in East Asia(and,for that matter,in the Western Hemisphere).With the dollar,the yen,and the single European currency floating against one another,other,small open economies will be tempted to link up to one of the three.
"But the linkage will be possible only if accompanied by radical changes in institutional arrangements like those contemplated by the European Union.The spread of capital mobility and political democratization will make it prohibitively difficult to peg exchange rates unilaterally.Pegging will require international cooperation,and effective cooperation will require measures akin to monetary unification."
In 2001,an Asia times Online article discussed a speech given by economist Robert A. Mundell at Bangkok´s Chulalongkorn University:"The´Asean plus three´(the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus China,Japan,and Korea)´should look to the European Union as model for closer integration of monetary policy,trade and eventually,
currency integration,´said Mundell."
On6 May 2005,the website of the Association of Southeast Asian nations announced:
"China,Japan,South Korea and the 10members of the Association of Southeast Asian nations(ASEAN)have agreed to expand their network of bilateral currency swaps into what could become a virtual Asian Monetary Fund...Finance officials of the 13 nations,who met in the sidelines of the Asian development Bank(ADB)annual conference in Istanbul,appeared determined to turn their various bilateral agreements into some sort of multilateral accord,would directly call it an asian Monetary fund."
In August 2005,the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco published a report on the prospects of an East Asian Monetary Union,stating that East asia satisfies the criteria for joining a monetary union.However,it stated that,
compared to the European initiative,"(t)he implication is that achieving any monetary arrangement,including a common currency,is much more difficult in East asia".
It further stated that"(i)n Europe,a monetary union was achievable primarily because it was part of the larger process of political integration". However,it also stated:"There is no apparent desire for political integration in East Asia,partly because of the
great differences among those countries in terms of political systems,culture,and shared history.As a result of their own particular histories,East Asian countries remain particularly jealous of their sovereignty."
Another major problem,as presented by the San Francisco Fed,is that"East Asian governments appear much more suspicious of strong supranational institutions"and thus,"in East Asia,sovereignty concerns have left governments reluctant to delegate significant authority to supranational bodies,
at least so far".It explains that as opposed to the steps taken to create a monetary union in Europe,"no broad free trade agreements have been achieved among the largest countries in the region,Japan,Korea,Taiwan,and China".Another problem is:"East Asia does not appear to have an obvious candidate for an internal anchor currency for a cooperative excange rate arrangement.
"Most successful new currencies have been started on the back of an existing currency,establishing confidence in its convertibility,
thus linking the old with the new."
The report concluded:"...excange rate stabilization and monetary integration are unlikely in the near term.Nevertheless,East Asia is integrating through trade,even without an emphasis on formal trade liberalization agreements.
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Moreover,there is evidence of groving financial cooperation in the region,including the development of region,for providing liquidity during crises through bilateral foreign excange discussions,and the development of regional bond markets." Finally,it stated:"East Asia might also proceed along the same path(as Europe)first with loose agreements to stabilize currencies,followed later by tighter agreements,and culminating ultimately in adoption of a common anchor-and,after that,maybe an East Asia dollar."
In 2007,AFP reported that"Asia may need to establish its own monetary fund if it is to cope with future financial shocks similar to that which rocked the region 10 years ago"and that "(f)urther Asian financial integration is the best antidote for asian future financial crises".
In September 2007,Forbes reported:"An East asian monetary union anchored by Japan is feasible but the region lacks the political will to do it,the Asian Development Bank(ADB) said."
Pradumna Rana,an ADB economist,said that"it appears feasible to establish a currency union in East asia-particularly among Indonesia,Japan,(South)Korea,Malaysia,Philippines,
Singapore and Thailand".
Another study by ADB´s Ganeshan Wignaraja and Michael Plummer of Johns Hopkins University claimed that "(t)he economic potential for monetary integration in Asia is strong,even though the political underpinnings of such an accord are not yet in place".
In addition,they said that the real integration at the trade levels"will actually reinforce the economic case for monetary union in Asia,in a similar way that
real-sector integration did so in Europe". According to the report, "Rana said the road to an Asian monetary union could proceed on a ´multi-track,multi speed´
basis with a seamless Asian free trade area the goal on the trade side".
In Aprill 2008,Xinhua reported that"ASEAN bank deputy governors and financial deputy ministers have met in Vietnam´s central
Da Nang city,discussing issues on the financial and monetary integration and cooperation in the region".
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Currently,Africa has several different monetary union initiatives as well as some existing monetary unions within the continent.One initiative is the
´monetary union project of the Economic Community of West African States(ECOWAS)",which is a "regional group of 15 countries in west Africa".Among the members are those of an already existing monetary union in the region,the West African Economic and Monetary Union(WAEMU).The ECOWAS consists of Benin,Burkina Faso,
Cote d´Ivoire,Guinea,
Guinea Bissau,Mali,Niger,Senegal,
Siera Leone,Togo,
Cape Verde,Liberia,Ghana,Gambia and Nigeria.The African Union(AU) was founded in 2002 and is an intergovernmental organisation consisting of 53 African states.
In 2003,the Brookings Institution produced a paper on African economic integration.In it,the authors started by stating:"Africa like others regions of the world,is fixing its sights on creating common currency.
Already,there are projects for regional monetary unions,and the bidding process for an eventual African central bank is about to begin." The report stated:"A common currency was also an objective of the Organization for African Unity and the African Economic Community,the predecessors of the AU." It also stated:"The 1991 Abuja Treaty establishing the African Economic Community outlines six stages for achieving a single monetary zone for Africa that were set to be completed by approximately 2028.In the early stages,regional cooperation and integration within Africa would be strenghtened,and this could involve regional monetary unions.The final stage involves the establishment of the African Central Bank(ACB)and creation of a single African currency and an African Economic and Monetary Union."
The paper further stated that the African Central Bank"would not be created until around 2020,(but) the bidding process for its location is likely to begin soon";however,"there are plans for creating various regional monetary unions,which would presuambly form building blocks for the single African central bank and currency".
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grafomaanil on vist puhkus alanud?
In August 2008, reported that "(g)overnors of African Central Banks convened in Kigali Serena Hotel to discuss issues concerning the creation of three African Union(AU) financial institutions"following "the AU resolution to form the African monetary Fund(AMF),African Central Bank governors "agreed that when established,the ACB would solely issue and manage Africa´s singles currency and monetary authority of the continent´s economy".
On March 2009,it was reported that
"(t)he African Union will sign a memorandum of understanding this month(March)with Nigeria on the establishment of a continental central bank" and that "(t)he institution will be based in the Nigerian capital,Abuja,African Union Commissioner for Economic Affairs Maxwell Mkwezalamba told reporters". Further,"(a)s an intermediate step to the creation of the bank,the pan-African body will establish an African Monetary Institute within the next three years,he said at meeting of African economists in the city"and he was quoted as saying that"(w)e have agreed to work with the Association of African Central Bank Governors to set up a joint technical committe to look into the preparation of a joint strategy".
The website for the Kenyan ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that"(t(he African Union Commissioner for Economic Affairs Dr Maxwell Mkwezalamba has expressed optimism for the main theme discussed at the AU Commission meeting in Kenya was"Towards the Creation of a Single African Currency:Review of the Creation of a Single African Currency:Which optimal Approach to be adopted to accelerate the creation of the unique continental currency".
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In January 2008,I wrote an article documentating the moves toward the creation of a North American currency,likely under the name"amero"(see Andrew G.Marshall,"North American Monetary Integration:Here Comes the Amero",Global Research,20 January 2008).I will briefly outline here the information presented in that article.In 1999,the Fraser Institute,a prominent and higly influental Canadian think-tank,published a report written by economics professor and former MP Herbert Grubel titled"The Case for the amero:The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union". He wrote that(t)he plan for a north American Monetary Union presented
in this study is designed to include Canada,the United States,and Mexico"and that a "North American Central bank,like the European Central Bank,will have a constitution making responsible only for the maintenance of price stability and not for full employment".
He opined: "...sovereignty is not infinitely valuable.The merit of giving up some aspects of sovereignty should be determined by the gains brought by such a sacrifice...It is important to note that in practice Canada has given up its economic sovereignty in many areas,the most important of which involve the World Trade Organization(formerly GATT),the North American Free Trade Agreement"as well as the International Monatary Fund and the World Bank.
Also in 1999,the C.D. Howe Institute,another of Canada´s most prominent think-tanks,produced a report titled"From Fixing to Monetary Union:Options for North American Curency Integration".In
this document,it was written:"The easiest way to broach the notion of a NAMU(Norh American Monetary Union)is to view it as the North American equivalent of the European Monetary Union(EMU)and,by extension,the euro."
It further stated:"That a NAMU would mean the end of sovereignty in Canadian monetary policy is clear.Most obviously,it would mean abandoning a made-in-canada inflation rate for a US or NAMU inflation rate."
In May 2007,David dodge,then Governor of the Bank of Canada(Canada´s central bank),said that"North America could one day embrace a euro-style single currency". It was reported that
"(s)ome proponents have dubbed the single North American currency the´amero´.Answering questions following his speech,dodge said that a single currency is "possible".
In November 2007,one of Canada´s richest billionaries,Stephen Jarislowsky,also a member of the board of the C.D. Howe Institute,told a Canadian parliamentary committe that"Canada should replace its dollar with a north American currency,or peg it to the US greenback,to avoid the excange rate shifts the loonie(the Canadian one-dollar coin)has experienced". He added:"I think we have to really seriously start thinking of the model of a continental currency just like Europe."
Elagu konkurents!
No mis sest Otsaltist enam kirjutada? Kõigile, kes lugeda oskavad, peaks praeguseks selge olema, mis mehega tegu. Mis tast enam? Anda veel võimalust ennast õigustada? Ei näe põhjust kurjategijat promoda.
(Kui te pole Osalti kuriteguda kohta lugenud, siis laiendage oma lektüüri ja lugege peale Kesknädala veel midagi. Juttu on olnd tülgastumiseni.)
The former President of Mexico,Vicente Fox,while appearing on CNN´s Larry King Live in 2007,was asked a question regarding the possibility of a common currency for Latin America,to which he responded by saying:
"Long term,very long term.What we propose together,President Bush and myself,it´s ALCA,which is a trade union for all of the Americas.And everything was running fluently until Hugo Chàvez came.He decided to isolate himself.He decided to combat the idea and destroy the idea..."
Larry King then asked:"It´s going to be like euro dollar,you mean?"
Fox responded:"Well,that would be long,long term.I think the process to go,first step into is trading agreement.And then further on,a new vision,like we are trying to do with NAFTA."
In January 2008,Herbert Grubel,the author who coined the term "amero"
for the Fraser Institute report,wrote an article for the Financial Post in which he recommends fixing the Canadian loonie to the US dollar at a fixed exchange rate,but admits that there are inherent problems with having the US Federal Reserve thus control Canadian interest rates.He added:"...there is a solution to this lack of credibility.In Europe,it came through the creation of the euro and formal end of the ability of national central banks to set interest rates.The analogous creation of the United States.This leaves the credibility issue to be solved by the unilateral adoption of a currency board,which would ensure that international payments imbalances automatically lead to changes in Canada´s money supply and interest rates until the imbalances are ended,all without any actions by the Bank of Canada or influence by politicians.It would be desirable to create simultaneously the currency board and a New Canadian Dollar valued at par with the US dollar.With longer-run competitiveness assured at US90c to the US dollar..."
In January 2009,Market Watch,an online publication of the Wall Street Journal,discussed the possibility of hyperinflation of the United States dollar and then stated,regarding the possibility of an amero:"On its face,while difficult to imagine,it makes intuitive sense."
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"The ability to combine Canadian natural resources,American ingenuity and cheap Mexican labor would allow North America to compete better on a global stage."
The author further stated:"If forward policy attempts to incduce more dept rather than allowing savings and obligations to align,we must respect the potential for a system shock.
"We may need to let a two-tier currency gain traction if the dollar meaningfully debases from current levels."
He added:"If this dynamic plays out-and I´ve got no insight that it will-the global balance of powers would fragment into four primary regions:North America,Europe,Asia and the Middle East.
"In such a scenario,ramifications would manifest through social unrest and geopolitical conflict."
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In 1988,The economist ran an article titled"Get Ready for the Phoenix",which stated:"Thirty years from now,Americans,Japanese,
Europeans,and people in many other rich countries and some relatively poor ones will probaly be quoted not in dollars,yen or D-marks but in,let´s say,the phoenix.
The phoenix will be favoured by companies and shoppers because it will be more convenient than today´s national currencies,which by then will seem a quaint cause of much disruption to economic life in the late twentieth century."
The article also said:"The market crash (of 1987) taught (governments) that the pretence of policy co-operation can be worse than nothing,and that until real cooperation is feasible(i.e.,until governments surrender some economic sovereignty)further attempts to peg currencies will flounder." Amazingly,the article stated:"Several more big exchange-rate upsets,a few more stockmarket crashes and probably a slump or two will be needed before politicians are willing to face squarely up to that choice.This points to a muddled sequence of emergency,stretching out far beyond 2018-except for two things.As time passes,the damage caused by currency instability is gradually going to mount;and the very trends that will make it mount are making the utopia of monetary union feasible."
Further,the article stated:"The phoenix zone would impose tight constrains on national governments.
"There would be no such thing,for instance,as a national monetary policy.The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new central bank,descended perhaps from the IMF.The world inflation rate-and hence,within narrow margins,each national inflation rate-would be in its charge. Each country could use taxes and public spending to offset temporay falls in demand,but it would have to borrow rather than print money to finance its budget deficit." The author admitted:"This means a big loss of economic sovereignty,but the trends that makes the phoenix so appealing are taking that sovereignty away in any case.Even in a world of more-or-less floating excange rates,individual governments have seen their policy independence checked by an unfriendly outside world."
The article concluded:"The phoenix would probably start as a coctail of national currencies,just as the Special Drawing Right is today.In time,though,its value against national currencies would cease to matter,because people would choose it for its purhasing power ." The last sentence stated:"Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018,and welcom it when it comes."
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In 1988,IMF Survey discussd a speech given by James Tobin,a prominent American economist,in which he argued that "(a)single global currency might offer a viable alternative to the floating rate". He further stated that there was "still a great need...for lenders of last resort".
In 1999,economist Judy Shelton addressed the US House of Representatives Commite on Banking and Financial Services.In her testimony,she stated:"The continued expansion of free trade,the increased integration of financial markets and the advent of electronic commerce are all working to bring about the need for an international monetary standard-a global unit of account."
Shelton explained:"Regional currency unions seem to be the next step in the evolution toward some kind of global monetary order.Europe has already adopted a single currency.Asia may organize into a regional currency bloc to offer protection against speculative assaults on the individual currencies of weaker nations.Numerous countries in Latin america are considering various monetary arrangements to insulate them from financial contagion and avoid the economic consequenses of devaluation.
"An important question is whether this process of monetary evolution will be intelligently directed or whether it will simply be driven by events.In my opinion,political leadership can play a decisive role in helping to build a more orderly,rational monetary system than the current free-for-all approach to excange rate relations."
She furher stated:"As we have seen in Europe,the sequence of development is (1) you build a common market,and(2)you establish a common currency,you don´t truly have an efficient common market."
Shelton concluded by stating:"Ideally,every nation should stand willing to convert its currency at a fixed rate into a universal reserve asset.
"That would automatically create a global monetary union based on a common unit of account.The alternative path to a stable monetary order is too forge a common currency anchored to an asset of intrinsic value.While the current momentum for dollarization should be encouraged,especially for Mexico and Canada,in the end the stability of the global monetary order should not rest on any single nation."
Paul Volcker,former Governeor of the Federal Reserve Board in the USA,said in January 200:"If we are to have a truly global economy,a single world currency makes sense."
He was quoted in a speech delivered on 18 September 2000 by Sirkka Hämäläinen,a member of the Executive Board of the european Central Bank.She stated:"He might be right,and we might one day have a single world currency.Maybe European integration,in the same way as any other regional integration,could be seen as a step towards the ideal situation of fully integrated world.If and when this world will see the light of day is impossible to say.However,what I can say is that this vision seems as impossible now to most of us as a European monetary union seemed 50 years ago,when the process of European integration started."
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In November 2000,the IMF held an international conference and published a brief report titled"One World,One Currency:Destination or Delusion?", in which it was stated:"As perceptions grow that the world is gradually segmenting into a few regional currency blocs,the logical extension of such
a trend also emerges as a theoretical possibility: a single world currency.If so many countries see benefits from currency integration ,would a world currency not maximise these benefits?"
According to report:"The dollar bloc,already underpinned by the strength of the US economy,has been extended further by dollarization and regional free trade pacts.
"The euro bloc represents an economic union that is intended to become a full political union likely to expand into Central and Eastern Europe.A yen bloc may emerge from current proposals for Asian monetary cooperation.A currency union may emerge among Mercosur members in Latin America,a geographical currency zone already exists around the South African rand,and a merger of the Australian and New Zealand dollars is a perennial topic in Oceania."
The report continued:"The same commercial effencies,economies of scale,and physical imperatives that drive regional currencies together also presuambly exist on the next level-the global scale...
The smaller and more vulnerable economies of the world-those that the international community is now trying hardest to help-would have most to gain from the certainty and stability that would accompany a single world currency."
Keep in mind that this document was produced by the IMF,and so its recommendations for what it says would likely "help" the smaller and more vulnerable countries of the world should be taken with a grain-or bucket-of salt.
Economist Robert A.Mundell has long
called for global currency is"a project that would restore a needed coherence to the international monetary system,give the International Monetary Fund a function that would help it to promote stability,and be a catalyst for international harmony".He says:"The benefits from a world currency would be enormous.Prices all over the world would be denominated in the same unit and would be kept equal in different parts of the world to the extent that the law of one price was allowed to work itself out.Apart from tariffs and controls,trade between countries would be as easy as it is between states of the United States."
Continued next edition...
About the Author:
Andrew G. Marshall is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization(CRG).He is currently studying political economy and history at Simon Fraser
University,British Columbia,Canada.
Editors note:
Due to space constraints,we are unable to publish the endnotes accompanying Andrew Marshall article.To view these,go to original article posted at the web page http:/
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Elagu konkurents!
Aitähh Sulle, ELAGU KONKURENTS, tänu Sinu tekstidele olin ma sunnitud kaevuma neti avarustes ja sattusin väga hea tõlkeprogrammi otsa
Palun räägi mulle ka kus see asub ja kuidas seda kasutatakse.
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Tahaks kah teada, kus see programm asub???? Palun andke teada!
Mis sa irvitad,ma lihtsalt polnud otsingusse kirjutanud sõna tõlkimine...seal kus näed viga seal aita...aga sina irvitad...sul on halvad soovid...
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