neljapäev, 6. august 2009
Vaata nüüd, Mart Laar!
Väljavõte Delfi veebist.
Ja teised ka, vaadake, kes te pooldate iga hinna eest oluliste riigifirmade erastamist, praegusel kriisiajal, kus hinnad niigi madalad igal pool. Praegu on sellised "erastajad" ise käpuli ja üritavad ettevõttest võtta mis võtta annab. Seda oli hästi näha raudtee puhul, ja on näha lennufirma puhul. Ja, mis peamine, riigi huvidest sõidetakse julmalt üle.
Erastaja, eriti veel välismaine võib olla küll hea peremees siis, kui kõik läheb väga hästi ja suurepäraselt, siis on ta nõus tooma kamaluga raha ja teadmisi, ent kriisiajal, ja veel suure kriisi ajal pole hullemat peremeest kui välismaine omanik, see on nagu marutõbine koer, kes üleni paanikas ja kõik endaga koos kuristikku veab. Olgem ausad, praegusel kriisiajal hoiavad Eestit vee peal just kodumaised ettevõtjad, Eesti kodanikud ise. Kellesse aga riik väga üleolevalt suhtub.
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It is a ridiculous for a nation to say its citizens,"You must consume less because we are short of money," as it would be for an airline to say,"Our planes are flying,but we cannot take you because we are short of tickets."
-Sheldon Emry,Billions for the Bankers,Debts for the People.
Local currency and barter systems are on the rise around the world in response to global economic forces and the desire to bring communities together,enhance skills,sell goods and services and stimulate productivity.
Money is a token representing value.A monetary system is a contractual agreement among a group of people to accept those tokens at an agreed-upon value in trade.The ideal group for this contractual agreement is the larger comunity called a nation,but,if that larger group can´t be brought to the task,any smaller group can enter into an agreement,get together and trade.
Historically,community currencies have arisen spontaneously when national currencies were scarce or unobtainable.When the German mark became worthless during the Weimar hyperinflation of 1920s,many German cities began issuing their own currencies.Hundreds of communities in the United States,Canada and Europe did the same thing during the Great Depression,when unemployment was so high that people was plenty of work to be done.Complementary local currencies quietly coexisted along with official government money,increasing liquidity and facilitating trade.Like the mediaeval tallies,these currencies were simply credits attesting that goods or services had been received,entitling the bearer to trade the credit for an equivalent value in goods or services in the local market.
Community currencies now operate legally in more than 35 countries,and there are over 4,000 local exchange programs worldwide.
Local or private excange systems come in variety of forms.Besides private gold and silver excanges,they include local paper money,computerised systems of credits and debits,systems for bartering labour,and systems for trading local agricultural products.What distinguishes them from most national currencies is that they are not created as debt to private banks in the form of interest.They stay in town,
stimulating local productivity.
Local currencies can"prime the pump"with new money,funding local projects without adding to the community debt.Many governments actively support them,and others give unofficial support.Experience shows that these additions to the money supply strenghten rather than threathen national financial stability.
Besides their monetary functions,local excange systems have served to bring communities together,funding cooperative businesses where members can sell goods,new skills can´be learned and public markets can be held.
In 1995,Argentina went bankrupt.The government had adopted all the policies mandated by the International Monetary Fund,including"privatisation"(the sale of public assets to private corporations)and pegging the Argentine peso to the US dollar.
The result was an overvalued peso,massive economic contraction and collapse of the financial system.People rushed to their banks to withdraw their life savings,only to be told that their banks had permanently closed.
Lawns soon turned into vegetable gardens,and local systems sprang up for battering goods.One environmental group held a massive yard sale,where people brought what they had to sell and receieved tickets representing money in excange.The tickets were used to barter the purchase of other goods.
This system of paper receipts for goods and services developed into the Global Excange Network(Red Global de Trueque or RGT),which went on to become the largest national community currency network in the world.The model spread throughout Central and South America,growing to seven milion members and a circulation valued at millions of US dollars per year.
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Other financial innovations were devised in Argentina at the local provincial government level.PROVINCES SHORT OF THE NATIONAL CURRENCY RESORTED TO ISSUING THEIR OWN.THEY PAID THEIR EMPLOYEES WITH PAPER RECEIPTS CALLED "DEPT-CAMCELLING BONDS" that were in currency units equilvalent to the Argentine peso.These could be called "negotiable bonds"(bonds that are legally transferrable and negotiable as currency),except that they did not pay interest.
They were closer to the "non-interest-bearing-bonds"proposed by Jacob Coxey in the 1890s for funding state and local projects.The bonds cancelled the provinces´debts to their employees and could be spent in the community.The Argentine provinces had actually "monetised" their debts,turning their bonds or IOUs into legal tender.
Studies showed that in provinces in which the national money supply was supplemented with local currencies,prices not only did not rise but actually declined compared to oher Argentine provinces.Local exchange systems allowed goods and services to be traded that would not otherwise have been on the market,causing supply and demand to increase together.The system had some flaws,including the lack of adequate controls against counterfeiting,which allowed large amounts of inventory to be stolen with counterfeit scrip.By the summer of 2002,the RGT had shrunk to 70,000 members;but it still remains a remarkable testament to what can be done at a grassroots level when neighbours get togethers to trade with their own locally grown currency.
More than 30 local paper currencies are now available in North America.One that has been particularly successful is the "Ithaca HOUR",originated by Paul Glover in Ithaca,New York.
The HOUR is paper scrip that reads on the back:
This is money.This note entitles the bearer to receive one hour of labour or its negotiated value in goods and services.Please accept it,then spend it.Ithaca HOURS stimulate local business by recycling our wealth locally,and they help fund new job creation.Ithaca HOURS are backed by real capital:our skills,our muscles,our tools,forests,fields and rivers.
One Ithaca HOUR is considered to be the equilvalent of 10 dollars,the average hourly wage in the area.More highly skilled services are negotiated in multiples of HOURS.A directory is published every couple of months that lists the goods and services people in the community are willing to trade for HOURS,and there is an HOUR bank.People can use HOURS to pay rent,shop at the farmers´ market of buy furnitue.The local hospital accepts them for medical care.
Several million Ithaca HOURS´worth of transactions have occured since 1991.A hometown Money Starter Kit is available for US$25 or 2 and half HOURS from Ithaca MONEY,Box 6578,Ithaca,New York 14851,USA.
Another successful credit program was originated by Edgar Cahn,a professor of law at the University of District of Columbia,to help deal with inadequate government social programs.Like Glover,Cahn set out to create a new kind of money that was independent of both government and banks,ome that could be created by people themselves.The unit of exchange in his system,called a "Time Dollar",parallels the Ithaca HOUR in being valued in man-hours.
In a landmark ruling,the Internal Revenue Service held that Cahn's service plan was not "barter" in the commercial sense and was therefore tax-exempt.The ruling helped the program to spread quikly around the country.Cahn notes that social as well as economic benefits have resulted from this sort of program:
(T)he very process of earning credits knits groups together...They begin having pot+luck lunches;and they begin forming neighbourhood crime watch things,and they begin looking after each other and checking in;and they begin to set up food bank coops.(The process)seems to act as a catalyst for the creation of grooup cohesion in a society where that kind of catalyst is difficult to find.
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