Eile ETV ekraanil olnud Kahekõne saates ütles investeerimispankur Joakim Helenius ajakirjanik Indrek Treufeldti küsimustele vastates, et tema arvates on võimuerakondadest Reformierakond populistlikum kui IRL. Kohvikule laekus suurima opositsioonierakonna, Keskerakonna juhi Edgar Savisaare analüüs. Minu meelest üks paremaid tekste, mis Savisaar on viimasel ajal kirjutanud. Head lugemist!
Kaks populistlikumat parteid Eesti poliitikas
Edgar Savisaar
Ärimees Joakim Helenius algatas ETVs diskussiooni selle üle, milline on Eesti kõige populistlikum partei. Heleniuse arvamus, et Reformierakond on võrreldes IRLiga siiski populistlikum, on küll vaieldav, kuid tema küsimuse püstitus väärib kindlasti politoloogilist analüüsi, võib-olla isegi eraldi uurimust.
Argumente leiab mõlema pretendendi „toetuseks“. IRL lubas enne Eurovalimisi luua 50 000 uut töökohta. Tegelikult sai Mart Laar valimiseelsel debatil avalikkusele aru anda ainult ühe töökoha loomisest omanimelises kohvikus Kaarli puiesteel - nüüd on aga seegi koht koondatud. Nii, et kindlasti populistlik samm Isamaaliidu poolt. Samal ajal ütles Reformierakond ausalt, et nemad ei kavatsegi töökohtade loomisega vaeva näha, mis justkui näitab, et oravaparteis on populismi vähem. 1:0 reformikate kasuks!
Reformierakond aga lubas meid viia viie rikkama Euroopa riigi hulka, mis muidugi oli populism. Isamaa sellega kaasa ei läinud, vaid vastas, et „Õnn ei ole rahas“. See oli palju ettenägelikum loosung ja sellega IRL viigistas seisu 1:1!
Omakorda IRL lubas igale lapsele läptopi, mis lubaduseks jäigi. Reformierakond muidugi niisuguse populismiga kaasa ei läinud ja saavutas seisu 2:1 oravate kasuks.
Isamaa ei andnud alla ja lubas läbi viia haldusreformi. Reformierakond ütles ausalt, et nendele pole haldusreformi vaja, nii nagu „reformi“ nime all tuntud erakond on alati olnud kõikide reformide vastu. Mis andiski IRLile julguse haldusreformi sõnades toetada, teades kindlalt, et koalitsioonipartner selle blokeerib.
Nii käibki tihe rebimine ja täna ei saa selgelt öelda, kumb neist kahest parteist on populismiredelil kõrgemal kohal. Uskumatu küll, aga mõlemad parteid esitlevad end tänase päevani Eesti edukate põhjapanevate majandusreformide autorina. Nad teevad seda riigis, kus on 150 000 töötut ja üks suurim SKP langus terves maailmas. Isegi niisuguses olukorras julgevad nad võistelda edukate majandusreformide isaduse üle. Siin kahe parempartei kooslusest tekkinud populismi sünergia on ületamatu.
Kuidas paistab Keskerakond selles valguses? Eks meiegi ole püüdnud vahel selles mängus osaleda, aga kui paremparteid seljad kokku panevad ja ka kohtunik nende kasuks vilistab, siis jääb Keskerakond kindlasti populismiredelil allapoole.
Ei saa salata, et reformierakondlased on täiesti võimelised uusi ideid genereerima aga sama kiiresti ütlevad nad neist ka lahti. Mati Eliste tuli välja Tallinna Televisiooni ideega, Ants Leemets nõudis Tallinnas mitte ainult müügimaksu, vaid ka turismimaksu kehtestamist ning suure laenu võtmist. Täna räägivad kõik nad täpselt vastupidist juttu ja teevad nägu, et nii see peabki olema.
Isamaaliidu koha pealt peale Vabadussõja Võidusamba muud suurt meelde ei tulegi ja sellegi osas on ähmane, kas peaks see sammas kandma Aaviksoo või hoopis Ansipi nime. Arvan siiski, et Isamaaliidu uus juhatus on „kampsunitega" võrreldes veelgi parem ideede generaator ja suudab Reformierakonnaga sammu pidada.
Hea meel siiski, et mõlemad parempoolsed parteid vähemalt Tallinnas enam valitsusvastutust ei kanna. Kui pealinnas oleks nende võim ja valitsus, siis võib ette kujutada, et Harju tänaval oleks katkise võrkaia taga endiselt vaid varemed; Vabaduse väljakul oleks jätkuvalt autoparkla ja ehk ka värvi-lilled; Poska maja oleks maha mädanenud ning Tondipoiste mälestussammas jääkski vaid Mart Laari ajalooõpikusse.
Tegelikult ongi populismi mõõdupuu, kas lubadused jäävadki lubadusteks või jõutakse tegudeni. Siit üleskutse paremparteidele: vähem möla, rohkem tegusid!
Inno kommentaar:
mina lisaks Savisaare jutule endise nõmmekana veel Nõmme turu, mille kordategemist kõik varasemad Tallinna valitsejad, eri erakondadest ainult lubasid ja mille Kesk lõpuks ära tegi. See oli kindlasti üks põhjus, mis viis Keski Tallinnas võidule, vaatamata võimsast Keski-vastasest pressingust.
30 kommentaari:
mõlemad on vähem populistlikud kui pekinäo enda tiblakond.
Inno, palun vasta!
Kui kaua lasete sellel hullul tasuta elektrist jahujal teie blogi reostada? Hull pole ta mitte seetõttu, et mida ta räägib - tasuta elektrist - vaid kuidas ta seda teeb. Selline massiline copy/paste ja muudkui sama teema ketramine ja ketramine on...
mis asi see on?
Inno-Irja, miks te lastete oma külalistele näkku sülitada? Sellise asja tolereerimine on nagu teie enda poolt oma külastajatele näkku sülitamine. Teie ei saa küll sellele hullule Iirimaa kalkunikitkujast tasuta elektrist jahuhale mõistust pähe panna, kuid te saate oma külastajatele asja paremaks teha KUSTUTADES LIHTSALT NEED POSTITUSED ÄRA!
Kui väidate, et tegemist on mingi sõnavabadusega, siis see ei ole ju sõnavabadus? Kui on, siis ehk soovin ma ka hakata taolist sõnavabadust teie blogis kasutama ja genereerin sellist massiivset jama iga teema alla ja muudkui copy/pasten seda, et hullu elektriku postitused tunduvad lapsemäng. Kuidas oleks?
Mitte keegi ei hakkaks teid vaatama kui suuri sõnavabaduse piirajaid. Kõik siinsed külastajad nagunii soovivad, et kui nad võtavad ette kommentaaride lehe, saavad nad sealt lugeda inimeste kommentaare, mitte mingi kiiksuga inimese soga.
Kurat, hakake lõpuks julmalt juba selle Iirimaa kalkunikitkujast elektriku tiibu kärpima ning julmalt kustutama. See inimene on haige, tal pole tunnetust, kust jookseb piir. Aga miks teie tolereerite sellist oma külastajatele näkku sülitamist?
Tõsiselt, minu arvates on nii mõnigi kommentaator siit lahkunud, kui selline spämmiv läbustamine toimuma hakkas. Olete ise ka kindlasti tähele pannud, et nakse nagu takse on vähemaks jäänud? Huvitav küll miks? Sest selline kommentaarides toimuv pask ja näkku sülitamine lihtsalt lööb siibrisse.
Kurat, tehke midagi! Varsti olete muidu ühest lugejast jälle ilma. Mul hakkab lihtsalt kõrini saama. Seda vaimuhaiget ei süüdistagi nii palju, ta on ju peast haige ja haige inimene ei anna endale aru, KUID TEIE POLE JU TEGELIKULT PEAST HAIGED? No miks kurat te lasete siis selliselt oma külastajatele näkku sülitada?
Sõnavabadus? Kurat, see pole sõnavabadus! Või kui on, ehk hakkan ma siis siinsetes kommentaarides kehtivat sõnavabadust ise ka kasutama? Veel rämedamalt kui see hull elektrik?
Fakk, hakake rämedalt kustutama!
Rääkige sellel teemal omavahel ja andke siin teada, mida otsustasite. Siis tean, kas tasub veel siia tulevikus tagasi tulla. Ka teised lugejad saavad siis teada, kas asi läheb ehk tulevikus paremaks või on siiski see lootusetu ning nad on sunnitud ka edaspidi selle haige inimese spämmi all kannatama.
Kas Bloggeri keskkond võimaldab ainult kommentaare kustutada, idiootide bännimist ei võimalda?
Me oleme Irjaga liberaalid ;)
Ah, mis sellest poliitikast. Parem räägime sellest, kuidas mehed saavad oma peenist TÄIESTI TASUTA suuremaks! Ei pea vereimejatele midagi maksma. Saab tasuta, suuremaks ja oma kodus.
About The Jelq
According to some websites, the jelqing technique originated in the Middle East and was allegedly used by Arabic men to enlarge their penises to over 20 inches in length! It's unlikely that these stories are true and in fact some people say that jelqing is a hoax. Whatever the truth of the matter, jelqing seems to have become the most common term used to describe a range of penis stretching, milking and massaging techniques that over time will enlarge the penis.
The jelq exercise will enlarge both girth and the length of the penis. The purpose of the jelq exercise is to force more blood into the corpora cavernosa (the spongy tissue that makes up the penis). This is achieved by using a "milking" technique on the penis. This milking will expand and stretch the cell walls of the corpora cavernosa to allow larger quantities of blood to enter the penis. Jelqing will increase the size of both the flaccid and erect penis, but most markedly in the erect penis. Jelqing exercises are like regular exercises and need to be carried out on a daily basis. Results from using the jelq can be seen in increases in penis size after only a month and more pronounced results can be seen in penis length and penis girth after several months.
Before You Start Jelqing
Measuring Your Penis
It's a good idea to keep a diary of your jelqing efforts. This should also contain measurements of your penis on a weekly basis. You can certainly measure and record your flaccid penis size but this can vary so the really important important measurements to take are your erect meaurements. Record both your erect penis length and your erect penis girth. Different people recommend all sorts of different ways to measure your penis. It really doesn't matter how you do it AS LONG AS YOU DO IT CONSISTENTLY! That is, make sure you measure it the same way each week.
The Jelqing Warm Up
Jelqing is just like any other exercise - you need to warm-up before starting!
1. Massage you penis until you are semi-tumescent (partial erection).
2. In warm water, soak a washcloth.
3. Wrap the washcloth around your penis for three minutes.
4. Repeat above warm-wrap another three times.
An alternative to the above jelqing warm-up is to simply massage and stroke your semi-erect penis in a warm bath.
The Jelq
1. Put some lubricant (eg. baby oil) on both your hands and penis. Your penis should be semi-erect.
2. With the thumb and forefinger of one hand, make an "Okay" sign around the base of your penis and grip it firmly.
3. Now start a milking motion towards the end of your penis.
4. When your milking hand reaches the head of your penis, form an "Okay" sign with your free hand and start milking as you did previously with the other hand. Do not milk the head of the penis.
5. You should be able to use both hands to create a continuous milking action, alternating between hands.
Ideally, you should be able to complete 100 jelq strokes every five minutes. For the first week, only perform 100 jelq strokes each day. For the second week, perform 200 jelq strokes each day. For the third week, perform 300 jelq strokes each day. From the fourth week onwards, try and perform 500 jelq strokes each day.
Important Points For Safe Jelqing
* Always do the warm-up exercises before commencing jelqing.
* Always use sufficient lubricant during jelqing.
* Don't squeeze too hard when using the jelq grip. If it hurts or you see bruising on your penis after jelqing then your jelq grip is too hard.
* Never jelq when you have a full erection (and don't ejaculate when jelqing). Jelq only when you have a semi-tumescent (rather than fully-erect) penis otherwise you may damage your penis.
* Always perform a "warm-down" (same as a warm-up) routine at the completion of your jelqing exercises.
The jelq is the backbone of every other penis enlargement exercise floating around on the Internet. Next to the basic stretch, the jelq is the second most basic penis enlargement exercise. Jelqing -- also known as "milking," for its milking-type motion -- is simple, but it may take a while to completely master.
The jelq exercise requires you to take an OK-grip (shown above) and milk the grip towards the head of your penis.
A question we often get asked is, "Does the jelq work? I mean does it really enlarge the penis?" The answer, of course, is yes.
No one is sure where the jelq came from, or how the jelq came to be such a sought-after exercise. Rumor has it that jelqing is an ancient Arabic penis enlargement exercise, although there isn't any solid evidence for this. Jelqing techniques vary, but they all involve milking the penis.
By moving the jelq grip up the shaft, your blood--and the nutrients within it--is forced throughout your semi-erect penis. In turn, this enlarges your penis girth and length.
Jelqing works so well because the jelq motion builds pressure on the penis and its smooth muscle, blood vessels, and other tissues. Over time, the stress of the jelqing pressure causes the penis to expand, enlarge, and harden--similar to how putting stress on your muscles causes them to become stronger and harder.
Due to its effectiveness, the jelq is an essential penis enlargement exercise. No matter how advanced you are at penile exercise, you should always jelq.
When practicing jeql techniques, you will need lubrication. The best penis lubricants for jelqing are water-based and oil-based. Do not use any type of lotion or soap, as they often cause severe irritation and itching of the penis.
Men have reported good results with water-based lubricants such as KY Jelly, Astroglide and Enlargel (the last one being a lubricant designed specifically for jelqing). Men have also reported good results with oil-based lubricants such as baby oil and Essential Vein Oil.
If you use baby oil, use the baby oil with added vitamin E and aloe. Vitamin E is very good for the skin and keeps your penis looking healthy.
Jelquing is performed in a semi-erect state. When you jelq, you'll need to take into consideration your erection level -- how engorged your penis is. You don't want to jelq too erect, or you might cause an injury. On the other hand, you don't want to jelq without any engorgement, or the jelq won't be effective.
Erection levels are commonly gauged by percentage. A full-blown, I-am-naked-with-Jenna-Jameson erection would be considered a 100 percent erection level; an absolutely flaccid penis would be considered a 0 percent erection level.
You should avoid jelqing at high erection levels for the first few months, at the very least. Generally speaking, you want to jelq with an erection level around 75 percent.
Many men find that jelqing at lower erection levels help acquire length. Equally, several men find jelqing at higher erection levels help acquire girth. To maximize your penis enlargement growth, jelq with an erection level of at least 50 percent.
"I get too erect when I jelq!"
Beginners often find themselves getting a full-blown erection while jelquing. If this happens to you, then stop jelqing until your erection goes away, then restart. With enough practice, you will be able to rise above this common beginner jelqing problem.
Every once and a while, a man's penis gradually starts to shape like a baseball bat - in which the head becomes the biggest part of his penis. This unwanted side effect can occur from jelqing improperly.
Because the "baseball bat effect" doesn't happen overnight, you shouldn't worry about it occurring. Can it happen? Absolutely. Is it rare? You bet. That said, you'll want to know how to avoid it.
The best thing you can do is jelq properly. Make sure you thoroughly read the jelqing instructions before jumping into a full jelq routine. Also, when you jelq, make sure you are jelqing your entire penis - not just the upper part of the shaft. Start at the very base of your pubic bone and stop directly before the head.
Remember, once your learn the jelq technique, be sure to do the exercise right.
Eventually, another thing you can do is jelq without a lubricant (this is known as "dry jelqing" and is essentially less arousing than "wet jelqing"). One reason we recommend wet jelqing first is that dry jelqing is harder on the skin than wet jelqing. This can cause a variety of side effects.
Dry jelqing also has a greater chance of causing the "donut effect" – a large swelling around the circumference of the penis near the glans. (The swelling looks similar to a donut surrounding the penis. This has not been known to cause any harm, and typically subsides within a few hours.)
The most important reason to start out jeqling with a lubricant is that it makes it easier to learn the jelq. Think of lubrication to jelqing as training wheels to a riding bicycle. The lubrication will help you learn how to jelq.
That said, once you are completely comfortable with the wet jelq, you can take off the training wheels and try the dry jelq. Both methods are effective. After a while you will build a preference of what you like more.
The good thing about dry jelqing is that it doesn't require cleaning up the lubrications afterwards, as wet jelqing does. Accordingly, dry jelqing is very useful if you are exercising your penis in secret.
But for your first few weeks, we suggest sticking with the lubrication when you jelq.
If you find that jelqing with a lubricant takes too much time to clean up, you may want to try a jelq simulator such as the original Jelq Device. Jelq simulators also have the added benefits of increasing the jelq intensity, keeping your jelqs consistent, and giving your hands a break.
Milleks maksta suurema meheau eest, kui seda saab tasuta! Täiesti tasuta ja oma kodus! Ainult lollid maksavad suurema peenise eest või rahulduvad väikese meheauga.
Jelqing - The Secret to a Bigger Penis Lies in Your Hands and Not in Some Bogus Medication
Want to add some serious width and length to your penis? Stop taking pills and other pills or medication that promises to increase the length of your penis. Taking any kind of medication or supplements won't do anything at all if you are serious about increasing the length of your penis. There are natural alternatives that can really help increase your length. The best way to see results is to do what has become known as jelqing. Jelqing encompasses a wide range of exercises that aim to increase the width and length of your penis.
Jelqing is originally from the Middle East. Regardless of its origins, it is the most effective way a man has to increase his length. Jelqing is effective because it focuses on forcing more blood into the soft spongy areas of your penis. This is done via a process called milking. Milking causes the cells in your penis to become larger and they are able to hold more blood. The result is that since these cells can store more blood, you will have a larger penis when flaccid and erect. Jelqing exercises are just that, exercises, and to see the best results you will need to carry them out frequently. You'll be able to see immediate results in the size of your penis within just one month and if you continue the exercises you'll see a dramatic increase in the size after several months.
Like any exercise, you need to warm up before you being your jelqing routine. Massage your penis until it is semi erect. Soak a cloth in warm water and then wrap it around your penis and keep it there for at least three minutes. Repeat this process of resoaking the cloth and wrapping around your penis for three minutes another three times. Now your ready to begin the routine. Put some baby oil on both your hands and penis. Your penis should be semi erect. Form an OK sign with one hand and place it around the base of your penis. Next, make a milking motion towards the tip of your penis. When you are almost at the tip, make another OK sign with your other hand and repeat the process in a continual fashion. You should be able to do 100 strokes every five minutes. If you are just starting out, it is recommended to do 100 jelq strokes a day for the first week.
How would you like to know what the best penis exercises are that will dramatically increase your length? Visit the best penis enlargements website to find out how you can get a bigger penis today.
Milleks maksta suurema meheau eest, kui seda saab tasuta! Täiesti tasuta ja oma kodus! Ainult lollid maksavad suurema peenise eest või rahulduvad väikese meheauga.
Jelqing exercises - used to increase penis length and penis girth - can be time-consuming. Despite this, jelqing is the most popular natural penis enlargement technique in America.
Jelqing workouts are based around a daily Jelqing session of around 20-30 minutes. The exercises usually start with a penis warm-up. The warm-up involves a warm bath or a towel soaked in warm water applied to the penis. The warm-up is to increase blood flow to the penis and prepare it for the Jelqing exercises. Once the warm-up is completed, the Jelqing techniques can be commenced. Jelqing should only be attempted with a semi erect penis. Some lubricant should be applied beforehand and the Jelqing hand-grip should completely encircle the base of the penis thus ensuring that no blood escapes from the penis. The penis is then milked (Jelqing), moving towards the head and forcing the blood toward the end of the penis. 100-200 Jelqing movements is the average workout. The jelqing exercises should be stopped immediately if any pain occurs. Ejaculation should not be allowed to occur with Jelqing and if the urge becomes apparent then a pause from Jelqing is important. Likewise, jelqing should be ceased should any pain or discomfort become apparent. After several months of Jelqing, penis size increases, both in girth or length should become apparent. After a year, gains of several inches in length are not uncommon.
Please note that the above example of a jelqing workout is intended for overview purposes only. Men interested in the jelqing method of penis enlargement should review detailed instructions, background information, videos and pictures of the exercises before starting any jelqing exercise program.
Most penis Jelqing enlargement websites offer subscriptions to programs based around jelqing techniques for around $40-$50. One of the better websites for effective jelqing material is Matters of Size.
15.38 - sa oled õigel teel. Aga kuna Türjad on liberaalid ja oma "kohviku" peremehed ja mees-Türja on kunagi teatanud, et valveelektrik-kalkunikitkujal on värsked mõtted, siis lahmi sinagi siia vabal käel kilomeetrite kaupa kõike, mida saab tasuta, ja ka seda, mida üldse ei saa, peaasi, et valitseks liberalism, mis ei luba midagi kustutada. Välja sureb see sittumisnurgake nii ehk naa, tänu "liberaalsusele" ehk nõksa kiiremini.
Milleks maksta suurema meheau eest, kui seda saab tasuta! Täiesti tasuta ja oma kodus! Ainult lollid maksavad suurema peenise eest või rahulduvad väikese meheauga.
Jelqing Techniques - Simple Penis Enlargement Tipsthat Can Be Done At Home!
I'm going to share a technique with you that will save you the embarrassment of people knowing that you happen to be enlarging your penis. It is a natural technique and allows you to practice penis enlargement at home.
The best method to employ for penis enlargement at home will be clever Jelqing techniques. This comes with a lot of benefits, not just the fact that nobody else will know what you're up to. Jelqing exercises are as safe as it can get and they will also not cost you a single dollar. The only thing that you will be spending to get your penis enlargement at home will be your time.
So how does one go about these Jelqing techniques? Well it is pretty easy and only involves these three simple steps:
1) The first thing that you have got to do is to get your hand lubricated. You have to make sure that you don't use soap for this as it can be as abrasive as sandpaper for this function.
2) You then make an OK sign with your hand around the base of your penis as close as possible to your scrotum.
three) All you will have to do now is move gently but firmly from the starting base point towards the glans of your penis. Take your time so that it takes about 3 seconds to reach the head. Repeat this 300 times a date and you have just perfected the art of penis enlargement at home using clever Jelqing techniques.
Today I'm planning to share a cheeky exercise that you can use to grow a big penis called the PC Flex. Unfortunately, quite several people under estimate this very useful exercise.
Why is that? Well, the PC Flex takes time to see results. The typical guy is looking for a magic formula that will give them a 9 inch penis over night, bottom line - it is not about to happen that way!
Yes, it will take a little time and dedication, but I believe it is well worth it, how about you? Growing a huge penis will not only cause you to feel like a big man, it will boost your ego and confidence. This means you will have less inhibitions in bed, and keep your partner happy, are you with me?
The PC muscle flex
The key to getting good results with this exercise is correctly locating the PC Muscle. Many people try it, say it does not work and give up. Though a large percentage of them have not even located the right muscle to exercise.
The PC Muscle is located between your scrotum and anus. There's a way to be certain you know where it is, before you urinate, hold back and you should feel your PC Muscle tense.
First you have got to warm up. Once you have finished that you need to arouse your self to gain an erection. Now you must tense your PC Muscle so that it raises your penis. Hold it there for several seconds. This would represent one repetition, you have to do at least 100 per PC Flex session. As you get used to it, increase the number of repetitions, up to a maximum of 400 repetitions.
Want To Be A Bigger Man?
Milleks maksta suurema meheau eest, kui seda saab tasuta! Täiesti tasuta ja oma kodus! Ainult lollid maksavad suurema peenise eest või rahulduvad väikese meheauga.
Jelqing simplified for you
Sexual dysfunction or problems in maintaining an erection is a common problem faced by men at least once in their life.
Fortunately, sexual dysfunction is also easy to treat since there are several different treatment methods and techniques available.
Jelqing is one such technique which is known to be quite effective for sexual dysfunction. It is a natural erection enhancement exercise which helps the flow of blood in the penis, which on its own helps maintaining an erection.
In most cases, problems in maintaining an erection are due to the lack of blood flow to the penis and jelqing exercises are designed to cure this problem.
The corpora cavernosa is a tissue in the penis region that holds the blood flow in the penis during an erection.
If for any reason, this tissue is damaged it would hamper the flow of blood in the penis which would result in problems having an erection or in maintaining an erection. Jelqing exercises help to heal heal this tissue.
Natural erection enhancement methods are always better than using prescription pills or other contraptions and devices since there are no side effects associated with them.
In a jelqing technique the following steps should be followed:
* Wrap a warm towel around the penis and keep it for around ten minutes to prepare for jelqing girth or Arabic jequing exercises. Once the warm towel wrap is done you must wait for a semi-erection since the jelqing exercises can only be done on a semi erect penis for better grip and pressure.
* Form an OK symbol with your thumb and forefinger at the base of the penis and pull the grip forward to the top, repeat with the other hand. This motion should be followed at least fifty times in a row everyday. Each stroke should take around three seconds to complete.
* Once this exercise is done it must again be followed by a warm towel wrap for another ten minutes.
This would allow the tissues in the penis to relax and it would heal the micro tears and damage that might have occurred to the tissue. Jelqing exercises are easy to do and only require a few minutes everyday.
However, you would need enough practice to be able to do it in an effective way. The level of erection and the grip and the pressure applied during the exercise are all important since they affect the level of blood flow to the penis.
Jelqing girth exercises and Arabic exercises have been practiced for centuries by men in Egypt and other Arabic countries as a natural erection enhancement method and this method is known to be quite effective.
Regular practice of this exercise would be required over a long period of time, preferably for months to see noticeable results.
There are quite a lot of men who practice jelqing for years due to its excellent results.
Ma kujutan juba ette, kuidas "sittumisnurgake" halab siin, kui komme kustutama peaks hakatama...
Kes siin kommidest ja nende kustutamisest rääkinud on? SuuremaksSaabAlati juhtis tähelepanu väidetavalt Iirimaal resideeruva joodiku (tüüp ise on seda tunnistanud!) kõiki surmani ära tüüdanud elektrisitale. Sellest võiks isegi mitte-anonüümik Jevlampi aru saada, aga no mis teha, kui mõistust pole isegi mitte teelusikaga antud...
Muidugi, eks ma oma poole teelusikatäie tasemel opereeringi, suvatsege minu peale mitte pahandada :-)
Keppi saab ka tasuta http://www.l6kkeplats.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2522
Keppi saab tasuta.
ANALÜÜSIB???! Kas see on analüüs?
Või on see ANAL üüs? Ma tõesti ei tea misasi on üüs, aga Savisaarest võib kõike oodata. Järgmistel valimistel võivad tema peamisteks relvadeks osutuda K-anal ja K-üüs. Kusjuures trikk on selles, et kui K-anal on kuigipalju ikkagi tuntud(Linnar seda filmisgi demonstreerinud), siis K-üüs võib osutuda tõsiseks salarelvaks. Kui tegemist pole just, eriti venelaste seas tuntud, küüslaugu küünega.?
To 12 märts 2010 15:38
Jumala õige jutt, aga tundub et kohvikupidajad tahavadki klikke ja poste, vahet pole mis pask tuleb, see on sõnavabadus ja liberaalsus, my ass! Eks see olegi võib olla sitapritsijate eesmärk, normaalsed diskuteerijad siit minema peletada!
Aga Inno on ju pehmo, ta tahab igale hullule meeldida!
Tuulikute tasuvusaeg on vaid mõni kuu...
Chris Goodall oma raamatus kirjutab,et tuulikud tasuvad ennast ära juba mõne kuu möödudes...ma püüdsin leida neid sõnu internetist aga ei leidnud,kuid raamatus on selgesti kirjas,et wind turbines pay off during few months...
Ten Technologies to Save the Planet (first edition, 2008) is a popular science book by Chris Goodall
12 märts 2010 15:38-le
Kuule Mart Laar,miks sa ei kommenteeri oma nime all?
Miks sa ei kommenteeri Eesti Päevalehes?
Miks sa pritsid tatti anonüümselt?
Sa Mart Laar oled debiilik,ära tao nõnda palju pihku ja mine külasta Angelit tihemini.
Siis kui sa olid peaminister ja jõid kui siga viskit töö ajal,kui mitu korda sa ahistasid oma sekeretäri?
Juku-Kalle Raid kirjutas Tegelikkuse Keskuses,et Mart Laar oma peaministri ametisoleku ajal igal tööpäeval lakkus juua viskit,tal oli kabineti laual terve kast viskit ja ta jõi nagu siga...Kui mees on täis siis tekib kõva kepi isu...loogiline on,et siis tahaks põrutada naist...lähim naine oli Mardil ta sekretär...
Kas Laar keppis sekretäri või mitte?
Kui ta ei keppinud sekretäri siis ta on pederast...kui keppis siis pani toime kuriteo...
Mart Laar on pederast!
12 märts 2010 16:53-le
Kuule Mart Laar,miks sa ei kommenteeri oma nime all?
Miks sa ei kommenteeri Eesti Päevalehes?
Miks sa pritsid tatti anonüümselt?
Sa Mart Laar oled debiilik,ära tao nõnda palju pihku ja mine külasta Angelit tihemini.
Siis kui sa olid peaminister ja jõid kui siga viskit töö ajal,kui mitu korda sa ahistasid oma sekeretäri?
Juku-Kalle Raid kirjutas Tegelikkuse Keskuses,et Mart Laar oma peaministri ametisoleku ajal igal tööpäeval lakkus juua viskit,tal oli kabineti laual terve kast viskit ja ta jõi nagu siga...Kui mees on täis siis tekib kõva kepi isu...loogiline on,et siis tahaks põrutada naist...lähim naine oli Mardil ta sekretär...
Kas Laar keppis sekretäri või mitte?
Kui ta ei keppinud sekretäri siis ta on pederast...kui keppis siis pani toime kuriteo...
Mart Laar on pederast!
Kuule Mart Laar,kui sa võtsid hamba peale kas siis munn haises kala järgi?
Taas postitus, mille arvustamiseks kõlbavad nagu rusikas silmaauku Lipstoki kuldsed sõnad:
sellist jama on raske kommenteerida!
Minu meelest üks paremaid tekste, mis Savisaar on viimasel ajal kirjutanud.
Edgar Savisaar
mina lisaks Savisaare jutule endise nõmmekana veel Nõmme turu, mille kordategemist kõik varasemad Tallinna valitsejad, eri erakondadest ainult lubasid ja mille Kesk lõpuks ära tegi
eest anname siiski 4 punkti ära. Sellest kolm lähevad Urro püüdliku limps-limps-Edgari-kannikate-vahel eest.
Jõudu ja kordaminekuid ekstreemhuumori töömesilastele!
Elektriautod Genfi autonäitusel
Geneva motor show dominated by launch of 'green' cars
Geneva autonäitusel olid ülekaalus elektriautod...
Aga kõige toredam on see, et elektripoisile jääb ikka viimane sõna! Ja Urrod saavad jälle Isakesele raporteerida, kui aktiivselt nende blogis kommenteerimas käiakse, et see erutab kohe miljoneid ja koguni üle maailma (loe: Iirimaa).
Ma saatsin juba raporti teele ;)
вот, молодец!
Raport kätte saadud. Moonika tuleb toob ükspääv raha ka ümbrikuga ära.
Edgar, kes siis veel
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