Väljavõte New Yorki Times'i veebist.
Lennukiga on võimalik küll lühikese ajaga katta pikki vahemaid ja sõita loetud tundidega teise maailma otsa, ent suhete loomiseks on vaja tunda inimesi ja maad, ning kõige parem selleks on ... kahtlemata reisimine mööda maad.
Ma usun, et selle reisi jooksul Türgist Eestisse suutis president Ilves paremini Eestit tutvustada, kui EAS 10 aastaga. Ma ei taha sellega maha teha EASi rasket tööd, ent presidendist pole paremat müügimeest ühele riigile, eriti väikeriigile ja kui selle riigi juht on üle maailma levivas lehes suisa esiküljel, siis mis sa hing enam oskad tahta. Igal juhul presidendile nael kummi edaspidiseks!
10 kommentaari:
püha jumal, milline pugemine on algust saanud..
iirrww, majandusajakirjanik, loe EAS.i kriitilisi artikleid, sellest sinu kirutust peavoolumeediast..
kle, loodad ikka peavoolumeedias palgale saada?
krt, kui olid lodila moodi, oli sinust miskitki, nüüd oled töitsa lodipüks
kaitse oma lapsi, idikas
Parandage pealkiri ära!
kas see ümmarguse näoga naine seal ees on kurikuulus Reet Roos, kes armastas valijatega koos lõunastada?
Mis te arvate sellest loost:
:) hea lugu on
nagu kaks tilka vett 1
nagu kaks tilka vett 2
ohoh.nagu nägude planeedi delegatisoon näevad välja. ülesöönud külalollikeste kamp. ime siis, et proua ilvesel on õigestitoitumismaania.
Ees paremal on nagu lesbipaar!
Van Dyke
from Washington D.C. to Beijing, China in 2 hours.
And what about transportation?
The prevailing means of transportation in our societies is by automobile and aircraft.Both of which predominantly need fossil fuels to run.In the case of the automobile, the battery technology needed to power an electric carthat can go over a hundred miles an hour for over two hundred miles on one chargeexists, and has existed for many years. However, due to battery patents controlled bythe oil industry, which limits their ability to maintain market share coupled with politicalpressure from the energy industry; the accessibility and affordability of this technology islimited.There is absolutely no reason, other than pure corrupt profit interest, that every singlevehicle in the world cannot be electric and utterly clean with zero need for gasoline.As far as airplanes, it is time we realized that this means of travel is inefficient,cumbersome, slow, and causes far too much pollution.This is a mag-lev train. It uses magnets for propulsion. It is fully suspended by amagnetic field and requires less than 2% of the energy used for plane travel. The trainhas no wheels, so nothing can wear out. The current maximum speed, of versions of this technology as used in Japan, is 361 miles per hour. However, this version of thetechnology is very dated.An organization called ET3, which has connections with The Venus Project, hasestablished a two base mag-lev that can travel up to 4,000 miles per hour in amotionless, frictionless tube, which can go over land or under water. Imagine going fromL.A. to New York for an extended lunch break, or from Washington D.C. to Beijing Chinain 2 hours. This is the future of continental and intercontinental travel. Fast, clean, withonly a fraction of the energy useage we use today for the same means.In fact, between mag-lev technology, advanced battery storage, and geothermal energy;there would be no reason to ever burn fossil fuels again. And we could do this now, if wewere not held back by the paralyzing profit structure.[/Peter Joseph]"work" - Headline[Jacque Fresco]
The Venus Project Part 2 - Transcribed | dotSUB
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1 Oct 2009 ... Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows talk about a resource based economy. ... The train has no wheels so nothing can wear out. ... or from Washington D.C. to Beijing, China in 2 hours. ... When any industry takes on a machine; instead of shortening the workday they downsize, you loose your job ...
Fresco - read free online
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The men in Washington should be at the forefront of technology. .... This is a mag-lev train. It uses magnets for propulsion. ... York for an extended lunch break, or from Washington D.C. to Beijing China in 2 hours. .... [/Jacque Fresco] [Roxanne Meadows] "When you take money out of the scenario, there would be ...
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Four. Stop supporting the energy companies.
Four. Stop supporting the energy companies. If you live in a detached house, get off thegrid. Investigate every means of making your home self-sustainable with clean energy.Solar, wind, and other renewable energies are now affordable consumer realities, andconsidering the never ending rising costs of traditional energies, it will likely be acheaper investment over time. If you drive, get the smallest car you can and considerusing one of the many conversion technologies that can enable your car to be a hybrid,electric, or run on anything other than establishment fuels.
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