reede, 20. märts 2009

Tubli, Kesknädal!

Viimase Kesknädala esikaas.

Ajal, kui peavoolumeedia on muutunud igavaks valitsuse häälekandjaks (või pesevad selga, nagu ütles Toptopi-Ingrid), nagu vanasti nõuka ajal, on palju huvitavam lugemine nišiväljaanded nagu blogid, ja isegi Kesknädal on igati särtsu täis, pakatab entusiasmist, nagu Eesti Ekspress oma algusaegadel, kui seal töötasid koos Hans Luigega sellised vanad korüfeed nagu Tiina Jõgeda, Marianne Mikko, Kärt Hellerma ja Toomas Kümmel. Ning karikatuure tegid ja lehte kujundasid noored "patsiga poisid" Marek Strandberg ning Agu Kivimägi. Iga numbrit oodati, inimesed seisid lehe järel lausa sabas. Õhh, olid ajad!

Aga mis ma ikka nostalgitsen. Parem kirjutan sellest, või õigemini mis ma ikka kirjutan, lugege ise Kesknädala veebist:
1. Lugu Eesti suurimast korruptsioonijuhtimist seoses Reformierakonna rahastamisega.
2. Kuidas Riigikogu liige Urmas Reinsalu sai mitme miljoni kroonise kingituse.

8 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

mis sellest arvate? ütles ...

Tore on kui urgitsetakse välja mäda...
Keskerakond hõiskas välja innovatsiooni lubaduse...
Laske siis käia,andke tuld innovatsiooniga...
annan teile lahenduse kuidas viia Eestimaa välja finantskriisist ja muuta Eestimaad maailma rikkaimaiks riigiks...
on ühtteist kirjas sellest kuis insenerid leiutasid mootori mis töötab ÕHU baasil...tarvitab kütuseks vaid ÕHKU...ei ole enam tarvidust fossiilsete küstuste järele...
Kirjutan hiljem ajakirja Nexus selle kohase artikli siia samuti...
Vargad ahju!

Inno ütles ...

See Avaliku Sõna Nõukogu lahend on jura, kuna Kiilasel pole mingit haigust. Ta pandi vägisi hullarisse, ja seda esimest korda elus pärast seda, kui oli oma blogisse pannud üles "tundliku" info Reformi liikmete kohta. Selle "hullu" teemaga on hea igale asjale vesi peale tõmmata, selletõttu ta hullarisse pandigi. ja nüüd sõidetakse kõigest selle "hullu" võtmega üle. Nõnda võib põhimõtteliselt igaühe hulluks tembeldada, sest tema "hullus" seles seisneski, et kirja kirjutas. Seda võib tema "haigusloost" lugeda, mis talle haiglas koostati. Et on muidu normaalne, aga kirjutab kirju, mis "kahjustavad" teiste huve, põhjustavad kannatusi.
Ehe näide selle kohta, kuidas tsiviilvaidluste teemasid lahendatakse "meditsiinilisel" teel. Ilmselt on reformil Tartu hullaris käpp sees, Mart Kadastiku isa oli seal tähtis asjapulk, kes nõuka ajal teisitimõtlejaid peedistas (rohud peale pani), ilmselt poju nüüd jätkab sama teed.

Inno ütles ...

Muu hulgas peab mainima, et Eesti ajakirjandusväljaanded ei pea ASNi lahendeid siduvaks, seetõttu nendega ka ei arvestata, ASNi ei võeta tõsiselt. ASNi lahendeid ei avaldata. Miks, see on pikem jutt. Kaebused tuleks esitada pressinõukogule, et neist ka mingit tolku oleks. ütles ...

Ajakirja Nexus artikkel selle kohta kuis muuta Eestimaad maailma rikkaimaks riigiks ehk kuidas ajada ahju Eestis valitsevaid ja opositisoneerivaid korrumpeerunud erakondi ja debiilset Eesti eliiti...

The Aerodynamic Air Turbine Engine
Vortex Implosion Technology

The future has arrived with the solution to our world's energy needs.The Aerodynamic Air Turbine Engine(AATE),aptly named "the Crystal Ion",will be the energy revolution we have been waiting for.
Clean energy utilising the force of nature to create powerful and sustanaible motion with no detrimental impact is here.The air we breathe is the same air that drives the AATE:no wind is required.This is not a perpertual motion machine.
When I first learned of Rockwell Scientic Research(RSR)in Las Vegas,Nevada and the AATE,I was very sceptical.The more I thought about it,the more my feelings were mixed.Can this be real? My thoughts were torn between my disbelief and belief.I became more exhilarated as the myriad potential uses flooded my neuron pathways: an engine that runs on ambient air,without any air tanks,combustion or fuel cells,producing no exhaust.The thoughts thrilled me no end.I just had to see the engine for myself.


I will forever remember the day I actually saw the engine running with my own eyes.My scepticism quikly turned to enthusiasm that was totally overhelming.Here was the future,right before me.
The engine hummed along at
30k-plus rpm without any fuel or exhaust.The clear design of the casing afforded a detailed view of the interior.There were no electronics inside except for the LEDs.As the throttle revved the engine up and down,it was clear to me that this was genuine and not a hoax.
What really boggled my mind was the fact that there were no investors beating down the door to become a part of this new energy revolution.Here was the absolute answer to the energy crisis we are currently facing.
What is wrong with Americans today? Why would everyone be so willing to continue down the pathway paved by oil,coal and nuclear technologies when that path results in torturing common citizens,reaching deep into their pckets? Why are so many of our fine young men and women dying needlessly for the right to oil? Why are billions of dollars being spent trading carbon credits,and where is all that cash going?
Are people really concerned about their living environment? Politicians are quick to blame industries for what is really political failure.


So how was the AATE reborn?
In late April 2005,Ron Rockwell of RSR was invited to meet with inventor Haskell Karl who claimed to have built an engine powered only by air.Ron met with Haskell in person,and after reviewing all his material(consisting only of photographs,drawings and sketches)and having detailed phone discussions he decided torebuild the engine using current technology.I am sure that scepticism reigned high.
However,Ron believed this technology had substantial merit and invited his trusted colleague,friend and fellow machinist Cliff Cruz to join his team in re-creating the engine.So,with 12 years' experience in research and development of various devices in the high-tech industry,RSR developed the AATE.
In the early 1960s,Haskell took the original engine he had built to Wyle Laboratories for testing.The technicians could not figure out how it worked and requested that he leave it with them so they could further analyse the engine.Haskell refused and headed home with the invention.
The AATE was scheduled to be presented to President Kennedy at a special meeting.However,before this scheduled presentation,the people who worked with Mr.Karl on the engine mysteriosly disappeared.
Shortly thereafter,the engine also disappreared.There was talk that China was willing to pay $100 billion for the engine,but the deal fell through when a key individual died from a massive heart attack.
Haskell Karl went into hiding,keeping with him the documents,original drawings and numerous photos showing how he built the engine.
Now,some 40 some years later,engine is reborn.


Although the scientific concept behind the engine-vortex air implosion-was not fully understood at that time,the determination was made that a new prototype based on discussions,drawings and photos could be built.The task was undertaken.
The RSR machine shop started the initial construction in may 2005.
Work was arduous.Unique parts needed to be manufactured,but new tools had to be machined in order to manufacture these parts.There was no manual or guidebook,so Ron and his team had to rely on their knowledge,ingenuity and creativity to build the engine.
With the latest technlogy available today,Ron was able to redesign and improve things that could not be done back in the 1960s.Through trial and error(not much of the latter),and $3 million later,they finally completed the first functioning prototype in the fall of 2006.


Ecstatic with the results,arrangements were made to travel Washington,DC,to present the engine to the Department of Energy in the hope that it would embrace this unprecedented technology.
Unfortunately,Mr Rockwell and Dr Beverly of RSR were met with bureaucratic indifference.Need more be said?
The public needed to know that a solution to the world's energy was available,and so a press release was issued in November to over 200 newspapers and magazines.Again,there was huge indifference:the press outlets were more focused on news of the war and elections.


As with any technology that promises huge gains,security is an issue.There were several security breaches over the course of development,but thankfully they were discovered early enough to be thwarted.
One lengthy breach occured in the summer of 2007 when two individuals(referred to as"vultures")attempted to "take over the technology".They began contacting Hskell Karl,eventually coercing him to denounce Ron Rockwell and promising him quick profit.They also contacted Ron's chief machinist and met with him several times to engage him in assisting them to develop the engine without Ron.Despite knowing that they were being videotaped,they continued their discussion with Cliff to bring him on board and away from RSR and the engine project.These individuals are under criminal investigation.The result of this breach caused a serious delay in the completion of the engine.Security is now tighter than ever.
A number of individuals came forward claiming to be investors,venture capitalists and personally wealthy.Many of these individuals were not investors but brokers,agents or individuals that knew someone who wanted to invest and really had nothing to offer.This was also a source of lost time.
The purpose of seeking investment was to develop,market and support innovative,cost-effective,
clean-energy devices,products and services,especially those made available through RSR's properiatary technology designs.
In early 2008,there was an invitation by a government department to apply for a number of grants that were available only for new energy projects.This sunded more promising than the first encounter with the government.The applications were arduous and requested very detailed specifications for the engine.It was not acceptable to provide the government with those specifications.
Then,an individual with high status in the Mexican governement offered to set up a meeting with the President of Mexico.At first it sounded very good to Rom.As the time approached,the meeting was postponed and Ron began to feel something was not right.
This meeting did not happen.As it turned out,this individual was in a financial bind and planned no intriduction to the Mexican President.
The promised trip to Washington was actually a scheduled NAFTA meeting,not a special meeting for Ron.


So what exactly is the AATE?
It is a mechanical device built to spin at high revolutions without the need for any fuel,combustion or compressed air.This device is a sophisticated application of a simple scientific principle and technology,long known in the alternative energy field:vortex imposion air technology(VIAT).
Viktor Schauberger discovered the principle of the vortex and developed tachnology for moving water more efficiently.The same principle can be applied to airflow.
The RSR AATE runs on ambient air-the very air we breathe-using no air tanks and no other power source.A tornado is created in the engine that implodes on itself,which actually speeds up and sustains the airflow back into the tornado.
Ron and his team have made some substantial technical problems discoveries and found potential problems with the current design,so they priceed to rebuild the AATE with new specifications.Noise level was substantially reduced,and overheating was no longer a concern.
Haskell met the improvements in the design with great joy.
What remains to be done is more testing(e.g.,with Wyle Laboratories)to validate that the AATE preforms as described and is sustainable.


RSR will offer the "ultimate solution" to the growing world energy problem-the end of fossil fuel use,preservation of natural resources,low-cost clena energy(zero emissions),independence from foreign oil use,non-degenerative and non-destructive energy forces from the technelogy's use-while creating worldwide demand for this solution.
Anton Bernhardt 1 July 2008
(edited from an article published in the American's Bulletin,July/August 2008,reprinted at


Research and development continues on the Aerodynamic Air turbine Engine(AATE).Rockwell Scientific Research,LLC,has acquired
state-of-the-art computerised balancing equipment from CWT Industries: the Multi-Bal 5000 balancing machine.This will empower RSR to make extremely precise balance adjustments to the AATE in increments of 0.001 gram if necessary.We are setting up the main drive shaft with a quick disconnect to facilitate easy and fast removal for balancing.This requires special machining to adapt the drive line of turbine.The time saving will be enormous and enhance our workwflow.
These optimisations will increase the prefomance of the engine 10-fold.
A new building addition is under construction at Rockwell Scientific Research,LLC.The new section being renovated is designed specifically to house the balancer.#Plans are complete to fit the room with HD video to document the balancing process.
Dr Bob Beverly,
Rockwell Scientific Reseasrch,3 December 2008

Contact details:
Futher information on the AATE is available from Rockwell Scientific Research,LLC,PO Box 26192,Las Vegas,Nevada 89126-6192,USA,telephone 1 (702)715 3996,email,webiste
1.Discovery kanalil näidati
projekti kosmoseraketist mille kütuseks oleks õhk ja kosmoses olev mitte õhk...
2.sel põhjusel sai see artikkel kirja pandud aga mulle tundub,et see artikkel on kellegi hea nali,kirjutanu on teinud omapärase nalja,ma kipun arvama,et sellist mootorit pole keegi leiutanud...
3.ETV arhiivis peaks leiduma intervjuu Eesti inseneriga kes leiutas uut tüüpi pumba mille tootlikkus on kümme korda kõrgem käesolavist käibel olevaist...kaaluliselt kümme korda kergem...selle inseneri sooviks oli vaid,et rajataks tehas ja antakse tööd kohalikele...seda tehast ei rajatud ja insenerist ega ta leiutisest pole enam juttu tehtud...insener oli eestimaa venelane...kus on Keskerakond kes pidavat hea seisma venekeelse elanikkonna eest???

Vabandan võimalike trükivigade pärast,ei viitsi kirjutatut üle vaadata...

Vargad ahju!

Anonüümne ütles ...

kas sulle siis tundub, etkiilase kirjad on täie aru juures kirjutatud?Aga, noh, sa ise harrastad ka sellist segast teksti oma vaenlaste ja kujutaldavate vaenlaste maa sisse tagumisel, nii et ega ma imestagi.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Võiksite seda ka uurida kui suur osalus on Ansipil oma heade sõprade Hääl ja ko äris ja kellel seal veel osalus on, et seaduserikkumised ja kuriteod alati kinni mätsitakse. Praegu näiteks ostab Paldiski linn Häälelt tagasi 4,5 milliga hoone varemed, mis ta ise tasuta ära andis.
Loodan südamest, et see uurimine ka kuskile jõuab, mitte nii nagu Siimu 10 milli.

Inno ütles ...

16:25 anole:
no need polnud igatahes kehvemad kui Kivisildniku kirjeldused kirjanike liikmete kohta.