laupäev, 11. aprill 2009
Intervjuu Dmitri Linteriga, IV osa: me pole Venemaalt raha saanud!
Dmitri Linteriga intervjuu IV osa Juutuubis nähtav, kui klikid siia (või pildi peale).
Intervjuu pronksiöö ühe nn ninamehe Dmitri Linteriga. Küsimus: millised on olnud sinu kontaktid "kapošnikutega"?
Linter vastab, et on nendega kohtunud mõned korrad, juba aastat viis tagasi. Enne 9. maid olid tõsised vestlused. Ja lõppes asi sellega, et keelati aastaks Lätti sõita. Eriti jutt ei edenenud nendega. Ilmselt ei saanud ta aru, mis temalt taheti, kuna pärast seda algas jõuline pressing.
-Kas nüüd on ka sama, et Lätti ei lasta?
-Nüüd on ka sama, keegi minister tegi midagi. Aga see ei muuda kuidagi minu elu. Mul on oma siht ja liigun selle poole. Mul on missioon, mida täidan. See mis peab tulema, see tuleb. See on vanade vene tsaariohvitseride loosung. Sa lihtsalt täidad oma kohust.
-Aga mis sinuga Moskvast naastes juhtus, tahtsid Lätti sõita, aga ei lastud?
-Huvitav oli, kino sai. Ma olen juba väsinud sellest rääkimast, see on lapsik mäng. Lastele anti mänguasi, eriteenistustele ja nüüd nad mängivad. Tunnevad end tähtsatena. Anti mulle siis diplom, kaks korda arreteeriti. Kaks korda otsiti läbi. Ähvardati. Läti piiril, kohalikus arestimajas.
-Mis seal räägiti?
-No mis seal ikka räägiti, et anna ära videokaart, muidu saab olema veel hullem.
-Milline videokaart?
-Ma filmisin kinnipidamist. Küsiti, miks sa seda teed. Miks sa siia sõitsid. Kas sa siis ei tea, mis me sinuga teha võime.
-Ja mis nad ütlesid, miks sind kinni võeti?
-Ma ei saanudki aru. Kuus tundi istusin kinni ja ikka ei saanud aru. Ma sain aru, et neile miski ei meeldi, aga mis, ei saanud aru. Kujutate ette, mind saadeti Venemaale tagasi, ei antud võimalust helistada ei advokaadile, ei konsulile. Ma ütlesin, et Suur-Munamägi on näha, ma tean, et see seal on. Öeldi, et ei-ei, tagasi Venemaale. Putini juurde. Aga Putin seda ei hinnanud, ta isegi ei saanud teada, et mind tema juurde saadeti. Mina Moskvasse tagasi ei läinud, vaid tulin Pihkvasse. Aga need, kes mind vahi alla võtsid, olid kindlad, et mul on otseside Putiniga. Nad näisid olevat väga teadlikud ja täitsid oma püha kohust. Selle põhjal, mis toimus Riias, võib öelda, et püha kohust täitis suurem osa politseinikke.
-Aga Eestis ka inimesed arvavad, et te saate suuri rahasid Kremlilt.
-Aga minge küsige Hansapangalt, palju ma pangale võlgu olen. Nad muidugi tagasihoidlikult vaikivad, aga mind juba hoiatati, et kui ma pole lojaalsem, rahaliselt, siis ... Teate, ma ootan jätkuvalt ülekannet Kremlist, sest probleeme on palju kuhjunud ja peab nad lahendama. Raha on palju vaja. Juba väga palju. Aga ei saabu veel, ma pole veel Putinini jõudnud. Ma olen kindel, et kui Putinini jõuan, siis lahenevad kõik küsimused. Aga eestlased võivad rahulikud olla, me pole veel Putini ega Medvedjeviga rääkinud. Mul oli kohtumine välisminister Lavroviga, aga ma ei küsinud, kus mu rahad on. Meil polnud sellest juttu, rääkisime muudest asjadest. Ei tahtnud teda selliste tühiste asjadega tülitada. Seetõttu oleme rahalisest toetusest väga huvitatud. Ja ma oleksin rõõmus, kui see oleks Venemaalt. Küsimus on ainult, kus see on.
-Aga kas sina või Õine Vahtkond saate mingisugust toetust Venemaalt?
Kui nüüd tõsiselt rääkida, siis loomulikult on moraalne toetus väga tugev. Kui seda poleks, poleks mina ega kolleegid endas nii kindlad. Inimesed ei räägi sellest valjult, aga sisemine veendumus on olemas, et me ajame õiget asja. Aga rahalist toetust pole, isegi Izvestija preemia oli vaid üks raamatuke ja diplom.
-Kas see on siiras toetus?
-Mõne jaoks kindlasti siiras, mõne jaoks konjunktuur. Me pole psühholoogid, kes uuriks, mis kellegi peas toimub. Aga Vene juhtkonnas on inimestele vaja edasi anda sõnum, et raha ei jätku. Ma ei usu, et nad reageerivad, aga ... teate, eestlased on veendunud, et me saame raha Venemaalt. Väga hea võimalus oli, ma istusin 7 kuud vanglas ja kõik mu paberid ja arved, kõik mu laste ja sugulaste asjad, kõike Kapo kontrollis. Olime ju massirahutuste organiseerijad, kõike oli võimalik kontrollida. Oleks kuskil leidunud kasvõi üks kahtlane kroon. Ja ka praegu nad jälgivad. Kas te tõesti arvate, et kui neil oleks mingit infot, et me saame raha Venemaalt, et nad poleks sellest mingil moel teada andnud.
-Aga Euroopa Liidult raha saada?
-Ma arvan, et jah, ja on isegi lihtsam. On võimalik kirjutada taotlusi eri fondidele, me oskame seda teha. Näiteks eri organisatsioonid kutsuvad meid osalema eri seminaridel.
-Aga kas Läti esindaja, Ždanoki kaudu oleks võimalik raha saada?
-Ma pole isegi sellele mõelnud. Hea idee, peab küsima. Ma tean teda, suhtlen temaga palju. Aga sel teemal pole mul temaga juttu olnud.
-Kõik olulised otsused tehakse nagunii Brüsselis, mis puudutavad Eestit.
-Ma ei tea, mis otsuseid kuskil tehakse, nii globaalselt me ei mõtle, aga ma arvan, et Eesti kindlasti ei tee otsuseid täiesti iseseisvalt.
-Näiteks inimõiguste alal?
-Inimõiguste alal ei toimu midagi toetuse ja sidemeteta kõrgemalt poolt. Isegi Euroopa konsititutsioonis, kuhu Euroopa kristlikud demokraadid tahtsid sisse viia kodanikuühiskonna mõistet, ei läinud see läbi. Aga inimõiguste alal on kõige tähtsam kaitsja Jeesus Kristus. Tema on kaitsjate sümbol.
Postituse kommentaarid (Atom)
14 kommentaari:
kuradi koom ikka,see vend on jutu järgi nagu kreisiraadiost välja karanud,sula saab ta kindlasti kohvriga.palju siis hansapangale võlgu on ja millex laen võeti?mingu saatesse võlakst vabaks,kuidas larissa korteriga on sai makstud või tõsteti kuuse alla?
aga millal rahvuslastega intekad tulevad näiteks düsgraafik böhmiga?
muide te harri kingot teate?
huvitavat lugemist-
kingo paljastas delfis juhuslikult eesti netimaastiku kõige produktiivsema kommenaatori
isiku kes oli kuus tuhat kommi kribanud!
kasutaja kommentaare (6096) kokku komme 56205
vot see on tase!isegi pärisorjuse ennetajal ja skisofreenikust mitteestlasel Nattil oleks võimatu jõuda millegi seliiseni!
Vend pole miskit kreisiraadiost välja karanud. Vaatasin ja kuulasin asja lõpuni. On detaile tema jutus, mis ennustavad estonski kutsikatele väga suuri probleeme "nendega". Ilmselt tunnetades mehe karismaatilisust, missiooni ja autoriteeti, oldakse organites eriti ärevil. Kuid kogu point seisneb selles, kuis suudetakse aktsepteerida venekeelset kogukonda tulevikus, mis kohe kindlasti hakkab poliitilisel maastikul estonskis oma rolli mangima. Ei pääse sellest ei üle ega ümber. Kuna riik on suudetud ummikusse ajada, siis kohe kindlasti sündivus langeb lähema 10a jooksul. Kohe kindlasti seisavad eestlastel vaga rasked ajad ees. Väljasuremise oht on rohkem kui reaalne. Lisaks jamad, mis riiki ees ootavad koos väljarändega ja ongi asjad ühel pool. Vene kogukond saab otsustavaks. Vot tak estonski vasjad. Sitasti olete asju korraldanud viimase 15a jooksul. Aga enamusel pingviinidel on kindlasti elu ja üheotsa piletiraha tagavaraks Malaga-Marbella liinile. Varem või hiljem kuuleme ilmselt estonski valitsusest eksiilis.) Poliitika pole komsomolkuste suvelaager. Poliitikuks on vaja sündida, mitte teha tarka nägu ja mängida poliitikut. Tänased estonski õiged poliitikud on veel 3-5 aastased. Ilmselt on nemad need, kes suudavad peale praeguse punapõlvkonna haitumist miskit tarka teha. Lugupidamisega "Teie Pärisorjuse tunnetaja"
inimesed, kes uurimise ja muu sellisega tegelevad, saavad sellest intervjuust kindlasti aru. mis tõsi mis mitte. on omad knfid, mille järgi saab aru, kas valetab või mitte.
selle mehe jutus on nii palju valet, et piinlik lausa. aga teisesuguste valelike tolguste jaoks aitab see jutt küll. sarnased olete. väga sarnased. demagoogitsejad.
1.Kesse Natti on? Pole teda märganud.Miks sa teda sõimad hulluks?
1.a.KAPO on kommentaariumist eemale tõrjunud parimaid kommentaatoreid,sellisel viisil hävitanud sõnavabadust,tegutsenud vastu meie iseseisvusele jne.
2.Selle postitusega peaks kokku minema ajakirja Nexus artikkel
Martial Law,Financial Bail-out and War
The Bush administration fostered the predatory lending practices that led to the current global financial crisis,and now the US Army is ready to deploy troops in case of mass public unrest in America.
The effect was to impose on domestic civil society the extreme
measures once planned for a response to a nuclear attack from abroad.
...Eliot Splitzer,in one of his acts as Governor of New York,warned about the impending crisis created by predatory lending and revealed that the Bush administration was blocking state afforts to deal with it.
When we turn to the martial law preparations,however,we find that they are being made in anticipation of civil unrest in the future.
For over a half-century now,beginning with Vietnam,unaccountable forces have been manouvering America into unsustainable adventure on the Asian mainland.
It is becoming clear that the
bail-out measures of late 2008 may response to 9/11 in 2001.Many members of US Congress felt coerced into voting against their inclinations,and the normal procedures for ordelry consideration of a bill were dispensed with.
The excuse for bypassing normal legislative procedures was the existence of an mergency.But one of the most reprehensible features of the legislation,that it allowed
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to permit bailed-out institutions to use public money for exorbitant salaries and bonuses,was inserted by Paulson after the immediate crisis had passed.
According to Congressman Peter Welch(D-Vermont),the bail-out bill originally called for a cap on executive salaries,but Paulson changed the requirement at the last minute.Welch and other members of Congress were enraged by "news that banks getting taxpayer-funded bailouts are still paying exorbitant salaries,bonuses,and other benefits".In addition,as Associated Press reported on 25 october 2008,"Sen.Charles Schumer,D-NY,questioned allowing banks that accept bailout bucks to continue paying dividends on their common stock.'There are far better uses of taxpayer dollars than continuing dividend payments to shareholders,'he said."
Even more reprehensible is that,since the bail-outs,Paulson and the Treasury Department have refused to provide details of the Troubled Assets Relief Program spending of hundred of billions of dollars,and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has refused to provide information about its own bail-out(using government-backed loans)that amounts to trillions.This lack of transparency has been challenged by Fox TV in an FOIA suit against the Treasury Department and by Bloomberg News in a suit against the Fed.
The financial bail-out legislation of September 2008 was only passed after members of boths congressional houses were warned that failure to act would threaten civil unrest and the imposition of martial law...
Vargad ahju!
Given threats of martial law were used to get this reprehesible
bail-out legislation passed,it is entirely appropriate to link such talk to the Army´s rapid moves to redefine its role as one of controlling the American people,not just protecting them.In a constitutional polity based on balance of powers,we see the emergence of a radical new military power that is as yet completely unbalanced.
This new role for the Army is not wholly unprecedented.The US military has been training troops and police in "civil disturbance planning" for the last three decades.The master plan,Department
of Defence Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2,or"Operation Garden Plot",was developed in 1968 in response to the major protests and disturbances of the 1960s.
But on 19 January 2001,on the last day of the Clinton administration,the US Army promulgated a new and permanent Continuity of Operations(COOP)Program.It encapsulated its differenece from the precending,externelly oriented,Army Survival,Recovery,and Reconstitution System(ASRRS) as follows(chapter 3-1): 1985,the Chief of Staff of the army established the Army Survival,Recovery,and Reconstitution System(ASRRS)to ensure the ASRRS doctrine was focused primarly on a response to the worst case 1980's threat of a massive nuclear laydown on CONUS(continental USA) as a result of a confrontation with the Soviet union.
b.The end of the Cold War and the breakup of the former Soviet Union significantly reduced the probability of a major nuclear attack on CONUS but the probability of other threats has increased.Army organizations must be prepared for any contingency with a potential for interruption of normal operations.(Author's emphasis) To emphasize that Army continuity of operations planning is now focused on the full all-hazards threat spectrum,the name"ASRRS" has been replaced by the more generic title"Continuity of Operations(COOP)Program".
This document embodied the secret Continuity of Government(COG) planning conducted secretly by Donald Rumsfeld,Dick Cheney and others through the continuity measures in the event of a nuclear attack but soon called for suspension of the Constitution,not just "after a nuclear war"but for any"national security emergency".This was defined in President Reagan's Executive Order 12656 of 18 November 1988 as"any occurrence,including natural disaster,military attack,technological emergency,or other emergency,that seriosly degrades or seriosly threatens the national security of the United States"(Preamble,Sn 101(a)).
The effect was to impose on domestic civil society the extreme measures once planned for a response to a nuclear attack from abroad.
In like fashion,army Regulation AR 500-3 clarified that it was a plan for"the execution of emission-essential functions without unacceptable interruption during a national security or domestic emergancy".(Author's emphasis)
Rumsfeld,who as private citizen had helped author the COG planning,promtly signed(as Secretary of Defence) the revised AR 500-3.Eight months later ,on 9/11,Cheney and Rumsfeld implemented COG,a significant event of which we know next to nothing.What we do know is that plans began almost immediately-as foreseen by COG planning in the 1980s-to implement warrantless surveillance and detention of large numbers of civilians,and that in january 2002 the Pentagon submitted a proposal for deploying troops on American streets.
Then,in April 2002,Department of Defence officials implemented a plan for domestic US military operations by creating a new US Northern Command(USNORTHCOM)for continental USA.In short,what were being implemented were the most prominent features of the COG planning which Oliver North had worked on in the 1980s.
Vargad ahju!
Like so many other significant steps since World War II towards a military-industrial state,the Army's Regulation 500-3 surfaced in the last days of a departing administration(in this case,the very last day).It is worth notising that,ever since the 1950s,dubious events-of the unpublic variety,which I call "deep events"-have marked the last months before a change of party in the White House.These deep events have tended(a)to constrain the incoming President if the incomer is a Democrat or,alternatively,(b)to pave the way for the incomer if he is a Republican...
Both the financial bail-out extorted from Congress and the escaleted preparations for martial law can be seen as transitional events of category(a).Whatever the explanations for their timing,these events will constrain Barack Obama's freedom to make his own policies as President.I fear,moreover,that they may have the consequense of easing the united States into unforeseen escalations of the war in Afganistan.
Let us deal first with the preparetions for martial law.On 30 September 2008,the Army Times announced the redeployment of an active US Army Brigade Combat Team from Iraq to America in a new mission that"may become a permanent part of the active Army":
The 3rd Infantry Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent 35 of the lst 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle,helping restore essential services and escorting supply convoys.
Now they're training for the same mission-with a twist at home.
Beginning Oct.1 for 12 months,the 1st BCT will be under the
day-to-day control of US Army North,the Army service component of Northern Command,as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters,including terrorist attacks...
After 1st BCT finishes its dwell-time mission,expectations are that another,as yet unnamed,active-duty brigade will take over and that the mission will be permanent one...
They may be called upon to help with civil unrest crowd control...
This announcement followed by two weeks the talk of civil unrest and martial law that was used to panic Congress into passing Paulson's bail-out legislation.Not only that,the two unprecedented events mirror each other: the bail-out debate anticipated civil unrest and martial law,while the announced positioning of an active Brigade Combat Team on US soil anticipated civil unrest(such as might result from the bail-out legislation).
Then,according to Agence
France-Presse on 17 December 2008,US Northern Command chief General Renuart announced that"the US military plans to mobilize thousands of troops to protect Washington against potential terrorist attack during the inauguration of president-elect Barack Obama".
The US Army War College has also raised the possibility of the US Army being used to control civil unrest,according to the Phoenix Business Journal(15 December 2008):
A new report by the US Army War college talks about the possibility of Pentagon resources and troops being used the economic crisis lead to civil unrest,such as protests against businesses and government or runs on beleaguered banks.
"Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defence establishment to reorient priorietes in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,"said the War College report.
The study says economic collapse,terrorism and loss of legal order are among possible domestic shocks that might require action within the US.
It is clear there has been a sustained move in the direction of martial law preparations,a trend that has been as continous as it has been unheralded.Senator Leahy was thus right to draw our attention to it back on 29 September 2006,in his objections to the final form of the Fiscal Year 2007 Nations Defence Authorization Act,which gave the President increased power to call up the National Guard for law enforcement:
It...should concern us all that the Conference agreement includes language that subverts solid,longstnding posse comitatus statues that limit the military's involvement in law enforcement,thereby making it easier for the President to declare martial law.There is good
reason for the constructive friction in existing law when it comes to martial law declarations.
This quiet agglomeration of military power has not"just growed like Topsy" through inadvertence.It
shows sustained intention,even if no one has made a public case for it.
Vargad ahju!
to pühapäev, 12. Aprill 2009. a 9:19
pärisorjastajale- -> natti
natti on endine statistikaameti töötaja -skisofreenik kes ttüs õpib informaatikat ja kõigis kommides kontekstiväliselt neid asutusi maha teeb.kiilasega suht sarnane.
ja to pühapäev, 12. Aprill 2009. a 6:31
selleks ei pea uurija olema et aru saada kuidas see saast valetab.on ilmselge miks nn.sootetsestvennikuttele pakutaxe võimalust moskva ülikoolis õppida,et ikka fsble agente värvata.
Let us now consider the financial crisis and the panic bail-out.No one should think that the crisis was unforeseen.Back in February 2008,Eliot Spitzer,in one of this last acts as Governor of New York,warned about the the impending crisis created by predatory lending and revealed that the Bush administration was blocking state efforts to deal with it.His extraodrinary warning in the 14 February Washington Post is worth quoting at some length:
Several years ago,state attorneys general and others involved in consumer protection began to notice a marked increase in a range of predatory lending practices by mortgage lenders...
Even though predatory lending was becoming a national problem,the Bush administration looked the other way and did nothing to protect American homeowners.In fact,the government chose instead to align itself with the banks that were victimizing consumers...
Several state legislatures,including New York's enacted laws aimed at curbing such practices...
...Not only did the Bush administration do nothing to protect consumers,it embarked on an aggressive and unprecedented campaign to prevent states from protecting their residents from the very problems to which the federal government was turning a blind eye.
Let me explain: The administration accomplished this feat through an oscure federal(Treasury)agency called the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC).The OCC has been in existence
since the civil War.Its mission is to ensure the fiscal soundness of national banks.For 140 years,the OCC examined the books of national banks to make sure they were balanced,an important but uncontroversional function.But a few years ago,for the first time in its history,the OCC was used as a tool against consumers.
In 2003,during the height of the predatory lending crisis,the OCC invoked a clause from the 1863 National Bank Act to issue formal opinions preempting all state predatory lending laws,thereby rendering them inoperative.
The OCC also promulgated new rules that prevented states from enforcing any of their own consumer
protection laws against national banks.The federal government's actions were so egregious and so unprecedented that all 50 state attorneys general,and all 50 state banking superintendents,actively fought the new rules.
But the unanimous opposition of the 50 states did not deter,or even slow,the Bush administration in its goal of protecting the banks.In fact,when my office opened
an investigation by a number of banks,the OCC filed a federal lawsuit to stop the investigation...
Eliot Spitzer submitted his op-ed to the Washington Post on the 13 February.If it had an impact,it was not the one Spitzer had hoped for.On 10 March,the New York Times broke the story of Spitzer's encounter with a prostitute.According to a 21 March Time's story,"on Feb.13(the day Spitzer's op-ed went up on the Washington Post website)federal agents staked out his hotel in Washington".
It is remarkable that the MAINSTREAM MEDIA found Spitzer's private life to be big news,but not his charges that Paulson's Treasury was prolonging the financial crisis,or the relation of these charges to Spitzer's exposure...
After Spitzer's op-ed was published,according to journalist Greg Palast(14 Marca)the Federal Reserve"...for the first time in its history,loaned(sic) a selected coterie of banks one-fifth of trillion dollars to guarantee these banks'mortgage-backed junk bonds.The deluge of public loot was an eye-popping windfall to the very banking predators who have brought two million families to the brink of foreclosure."
Vargad ahju!
What are we to make of Spitzer's charge that the Bush administration
interfered to pre-empt state laws against predatory lending,and of the fact that the MAINSTREAM MEDIA did not report that? A petty motive for the OCC's behaviour in 2003 might have been to allow the housing bubble to continue through 2003 and 2004,thus facilitating Bush's re-election.But the persistence of Treasury obstruction thereafter,despite the unanimous opposition of all 50 states,and the continuing silence of the media about this disagreement suggest that some broader policy intention may have been at stake.
One is struck by the similarities with the Savings and Loan scandal which was allowed to continue through the Reagan 1980s,long after it become apparent that deliberate bankruptcy was being used by unscruptulous profiteers to amass illegal fortunes at what was ultimately public expense.
In the same way,the long-drawn-out housing bubble,and particularly the derivative bubble that was floated upon it,allowed the Bush administration to help offset the trillion-dollar-plus cost of its Iraq misadventure by creating spurious securities that sold for hundreds of billions,not just in the United States but through the rest of the world.
In the long run,this was not a sustainable source of wealth for Americas's financial class,which is now suffering like everyeone else from the consequent recession.But in the short run,the financial crisis and bail-out made it possible for Bush to wage a costly war without experencing the kind of debilitating inflation that was brought on by America's Vietnam War.
The trillion-dollar meltdown,in other words,can be rationalised as having helped finance the war in Iraq.
When we turn to the martial law preparations,however,we find that they are being made in anticipation of civil unrest in the future.Why such intense preparation for this?
The obvious answer,of course,is memory of the rioting that occured in San Francisco and elsewhere during the Great Depression of the 1930s.Indeed,that
througt may be uppermost among those who recently arranged for the redeployment of a Brigade Combat Team from Iraq to America.
But the planning for martial law in America dates back almost three decades,from the days when Reagan appointed Rumsfeld,Cheney and others to plan secretly for what was misleadingly called "Continuity(i.e.,Change) of Government".
Concern about the 2008 recession cannot have been on their minds then,or on the minds of those who introduced the Army's Continuity
of Operations Program on 19 January 2001.Instead,the
"full all-hazards threat spectrum" envisaged in that document was clearly ancillary to the doctrine of
"full-spectrum dominance" that had been articulated in the Joint Chiefs of Staff blueprint,Joint Vision 2020,endorsed eight months earlier on May 2000.
The interest of Cheney and Rumsfeld in COG planning,including planning for martial law,also envisaged full-spectrum dominance.This is made clear by their simultaneus engagement in the 1990s in the public Project for the New American Century(PNAC).
PNAC's goals were stated very explicity in its (September 2000)document Rebuilding America's Defenses: " increase defence spending so as to establish America's military presence troughout the world as an unchallengeable power.
This would entail permanent US forces in central as well as east Asia,even after the disappearance of Saddam Hussein."
I short,PNAC's program was a blueprint for a permanent overseas American empire,a project the authors recognised would not be easily accepted by an American democracy.Their call frankly acknowledged that it would be difficult to gain support for their projected increase in defence spending to"a minimum level of 3.5 to 3.8 percent of gross domestic product,adding $15 billion to $20 billion to total defence spending annually" The document admitted:"...the process of transformation is likely to be a long one,absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event-like a new Pearl Harbor..."
Vargad ahju!
Tänan vastuse eest.
Palun ära nimeta mind pärisorjastajaks.Ma vastupidi püüan pööblit hoiatada ohu eest mida IMF-i diktatuuri raames püütakse meie rahvaga teha-nad püüavad pärisorjastada meie rahvust.
Vaata mida tähendab Mõiste Pärisorjastamise ennetustöö-selles ma näen teed kuis vältida pärisorjastamist.
Progressive societies(in this era,usually democracies) tend to expand their presence beyond their geographic boundaries.This expanded presence calls for new institutions,usually(like the CIA)
free from democratic accountability. This accredition of unaccountable power,in what I have elsewhere called"the deep state",disrupts the public states system of checks and balances which is the underpinning of sane,deliberative policy.
We might expect of progressive deomocraties that they would evolve towards more and more rational foreign policies.But because of the dialectic just described,what we see is the exact opposite: evolution towards foolish and sometimes disastrous engagements.
When Britain became more democratic in the late 19th century,it also initiated the Boer War-a war very suited to the private imperial needs of Cecil Rhodes,but irrelevant if not deleterious to the interests of the British people.
Hitler's dreams of Third Reich,entailing a doomed repeat of Napoleons venture into the heart of Russia,suited the needs of German industrialists who had financed the Nazis;but,from the outset,sane heads of the German military staff could foresee the coming disaster.
For over a half-century now,beginning with Vietnam,unaccountable forces have been manouvering America into unsustanable adventures on the Asian mainland.We now know that President Kennedy did not intend ever to commit US combat troops to Vietnam.But the fatal planning to expand the Vietnam War north of the 17th parallel was authorised in the last week of his aborted presidency,probably without his being aware.When elected President,Jimmy Carter was determined to reduce the size and frequency of CIA covert operations.Yet his national security adviser,Zbigniew Brzezinski,initiated manoeuvres in Afganistan that led to the largest CIA covert operation(and in my view,one of the most deleterious)of all time.
Our archival historians have yet fully understood either paradox,or the forces behind them.As the philosopher George Santayana famously observed:
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
About the Author:
Dr Peter dale Scott,a former canadian diplomat and a former professor of english at the University of California,Berkeley,is a poet,writer and researcher.
His most recent book is The War Conspiracy:JFK,9/11,and the Deep Politics of War(Mary Ferrell Foundation Press,2008,
wiki/index.php/MFF_Store).His article "The Far West Drug Meta-Group"was published in NEXUS vol13.,nos 4-5,2006.
Dr Scott's website is
To read the comlpete text and endnotes of Dr Scott's article this edition,go to htt://
Vargad ahju!
naerupahvakas saalist lause peale-
Ilmselt tunnetades mehe karismaatilisust, missiooni ja autoriteeti, oldakse organites eriti ärevil.
autoriteet on nullilähedane,need laamendajad 2007 aprillis polnud tast kuulnudki,missioon tuleneb psühhikahäirest nimega mania grandiosa,kujutab endale ette et on tegija kuna meedia kirjutab tast,ma ei tea mis karismaatilisust on ülespundunud näo ja siniste silmaalustega neudatsnikus.kui fsb ka kulud kokku tõmbab on sama oõhjas kui mait raun,võibolla tõmbab ennast oksa.on ilmselge vale et ta vanglast välja sai kuna lubas ennast ära tappa,miks pidi kedagi kottima peale ta pere kui ta seda teind oleks,olekski organitel 1 probleem vähem olnud.
Sa viimane kommija istu ise vangis 7 kuud ja siis räägime edasi. Ilkuda oskab igaüks. Ja tule oma nimega välja, meeste sekka. Või oled petuhh?
to esmaspäev, 13. Aprill 2009. a 0:10
minu nimi ongi kalle kukeke-tänasest alates olen petuhh,ja vangis istuda ei kavatse, kuna olen seadusekuulelik inimene,ega korralda riigivastaseid provokatsioone,miks ma peaksin suhtuma sellisesse ülbesse lontrusesse teistmoodi,kes eesti riiki ei austa ja eestlasi vihkab ja arvab et eestlased on viletsamad ,kuna on arvuliselt väiksemad ja ei okupeeri teisi riike.
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