reede, 19. juuni 2009

Üks huvitav lugu Mosuo matriarhaadist der Spiegel'is: meestel on naiste võimu all parem elu

Väljavõte ajakirja der Spiegel veebist.

Üks päris põnev ülevaade ajakirjast der Spiegel, sellest, kuidas üks argentiinlasest kirjanik, Ricardo Coler elas mõnda aega Hiinas, Mosuo hõimu juures, kus siis võim kuulub naistele. On nö matriarhaat. Ja mida see kirjanik, meesterahvas tuvastas, et mehe elu on naiste võimu puhul parem. Tuleb vähem tööd teha. Neilt ei nõuta suurt midagi, suhtutakse nagu lastesse.

Kas pole mõnus, või mis, mehed?!

Samas naised ise ütlevad, et olulised asjad nagu maja või masina ostmine või lehma müük, jäetakse mehe otsustada. Ka kogukonna liider on formaalselt mees, aga tal pole mingit võimu.

Mingit vägivalda selles matriarhaadis pole, mingit võitlust. Otsuseid teevad perekonnad, mida juhivad naised. Ja naine otsustab ka lapse saamise üle, selleks valib välja mehe, keda ta armastab, ja võrgutab selle mehe ära. Laste kasvatamine on jälle naise õlul, meest sellega ei koormata. Palju mehed ei teagi, kes on nende lapsed, ja paljud naised ei tea, millise mehega nad lapse said. Abielu kui sellist ei eksisteeri, sellega üigem hirmutatakse lapsi. Naine elab mehega koos niikaua kuni kestab armastus. Armastus on väga tähtis. Armastus tähendab seda, et naisel peab olema mehega koos hea olla, neil peab olema teinetesega millestki rääkida. Niisama või laste pärast keegi koos ei ela. Lapsi kasvatab perekond.

Midagi sarnast toimib, nagu olen märganud Setumaal, ja Kihnus. Aga ilmselt oli kunagi ka Naissaarel. Kus siis võim on naiste käes, mehed lihtsalt viskavad viina ja tunnevad end mõnusalt. Naised teevad kõiki töid ja juhivad. Kamandavad ja käsutavad. Samas, nagu tundub, ei sobi kristlik abielu sellesse süsteemi, kuna seab liiga kitsad raamid. Naine muutub liiga ühe mehe käskijaks. Mosuo hõimu süsteem annab inimestele palju suurema vabaduse, ja nagu elu näitab, see töötab. Vähemalt tundub, et mehed on väga rahul. Ainuke probleem on see, et mehed seal ei osale laste kasvatamises, mistõttu ka kirjanik Coler ei soovinud teha sealsele naisele last, kuigi tal selline võimalus oli olemas.

47 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...
see on teie võimalus esitage ennast pretendentidex!nalja peab saama. ütles ...

1.Jah...ka Eestlastel on midagi matriarhaadi sarnast sest on ju selge,et on kehtiv reegel või moto:
"Mees on perekonna pea aga naine on kael mis toda pöörab."
Nii,et kumb siis on perekonna pea?
2.Mul on teile kohviku pidajad üks palve...teinekord on vaja tutvustada teie blogi ja siis oleks tore mainida teie motot.
Aga milline on see teie kohviku moto? Kas see,et "kõike mida kannatab toksida arvutisse".?
Ei see pole see...te esindate ameerikalikkust...ja sõnvabadust...ja mida kõike veel...oleks nii väga kui teil oleks lööv moto...sest egas iga kord oska õieti seletada miks on teie blogi hea...ja kurivaimud on teinud teile antireklaami...lambakari ju ei oska analüüsida ja sestap ei saa nad aru kui hea on teie blogi...lammastele on ju öeldud,et te olete pahad ja see 200 tuhat sandikrooni..jne.
aga vaat kui oleks lööv ja tabav moto siis ütled selle ära ja inimeses tekib huvi...
Noh Mc donaldsis on see
I´m lovin it...
EV-l oli see "welcome to estonia"...
Teil võiks olla...momendil ma ei jaksa mõelda olen ööläbi teie kohvikus olnud.)))
Elagu konkurents!

Inno ütles ...

See "kõik, mis kannatab..." sobib ilmselt motoks kõige paremini.

Ja sinna auhinnale võiks Luik end ise esitada, tema on meil ju see õilsa ja oivalise ajakirjanduse eestkõneleja ja musterkuju! ütles ...

See on veitsa mage...liiga argine ja labane...põle miskit ameerikalikku...ega mingit omapära...
Aga kui teha konkurss vms. selleks,et leida parimat logo või sellist lööklauset?
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

Kuna ma eile terve öö olin teie kohvikus siis mul on nüüd reziim sassi ja mul pole midagi teha...sestap kirjutan veidi postitusest mööda artikli...aga tervis on ka oluline abielu puhul,nii,et peaks sobima...
Nexuse artikkel...


Acified sodium chlorite is a powerful antimicrobial that can reverse cases of malaria,blood poisoning and even cancer,but it is best used in conjuction with other natural therapies that strike the correct balance between oxidants and antioxidants.

This method has been used in the successful treatment of malaria,blood poisoning and other acute infections.It commonly clears the condition in one hit.

Even one drop of acified MMS would have caused a high peak concentration of chlorine dioxide in the blood vessels,apparently enough to penetrate the calcified barrier of some nanobacteria.

Some individuals often find it difficult to continue with the MMS program because of frequent nausea.This is especially a problem with advanced cancer and other long-term conditions.

From an exhaustive literature search,he showed that chlorine dioxide kills the malaria parasite by oxidising its vital antioxidants,including glutathione,alpha-lipoic acid and coenzyme A.

The discovery of antibiotics was hailed as the greatest advance in modern medical history.I believe that the internal use of MMS is even more important.

See oli sissejuhatus...
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

Sodium chlorite is presently being promoted as a Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) with superior antimicrobial activity.You can appreciate its power from a statement by its discover,Jim Humble,that all 75,000 individuals with malaria who had been treated with MMS therapy were cure within a day.This obviously is important not only self-healing but also for the drug industry and medicine which so far try to ignore or supress this development.
However,there are also considerable problems associated with using MMS.In this article,I suggest how to minimise these problems by integrating MMS with other natural therapies rather than using it as stand-alone treatment for all conditions.
In solution,sodium chlorite
(NaCLO2)is very alkaline and stable but when acidified it forms the gas chlorine dioxide
(CLO2),which smell the same as chlorine and probably is the strongest all-around antimicrobial and parasite remedy.While it destroys all anaerobic microbes and parasites,it does not damage the beneficial lactobacteria of our intestinal flora.The only residue left in water,in food or in the body after treatment with MMS is a tiny amount of sodium chloride(NaCL),i.e. table salt.
Adicified sodium chlorite is being used in many countries,including Australia and the USA,as an antimicrobial treatment in the food industry,for water purification and for sterilising hospital and clinic rooms and equipment.In hospitals it has been used as a disinfectant for 100 years and in the US meat industry for about 50 years.
Health-conscious countries and municipalities are increasingly replacing the health-damaging chlorine with the harmless chlorine dioxide in treating public water supplies.
In 2003,the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code was changed to permit the use of sodium chloride acidified with citric acid or other food acids for antimicrobical surface treatment of meat,poultry,fish,fruit and vegetables.The time between mixing and application is less than five minutes,and chlorine dioxide levels do not exceed three parts per million.
The safety assessment report concluded that,if properly used,no residues would be defected in the raw foods following treatment and prior to sale,and therefore there would be no toxilogical concerns.
In solid form,sodium chlorite is unstable and commonly mixed with about 20% sodium chloride.In Australia,it is commercially produced and shipped as a 31% solution in water.For and users in the food and agricultural industries,it is available as a 5% solution called Vibresx. In the USA and the UK,it is also available as tablets that release chlorine dioxide.In Germany and Italy,chlorine dioxide is the main treatment chemical for public water supplies.
Even in conventional medicine,well before Jim Humble´s discovery,chlorine has been used to sterilise red blood cells for transfusion.It was found that a solution of 2.8% sodium chlorite activate with 15% lactic acid at a concentration of 1:100 killed all HIV-1 in red blood cells.
Curiously,stabilised sodium chlorite that does not generate chlorine dioxide has been patented for intravenous use in the treatment of autoimmune diseases,hepatitis and lymph cancers.It supposedly prevents or reduces antigen activity and autoimmune response.
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

The discovery and initial developments of MMS therapy were outlined by Jim Humble in 2008 NEXUS article.MMS is activated to release chlorine dioxide by mixing with five drops of acid for every one drop of MMS.Originally lemon juice and vinegar were used;these are now commonly replaced by a 10% solution of citric acid.This is about five times more acidic and releases considerably more chlorine dioxide with a stronger antimicrobial effect.
After waiting for three minutes,add half to one glass of water or juice before drinking the liquid.The juice must not contain vitamin C,i.e.,it can be commercial apple or grape juice but not orange juice.Herbal tea may be also be used.The initial strong and somewhat nauseating smell is now greatly reduced as the chlorine dioxide remains dissolved rather than escaping into the air.
Do not take any antioxidant supplements close to taking the MMS solution.If it is too acidic for you,then partly neutralise the liquid with bicarbonate shortly before drinking.Carefully add only small amounts of biocarbonate so that the liquid still tastes slightly acidic when ingesting.
The therapy can be approached in two ways.
*You may start with a low dose and gradually increase by one drop each day until a slight feeling of nausea develops,then cut down by two drops.After several days,try increasing the the drops again and so gradually work your way up to 15standard drops 1-3 times daily for about one week.
However,many individuals do not get that far because they become sensitised and nausea starts already at low levels without sufficient antimicrobial effect.Nausea can be reduced by taking the remedy after a meal,but this also reduces the antimicrobial effect compared to taking the solution on an empty stomach.It may be best to take MMS just before going to bed.MMS works very rapidly,and people often become sleeply after taking a dose.Also,it is easier to cope with nausea if you can fall asleep.
*An alternative method is to take a very high dose or even a high double dose one hour apart and accept that you will feel nauseous and may vomit for a day or longer.
Nausea or vomiting usually starts two or more hours after ingesting a very high dose,and by then the chlorine dioxide has already been absorbed so that vomiting does not cause any loss in effectiveness.
This method has been used in the succesful treatment of malaria,blood poisoning and other acute infections.It commonly clears the condition in one hit.
For details of oral MMS therapy,see my Sodium Clorite article and also Jim Humble´s standard MMS Protocol.
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

Because nausea frequently causes individuals to stop using MMS before the infection or cancer is cleared,different ways of using it have been explored.Most common among these is transdermal application.When bypassing the stomach,nausea is not normally a problem. A given number of drops of MMS are activated with five times more drops of acid;after three minutes,DMSO(dimethyl sulphoxide)is added at the same rate as the acid.After another three-minute wait,the solution is rubbed onto the skin.A variation of this uses 10 drops of MMS and one teaspoon each of acid and DMSO.This method has also been adopted,including by Jim Humble.
While this method does not cause nausea,there is no real evidence that it cannot work.DMSO can act as a mild oxidant,but generally,and especially in the presence of stronger oxidants,it acts as an antioxidant.The main metabolite when DMSO is oxidised is MSM(methylsulphhonylmethane),
which may also be writen as DMSO2(dimethyl sulphone).If you search Google for "DMSO+antioxidant",you find expressions like"DMSO-The King Antioxidant"and "It turned out that DMSO was a powerful antioxidant..."You just cannot combine the most powerful oxidant with a powerful antioxidant and expect that they do not talk to each other.However,I still regard it as useful to apply activated MMS on the skin for topical treatment of local infections and tumours.While MSM is less effective as a carrier than DMSO,it does improve passage through the skin and is not an antioxidant so it is safe to use with MMS.But absorption will be slow,and therefoe it is not suitable for getting chlorine dioxide into the blood.In contrast,absorption through the mucous membranes will be fairly fast and may give better results.
Possible absorption areas are the rectum,the vagina and the mouth.
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

The rectal absorption method is similar to using a coffe enema,which is already firmly established in natural cancer therapy.First you clean the lower
bowel with enema.Then insert a small number of activated drops of MMS in large glass of water.Hold for 10 to 20 minutes and then expel.Again,use a cleaning enema and then insert a larger number of activated drops in a glass of water.Try to hold for up to 30 minutes.You may be able to move around during this time but preferably just sit lie down.This will cause much bowel activity for several hours and possibly days afterwards.With cancer and other chronic conditions,you may repeat this once a week with increasing numbers of drops.This will be good with problems in this area,such as rectal or prostrate cancer,
irritable bowel,and infections,cysts and cancers of the female organs.
Vaginal application is suitable in the case of vaginal thrush to kill the roots and spores of Candida that will be embedded in the mucous membrane and may cause flare-ups.Start with one activated drop in small glass of water and gradually increase the number of drops on subsequent occasion is a problem,you may nearly neutralise it with bicarbonate several minutes after adding the water.
However,I believe that just swishing acidified and diluted MMS in the mouth may be the best general method to get it quickly into the blood in addition to clearing the head spaces.After using six activated drops this way and keeping the solution in the
mouth for about 20 minutes,I now always have a pink tongue on rising in the morning while before it used to be partly coated.A fragile elderly woman who was afraid to swallow the solution just kept a few activated drops in juice in the mouth for a few minutes and then spat it out.After doing this twice,she had much better mobility.This shows that the chlorine dioxide went quickly into the circulation.
Keeping the solutin in the mouth is not too unpleasant,and the tastebus soon stop complaining.However,it is advisable to nearly neutralise the solution with bicarbonate to protect the teeth.This should not reduce the effectiveness very much because the chlorine dioxide that produces the peak systemic effect will have been released in the first three minutes.After diluting it you may still wait for 10 to 20 minutes for futher saturation of the solution before neutralising it. If using 100 to 125 mL or half a large glassful,initially neutralise only half of the liquid and keep it in the mouth for 10 to 30 minutes.Then neutralise the remainder and keep this in the mouth.As most of the chlorine dioxide will be absorbed through the mucous membranes,it may not matter any more if afterwards you swallow it or spit it out.
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

Rääkisin täna ühe Eestlasega ja ütlesin talle,et olin Delfis...ta küsis minult misasi on Delfi...
Ta ise külastavat Õhtulehte...
Maru lugu küll jah...Õhtulehte teab aga Delfit ei tea...
Ma kiitsin teie blogi...seda ta muidugi ka ei teadnud...
Üldse ma vaatan,et Isamaareeturite partei on muutnud meie kodumaast sealauda asemel inimloomadelauda...s.o.
kui nõuka ajal toodeti meie kodumaal sigu ja kasvatati inimesi kultuurseteks ja harituteks siis
Isamaareeturite partei ehk nähtamatu käe poliitika on muutnud meie kodumaast lauda kus toodetakse inimloomi...inimesed on sellised jubedad...ei tee nad nalja ja on arad ja kidakeelsed üleüldiselt persses omadega...
Ja mis sitta kõike tuli välja neist mõttetalgutest...jube...
Jumala eest see nõuka aeg oli ikka hea võrreldes sellega mis praegu toimub s.o. praeguse juutide korra ajal ehk IMF-i ja Maailmapanga diktatuuri tingimustes...
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

MMS commonly has been used intravenously without acid activation. Jim Humble has had this treatment many times,and also used up to two times 30 acidified drops orally without getting a reaction.But recently he had one acidified drop intravenously,and that resulted in a Herxheimer reaction(caused by the waste material of a large number of microbes being killed suddenly).Next day,he had another drop intravenously and this did not cause a reaction,but the ńext day he had two drops which again caused a reaction.The same happened with further increased drops which again caused reaction.The same happened with further increased drops.Humble believes that acid activation increases chlorine release by up to 300 times.
The effectiveness of antimicrobical therapy can often be judged by its ability to triger a Herxheimer reaction.This consists of extreme fatigue,chills,diarrhoea,muscle and joint pains,and other flu-like
symptoms for several hours or days.During a reaction,you shold stop the antimicrobial therapy and instead have a high intake of
good-quality water,juice and herbal tea. The question now is:what kind of microbes resisted an extremely high double dose of
30 oral drops but then readily died from one acidified intravenous drop?The oral doses would have cleared these microbes from the blood and lymph systems and probably from most tissues and organs.I can think of only one explanation,that these were
so-called nanobacteria.They attach to blood vessel walls and protect themselves with a calcified shell;in the process,they also calcify the tissue,thereby causing arteriosclerosis and related symptoms.Even one drop of acidified MMS would have caused high peak concentration of chlorine dioxide in the blood vessels,apparently enough to penetrate the calcified barrier of some nanobacteria.
Few individuals in western countries will have the opportunity to use intravenous
MMS therapy.However,I regard this method as rather inefficient way of dealing with tissue calcification.There are better ways,such as preventing the formation of nanobacteria in the first place,and then dissolving existing calcifications with magnesium chloride and lemon juice or cider vinegar.Deprived of their calcium protection,the nanobacteria can then be easily dealt with by the immune system.
Elagu konkurents!

Anonüümne ütles ...

Mõni on päris lolliks läinud.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Mis tähendab LÄINUD - Mõni lihtsalt ON seda. Aga me ju ei ütle, kes, eksju, muidu nõuab Mõni meie IP-aadressi ja tuleb külla, nagu Mõni hiljuti lubas.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Kirjutan teile IjaI esimest korda. Mul selline kuri naine ja otsustasin enne jaani selle jama ära lõpetada. Lugesin ja tuli selline mõte - oleks ise kah ilus nõnda surra. Teil suurte kogemusetga seksijatel oleks äkki võimalik saata kirjeldus, kuidas neid sõlmi sättida? Äkki mõni link või video pakkuda? Oleks väga tänulik, kui juhendeid annaksite. ütles ...

ja 15.41-le
Terve mõistusega normaalsel inimesel on alati millest palju rääkida,ta ei kobise habemesse,kommenteerib niisama pikalt kui palju on südamel.
Kes on peksnud oma ajud pehmeks poksisaalis või pannud narkotsi ja sellest tekkinuud ajuhälve neil pole midagi öelda ja ei oska nad ka kommenteerida,jäävad kiduraks nende sõnavõtud.Selliste debiilide arvuti IP ei lähe kellegile kordagi.
Elagu konkurents!

Anonüümne ütles ...

*tähtis pole see, millest räägid vaid millest vaikid (mõtled).
*rääkimine hõbe, vaikimine kuld.
*kes teab, see ei räägi, kes räägib, see ei tea.
*tarkust saab edasi anda kysijale, huupi rääkimine on sõnade raiskamine, mölapidamatus, rumalus...
*enne mõtle, siis ytle.

sinu enesekindlus teeb sulle au. kuid mulle tundub, et sa raiskad oma aega ja talenti. sul on ainult yks elu. mõtle selle peale ka.

head soovides,
ken taur ütles ...

Mis soovid sul on?
Miks on sulle nõnda oluline see vaikimise küsimus?
Kui sul on vajadust vaikida siis soovitan minna kristlikkuse vaikimis laagrisse...seal kristlased üheskoos vaikivad tervelt nädal aega...elavad üheskoos laagris ja ei räägi sõ nüüd ei mäleta kas nad suhtlevad kuidagi teisiti...äkki vahest kirjutavad teineteisele )))
vestlustes selgub tõde...nii,et kui vaikid siis ei teki võimalustki tõe selgitamiseks...
seega,see väide või vanasõna:
"Vaikimine on kuld" on kas aegunud või on oluline mõnes väga piiratud situatsioonis...on oluline kristlikus vaikimise laagris...
Üleüldiselt inimest eristab loomast suhtlemine ja mõtete vahetamine...
Ja ei maksa karta seda mida ütled või mõtled sest on ju võimalus ennast parandada...oluliseks tuleb pidada soove...siiraid soove...ja iseloomu...iseloomu kasvatamist...kui kellegil on halvad soovid siis see tuleb välja ka siis kui ta vaikib...tema kehakeel ja aura räägivad iseenese eest...
Oluline on soovida teistele seda mida soovid endale ja siis võid rääkida nõnda palju kui süda lustib...sellisest mõttest algavad kõikide religioonide tõed...ja kui
sa astud jumala radu pidi siis iga sinu sõna on juba jumala sõna...
Nii,et ken taur,
mis vaevab sinu südant,
mis iial ihkad sa,
see kes on meie issand,
kõik anna tema hooleks sa

Elagu konkurents!

Anonüümne ütles ...

Siiski, targa inimese tunnus on oskus mõtteid kontsentreerida, oskus öelda vähesega palju. Sina produtseerid palju sõnu, mida kahjuks keegi lugeda ei viitsi. Isegi su sõbrad Tähismaad mitte, nagu nad ise on tunnistanud. ütles ...

No kui ikka sulle on nõnda oluline vaikimine siis mine kristlikkusse vaikimislaagrisse ja vaikki...siin on kohvik ja see on suhtlemiseks ja pole oluline kui tark keegi on...siia on lubatud tulla ka kõige rumalaimail...ja öelda välja mis südamel...ja mis see sinu asi on kes mida loeb...kui sulle ei meeldi mida kirjutan,no mida sa siis sellest loed? Loe parem mõnda tarka raamatut,näiteks Feng Shuid ja ära iialgi loe kollaseid sopalehti mis teevad sulle ajupesu: Ekspressi,
Postimeest,Päevalehte jms.
Elagu konkurents!

Anonüümne ütles ...

No kui sa nüüd natuke järele mõtled, siis pole asi mitte vaikimises või räuskamises.
Tähtis on see, mida ja kellele sa ütled. Kui sa tahad endale kogaeg midagi ütelda, siis okei, ei sekku rohkem.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Pärisorjastamise ennetustöö ütles... 21.57-le

tead, lollidemaal estonskis on tavaks arusaamine, et kui sa oled üks molekul sellest hallist orjamassist, siis sa oled normaalne. kui aga laulad nata teist laulu, käid väheke teistsuguselt riides või elad kusagi kaugemal maailmas, siis sa ei ole normaalne. lihtsalt sa oled ebanormaalne. ehk sa ei ülista neid endisi ja praegusi punavõimu perselakkujaid, ei tantsi nendega ühes rütmis ja tagatipuks oled veel riigi reetur ka. kas vangistatud ja diagnoosiga hull tunnistab tohtrile kunagi, et ta on hull. ei. alati on ikka need teised isendid hullud, kes tegutsevad ja mõtlevad vastupidiselt tema ajuehitusele. vastasel juhul on diagnoosi panijad ise kindlate sümptomitega haiged.

nii, et ära muretse ja ärritu. issanda loomaaed on seal läänemere kaldal suur ja lai. elagu konkurents, orjapidajad allavoolu...

Anonüümne ütles ...

azzaaa...keegi sai veel vastu koonu vist...
sorri mehed, no offence.
aga aityma diagnoosi eest. ise talun peaaegu kõike, v.a. mölisemine ja räuskamine. Ja Estuaanias ei kannata elada.

ken taur ütles ...

Some individuals often find it difficult to continue with the MMS program because of frequent nausea.
This is especially a problem with advanced cancer and other
long-term conditions.Therefore,I generally recommend a program of intestinal sanitation and antimicrobial therapy with milder agents before starting MMS therapy.
This will remove most of the toxic load with less discomfort than by starting immediately with MMS.As part of this preliminary program,I recommend a period of intestinal sanitation with garlic,psyllium,sodium bicarbonate and probiotics followed by a
three-week course of Lugol´s iodine solution.
In the case of cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis,it has been suggested that,with MMS therapy,cholesterol deposits may be removed too quikly and lead to a weakening of the affected blood vessels.To avoid or minimise problems,it has been recommended that one should take high amounts of vitamin C,up to 10 grams daily in divided doses,for several weeks before starting MMS therapy.This is to strengthen the blood vessels and make them more elastic.Some other nutrients to improve elasticity are lemon juice,green juices,copper salicylate,
magnesium chloride,
MSM and N-acetylglucosamine.
In the case of cancer,I believe that MMS treatment as a primary therapy has shown good results only with lymph,blood and skin cancers.It will be much more effective to integrate MMS therapy into an holistic program as outlined in my article"The Holistic Solution to Overcoming Cancer".
With colds,chlorine dioxide kills the virus but does not stop the beneficial mucus release.This can be stopped with the Sugar Cure.Keep a teaspoon of fine sugar in the mouth until it is dissolved,then spit it out and take another teaspoonful.Continue with this for one or two hours and repeat on subsequent days as required.The sugar draws mucus combined with lymph fluid from the lymph glands and so gradually clears the head spaces.
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

Tubli sinust,et tulid appi...nad peaaegu oleksid mind lämmatanud.)))
Kallis sõ pärisorjuse tunnetaja...ära minu pärast olen juba kõigega harjunud...ega ma kirjuta enese pä ikke Eesti rahva pä valutad südant rahva pärast siis see annab sulle suure jõu ja mitte ükski tolkam sind ei takista...kui sa tunned enam rõõmu andmisest kui saamisest siis elu on ilusam ja kergem...kui sa tead,et su keha on kaduv nähtus mis
ühel päeval kõduneb siis jääb vaid muretseda oma iseloomu kasvatamise pärast või tunda muret hinge pärast...ja oma iseloomu saab kõige paremini kasvatada pööbli teenimisega...ja minu puhul on see kommenteerimisega...
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

For influenza,I recommend taking several high doses of MMS for only
one or two days and then,instead,
taking high amounts of antioxidants,especially sodium ascorbate,i.e.,half a spoon in liquid(e.g.,freshcitrus juice),
every two hours until recovered.
Some individuals,especially with advanced degenerative diseases,may become very weak on prolonged MMS therapy in a way that´s seemingly unrelated to die-back reactions.Also,their eyesight may rapidly deteriorate.I believe that this is mainly due to antioxidant deficiency and especially to lack of glutathione and superoxide dismutase.
This again raises the question of the appropriate use of MMS therapy.In my article"How to Overcome Autoimmune Diseases",
I show that most chronic degenerative diseases are associated with nanobacteria and pleomorphic microbes that appear
to arise from the inside,out of
diseased body cells,rather than from outside the body.
The main cause of this microbial uprising is seen as the accumulation of toxic metabolic residues inside the cells,especially affecting the energy-producing mitochondria.
Experience shows that it is definitely beneficial to eliminate the higher bacterial and fungal forms of this microbial overgrowth,and MMS is an effective part of an integrated antimicrobial therapy.But it is generally not possible even with MMS to eliminate the lower forms of nanobacteria and endogeneous viral particles.
Even if one continues with a
long-term MMS maintenance therapy,these microbes will continue to rise up and the accumulating toxic residues will in time cause increasing health problems in other ways. Therefore,the rational solution is to remove these toxic residues by the time-honoured method of raw-food cleansing combined with an effective antimicrobial therapy.
While some viral infections can be effectively treated with MMS,others such as hepatitis C,Lyme diease and even HIV,while often showing improvement,are overall much more resistant.On the other hand,there is good evidence that high antioxidant therapy is very effective against viral conditions.For instance,there are countless publications in the orthomolecular medicine literature(see the quick and effective treatment of serious viral infections with very high amounts of vitamin C.Also,hepatitis C can be effectively treated with high amounts of various antioxidants.
Therefore,I believe that it is much more effective to use both treatments in an integrated way.With a serious or resistant viral disease,I would alternate a short-term high-dose MMS treatment with a longer-term
period of high amounts of a wide range of different antioxidants.
Elagu konkurents!

Anonüümne ütles ...

aaaameeeeeeen! Ja nüüd inglise keeles: aaaaaameeeeen!

Anonüümne ütles ...

Kas seda grafoterroristi kuidagi elimineerida ei anna? ütles ...

Kobi tagasi oma kollasesse sopalehte mis peedistab pööbli ajusid:Ekspressi või Postimehesse või Päevalehte...ja et ma ei neäeks enam sinu varjurgi siin debiil selline...
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Anonüümne ütles ...

Mul on sulle väike palve, kallis pärisorjastaja.
Ingliskeelsete ajalehe ümbertrükkide jaoks võiksid teha oma blogi. Siin sattuvad nad tihti vale teema alla ja keegi ei viitsi neid seal lugeda.
Oma mõtteid võid ikka avaldada, mulle meeldib neid lugeda. ütles ...

See 11.19 komentaator on kindlasti
Postimehest sest Postimehe toimetuses istuvad mingid värdjad kes kustutavad kõiki kommentaare...
ja see rahva tantsu ja laulupeo tule tuumist kajastav blogi on tehtud aeglaseks...mingi pidur on seal peal...
ja üldse see Eesti peavoolu meedia on omadega täitsa persses sest Eesti rahvussuursündmust mis on võrdne Olümpia mängudega nad ei kajasta...ainult Postimehes olev blogi teeb seda...aga seda ei saa kasutada...seega laulu ja tantsupeo tule toomist ei kajastata...
Persse kukkunud meedia ahju!
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Siin on kohvik ja pole valet võid ju kasutada tõlke programmi...ja kobi tagasi Postimehesse ja ammuta endale sealt ajupesu ja peedistamist...
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sa pederast sealt ajupesu lehest Postimehest nimeta mind õige nimega aga ära poogi külge muid nimetusi...sul veel sellest vähe,et peedistad pööbli ajusid oma Postimehes ja tuled veel siia, tõbras selline...
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Anonüümne ütles ...

Mulle tundub, et sul on tekkinud ajukahjustus iiri meeste türadest, mis sul neelu ja päraku kaudu aju torgivad, kui sa kõiki, kes sinuga nõus ei ole, pederastideks nimetad; kui sa ei saa aru isegi lihtlauseteks ja kõigele sõimuga vastad; kui sa arvad, et internet on kohvik; kui sa kurdad elu üle Eestis ilma, et sa siin elaksidki või siin sõpru-sugulasi omaks; kui sa arvad, et kõigis maailma hädades on süüdi Postimehe ajaleht.

Ma loodan, et see sinu jaoks liiga pikk lause ei olnud ja sa ikka jõuad esimese rea lugemisest kaugemale enne, kui kommenteerima hakkad.

Sa ei pea sellele isegi vastama, ma kirjutan su eeldatava vastuse siia juba ära :" postimehe pederast".

Ps. ma tegelt ei ole ei postimehest ega pederast. ütles ...

Besides nausea,inflammations also may arise as a side effect of MMS therapy.To understand this effect,we need to look at the function of inflammation and the role of oxidants and antioxidants in this process.Inflammations increase blood and nutrient supply to an area and are essential for the immune system to work and for healing of damaged organs and tissues to occur.If the immune system is not strong enough to eliminate invading microbes and diseases body cells,originally healing immune inflamations become destructive chronic inflammations-
symptomatic of our present epidemic of chronic diseases.
Oxidants support the immune system
by killing microbes outright and by giving the immune system more firepower.This results in increased inflammation and body acidity when using strong oxidants such as chlorine dioxide.Therefore,as during any real health improvement,various healing reactions including temporary inflammations may develop during MMS treatment.
These are beneficial for healing in the long term,even if uncomfortable in the short term.
For a more detailed explanation of this process,called a "healing crisis" or a "healing reaction",see the web page
Antioxidants have the opposite role to oxidants.They protect our body cells and functions from being oxidised.Oxidation needs to take place only in well-established and protected pathways to generate energy or to eliminate invaders and harmful agents.
If we step up the intake of oxidants,we also need to increase the intake of antioxidants otherwise we may get unnecessary inflammations due to irritation of tissues and other degenerative changes.An example of this is deteriorating eyesight that may occur when using high doses of MMS for more than a few days.
Jim Humble's position is that antioxidants are not necessary with MMS therapy.He states:"You don't have to protect the body from the small quantities(of)CLO2 generated by MMS.It simply does not oxidise any beneficial bacteria or body cells.No side effects have been reported in hundreds of thousands of clinical trials and tests." I find this statement surprising,as even from a small number of users I have received several communications that I interpret as reporting damage due to antioxidant defiency.Therefore,I strongly disagree with Jum Humble's position in regard to antioxidants.
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

Mis sind vaevab?
Mis probleemi soovid lahendada?
Kui keegi teeb kusagil vea siis saab teda parandada eks,ju.
Kas sul on laupäeva õhtust pohmakas?
Sinu tekstidest selgub,et sa lihtsalt otsid tüli sest sa oled kurjategija ja sõnavabadus,vestlused,arutlused,
diskussioonid hävitavad sinu kuritegeliku impeeriumi...
kommenteerimine ja vestlus,oma avamuse avaldamine on sinu surm...
Kui sa pole debiilik Postimehest,no küllap sa oled siis debiilik Ekspressist,
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

Miks väidad,et mul pole Eestis sugulasi-sõpru? Mul on väga palju sugulasi...
Kui sa sedasi juba väitsid küllap sa siis ikka oled üks jobu
KAPO-lane kes käib imemas vene kantide siis oled KAPOpede...
Debiilsed KAPOlpeded ahju!
Elagu konkurents" ütles ...

"naiste võimu all parem elu"
Zeitgeist liikumise all on veelgi parem elu sest see liikumine annab tiivad...see liikumine hävitab vene maffia...ja ehitab üles ilusa eesti poliitikute-, ja Postimehe ajupesu-,kurjategijate-,vanglate vaba ühiskonna...
Vaata juutjuubist The Zeitgeist Movement:Orientation Presentation
ja ühine liikumisega...
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

My view is supported by Dr Thomas Lee Hesselink From an exhaustive literature search,he showed that chlorine dioxide kills the malaria parasite by oxidising its vital antioxidants,including glutathione,alpha-lipoic acid and coenzyme A. He writes:" amount of intraplasmodial glutahione(GSH)could ever resist exposure to a sufficient dose of chlorine dioxide(CLO2).
Note that each molecule of CLO2 can disable 1 to 5 molecules of glutathione..."If parasites are being killed by disabling their glutathione and other essential antioxidants,then the glutathione and antioxidant systems in our body will be just as vulnerable.
I believe that all those who live on a conventional diet,or who have an infection or a chronic disease,or who smoke,or who are advancing in age are highly likely to be antioxidant deficient.Any of these conditions will be made worse by having persistent exposure to oxidants,whether from chlorinated water,polluted air,fried food or a strong oxidant such as chlorine dioxide..
The problem is not in chlorine dioxide´s oxidising beneficial bacteria or body cells but,rather,that chlorine dioxide reacts strongly with a wide variety of antioxidants and so makes an antioxidant-deficient body even more deficient.
There is evidence that antioxidant deficiency is a main cause of the accumulation of oxidised waste products and protein debris inside cells that leads to chronic degenerative diseases and the uprising of nanobacteria and pleomorphic microbes.
Therefore,I regard long-term MMS therapy without antioxidant protection as contributing to the development of chronic diseases.
It is important to increase antioxidant intake when using MMS.However,oxidants and antioxidants should be separated during the day or the they may neutralise each other.
Jim Humble recommends a three-hour period of separation,and I agree with that.For instance,you may use MMS before breakfast and at bedtime and then take antioxidants from mid-morning to mid-afternoon.
This applies not only to antioxidants in supplement form,such as vitamins C,E, and
B-complex,coenxyme Q10,grapeseed extract,beta-1,3-D glucan and immune stimulants,but also to food high in antioxidants,such as purple berries and juices,fresh fruit,polyunsaturated oils,turmeric,black or green tea,cocoa and others.Because chlorine dioxide reacts especially well with vitamin C,it is advisable to take one gram or more when on a high dose of MMS for more than a few days to protect oxidation-sensitive structures as the heart,brain and eyes.
Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

The discovery of antibiotics was hailed as the greatest advance in modern medical history.I believe that the internal use of MMS is even more important.But just as antibiotics have a darker side by causing dysbiosis and and candidiasis if improperly used without a fungicide,so MMS carries the danger of causing health deterioration if used without antioxidant protection.
In a more enlightened future when
the MEDICAL SYSTEM REFOCUSES ON HEALING RATHER THAN PROFIT,the treatment of serious infections
may just require one intravenous infusion of acidified MMS.
Until then,we have a variety of other methods from which to choose.
I believe that the most effective approach for a serious,acute infection is a high dose of 10 to 15 drops,and just accept that you will vomit for a day or two.
If the problem is less serious,then a double dose of six drops an hour later has been shown to be very effective.Even this may cause nausea and some vomiting.
Alternatively,you may experiment with absorbing a high dose through the mucous membranes of the mouth or the rectum,depending somewhat on where the infection is centred.
With a chronic degenerative disease,I would alternate short periods of high MMS intake with longer periods of high antioxidant intake from foods and supplements.In addition,I would use other therapies such as cleansing to remove the basic cause of the disease.
I would also apply activated MMS to infected areas close to the skin.
When commencing a health program,I would first attempt intestinal sanitation and reduction of any microbial lo load with milder agents such as Lugol´s iodine solution before starting with a gradually increasing dose of MMS as in the standard program.
Presently,MMS is still available over the Internet.
There are two types,with slightly different composition.
The product used by Global Light( its distributors is made from sodium chlorite flakes containing 20% sodium chloride,while the MMS from Stride into Health( a pure sodium chlorite solution as used in the food industry.
Nominally,MMS is a 28% solution of the flakes but,because of its high sodium chlorite content,the effective concentration of sodium chlorite is 22,4%,which is the same in both products.
Elagu konkurents!

Anonüümne ütles ...

Pole siin vaja kapot, andmekaitsjaid ega muid kuritegelikke kampu - piisab ühest isendist koos tema täiesti mõtte- ja arulagedate kilomeetripikkuste sissekannetega kahes keeles ja roppustest kubisevate läkitustega nende aadressil, kes sõna "palun" kasutades püüavad isendi tähelepanu juhtida üksikutele vajakajäämistele tema produtseeritud tekstides - ja Tähismaade blogi sureb õige pea oma loomulikku surma. No ei ole naljakas, ausõna ei ole. Tüütu ja igav, ja isegi nagu natuke kahju isendist, aga mis teha, kui antud pole. ütles ...

3.Food Standards Australia New Zealand,"Final Assessment
Report-Application A476-Acidified Sodium Chlorite as a Processing Aid",12/03,8 October 2003,at
of red blood cells for transfusion,additional studies",Int Conf AIDS 1994 Aug
7-12;10:235(abstract no.PB0953),at
5."Use of a Chemically Stabilized Chlorite Solution for Inhibiting an Antigen-
Specific Immune Response"(WO/1999/017787),at on justkui e täht aga ei ole ka)IA=WO1999017787(jälle see imelik E)DISPLAY=DESC
6.Humble,Jim V.,"A MIracle Treatment for Malaria and Other Diseases",NEXUS 2008;15(2)
7.Last,Walter,"Sodium Chlorite:The Miracle Mineral Solution(MMS)",at
8."Important Info-2. The Standard MMS Protocol",at
9."A New Way to Administer MMS",at
10."MMS Intravenous Methods",at
11.Mullhall,Douglas,"The Nanobacteria Link to Heart Disease and Cancer",NEXUS 2005;12(5)
12.For details,see Walter Last"The Ultimate Cleanse",at
13.Last,Walter,"How to Overcome Autoimmune Diseases" at
15.Lyons,Graham,"Selenium and hepatitisC:a treatment role",at
16."Important Info-8.Why antioxidants to combat any exessive aging are not necessary?,at
17.Hesselink,Thomas Lee,"On The Mechanisms Of Toxidity Of Chlorine Oxides Agaunst Malarial Parasites-An Overview",at;also in
18.Last,Walter,"How to Overcome Autoimmune Diseases",at

Elagu konkurents! ütles ...

Sa vast ei oska inglise
kasuta tõlkeprogrammi...ja paistab,et sul on harimatuse probleem...hari ennast veidi...vaata juutjuubist
The Zeitgeist Movement:Orientation

Elagu konkurtents! ütles ...

Sa eksid sest peale seda kui Inno ja Irja avasid kommentaariumi nad
ütlesid,et neile väga meeldivad pikad kommentaarid....
Sul ikka on harimatuse probleem...hari ennast...suunised saad filmist juutjuubis:
"The Zeitgeist Movement:Orientation
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Anonüümne ütles ...

asi pole puhas. ma arvan, et ennetaja on kapo palgatud kommentaariumidesse laiama ja tekste vorpima. sest see juhib inimeste tähelepanu teemadest kõrvale ja/või ei võtaks nad sääraseid tekste tulevikus tõe pähe vaid suhtuksid peavoolu infost erinevasse infosse umbusklikult.
näiteks ma vaatan I&I blogis mingit postitust ja selle all a la 43 kommentaari. löön kommentaariumi lahti ja seal laiutab ennetaja. löön inertsist kommentaariumi kinni ja mõni asjalik ja huvitav arvamus jääb lugemata.
ilmselt peame me arvestama, et kapo tegutseb kõikjal ja õppima seda ära tundma. ütles ...

Mine õige putsi oma jutuga...
Ise sa oled KAPOpede
KAPO on vene maffia käpa alune ja ma ealeski ei hakka tegema tööd vene maffiale...
sa debiilik vaata juutjuubist filmi
"The Zeitgeist Movement:Oreintation Presentation"
ja saa targaks...
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Anonüümne ütles ...

haaa - pihtas, põhjas!
irwaki ütles ...

Kas leidsid üles juutjuubist
filmi:"The Zeitgeist Movement:
Orientation Presentation".?
Selles filmis on õpetus kuis hävitada KAPO ja Vene maffia...
Elagu konkurents!