kolmapäev, 8. juuli 2009

Mis tsirkus käib? Tundub, et Läti meedia ostu taga on Hans Hadniel ise

Väljavõte Delfi veebist.

Kas pole naljakas? Et Hans Hadniel Luik, kes muidu kõike teab, järsku ei tea, kes ostis üles Läti lehed. Mis paneb arvama, et selle ostu taga oli Luik ise.

Sellele viitavad mitmed märgid. Ametlikult on ostjaks Kalle Norberg, see Šveitsi (või oli see Luksemburg?) elama kolinud endine Investeerimispanga juht, kellele puhus kümmekond aastat tagasi tuule tiibadesse endine Eesti Panga juht Vahur Kraft, kui andis investeerimispankuritele, kelle hulgas oli onupoeg Gunnar Kraft 250 miljonit krooni "abi", et päästa ebaõnnestunud investeering Forekspanka (hilisema nimega Optiva Pank, millest hiljem sai Sampo Pank ja mis nüüd kannab nime Danske Bank). Ja see Norberg on muu hulgas Hans Hadnieli nn tankist, kes aitab siis Šveitsi ja Luksemburgi kaudu raha pesta ja kes organiseeris ka Luige firma Eesti Ekspressi börsile viimise, mäletatae küll, see oli see juhtum, kus Luik müüs oma lehe lugejatele tema enda jutu järgi väga soodsa hinnaga aktsiaid, mille tema enda sõbrad (nagu Rein Kilk) kohe pärast avalikku pakkumist maha müüsid, ja kus siis see aktsia hind kohe kolinal alla tuli. Mis siis tõi Luigele ja tema kompanjonidele kena kopika sisse, ja viis Ekspressi tellijatelt välja summa, mille eest oleks võinud kasvõi surmani Ekspressi tellida.

Niimoodi. Nüüd on see Norberg siis ostmas kokku Läti meediat. Ja Luik, see vana kaval rebane, tuletan meelde, on varemgi Bonnieridega bisnist teinud, seda kaks korda, kui müüs 50% Ekspressist, ja hiljem selle mitu korda odavamalt tagasi ostis. Võiks öelda, et Luik juba oskab Bonnieridega bisnist teha. Tunneb rehnutti.

Siis on Läti lehtede ostu juures figureerinud selline nimi nagu Aavo Kokk, jällegi Luige "mees", kui nii võib öelda. Kes siis asjatas selle tehingu juures. Ja ostjana mainitakse ka Gunnar Kobinit, jälle Luige kamraad. Ja tulge nüüd ütlema, et Luik pole nende meestega rääkinud ja neilt teada saanud, mis mäng käib. Loomulikult on. Aga miks Luik siis seda välja ei ütle? Ainus loogiline seletus on, et Luik on ise selle tehingu taga, aga ei taha seda tunnistada. Miks? Võib arvata, et tema, või tema Eesti firma on lihtsalt raha võlgu, ja ta ei saa öelda, et ta on selle rahaga hoopis Lätis mingeid sisseoste teinud. See on umbes sama lugu, kui ema annab väiksele poisile raha, et too läheks ja ostaks piima ja leiba, aga poiss, va sindrinahk, ostab selle eest omale komme. Ja loomulikult ei lähe ta emale teatama, et ostis komme. Vaid hiilib vaikselt tuppa ja on vait. Et järsku ema unustab ära. Või ei pane tähele.

Hind näikse olnud samuti soodne. Nagu vahendab E24, saadi vähemalt miljard krooni väärt asi kätte paarisaja miljoniga.

Ja kui Luik juba Lätis ostis üles Läti kohaliku Äripäeva, siis on ainult aja küsimus, mil ka Eesti Äripäev Luige kätte läheb. Võib arvata, et Bonnierid panevad ummisjalu plehku Balti turult, kus nad mitte sittagi enam ei teeni, ja kus Schibstedi E24 majandusuudiste portaal võimsalt laieneb. Balti meediaturg mängitakse taas kord ringi.

Ja NB! Ka teised Eesti ettevõtjad, vaadake veidi ringi. Terve Läti riik on praegu sisuliselt sundmüügis. Lätlased on end juba pakkunud rootslastele, aga arad skandinaavlased midagi osta ei julge, teised on liiga kaugel. Eestil on soodne hetk Läti taskusse pista. Kunagi tuhatkond aastat tagasi löödi Kaupo mättasse, aga jäädi alla sakslastele, kes tulid Riia alla, et pesta endalt maha Araabias kogetud lüüasaamiste häbi. Nüüd enam kristlikke fundamentaliste silmapiiril pole.

55 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

kadedus , Innokene, on vastik iseloomuomadus. nagu paljud muudki sinu omadused. sina, va jobu, kaotasid ju isegi selle rahakese eriti lollide investeeringutega, mille Irjakese sugulased olid aastakümneid rasket tööd rügades Ameerikamaal kokku ajanud ja lolli peaga lollikesele pärandanud, kes need veel lollimale mehekesele investeerimiseks usaldas.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Katsu ikka "Toit ja tervis" rubriiki teha. Seksi võib kah sisse pikkida.Oletused on ikka täitsa mööda.Majandusajakirjanikuna oled hambad murdnud. No ei saa sa tõest infi!

Inno ütles ...

No ja sõu vott.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Nichts, danke.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Siin on palju vihjeid olnud, et kaotasite oma raha mingi kõrbenud investeeringuga. Kas see on saladus, mis investeering see oli?

Anonüümne ütles ...

Jajaa, küsige Innolt veel seda ka, kuidas lõppes tema trummide ja fanfaaride saatel alanud kohtuteek Postimehe vastu seoses tema "au" ja "väärikuse" solvamisega! Vastab ta teile ausalt jee, et bravuuriga nõutud miljonid jäid saamata ja kohtukulud tuleb ka kinni plekkida. Selle kohta ka siin ikka uuriti natuke aega tagasi, aga Tähismaade poolt järgnes tavapärane lollimängimine stiilis: mis jutt - meie pole kellegagi kohut käinud ja üldse pole see blogi, vaid kohvik, ja takkapihta pole meie ka meie ja kirjutada ei oska me üldse ja arvutit meil ka pole.

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...

Veidi))) meediast...
Ajakirja Adbusters esikaanel on:
Pop Nihilism adverstising eats itself!
Esmalt selle kohta pikalt eellood ja siis tuleb artikkel ise...

Nihilism is the basic credo of cool

Nihilism is a declaration of meaninglessness,a sence of indiffirence,directionlessness or at its worst,despair that can flood into all areas of life.For some this all areas of life.For some this is the defining experience of youth-witness the deaths of numerous young romantics,whether Keats,Shelly,Sid Vicious or Kurt Cobain;and their numbers continue to multiply-for others it lasts a whole lifetime.

Simon Critchley

"Nihilist" was originally a term of abuse.
Dictionaries from the early 19th century,when the word first came into use,define a nihilist as "one who is politically impartial"and"
Louis-Sébastian Mercier´s dictionary of neologisms,published in 1801,states:"Nihilist or nothingist(riennist):one who doesn´t believe in anything."
"Nihilist" became a catchall term for young,disillusioned intellectuals whose thoughts and actions were generally regarded as worthless.Their impact on the world around them was,in effect,nothing.
Over time,as nihilist sentiment
began to develop and expand,people came to accept
nihilism as real and unavoidable
The contempt with which it was once treated gradually gave way to an earnest recognition as people began to realize they were not dealing with nothing,but the far more troubling concept of nothingless.No longer attempting to ignore or combat it,people sought to conquer and transcend
The movement became not against but beyond nihilism,and the impetus began with Nietzsche.
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Commonly misidentified as nihilist himself,Nietzche was the first to treat the subject as a serious philosophical matter.He recognized the fires of nihilism burning across swaths of Europe as the result of collapsing traditional morals and values.
God-long regarded the source of absolutes-was dead,concluded Nietzsche.Dead in the sense that traditional religion no longer held sway over modern culture.In the absence of absolute values,a vacuum had been created and,for a time,it would seem that nothing existed...
nothing was real.
For Nietzsche,though,this nothingless was
temporary-a momentary void out of which history was meant to give birth to something entirely new.He saw the collapse of absolute values as the opportunity to reexamine our fundamental truths,to retool our systems to better fit our world.
Around the same time,Russians were embracing the term"nihilist"differently than their Ruropean counterparts.The word began to shed its pejorative
overtones in the 1860s,following
the publication of Turgenev´s Fathers and Sons.
Bazarov,the novel´s hero,was long seen as the prototype of "the nihilist." Turgenev´s definition,voiced through his protagonist,has become a classic:"A nihilist is someone who bows to no aothority,who accepts no principle at face value,no matter in how much respect that principle may be held."The definition is offered proudly."Nihilist" is not a term of abuse for Bazarov,but one of honor:"Few," he says,are chosen for the"bitter,hard life."
When an opponent asks him,
"You deny everything?"
He replies emphatically,
"And that is called nihilism?"
"And that is called nihilism."

Adapted from Nihilism and Culture by Johan Goudsblom
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Anonüümne ütles ...

Ma juba mõtlesin, et kuhu see hull kadus.

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Kuule,sa kapopede,poo ennast oksa!
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Anonüümne ütles ...

Keegi võiks siia copyda pikki venekeelseid artikleid ka...irw.
Da zdrastvujet konkurentsija!
Hullud ahju!

Anonüümne ütles ...

Huvitav, mis värk hullul selle kapoga on?

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...

Mina ei copy neid tekste...ostan poest ajakirju mis maksvad ligemale 6-7 eurot ja siis kirjutan ümber...
Seega kulutan kommenteerimise peale kopsaka summa...mul pole kahju kulutada oma kätega teenitud raha ja lisaks veel aega Eesti rahvuse hüvanguks...
Kui palju on sinust kasu Eesti rahvale,sa kapopede?
Ma ju sulle ütlesin,ära risusta kommentaariumi,mine püüdma narkodiilereid ja siis raporteeri rahvale uudistes kui mitu narkodiilerit sa püüdsid...
Te sitad ei püüa ju narkoddiilereid sest olete ise organuiseerinud selle äri ja saate palkka narkoärist...
Nojah nüüd läheb Kukus aruteluks kas legaliseerida sita söömine ehk kanepi tarvitamine...sööge jah sitta...ja legaliseerigem see..
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Oi-oi-oi...justkui keegi ei saaks aru,et sa sitt oled kapost...
KAPO asi on teha ideolooga tööd...ja see räpane ideoloogia on ju näha sinusuguste debiilide sitaloopimiset kommentaariumites...
ja lehe artiklites kus teete varjatud reklaami narkole...
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The unprecedented slaughter of more than 15 million soldiers during the First World War ushered in a NIHILISTIC moment in Western society.It also provoked the
anti-art movement known as Dada,whose members believed that modernization and mechanization had made the wars high death toll possible.Their response was to create an anti-rational,
anti-bourgeois,anti-tecnological form of art,one that embraced absudrity,intuition,paradox and play.Dadaists produced actions,performances,nonsense texts and installations composed of found objects,which all challenged accepted notions of art.All expressed a NIHILISTIC philosophy.
The horrors of the Second World War,especially the Jewish Holocaust and the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki,prompted another existencial crisis among artists.It seemed impossible that"civilised"society was capable of commiting the vast atrocities that were revealed when the Nazi death camps were opened at the end of the war.It was equally incomprehensible that mankind could possess a technology capable of destroying all life on earth.
In the postwar years,artists often expressed horrified anxiety at the prospect of nuclear Armageddon.

Marcel Duchamp was the most influential of the Dadaists.A groundbreaker in kinetic,found and conceptual art,Duchamp made his last painting on canvas,Tu m´,in 1918.In 1923,he finished what looked like his last MIXED-MEDIA art work,The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors,Even.Exemplifying the NIHILISTIC hopelessness of art production,he gave himself over to chess,becoming a chess grand master,a chess journalist and composer of endgame problems and strategies."Chess," he said,"is much purer than art."
As happened after WWI,artists rejected the mechanistic,the rational and the geometric,although it would take a while before neo-Dadaist absurdity and anti-art strategies reasserted themselves.Abstract expressionist painters adopted a form of mark making that was intuitive,
impulsive and organic.Designer embraced organic or biomorphic forms,aligning themselves with the natural world rather than with the more problematic realm of the machine.
Photographers published images of atomic explosions,and the mushroom cloud became signature motif of the age.
Recognized as Marcel Duchamp´s creative heir,Andy Warhol revealed the moral and intellectual void at the heart of American culture.His art´s repetitive imagery reflected the spirit-numbing effects of advertising and consumerism,as well as the image bombartment of mass media.He used the same repetitive and uninflected tecniques to depict Campbell´s soup cans,electric chairs,movie stars,race riots,dollar signs and the face of Cahairman Mao,
demonstarting that everything can be reproduced and commodified.At the same time he cultivated a
NULL MEDIA PERSONA-empted of any moral or emotional tone.
Warhol´s NIHILISTIC register of overconsumption,mass marketing,image bombartment,greed and celebrity worship set the tone for the postmodern art of our age.Although some contemporary artists condemn the conditions that have brought us to the brink of another apocalypse-global environmental collapse-others,like Warhol,adopt their glossy,glitzy,
consumerist startegies.
Robin Laurence
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konkurents, sa ei ole ikka veel kommenteerimise mõttest aru saanud. kommenteeritakse ikka konkreetset artiklit, sinu kommentaarid on aga valdavalt teemast täiesti mööda. Samuti on su kommentaarid pikemad kui lugu ise, ka see on ebaviisakas. Samuti jätavad paljud järjestikused kommentaarid samalt autorilt viletsa ja ebastabiilse mulje.
Aga mis ma ikka õpetan, ega seda, kes ise ei taha, ei paranda niikuinii.

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...

After the holocaust,when approximately six million Jews were systemically exterminated,the United Nations pledged thet horror of that magnitude would never happen again.
But since WWII,genocide has been a terrifying reality in places like Cambodia,Bosnia and Rwanda.Here,bodies of Tutsi victims lie outside a church in Rukara,Rwanda.Hutu militias killed4,000 people seeking refuge here in May of 1984-it was one of the most violent acts of the Rwandan Genocide.

You have realize that we now live in a depoliticized,post-democratic era of generalized NIHILISM.

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Aga sina järjekindlalt kordad sama vana plaati...ja mitte kuidagi sa ei taha aru saada,et innojairja.blogspot.com on
Inno ja Irja kohvik...KOHVIK...
Kohvikus teatavasti ei pea kinni pidama kindlast jututeemast...ja minu komentaarid on ikka postituse teema lähedased sest minul assotsiatseeruvad sellised mõtted postituse sisuga millised parasjagu kirjutan...
Aga sina kapopede,ära jutusta siin ebaviisakusest kes sa ise röövisid maksumaksjate raha mille sa kantisid oma pangaarvele nimetades seda valimiskampaaniaks,parem mine püüa narkodiilereid ja tagasta maksumaksjate raha mis kulutati valimiste peale,ning taga,et selle raha eest likvideeritaks tööpuudus...
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Until now NIHILISM has been a theory,an abstraction...
the dark muse of poetry,philosophy and art.But now we are confronted with a NIHILISTIC moment that neither Turgenev nor Nietzsche could have prophesied:a global meltdown wrought by wars-on terror,on planet,on self.We are confronted with the moment when this experiment of ours on planet Earth meets its spectacular and terrifying end,when civilization reaches its summit and begins to trumble into permanent decline.This new breed of
APOCALYPTO-NIHILISM-falls far beyond the bounds of the deeply personal loss of meaning Nietzche warned of.This new kind NIHILISM degrades our very cosmic fiber,consuming not only our psyche,but the planet itself.And for this new,collective brand of NIHILISM,no philosophy has never been written,
no remedy ever prescribed.
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Anonüümne ütles ...

Konkurentsile...kui sa zeitgeisti fan oled, siis sa ei kirjutaks siia sellist jaburdust, et 6 miljonit juuti tapeti 2 maailmasõja ajal...see pole matemaatiliselt võimalik.
Lollid ahju!

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...

I see what I see and that is that.
I see wars,I see poverty,I see struggle.I see generation too spoiled to care and too arrogant to dig deep.
Democracy is dead and a new world order is colonizing our souls.Media chokes us,coerces us,makes us believe that being more than human is better than being.I see women desperately seeking perfection,enslaved by their magazine´s false ideals.She says too much of nothing.
I see selfishness.I see caricatures and parodies aspiring to become iconic.I see heat,Is see meat,I see vice.I see posers paddling in a media pool waxing lyrical about life,believing that they know.They know nothing.
They swim in style,adrift in champagne politics.
True,we live freely within a capitalist ethos of consumption.
True,we all work to live.That is life in all systems.
But I will not allow the future to be choked by the present.I will not tolerate a society that is all style and no substance.I will not permit my children to live in excess.
And I will speak until I am heard.

You say there is nothing to hope for.You say we are all headed for doom.You say democracy is dead and America is the devil,as you take another swig of your Jack daniel´s and Coke(ma nüüd ei tea kuidas seda peenkirja kirja panna aga selle Coke üleval ääres on väikses kirjas TM).
You say banks are evil.That they feed off our vanity and greed,making us clowns in a grotesque comedy.You say the West is dead,destroyed:no morality,no life...just shopping.Tell me,could you say that to the girl who is beaten with sticks for revealing a lock of hair? She cannot say anything.
You say everyone works for money out of egotism...that we all just pretend to care.You say our way of life spells the end of humanity,and that we know nothing of what we speak.You say we are enslaved by fashion;but so is every society,even tribesmen in the Serengeti.
You say it all because you have the luxury to complain.
True,we live in a capitalist system.True,we have become disconected from our political system and live in hyperconsumerist culture.
But I will not allow you to bring me down from my high.I will not let you judge me.
NIHILISM,SHMIHILISM.The freedom of negative expression maintains oppression.Think twice about pessimism-it keeps unwanted systems in existence.
Say something I haven´t heard before.

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See ei ole minu väide aga ajakirja
Adbuster oma.
Sa loe see tekst tervikuna läbi ja saa aru mõttest tervikuna mida sooviti edasi anda...
selles tekstis ju on oluliseks,et genotsiidid jätkuvad peale seda mil lubati teha lõpp genotsiididele...

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Tegelt,see vist ei ole Adbustersi väide...
Selle teksti taustaks on foto laipadega ja fotograaf on Paula Bronstein/Liason.
Ma veel ei tea mis on see Liason...
Küllap on üks infoallikas...
küllap Liasonist ongi pärit see väide...

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Nende kahe teksti NIHILISM ja OPTIMISM autoriks on
Stephanie Bailey.

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The Western mind operates mainly through channels of rationality and reason.Because we seem to have attained a status of virtual mastery over our environment,we have little interest in the more profound dimensions of that living environment:the limitless beings of nature and our potential relationship with those beings-beings we depend on for existence.Regarding the whole of humanity over our entire span of evolution upon this planet,however,the modern Western perspective may be the exeption to the general rule-an anomaly-or at least merely one perspective among the many that have served and enriched humanity through the millenia.Pre-Western views(which have also been termed "native,"
"indigenous" and"primitive")emphasize the faculties of ituition,sensation and feeling more potently by focusing on the interrelationship of human beings with the manifold natural world.Pre-Western prespectives also employ these faculties in discrening spiritual forces at play through this world of created forms,of living creatures whose life force they see as both mystery and blessing,and whose origins can only be imagined.
In his autobiography,
Lame Deer,Seeker of Visions,the
20th-century Native American Indian yuwipi,or shaman/healer,states,"The spirit is everywhere,Sometimes it shows itself through an animal,a bird or some trees and hills.Sometimes it speaks from the Bandlands,a stone or even from the water." In these paradigms of coexistence within the web of life,human beings take what they need,with a certain measure of piety,from the world of living creatures.
They also have particular,even religious,ways in which they give back to the earth,and so to the spiritual presences or realities which are intuitively felt to have expresed themselves through the earth.Therein lies a profound difference,which distinguishes the pre-Western from the Western
What modern civilization feeds the planet is essentially poison.Not only that,we are taking more and more and more through our constant"development" of land:
deforestation and mining.Although we tend to believe that we have evolved beyond the mentality and overall capacity of the
pre-Western mind-set,there is obviously much we can learn from rudimentary reflections upon its everyday practices.And though we trumpet the victory of reason and rational thinking over the "foolish and outdated"ways primitive cultures-with their superstitions,rituals and symbolic thinking-it is obvious that they still have some very important lessons to teach us.

Xander Stone

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Anonüümne ütles ...

17.40 ja 20.05 on minu commentid ja ma pole mingi kapopede!

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kell 18.54
komentaari kirjutanu on arvatatavasti
üks neist värdjatest kes vaatamata sellele,et on tõestatud parvlaeva Estonia massimõrv ikka järjekindlalt väidavad,et ei toimunud massimõrva...

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Mis sul siis viga on?
Kas sa ei mõista inglise keelt vää?
Loe tekstid läbi ja analüüsi...võrdle Eestis toimuvaga...jne. siis kui on soov arutleme...eks,ju...

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Ja pane tähele mil lõpuks saan kirjutatud need artiklid siis neist kõigist koorub välja vastus postituses tõstatatud küsimusele...

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Anonüümne ütles ...

loomad on lahti, loomad on lahti - vaja metsavahti, vaja metsavahti.

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Imagine that our global system disintegrates.Hunkered down in scattered pockets of survival,people desperately try to adapt to the savage new landscape:
scavening for bits of food and water and defending themselves against marauding bandits.Imagine the recriminations and the
finger-pointing as this dark age dawns...
the gut-wrenching autopsy of our murdered way of life.
What picture of blame would emerge? What were our fatal system errors and who among us was responsible for making them?
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Kapo avita! Me upume grafomaani plögasse!

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Culprit #1 would undoubtedly be the economists.How could this prolific class of scholars,
wreathed in medals and PhDs,have led us so far astray? How could they not see that every product in the global marketplace was valued incorrectly,and that every purchase pushed us deeper into the cosmic red? And how could they,like villagers with their backs to Vesuvius,simply keep counting the money while the end drew so ominously near?
Culprit #2 would be the unholy alliance of commercialism and communication,which transformed our information delivery systems into tools of mass merchandizing.Why did we allow a cavalry of marketing hits to assail our minds every minute of every day,each of them telling us the same lie:that to live is to consume and to consume is to live?
Culprit #3 would be the corporation,or rather the way we abdicated our reason and endowed it with legal rights of a human being.In doing so we created more than a person-we created a living monilith,stronger than any man and impervious to all assault.
A supreme being who,once animated,
could never,ever be stopped.
Now...imagine the power of three incidents of collective recognition.Three mass"aha!" moments in which we identify our fatal system errors and fix them,preemting the ultimate crash.
First we break the unholy alliance of commercialism and communication and clean up the toxic areas of our mental commons...then we design a global marketplace in which the price of every product tells the ecological truth...and,finally,we kill the corporate"I" and get capitalism bubbling from the bottom up again.Are we capable of such
meta-level systems tinkering?

-Kalle Lasn
Ta on ajakirja Adbuster peatoimetaja.

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Ära pritsi tatti,kui sa ei mõista mida panin kirja siis õpi inglise keel ära...kapo sind ei aita kuna sa oled loll kui lammas...
KAPO müüb narkotsi,tal pole aega sinusugustele õpetada inglise keelt...

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looks at the world from a certain distance and finds it meaningless.
He is scornful of the pretensions of liberal humanism with its metaphysical faith in progress,improvement and the perfectibility of humankind,beliefs that he claims are held with the same dogmatic assurance that Christianity was held in europe until the late 18th century.The passive NIHILIST concludes that we are simply animals,and rather nasty
agressive primates at that,
what we might call homo sapiens,rapacious animals.
Rather than acting in the world and trying to transform it,the passive nihilist simply focuses on himself,whether through discovering the inner child,manipulating pyramids,
writing pessimistic-sounding literary essays,taking up yoga,bird-watching or botany-as was the case with the aged Rousseau.In the face of the increasing brutality of reality,the passive nihilist tries to achieve a mystical stillness,calm contemplation:
"European Buddhism." In a world that is all too rapidly blowing itself to pieces,the passive nihilist closes his eyes and makes himself into an island.

also finds everything meaningless,but instead of sitting back and contemplating,he tries to destroy this world and bring another into being.The history of active nihilism is fascinating,and consideration of it would take us back into various utopian,
radical,political and even terrorist groups.We might begin this history with Charles Forier´s
utopian phalansteries of free love and leisure,before moving on to late19th-century anarchism in Russia and elsewhere,through to the Promethean activism of Lenin´s Bolshevism,Marinetti´s Futurism,
Maoism,Debord´s Situationism,the Red Army Faction in Germany,the Red Brigades in Italy,the Angry Brigade in England,
the Weather Underground in the
USA-without forgetting the sweet naivety of the Symbionese Liberation Army.
At the present time,however,the quintessence of active nihilism
is al-Qaeda,this covert and utterly postmodern,
rhizomatic quasi-
corporation outside of any state control.Al-Qaeda uses the technological resources of capitalist globalization-elaborate and coded forms of communication,the speed and fluidity of financial transactions,and obviously transportation-against that globalization.The explicit aim of the destruction of the World Trade Center was the initiation of a new series of religious wars.The sad truth is that aim has been hugely successful.The legitimating logic of al-Qaeda is that the modern world,the world of capitalism,
liberal democracy and secular humanism,is meaningless and that the only way to remake meaning is through acts of spectacular destruction.

-Simon Critchley,
Infinitely Demanding:
Ethics of Commitment,
Politics of Resistance.

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Elagu konkurents! käib kõrbes ja kohtab oinast.

"Kuule, oinas, ole hea ja ütle, kus siin vett on?" küsib Elagu konkurents!.

Oinas ei ütle midagi, läheb minema ja tuleb mõne aja pärast terve oinakarjaga tagasi.

"Oi kui tore!" rõõmustab Elagu konkurents!. "Sa tõid kohe terve karja kaasa, küllap mõni ikka teab, kus siin vett on."

"Kuule Elagu konkurents! - vesi veeks!" ütleb oinas. "Nüüd räägime hoopis sellest, kuidas sa mind oinaks sõimasid!"

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Ja nüüd on eellood läbi ja siit tuleb see artikkel:



Anyone presently employed within this giant glob of microchips,
paper,ink and transistor tubes commonly referred to as"the media" knows just how drastic the implications of the recession have become.
Snark blogs are aglow with schadenfreude that revels in the desperation spilling forth from the tweets of recent media redundancies.Network television,
magazines and newspapers are all under threat because the credit crisis has shaken loose the lynchpin that keeps commercial media afloat:advertising.
cheeseburger-wolfing consumers are spending less and are enjoying more free online content.That much we all know.As aresult,corporate ad budgets have been slashed,
setting off a line of collapsing dominoes that is triggering the implosion of mass media.
Soup kitchen lines are filling up with copywriters and journalists alike,and everybody is searching for an answer:a monetary messiah to deliver them from this catastrophe.Amid all the clamor,inflighting and vitriol,the following opinion was voiced:
"Advertising is failure."
An innocent,economically structured sentence comprised of two nouns and verb.But these words will elicit genuine response from even the most resolute,
square-jawed,Glenlivet-sipping adman.He might even let out an unscripted cringe,blush or scoff.
The sentence was articulated by none other than Jeff Jarvis,
blogger,Guardian columnist and revered media consultant,who qualified it by saying:"If you have a great product or service,customers sell for you...you don´t need to advertise."
Anyone emotionally invested in advertising will immediately discount the idea that"advertising is failure" as preposterous and asinine.But the logic of "advertising is failure" speaks not only to the quality of a consumer product but precisely to the crisis at hand:the more a media outlet is reliant on ad revenue,the more susceptible it is to failure.
But for many who work within the industry,advertising is not economy or media-specific.It shouldn´t yield to the ebb flow of the boom/bust cycle.It is a philosophical absolute,
a cultural imperative that corresponds to the very core of our being.But for the average Joe and Jane,it is a nuisance,a senseless annoyance and,arguably,
one of the key contributors to the financial meltdown.
So what if Jarvis's statement is more pertinent than it is provocative? What if advertising does,at its core,represent some sort of structual failure?
In order to answer this question we need to understand how mass media came to depend on advertising and how we,as citizens of capitalist democracies,came to accept the amount of advertising we consume today as normal.
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Hea huumor on alati teretulnud,
aitäh hea nalja eest...

Tõde lõikab läbi kõik valed nagu nuga läbi või...
Valedele ehitatud kaardilossi lükkab ümber kerge tuueliil (kommenteerimine,tõe väljaütlemine) vaatamata sellele,et seda valvavad 5000 oinast(kapopede)...
Kurjad inimesed vajavad pimedust,et teostada omi päevavalgust kartvaid tegusid...
üks ainus päikesekiir(arvamuste avaldamine,vestlused,arutelud) hävitab nende võimu...
Vestlused,arutelud,diskussioonid hävitavad kurjuse impeeriumi vaatamata sellele kui palju on kurjuse impeeriumil raha ja võimu...

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Modern advertising is primarily an American invention that got its start in early 18th-century newspapers.The first print ads were placed in dailies like the Boston News-Letter and the Virginia Gazette.The ads were typically text,although some were accompanied by illustrations.The standard ad listed information about new products,property sales or descriptions of runaway slaves and reward details.
It wasn´t until after WWI that the ad industry came into its own.
Following the collapse of
19th-century empires,a progressive middle-class began to emerge across the new America.New products were beginning to appear in the marketplace,and a new medium was needed in order to distinguish brands from one and other.Consumerism was a fresh phenomenon.The consumer,pockets flush with money,happily embraced the dawn of modernity and the conviences of mass consumption.
By the mid-1920s agency copywriters had already figured out how to appeal to the more psychologically complex aspects of consumer choice:print ads began to prey on the individual´s fear of social failure,and radio announcers told tales of how their competitor´s products would lead to illness.Unchecked by any sort of regulatory body,advertising agencies had the freedom to pitch whatever worked best.Over the span of just a few years,advertisers succesfully convinced the great unwashed to brush their teeth regularly,rinse with mouthwash and smoke as many cigarettes as humanly possible
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The business community was the first to acknowledge advertising effectiveness,and the industry experienced unprecedented growth.Billboards were erected en masse,and print media was flooded with spurious claims,poetic copy and outlandish promises.The American adman became the vanguard of modernity,molding popular taste and defining trends,as skyskrapers were rapidly erected around his chiseled vision of mass consumption.
Unverified and often absurd pseudoscience became norm.The Lucky Strike Dance Orcestra was the hottest pop-music radio show on the planet,and everybody cheerfully lit up to celebrate the good times.Coca-Cola,previously marketed as medicinal elixir,began promoting as a "fun food."
The economy was booming,and ad agency media purchases allowed magazines,newspapers and radio stations to expand their audience and,in turn,deliver larger markets to advertisers.It was the beginning of a symbiotic relationship between advertising and media.
These were the halcyon days of the American oligarhy,when business interests trumped all facets of communications and government.
Indepted to ad revenue,the new media was quick to adopt the values of the corporations they promoted.But as more ads started to pop up,marketing a wide variety of superfluous products under terms ranging from vague to vulgar,a grassroots
anti-advertising movement began to percolate across the nation.
Adverstising was,after all,still a novel force in the public consciousness.
In 1927 Your Money´s Worth:
A Study in the Waste of the Consumer´s Dollar by Stuart Chase and F.J.Schlink became a bestseller within weeks of publication.
The authors´take on the nature of advesrising sent shock-waves of alarm through the burgeoning adverstising establishment.
"Consider the sheer superfluity of certain kinds of goods which this forcing of turnover entails.We are deluged with things we do not wear,which we lose,which go out of style,which disappear anyhow-fountain pens,cigar lighters,cheap jewelry,patent pencils,mouth washes,key rings,Mahjong sets,
automobile accessories-endless
jiggers and doodads and contrivances.Here the advertiser plays on the essential monkey within us,and uses up mountains of good iron ore and countless sturdy horse power to fill-a few months later-the wagon of the junk man."
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On the eve of the 1929 stock market crash,ad spending had inflated up to three-and-a-half billion dollars per year,cementing the adman´s place as the morning of Black Tuesday,as police began to clean up the freshly-splattered corpses wrought by the panic of economic collapse,the adman´s fortunes took a profound turn for the worse.
The crash triggered and abrupt decline across the board and the industry lost more than half its revenue by 1933.The crash also served to catalyze the emerging anti-advertising movement.Thinkers like Chase and Schlink developed a scientific approach to combating deceptive advertising and urged the public and government to take a critical stance against the promotion of overconsumption.
Militant consumer organizations sprang up,and people from all walks of life came together and formed a broad voice to contest Wall Street and Madison Avenue´s collective failure.
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Around the same time,Dell publishing launched Ballyhoo magazine,which lampooned the gaudy and obnoxious nature of the roaring´20s advertising style.
The first issue of Ballyhoo,which contained no ads,sold 120,000 copies in just two days.The parody mag reached a circulation of
one-and-half million within its first five months.Conciding with the popular outrage toward America´s ad nauseam,Ballyhoo made a mockery of the industry and its shill.
A deepening public distrust,
coupled with the fear that advertising had become nothing more than a big joke to the average consumer,compelled industry leaders to lash out at its critics.Ad execs mobilized expensive PR campaigns and accused the movemet´s key figures of being communist and anti-American.The debate raged throughout the depression,culminating in the passing of laws such as the Wheeler-Lea Act,which limited the amount of deception an agency could inject into its ad spots.
The industry´s public image was in tatters,and the adman´s ability to persuade had been significantly subverted.It seemed as if it was only going to get worse,but then out of thin air,a stroke of luck;The Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor thrust America into World War II.The downtrodden suits of Madison Avenue saw nothing but a silver lining to the dark clouds that surrounded the Hawaiian islands.
Strategy-minded admen capitalised on the war as an opportunity to market their industry as for good to both the government and the public.Agency heads argued that advertising was a "keystone of American values" and that any attacks leveled against it were synonymoys with enemy sentiment.
The war wasn´t just a battle between the Axis and Allies,it encapsulated a boarder struggle between totalitarianism and
all-American free enterprise.
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Immediately after the US joined the war,leading agencies grouped together and offered their services,free of charge,to the domestic information program.The War Advertising Council was created in March
of 1942,and the agencies involved contributed more than 100 campaigns to the war effort at an estimated cost of one billion dollars.Posters depicting consumer splendor were stripped down and replaced with paranoid and patriotic pleas for money and stern requests for hard work and self-control on behalf of the nation.
Slogans like"Rationing Gives You Yours Fair Share" and "To Dress Extravagantly In War Time is Unpatriotic" dotted city streets.A medium that just a year before had become a laughing stock was now the primary condifer of moral behavior.
And with that anti-advertising movement was sabotaged and rendered anti-American.The Marlboro smoking GI had defeated the face of evil,and through the destruction of their enemies,America embraced the
pro-corporate "brand America" peddled to the public by the same minds who sold them their war bonds.Through four years of effective propaganda campaigning,agency luminaries were able to position their medium as an acceptable form of persuasion,and anyone who contested its legitimacy was labeled pinko scum.
The last major attempt to derail the advancement of advertising´s predominance was made by former adman turned academic
William Benton in 1945.
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Benton proposed that the Federal Communications Comission(FCC)establish a number of
ad-free,subscription-based radio stations to compete with ad-funded commercial stations.He argued that advertising was destroying the quality of on-air content and that this would be more in tune with the American spirit of competition.
Benton´s proposal was denounced by the likes of the New York Times,
NBC and CBS who alleged that it was "undemocratic".The proposal,
however,was withdrawn before it could be approved,as Benton accepted the position of assistant secretary of state with the US government.Admen everywhere breathed a sigh of relief.
The era from 1945 onwards came to be known as "the golden age of advertising".Upon repatriation,
the battle-weathered GI-always with a smoke in hand,was transformed into Leo Burnett´s Marlboro Man-a big idea straight from the subconscious of the Old West.Patriotic and masculine,the iconic cowboy with a longhorn hanging from his lip was plastered onto billboards far and wide across the consumer toward utopia on a highway no end.
By 1964,just 19 years after the Nazis disbanded,Hitler´s Volkswagen became a hit with the hip,free-wheeling youth,thanks to a minimalist campaign that presented the"people´s car" as a revolutionary vehicle for a new generation of automobile consumers.
Ad agencies had mastered the ability to sell the American consumer products that they had never heard of and no real need for.This was the cunning genius of advertising.In the words of
David Ogilvy,perhaps the most successful adman of all time:
"I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form,but as a medium of information.When I write an advertisement,I don´t want you to tell me that you find it´creative´.
I want you to find it so interesting that you buy the product."
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And buy the product we did.The jaws of western civilization became unhinged and with advertising defining our desires,we let four decades of plastic-wrapped "new" slide down our collective gullet.
From Cool Whip to custom cheeseburgers,Ogilvly´s philosophy of the "big idea"- and its myriad bastardizations-served as the blueprint for the mechanisms our
entire socio-economic machinery grew to depend on.
That is,unfil it failed...again.
Like an unsavory remake of a classic Hollywood blockbuster,the drama of 1929 is being rerun right before our eyes:Main Street is broke,Wall Street is the villain,and Madison Avenue is in crisis.
But here´s the twist:in 1929 mass media and its off-shoot,the mass market,were just coming into existence.In 2009 we´re seeing the first major signals of their collapse.
In new media environment,the consumer is bound by nothing and controls everything.We´ve crept out of the living room-away from the creature comforts of
four-channel nuclear families,
vacuum tubes and TV dinners-into the vast,dark wilderness of the Internet.We´ve become roving vagabonds and pirates who create media just as easily as we consume and dispense with it.
The anti-advertising hostility that broke out during the depression has re-emerged,this time as a passive dismissal.
Rather than spending thousands of hours working to form a grassroots revolution,all we need now is a simple wave of the hand or a twitch of the finger to negate the pervasive gawp of the ad biz.
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This is a direct assault on the power of advertising,which is rooted in force and persuasion.In the past,if you wanted to consume media you were forced to deal with advertising´s attempts to persuade.But as cities begin to shed their billboards in favor of cleaner aesthetics
(Sao Paulo,Xi´An,Quebec City),and we move from ad-saturated commercial media to the laptop,attempts at coercin are in vain.Unlike the television viewer,the Internet user has been conditioned to distrust online advertising from the beginning,due to its association with viruses and overall desktop dysfunction.
Not only have these shifts in how we consume media undermined the effectiveness of advertising,the industry itself has given up on its traditional models in pursuit of an abstract preoccupation with"creativity".
While the word"creative" has long served as advertising rhetoric,it wasn´t until recently that the industry´s ability to self-promote eclipsed its natural repellant,and ad agencies became desirable employers for young creatives.
George Orwell once said,"advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket." But due to the work of agencies like Wieden+Kennedy or Crispin Porter+Bogusky(CP+B),such statements simply don´t speak to today´s creative twentysomethings,
who see advertising as a pure venue for their ability.
But creativity is not a force that you can use to schlep superfluous objects to uninterested consumers-that requires repetition,
perusasion and the power of mass media.True creativity always,without exeption,seek to destroy the mediums they work within.
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With the influx of creatives into the industry,agencies have opened their doors to an intellectual insurgency,every innovation pushing the medium closer to the edge.This is the essence of
Joseph Schumpeter´s "creative destruction" save one critical difference:rather than supplanting outdated companies,the creative destructionists of advertising will force their medium into oblivion.This is the birth of advertising´s Dada era.
If Ogivly were alive,he would surely be cursing today´s creatives as NIHILISTS:young turks hell-bant on annihilating the nobility of a medium that defined consumer civilization for the greater part of the last century.They are NIHILISTIC not only because they seek to destroy
the meaning of advertising need not be a force of repetiton,that it can bring about popularity through quality content alone.
These"pop-nihilists"don´t want to sell boring shit to an emaciated class of brain-dead plebs-they want to create engaging content that inspires dialog between individuals and the brands they connect with,and they want to do it an interesting,artful manner that doesn´t insult your inteligence.
While this position overlooks the inane bleakness of what"brand dialog" says about those who engage in it and the inherently destructive nature of consumer capitalism,it is nonetheless an abrupt departure from advertising´s traditional function:repetitive persuasion.And this is where the scruffy,
blog-brained twentysomething creative begins to take on the profile of a saboteur.
Radical creatives who have entered the industry within the last few years tend to have little or no faith in the viability of"BDAs"(big dumb agencies).
They view the established order as antiquated and staffed by frauds and has-beens,old-media curmudgeons who still watch television and don´t take the remix revolution seriously.
They acknowledge that advertising has been outmoded by Google,PR, and social media and is now becoming irrelevant to both the client and the consumer.
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Jumal, olles loonud Aadama, vaatas, et see pole mitte hea, et inimene üksi on. Ja Jumal lõi Aadamale kaaslase - Eeva. Lugu pärineb eelkristlikust ajast, kuid sisaldab eneses inimese jaoks ajatut tõde - inimene pole loodud olema ja elama üksi ja eraldatuses.

Suhted selle suure maailmaga on eeskätt elamine inimsuhetes. Oleme kõik sündinud inimesest ja saanud inimeseks just ja ainult tänu neile suhetele. Ema, isa, vend, õde on esimesed, keda oma eluteel kohtame. Ja esimene suhe on just inimsuhe - sisuline armastussuhe nendega. Väikelapse eest ju hoolitsetakse ja teda hoitakse armastusega. Ja seda tingimusetult. Ja iga ilmasündinu õpib talle osaks saanud armastuse ja hoole läbi ka ise armastama ja hoolt kandma.

Füüsiline sünd pole aga ainus sünd. Inimene sünnib ka teist korda - see on sündimine Jumala vaimse lapsena, sündimine taevast Isa omava inimesena. Teadmine ja veendumus, et meil on kõigil üks taevane Isa muudab meid kõiki omavahel vaimselt vendadeks ja õdedeks, ühe suure pere lasteks.

Läbi Jeesuse ilmutuse ja õpetuse oleme saanud sotsiaalseteks olenditeks selle sügavaimas - vaimses tähenduses. Oleme vaimus üks ja üks ka oma staatuses Jumala kui meie Isa ees. Ning selline staatus pole mitte vaid pelk äratundmine, rõõm leida vend või õde, üksinduse ja eraldatuse ületamine. Jumala kui Isa laps olla tähendab võtta enesele rohkem kanda kui teadmine, et ollakse võrdse staatuses võrdsete seas. Olla kristlane ühiskonnas tähendab eeskätt omada kohustusi ja vastutust.

Pühal Õhtusöömaajal andis Jeesus teoga eeskuju, kuidas me peame oma ligimese eest hoolitsema. Just ligimese eest, sest me ei saa Jumalale kui Isale anda midagi, mida tal ei oleks - me ei saa täiuslikku muuta veel täiuslikumaks. See on analoogne maise perega - kuidas saaks väikelaps oma vanematele anda midagi, mida nad ise enestele anda ei saaks?

Ometi - selle väikelapse suurim and ja annetus oma vanematele oleks saada samasuguseks hoolivaks ja armastavaks nagu on tema vanemad. Ja näidata üles samasugust hoolivust ja armastust oma vendade ja õdede suhtes nagu sai talle enesele osaks oma maiste vanemate poolt. See oleks väikemehe suurim ja parim kink vanematele. Kristlane ongi selline “väikemees” oma Isa ees ja ühiskonna suhtes. Just oma vendadele ja õdedele tehtu on mõõduks, mis mõõdab Isa silmis ära inimese vaimse ea, sotsiaalse arengu ja küpsuse.

Halb on teha halba, hea on teha head - kui lihtne on see tõde! Siisiki - see on õige, aga veel lapselik mõtlemine. Kristlane - ühiskonna suhtes täiskasvanu - ei tee maailmale häid tegusid vaid oma lapselikust rõõmust ja egoistlikust soovist ise ja ennast hästi tunda või Isa silmis õige näida.

Kristlane kui vaimselt täiskasvanu tunnetab alati lisaks oma ehedale ja tõesti lapselikule rõõmule teha head ka oma vastavat kohustust, enamgi - oma vastutust kaasinimeste eest. Ja meie kaasinimesed - see on ühiskond tervikuna, vahet tegemata, kas seal on omad või võõrad, on need “meie” või “nemad”. Olla kristlane ja olla üksi, eraldatud, ära ja eemal tähendab jätta ühiskonna ja kaasinimeste suhtes oma kohustused täitmata, oma vastutus võtmata.

Ma ei tahaks siin peatuda nendel lugematutel vormidel, milles kristlane võib oma sotsiaalset kohustust realiseerida ja vastutust kanda. Elu annab igale meist oma, ja pole, et kohustusi ja vastutust kellelegi ei jätkuks või ei leiduks viisi, kuidas neid enesele võtta.

Olulisem näib mulle siinkohal kristlaseks olemise mõtte ja sisu avamine ühiskonnas - see on olemine ja elamine teenimises, just oma kaasinimeste teenimises. Sest kaheldamatult Isa rõõmustab, kui näeb oma poja silmis austust, lugupidamist, kuulekust oma nõuete suhtes. Kuid ma olen veendunud, et Isa rõõm on veelgi suurem kui ta näeb oma poega hoolitsemas oma vendade ja õdede eest - neid teenimas nagu Isa ise teenib inimest.

Siis võib Isa süda olla rahul - seeme, mille ta on oma pojasse istutanud on hakanud ka vilja kandma ja sellist poega võib usaldada ja talle kätte anda tema pärandiosa - selline poeg ei lähe sellega laia ilma ega raiska seda vaid omaenese tühiseks lõbuks.

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In an age where we can instantly access the resources we need,attempts by advertisers to obnoxiously force brand presence into our lives comes off as desperation tactic.
This abrupt shift in thinking has caused ad agencies to divide
along demographic lines-those favoring the mass market and traditional client service,
versus progressive creative agencies that embrace chaos.The former will die a death
of natural causes,going the way of the Betamax,becoming little more than landfill like the walkmen
and Furbies of yore.On the other hand,the creatives will segue
into a situation that can best be described as cannibalistic.
Case in point:recent Burger King campaigns by industry leader CP+B.The firm has executed a string of inflammatory television and web spots involving Burger King that has caused an uproar within the blogosphere and traditional newsmedia,generating
millions of dollars of free
PR for their client.
One such campaign,"Whopper Sacrifice"-in which Facebook
users were rewarded a free Whopper for deleting ten friends from their account,has been the most precise incidence of "pop nihilism" to date.The underlying premise of the campaign was that the majority of one´s relationships are expendable,the Whopper serving as a material excuse to manifest this belief.
The Whopper´s presence in the campaign was purely symbolic.The true appeal of the sacrifice was not the faux-nourishment of a hamburger,but for participants to relish in the misantropic destruction of the social contract.
These campaigns are intentionally polemic-eliciting disgust in many,while others feel compelled to come to their defence.CP+B have torn a page right out of Ballyhoo in the sense that they aren´t selling hamburgers,they are selling the spectable of advertising´s demise.Agencies who take this route and profit from its fleeting popularity will go down in history as advertising´s robber barons,those who cashed in on the medium´s social capital before it went
bankrupt-signifying the moment advertising realized its own mortality and began to eat itself.
As the industry nears its 100,000
post-recession layoff,dragging newspapers,magazines and television down with it,it´s become apparent that selling ad space is an unsustainable revenue model for media as a whole.It is from the chaos of this moment that the realtionship between content and capital will be defined for generations to come.Either quality content and valuable journalism will prevail,or a failing ad industry will survive by cannibalizing faltering media outlets:pitting the sponsored versus the authentic in a deathmatch for attention,
relevance and the almighty dollar.

Douglas Haddow works as freelance writer and creative consultant in Vancouver,BC.He worked in advertising when he was in his
mid-twenties but realized he liked to sleep in.
He is now in his mid-to-late twenties and blogs at PBLKS.com

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Ja siit jõuame tänasesse päeva ja mida me näeme?
240 miljonit maksumaksjate raha kanditakse maffia pangaarvele ja pööblile räägitakse,et seda raha kulutatakse valimiskampaaniaks...
240 miljoni krooni eest saab rajada õige mitu ettevõtet ja anda tööd tuhandetele...oleks saanud lahendatud töötuse probleemi...aga
Eesti Vabariigi riigiorganite maffia ei soovi likvideerida tööpuudust...nemad parem ostavad endile eralennukeid...

Nõmme raadio fänn
Elagu konkurents!

Anonüümne ütles ...

Miks küll see blogi tõmbab ligi hulle nagu kärbsepaber putukaid...? NB! Ja "majandusajakirjanik" Innokese eriti süvitsiminev uurimistöö ei näi kohe mitte kedagi huvitavat....

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...

Mida sa hommiku vara pritsid tatti!!! Kas tööpäev algas pihta ja sinu tööks ongi vaid tati pritsimine igas kommentaariumis?
Loe parem kommentaarid läbi ja süvene asjasse ja siis räägime edasi...

Nõmme raadio fänn
Elagu konkurents!

Inno ütles ...

Elagu konkurents, teeme sellise kokkuleppe, et kirjutad mõnda aega 1 (ÜHE) kommentaari sissekande juurde. Muidu olen sunnitud kommid uuesti kinni panema.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Päeva pommuudis: Inno kavatseb sulgeda Konkurentsi Kommivabriku!

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...

Milles asi?
Mis sind vaevab?
Miks võtsid vastu sellise otsuse?
Siis kui avasid kommenaariumi sa lubasid mul kirjutada nii pikki kommentaare kuis süda ihkab...
ja miks nüüd äkki sa otsustasid piirata kommentaaride arvu ?
Ma ei saa aru...
Piiratud maailmas asub väike riik milles on piiratud eestike ja selles piiratud eestikeses on ainus enam-vähem normaalne blogike ja selles kommentaarid on piiratud...ja nüüd ma pean piirama oma kommentaaride arvu??!!
Kas sa Inno said kaikaga vastu pead vää?
Vaata Borati uut filmi Brüno ja siis ehk saad aru kui nõmedas
maailmas me elame ja selles väikses külakeses mille nimeks on Eestimaa on see mõtte piiratus eriti levinud...
Eestit iseloomustab kõikse enam pehmeks taotud ajudega poksijate kultuuritus...kogu elu eestis on allutatud pehmeks taotud ajudega poksijate mõju alla...
Mul on kahju sinust Inno,et võtsid vastu sellise otsuse...
Ma või sinust ka aru saada...sa elad mädasoos mille nimeks on Eesti ja sa ei saa ju palju erineda ümbritsevast muidu süüakse sind ära...
Kui sa Inno ei saanud aru kui madalalaubalise otsuse sa langetasid siis vaata filmi juutjuubist:"The Zeitgeist Movement:Orientation Presentation".

Nõmme raadio fänn
kes situb pähe kapole

Elagu konkurents!

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...

Inno,teeme sellise kokkuleppe,et kirjutad mõnda aega 1(ÜHE) sissekande kuus...)))
Muidu ma olen sunnitud lõpetama kommenteerimise...)))

Teie blogi nimetuseks on
Inno ja Irja kohvik...
Kohvik on ju vestluspaik...
Ma sain aru,et Inno ja Irja kohvik on omamoodi suhtlusportaal...Kui mu mälu ei peta siis kui te võtsite blogile selle nimetuse siis ise mainistite,et sellest saab omapärane suhtlusportaaal...
Mina sain aru,et sa oled sõnavabaduse lipulaev aga näed sa
tuled hoopiski piirama...