reede, 19. märts 2010

Kohvikule saabub inffi Rein Langi kohta: kuidas Lang autot ostis

Näiteks selline:

Aastal 94 v 95 ostis Lang omale Soomest auto ning tollis maksude deklareerimisel viskas paks jala üle põleve ning teatas: "Olen Rein Lang - Kuku raadio omanik, miks mina pean makse maksma?"

Lang on kogu kuuekümnendate komsomolipõlvkonna sümbol, mida iseloomustavad joodik-intelligentsi maneerid, segatuna tõusik-prole labasuse ja harimatusega, millele lisandub kompensatoorse vajadusena haiglane eneseimetlus. Vrd M. Raud

6 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

Rein Lang's Birthday Bash

Imagine you are the justice minister of a right-leaning government in northern Europe that was once upon a time occupied by the Third Reich, like, say Lene Espersen of Denmark. How would you celebrate your birthday? Would you do it by attending a private performance of a play called "Adolf" and tell your friends to dress like they would in a 1930s beer cellar in Munich?

That's what Rein Lang did last week, and he so far has not expressed any acknowledgement of poor taste in the matter, let alone considered stepping down. Instead he's dismissed the event as a private matter, even though a predecessor of his, Jaak Jõeruut resigned after someone in his ministry wore a shirt that said "kommarid ahju" (communists into the oven).

Some say that Jõeruut's resignation was more of an excuse to get out of his position and into one he prefered. Maybe most resignations are like that. Still, despite the international political overtones -- Russia routinely accuses Estonia of fascist sympathies -- you have to wonder, what the hell was Lang thinking, and maybe it's time for a little more damage control.

Rein Lang, like Ansip, would never step down, especially when his main critic is Öine Vahtkond (the Russian-state supported Night Vigil). But if Prince Harry had to apologize for his costume party, then perhaps a justice minister of a EU country might seek to address any misgivings about his 50th birthday party bash.

Anonüümne ütles ...

aga sina innu ei ole enda elu jooksul jõudnud osta ühtegi autot...

Irja ütles ...

on küll, jeep wrangleri :)

Anonüümne ütles ...

ja lisaks jeepi ostule on jõudnud ka linnari pliiatsikujulist imeda!

Anonüümne ütles ...

Inno pole just minu maitse kullakesed.


Anonüümne ütles ...

Seekord oli diagnoos reichmarssali isku kohapealt täpne ja täiuslik. Tegelikult on sellised kagebee-lasteaia kasvandikud ühed ilgeimad limukad, kellega inimesel reaalses elus kokku tuleb puutuda. Sellist ei lubaks isegi mitte oma välipeldikusse, sest ta määrib sita ära.