neljapäev, 18. märts 2010


Justiitsminister Rein Lang (paremal) täna Eesti Raadio I stuudios kuulamas, kuidas Eesti Ekspressi peatoimetaja Priit Hõbemägi kommenteerib nn Langi eelnõud, mis piirab ajakirjandusvabadust. Laua taga istuvad (vasemalt) ajakirjanike liidu liikmed Varje Sootak ja Ebba Rääts.

25 kommentaari:

Unknown ütles ...

kurat, mul käib see Langi pidev irevil nägu pinda

Anonüümne ütles ...

oi, kuidas ma seda paksu-enese rahuloluga värdjat rein langi vihkan.
iga päev palun jumalat, et ta raibe ära sureks.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Miks ta neid prille nina peal kannab, tal pole ju silmad haiged!

Dr. House

Anonüümne ütles ...

nina on lihcalt rasvane ja prillid libisevad niikaua kuni takistus (ninaots) segab edasise libisemise
ära. Idioodid, kes selle paksu poolt hääle annavad.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Kes ei austa Langi, see pannakse vangi!


Anonüümne ütles ...

Juhin taas tähelepanu asjaolule, mis taas ilmnes. Nimelt kui tundlikud on reformikommarid ja ka isamaalitslased avalikkuse tähelepanu vastu. Miks Ansip & Co nii tõmblesid valgete esilehtede pärast? Vastus on väga lihtne - see asi jõudis välismeediasse. Kui need koerad midagi kardavad, siis just seda.

Anonüümne ütles ...

punapenid lang ja näksip vangi!

Anonüümne ütles ...

tv3 tänases ekspressis sõimas Mihkel muuseas ka Tähismaasid!

Jüri Pihk

Anonüümne ütles ...

Pistke Sea-Eedik vangi, sellest rasvasemat emist pole olemas, lang kõhna poiss tema kõrval, tainapead.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Lang vahib just sellise näoga et: "noh, poiss, tee nalja!"

ein Mensch ütles ...

"Filantroop" Bill Gates tunnistab avalikult vaktsineerimiste ja meditsiini abil inimkonna vähendamist!

See on uus Wannsee konverents kõigile otse näkku!

ein Mensch ütles ...

"Filantroop" Bill Gates tunnistab avalikult vaktsineerimiste ja meditsiini abil inimkonna vähendamist!

See on uus Wannsee konverents kõigile otse näkku!

Anonüümne ütles ...

Seltsimees Langovits on tegija!

Sm. Beria ütles ...

1.Esimene meedia suukorvistaja oli ja on Mart Laar.Ta 1992 aasta sügisel keelas Eesti meedial kajastada tollaseid sündmusi kus peterburi maffia ärastas Eesti julgeoleku.
Mart Laar jättis välja kuulutamata sõjaolukorra ja üldmobilisatsiooni.
Küllap ta sai tibla maffialt hamba peale ja sai sest rahulduse,sellest talle piisas...
2.Kui sellisele omadega persses meediale veel omakorda suukorv pähe panna siis on ju puha putsis:
Kes valetab kas Nõmme raadio või Delfi või Ekspress või Tiit Made?
saates räägiti,et venemaa plaanib meie vastu sõjalist rünnet...

4.Tiit Made- ütles ...

Rein Langi anonüümsed kommentaarid:

Rein Langi kommentaarid:
29 jaanuar 2010 17:00
29 jaanuar 2010 19:31
29 jaanuar 2010 21:23
30 jaanuar 2010 1:41
30 jaanuar 2010 20:44

Urrodest-Türjadest nüüd küll millegi loojat ei ole.
Toppige rusikat perse edasi.
29 jaanuar 2010 17:00

Ja kuidas suhtub Irja sellesse, et Inno pihku lüües endale rusikas aanusesse üritab suruda? Millele Inno pihkulöömise ajal mõtleb?
29 jaanuar 2010 19:31

Irja, Inno perssest näppu välja võttes tuleb see puhtaks lakkuda, enne kui klahve puudutada, lähvad haisema.

29 jaanuar 2010 21:23

Oivalised Koivalised...
Inno, kas Sa kana oled keppinud?
Lükkad kanale taha, siis lõikad pea maha ja hoiad tiibadest kinni niikaua kuni ta surmaagooniatõmblemised Sul paugu lahti teevad! Siis lased kana lahti ja ta lendab Su eoslastega minema ka veel...vaata, et hiljem alimente nõudma ei hakka!

30 jaanuar 2010 1:41

Anonüümne ütles...

Psühholoog soovitas meie voodielu vürtsitada millegi erilisega, kuna oleme Innoga palju pornot vaadanud, oli mul midagi uut ja erilist leida raske, lõpuks valisin väljaheitemängud, sõin enne Inno tulekut korralikult hernesuppi ja pärast ootasin voodis, kuni ta kergelt uinuma hakkab, sättisin tagumiku valmis ja alustasin...Innole väga meeldis, mulle ka!

30 jaanuar 2010 20:44 ütles ...

BBC news
News - Breaking News
Thursday, Mar. 18, 2010

Read more:

BBC news
News - Breaking News
Thursday, Mar. 18, 2010

BBC news
News - Breaking News
Thursday, Mar. 18, 2010

BBC news
News - Breaking News
Thursday, Mar. 18, 2010 ütles ...

Nissan Leaf Electric Car to be Made in the UK
Very poor! Poor Moderate Good Great Pulitzer!
Nissan Leaf Electric Car to be Made in the UK

Japanese car manufacturer Nissan announced today that it would build its new energy efficient electric car, the Nissan Leaf, in the UK.

The decision represents an investment of some £420 million ($642 million) from Nissan in electric vehicles which will be spent in the UK.

The company had already made a pledge to invest around £178 million ($273 million) in a new manufacturing plant in Sunderland, in the north-east of England. The plant will be responsible for making the Nissan Leaf batteries, but with the investment more than doubling, the Sunderland factory will now produce the car in its entirety.

The Nissan Leaf was a big feature of the Washington Auto Show last month, and the vehicle has been praised for its eco-friendly virtues. It won Green Car Journal’s 2010 Green Car Vision Award recently, for satisfying all the needs of a modern driver, whilst at the same time producing zero localised emissions and requiring no petrol.

Bringing the Nissan Leaf to the UK is “good news” for Sunderland according to Nissan’s European Senior Vice President Trevor Mann, as the agreement will safeguard 4,000 local jobs as well as creating an additional 350 jobs to manufacture the lithium ion batteries.

Government ministers backed the move by Nissan. Speaking to the BBC, Lord Mandelson said: “By working together we can achieve our aim of making the UK a world-leader in ultra-low carbon vehicles.”

When the Leaf begins production in 2013, the company plans to roll out 50,000 vehicles a year. Nissan is committed to new fuel efficient green cars, expecting the market to fill 10 per cent of the auto industry by 2020.

Companies news posted by Carla Windsor 15 hours ago

Stock Tickers: NISSAN ütles ...

918 Spyder is Porsche’s First Ever Plug In Hybrid Electric Car

918 Spyder is Porsche’s First Ever Plug In Hybrid Electric Car
by Yuka Yoneda, 03/02/10

918 spyder, porsche, plug in hybrid, hybrid car, ev, electric vehicle, electric car, hybrid car, geneva auto show,
Photos via Autoblog

Porsche recently blew everyone at the Geneva Auto Show out of the water with their freshly unveiled electric concept car – their first plug-in hybrid ever. Dubbed the 918 Spyder, this stealthy-looking ride is a parallel hybrid just like the Prius – well, except much, much sexier. It also supposedly gets 78 miles per gallon, has emissions of 70g CO2/km, can go 16 miles on electric charge alone, and does 0-60 in just 3.2 seconds. Oh and did we mention that it’s drop-dead gorgeous too?

918 spyder, porsche, plug in hybrid, hybrid car, ev, electric vehicle, electric car, hybrid car, geneva auto show,

The mid-engined two seater is powered by both a 500-horsepower V8 and two electric motors that produce an additional 218 horsepower. According to Porsche, the 918 Spyder also has four different modes of power delivery:

“A button on the steering wheel allows the driver to choose among four different running modes: The E-Drive mode is for running the car under electric power alone, with a range of up to 25 km or 16 miles. In the Hybrid mode, the 918 Spyder uses both the electric motors and the combustion engine as a function of driving conditions and requirements, offering a range from particularly fuel-efficient all the way to extra-powerful.”

While the 918 Spyder is still a concept, the fact that Porsche is considering releasing a plug-in hybrid is a pretty big deal. Plus, as Brian Merchant of Treehugger points out, the car company has never made a concept car that it didn’t later bring into production. We definitely think Porsche is bringing the sexy back into green with the 918 and hope to see it in the showrooms soon. ütles ...

Geneva 2010: Porsche 918 Spyder Concept World Premiere

Porsche has just unveiled a stunning new concept, that in true Porsche fashion is even more technologically advanced that it is impressive to behold. Called the 918 Spyder concept, it’s a plug-in hybrid that the automaker claims can achieve 78 mpg in one mode, while being able to run a Nürburgring lap time in under 7 minutes, 30 seconds. Yup, faster than a Carrera GT.

The hybrid drivetrain works somewhat like a traditional two-mode hybrid, using a gasoline engine, electric motors (two of them) and a lithium-ion battery pack. What makes it so special, however, is that the gasoline engine is a 3.4-liter 500-hp V8 derived from the Porsche RS Spyder race cars and the electric motors (one of each rear wheel) make a combined 218-hp. The gasoline engine powers the rear wheels, while the electric motors work on the front two wheels. Porsche claims a 0-62 mph time of just 3.2 seconds with a top speed of 198-mph. Possibly more amazing, however, is this concept’s capability to achieve 78 mpg.

With all those electronics weighing quite a bit, the 918 Spyder uses extreme measures to keep weight to a minimum. As a result, the car gets a carbon fiber monocoque and extensive use of aluminum and titanium, for a total weight of 3,285 lbs.

Porsche has equipped the car with four driving modes, ranging from the most efficient at saving fuel, to the most efficient at saving gas. A pure electric E-Drive mode delivers 16 miles of emissions free driving, while a Hybrid model operates like a traditional Prius-type two-mode hybrid. Next up is a Sport Hybrid setting, where the electric power is used more as a boost to assist the gasoline engine. Finally, a Race Hybrid mode delivers maximum gasoline and electric power, along with an added boost of electric power after hard braking (much like a Formula One KERS-equipped car). It is in this final mode that Porsche claims the 918 Spyder Concept can out-pace the famed Carrera GT on the Nürburgring.
GALLERY: Porsche 918 Spyder Concept ütles ...

Geneva autonäitusel olid enamasti elektriautod... ütles ...

Anonüümne ütles ...

ei mõista ikka, miks te oma blogist spämmisitta ära ei korista. blogi in teil alla käinud. varsti ei loe seda keegi enam

Anonüümne ütles ...

kas see päss on ka keskerakondlane? :D

Anonüümne ütles ...

9:58 - mida sina siis arvasid? Naine, kes enne samal kohal oli, muidugi ka. Tüüpiline kesikerakonna slaavilik bojaarlus - süüa end vähkkasvajana sisse ja põlistada ametikohad perekonnale/sugulastele/ustavatele tallalakkujatele.

Irja ütles ...

Tõepoolest, ka viimane koht näitab, et meie blogi ei loe enam mitte keegi :)