esmaspäev, 5. aprill 2010

Lang-poiss kah organitega seotud - põnev inff Rein Langi kohta Nelli Teatajas

Väljavõte Nelli Teataja veebist.

Tundub, et maskid hakkavad langema. Seda näiteks Langi puhul.

10 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

ex ta ole. see kgb nuhi taust selgitab nii mõndagi markovi viisa skandaali tausta tagamaid.

reformikad. kiiremas korras saatke lang pensionile ja tühistage tema tehtud seadused.

see mees on suurem eesti riigi vaenlane, kui johannes-vares barbarus.

murelik tallinlane.

Anonüümne ütles ...

milline allikas, milline ajakirjanduslik saavutus, milline uurimus..megairw
kas järgmisena on teie infoallikaks ajakiri saladused?
või maaja?

Anonüümne ütles ...

punapenide langi ja näksipi koht on vangis

Anonüümne ütles ...

Kus suitsu seal tuld!


Heelium ütles ...

Selle Sotsiaaldemokraatide juhi kohta on ka keegi midagi sellist öelnud mulle, et KGB-ga olevat seos ...samas, ma ei saa enam aru, kõiki nimetatakse aeg-ajalt KGB nuhkideks, et kas sellel ka 100% juhtudest mingi alus on?

Anonüümne ütles ...

ULA - millisest Pärnpuust on jutt? Äkki Pärnoja? See kiilaspeaga junn, keda sostsid majandusministriks panid ja kes sel kohal meeletult essu kokku keeras.

Anonüümne ütles ...

No kas siin saab kahtlust olla, kui vaadata, kes ta vanemad olid? Miks on Ansipi-Langi esimene mure alati olnud nõukogude aja salastamine..

Anonüümne ütles ...

keegi eespool võttis sõnad suust! milline usaldusväärne allikabaas, nelli teatajas on alati puhas kvaliteetajakirjandus, isegi cosmo on väärtuslikum lugemismaterjal, pakun.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Kus siin uudis on.
Kas Lang pole mitte Helsingis sündinud, kus tema isa teatud asju ajas. Omal ajal ta sellega kiitles.
Et asutuses töötanud papa pojaga kaadri komplekteerimisel arvestati, oli tavaline. Oli terveid organites töötanute suguvõsasid.
Lobeda jutuga, edev, seltskondlik ja raha peale maias, no üsna kasulik mees ju.
Teeb kõike, mida vaja, ükski asi pole amoraalne ja samas saab ohjes hoida.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Diacetylmorphine is used as a recreational drug for the transcendent relaxation and intense euphoria it induces. Anthropologist Michael Agar once described heroin as "the perfect whatever drug."[25] Tolerance quickly develops, and users need more of the drug to achieve the same effects. Its popularity with recreational drug users, compared to morphine, reportedly stems from its perceived different effects.[26] In particular, users report an intense rush that occurs while the diacetylmorphine is being metabolized into 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) and morphine in the brain. Diacetylmorphine produces more euphoria than other opioids upon injection. One possible explanation is the presence of 6-monoacetylmorphine, a metabolite unique to diacetylmorphine. While other opioids of recreational use, such as codeine, produce only morphine, heroin also leaves 6-MAM, also a psycho-active metabolite. However, this perception is not supported by the results of clinical studies comparing the physiological and subjective effects of injected diacetylmorphine and morphine in individuals formerly addicted to opioids; these subjects showed no preference for one drug over the other. Equipotent injected doses had comparable action courses, with no difference in subjects' self-rated feelings of euphoria, ambition, nervousness, relaxation, drowsiness, or sleepiness.[27] Short-term addiction studies by the same researchers demonstrated that tolerance developed at a similar rate to both diacetylmorphine and morphine. When compared to the opioids hydromorphone, fentanyl, oxycodone, and pethidine/meperidine, former addicts showed a strong preference for diacetylmorphine and morphine, suggesting that diacetylmorphine and morphine are particularly susceptible to abuse and addiction. Morphine and diacetylmorphine were also much more likely to produce euphoria and other positive subjective effects when compared to these other opioids.[27]

One of the most common methods of illicit heroin use is via intravenous injection (colloquially termed "slamming" or "shooting up"). Heroin base (commonly found in the UK and Europe), when prepared for injection will only dissolve in water when mixed with an acid (most commonly citric acid powder or lemon juice) and heated. Heroin in the US is most commonly its hydrochloride salt, requiring just water to dissolve. Users tend to initially inject in the easily accessible veins in the arm, but as these veins collapse over time through damage caused by the acid, the user will often resort to injecting in other veins.

Recreational users may also administer the drug through snorting, or smoking by inhaling its vapors when heated; either with tobacco in a rolled cigarette or by heating the drug on aluminium foil from underneath.[28] When heated the heroin powder changes to a thick liquid, similar in consistency to molten wax, and it will run across the foil giving off smoke which the user inhales through a tube, usually made from foil also so that any heroin that collects on the inside of the tube can be smoked afterward. This method of administration is known as chasing the dragon (whereas smoking methamphetamine is known as "chasing the white dragon").

The onset of diacetylmorphine's effects depends upon the route of administration. Studies have shown that the subjective pleasure of drug use (the reinforcing component of addiction) is proportional to the rate at which the blood level of the drug increases.[29] Intravenous injection provides the fastest and most intense rush[30] within 7 to 8 seconds. Intra-muscular injection produces a relatively slow onset of 5 to 8 minutes. Snorting or smoking reaches peak effects within 10 to 15 minutes.[31] If taken orally, the effects take approximately half an hour to set in, with an absence of a rush.