reede, 24. juuni 2016

Eksiilis viibiva eesti poliitiku Anna-Maria Galojani elukaaslane Tristan Jervis Brexitist: „Täna me tähistame oma iseseisvuspäeva.”

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Päris huvitav seisukoht Brexiti osas Tristan Jervisilt - Briti Klubi presidendilt ja Londonis elava Eesti poliitiku Anna-Maria Galojani elukaaslaselt:

„Today we celebrate our Independence Day.

This is a new dawn for Britain.

Britain is the fifth largest economy in the world and can now flex its muscles and trade much more freely in all the international markets around the world

Britain has voted to take back control of our democracy, our economy, our finances, our borders and levels of immigration, our defence and security, our court decisions, our agriculture and our fishing rights.

At the Britain Club, we commend the hard work, determination and bravery of all those who campaigned for VOTE LEAVE so that Britain could take back control of its destiny and to become a self governing nation state again. Thank you.”

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