pühapäev, 15. juuni 2008

A feedback about Estonians and cars

Got such feedback and pic (and sorry for not translating everything, but we try...)


I just returned from another great trip to Estonia. It's odd that I feel free'er there than I do here in the U.S.

But that's not what I'm writing about.

Question: I've noticed that most of your blogs have been in Estonian lately. Is there a reason for this? ( Besides the obvious ) Given up English translations?

Finally, enclosed is a photo that I shot on the Saaremaa ferry. I was intrigued when I spotted the Corvette with an American flag. I waited around to see who owned this car. Turned out it was the guy standing near me during the crossing. He was the LAST person I would suspect to be the owner. (Didn't seem to be all that bright really). Anyway, I asked him why he was flying the American flag. He said "why not?" ... which seemed an appropriate answer coming from him. His English was so broken that I had a hard time getting any more out of him. It seemed that he might not WANT to divulge anymore. I'm not sure why, but I took personal offence to him flying the American flag, but not for the reasons you might think: To me, it was an "in your face" display of America.

( I mean hell, I wont even fly the American flag here in America... so I fly the Estonian flag. If America ever gets it's shit together again, I'll reconsider )

So what was his point? I saw Estonian flags proudly displayed on every other home in many locations, and yet this guy is flying a flag that has been tarnished a bit in the eyes of many Americans and Europeans over the last 20 years. It just didn't seem proper to me....

(The guy who owns the car is standing on the right)

Ole tubli!


1 kommentaar:

Anonüümne ütles ...

In this case the US flag is just a bling, nothing more. There is a rather active community of American cars enthusiasts (www.tqhq.ee). They don’t follow any kind of ideology or political ideas; they just like the esthetics of US-made cars. Visit Texas or some southern state and you can see many US-made cars and trucks decorated with Stars&Stripes. At their parties these enthusiasts sometimes fly the Confederate flag also but it really doesn’t mean anything political, it’s just nice piece of colorful cloth.