neljapäev, 5. juuni 2008

A question about compatibility and my answer

Got such a feedback:

Hello Inno+Irja!

You've stated the importance of body odor when it comes to discernment of compatibility between potential lovers. Apparently you advocate that compatible partners will tolerate, or even love, the odor resultant from sweating that would normally turn off unsuitable persons. Aren't you in some ways suggesting carelessness regarding personal hygiene? As if there's no point to wash yourself or take care of yourself? That you can sweat all you want? Perhaps it would be kind of rude to appear in social situations while sweating profusely, hair uncombed, mouth hygiene lacking etc. Or would you still stress the importance of keeping the basic hygiene stuff in check? Just not worry too much about the natural body odor thing?

As for myself, I've always become quite sweaty with fairly little effort. Can't help it. It does not help that I normally use bike for commuting and a ten minute bike ride can induce lots of sweat. My mother says I sweat a lot. Apparently women are sensitive to all sorts of odors. So far I've tried to keep things in check by using deodorant. I even tried taking some kind of anti-sweating pills at my mom's suggestion, but they apparently made my organism react funnily after donating blood at a hospital so I swiftly stopped using them. Would you suggest me to give deodorant up entirely and not give a shit about the sweating issue? As if whenever I appeared in social situations, it would perhaps be better if my natural body odor would ward off all the incompatible women while leaving only the ones that are more tolerant about it, right? The ones I could choose the right partner from eventually (although this inevitably begs the question if there really is only ONE compatible partner for everyone, but that's another topic for a later time).

Much love and warmth!

My comment:
Yep, in compatible relationship you love your partner's odour. This is the real parfume. And you care about nothing more. As I have told, parfumes are bullshit, also deodorants. They help to hide your real essence, nothing more.

2 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

yeah, kõige seksikam ongi ju (kirjast lähtuvalt) rõvedalt märgade kaenlaaluste ning kirbe higihaisuga mees :)

Inno ütles ...

Ma olen ka varem kirjutanud, et kirbe higihais viitab sobimatusele. See on märk, et sellise inimesega pole mõtet asju ajada./I have written already that bad smell means uncompatibility and this is a sign you shouldn't deal with such a person. Simple as that.
The same smell can be bad for some people and very pleasant for the others. My ex-wife always complained about my smell, although I used parfumes and washed myself twice a day, so that my skin became awfully dry. Now with Irja I do not use any parfumes or deodorants and Irja says my smell is very attractive. So I have no need to wash myself so much and I have no skin problems.