Väljavõte Äripäeva veebist.
Vahi aga vahi, Eiki Nestor usub, et inimesed oleks tulumaksu tõstmise poolt, kõigil siis, praeguselt 21%lt 26%ni. Ehk siis sinna, kus ta kunagi, mõned aastad tagasi oli.
Huvitav mõte, aga see samm lööks just sotside valijaid, ehk madalama sissetulekuga inimesi, nagu näiteks õpetajad, teenistujad. Samuti suurendab maksutõus tööpuudust, ja esimesena satuvad löögi alla just väiksema sissetulekuga inimesed. Ning kahtemata suurendab maksutõus ümbrikupalkade osa. Mistõttu vähenevad laekumised eelarvesse.
Ilmselt on Nestor end pühade puhul lihtsalt ära "säädinud".
6 kommentaari:
toetan astmelist tulumaksu
Nestor. Mis inimesed? Kus on inimesed? Inimesi pole enam. Inimesed on estonskist jalga lasknud. On jäänud vaid I&I ning orjad. Pole vahet mida usub üks ori. Ori teeb seda, mida hommikul temal kästakse teha. Seda, mis loosungiga Nestor esineb, seda mis bussipaviljoni plakat kirjutab, seda mida meedia temale pähe raiub. Ori teeb kõike, sest orja loomus ning mentaliteet on selline. Ja kui ei tee, siis saab ori peagi veekahurit või plastikkäerauda tunda. Ori teab seda ja ori on väga sõnakuulelik. Õhtul nata vingub, vigiseb või joriseb aga hommikul on jälle kohusetruu. Lugupidamisega "Teie Pärisorjuse tunnetaja"
Maksud on alati riigi prioriteediks.))))
Ajakirja Business & Finance
artikkel kuidas on lood Iirimaal ses suhtes.
Straighten the tax system
Constantin Gurdigev suggests a radical shange in our tax system to create steady exchequer returns and keep talent in the country.
The Comission for Taxation is currently facing an insurmountable challenge:to balance the realities of the political process behind economic policies with the optimality of the tax regime in Ireland.
The political reality to date mandates that we treat as sacred cow the mythological significance of property and corporate taxation process in place,thus necessitating the transfer of the tax burden away from these sources of value in the economy on the shoulders of individual workers(via consumption,transactions and income taxes).
The problems inherent in this general approach to raising tax revenue are multiple.Some of them are severe enough to imply that our current tax regime is unable to support future growth and prosperity in this country.
Let us first describe these problems before proposing a better approach to structuring our tax system in the long run.
Five obstacles to growth
Firstly,as the chart on the opposite page illustrates,after years of relative moderation our taxation burden has once again started to shift into income tax and VAT-both taxes paid out of the ordinary households'incomes.
At all times,personal taxes dominated the overall incidence of taxation in Ireland.
The latest change-due to the
mini-Budget in 2009-are no exception.
In other words,personal income and consumption taxes are now carrying more than 80% of the entire tax burden of the State-up from 69% a decade ago.This is hardly an incentive for anyone with internationally marketable skills to locate into Ireland or indeed to remain here after they complete their education.
Secondly,the marginal rate of taxation on anyone moving from the lower earnings categories to the upper half of the earnings distribution is well over 50%(accounting for the 42% tax rate,plus income levy,plus other employment-related taxes).Thus,the marginal after-tax return on any serious investment in human capital is much lower here in Ireland than inmany caompetitor countries.
In fact,this marginal rate is so high compared to the virtually unexisting rates of taxation on physical capital,that it makes no rational financial sense for our children to invest in their education over and beyond a heavily subsidised third-level education.Enrolling into an MSc or PhD programme and paying the requisite tuition will simply yield a negative rate of return over their lifetimes,when compared to the returns on investing in physical buildings,machinery,shares,bonds and commodities.
Although the recent downgrades in the financial markets have brought the latter down significantly,averaged over the lifetime these assets yield a 6-8% risk-adjusted returns taxable at or below a 20% capital gains tax(CGT)rate.An added year of
post-tertiary education provides an average yield of ca 5% per annum over the lifetime,but carries a tax over 50%.Do the maths.
Thirdly,an over-reliance on a combination of income and consumption taxes implies that exchequer revenue flows bear significant pro-cyclical risk.In other words,the exchequer receipts tend to move along with the business cycles and the fortunes of the economy.
In Ireland,this is compounded by the fact that a sizeable share of our revenue(16% at the peak in 2006)is derived from property-related stamps,CGT and property-dependent share of corporation tax.These are also extremely volatile and susceptible to cyclical changes in the economy.
Fourthly,a deeper analysis of monthly exchequer receipts shows that over the last 12 years,property-price volatility explains(or indeed causes,econometrically-speaking)62% of monthly volatility in stamp-duty returns,23% in income-tax returns and 15.4% in VAT returns.
At an annual level,property-price changes explain more than 50% of cahnges in all major tax heads.This makes it virtually impossible to decouple fiscal expenditure from the fortunes of our short-term property cycle.In other words,regaldless of which party is in power,it will have strong incentives to spend windfall revenues at the times of plenty and engage in deficit/dept financing of its overstretched and inefficient spending commitments at the times of a slowdown,leaving little or no room for providing fiscal supports to a
recession-stricken economy.
Fifth,considering the Department of Finance's hardly impressive forecasting powers,the volatility risks in revenue through the combination of unpredicable property-linked transactions taxes and the over-reliance on personal-income taxation imply a significant forecasting risk to the excequer revenue projections.Chart three on the opposite page illustrates this reality.The time-persistent and significant,nonetheless,because over 33% of variations in tax receipts are subject to change in the underlying tax sorces,up to 90% of which are further linked to volatile and cyclical components.
Things are even worse if we take a longer forecast horizon of three years.Is it any surprise that our Department of Finance mandarins couldn' t see this crash coming?
Onto a solution
These facts show that(a) our fiscal and taxation structures are incapable of supporting a shift of the Irish economic model away from physical capital-dependent growth,and(b) we cannot seriosly hope of our fiscal spending or to decouple our fiscal policies from the risk of being held hostage to the short-term volatility in the housing markets.
Of course,the problem does have a solution but it will require some political shrewdness and lots of promotional work.
Then again,this is what politicians are contracted to do,in the first place.
The solution is to drastically reform the tax system in Ireland by,on the one hand,removing the penalty on human capital investments and,on the other hand,switching the tax base onto a more anchored and less volatile sorce of revenue.
The first part requires devolving the "progressive"tax system we current purport to have into a flat-rate income-tax system.I have described detailed proposals for this move some years back on these pages.And I also showed that our system is far from being progressive as it results in an inverted U-shaped burden of taxation in this country with middle and upper-middle classes facing the highest tax rates,while those in the upper percentiles of income distribution are paying much lower rates of tax.
In the nustshell,we should set a single rate of tax,close to the currents 20%,to generate roughly the same tax revenue as before,and abolish all,save the most basic,tax deductions.The upfront tax allowance should be set at the level of social welfare payments to ensure that no person is discouraged from taking up gainful employment and that no one at the lower end of the earnings spectrum is forced into abject poverty.After that,all personal income will be taxed at a single rate.
The second part is to convert our property and assets-related revenue to a more stable stream of receipts help to smooth-out the cyclical changes in underlying property,assets and income variables.For this,we need to replace the current system of transactions-based stamp duty with a tax on the value of land underlying every housing and commercial property unit with a tax on the value of land underlying every housing and commercial property unit in the country.Known as a land-value tax,such a system taxation exists and performs excellently in Denmark,parts of the US,Germany and many other countries.
What land-value tax delivers is multilayered solution to the the above-mentioned problems of:(1)wrong-footed incentives for physical-capital investment and(2)excessively pro-cyclical tax returns.
In terms of the former,land-value
tax leaves undistorted returns to both productive physical and human capital,thus allowing individuals to decide whether they want to invest in buildings and machines or their own and their children's education.In addition,land-value
tax will optimise the return to land that is extensively developed,while minimising the return to land that is left as a purely speculative holding in a form of an unused land bank.In household terms,this tax will mean that people who invest into optimising and improving their existent property will not be penalised for doing so-building an extension or otherwise improving the value of your house will not change the value of the plot of land on which it sits,thus leaving unchanged your tax cost.
In terms of the second point,a simulation of land-value tax shows that such a system can comletely smooth out the adverse changes in tax revenue attributable to property to property transactions(parts of stamps,capital gains tax(CGT)and VAT attributable to property).In the current crisis,in addition to compensating for the cyclical 25% of the entire property-related revenue collapse,a land-value tax would delay the exchequer revenue declines by up to 11 months,giving the Government plenty of time to get its house in order.
Of course,these are simulated tax rates for actual tax modelling is currently prevented in Ireland by our atavistic data collection
and dissemination on housing and land transactions and valuations.
Over recent weeks,Ireland has been engulfed in a frenzy of economic and costs of various small-scale taxation measures aiming to plug the widening gap in the excequer finances.
Necessary as such a debate may be,the longer-term ambitions of this country to develop a rapidly growing and sustanaible knowledge economy will require a much more radical change in the way we levy and collect taxes.Flat-rate income taxation and land-value taxation might not be the panacea to today's immediate problems but they are necessary condition to ensure that we can keep our best educated minds from emigrating abroad in search of better life and ensure we attract the best foreign talent here.
Vargad ahju!
inno, kesikute juhised selle teema kohta polegi veel saabunud?
ps. nad toetavad ka maksutõusu. oma näo ja raha päästmiseks kirjuta lugu kohe ümber või võta maha.
Ma pole küll kuskilt lugenud, et Kesk pooldab maksutõusu. Pigem seda, et väiksepalgalaised maksaks senisest veidi vähem ja kõrgepalgalised senisest veidi rohkem maksu.
Ma ei saa aru, mida halba on maksutõusus, kui raha läheb käiku ausalt ja õige asja eest? Seni on rehvorm tagunud ju kõigile pähe seda, et riik on mannetu organisatsioon, mis ainult nende armust püsib, ning sellisele mõttetule kambale lihtsalt polegi rohkem raha vaja! Nautige maksuvaba reedet! Aga: kui lähed tegema midagi, kus puutud kokku riigilõivuga, ootab sind üllatus! Riik tahab palju raha! Kui lähed soovima teenust, mida riik sulle põhiseadusega lubas: oota! Võib-olla hiljem! Maksa ise kinni, esita avaldus! Kui ootad riigilt erapooletut toimimist: tutkit! Ainult emapalk ja kunstseemendamine, need rehvormi kaks vaala, rikkuritele reied laiali! Rehvormiringhääling keelab, käseb, poob ja laseb! Maksutõus tulgu. Ja astmeline tulumaks samuti.
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