esmaspäev, 11. jaanuar 2010

Mõned videod tervisliku toitumise teemal: gluteenitalumatusest ja transrasvadest

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2 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

Gluteenitalumatus on puue. Pisike puue aga gluteenitalujaid ei maksaks ikkagi oma vea pärast ilmast ilma ahistada.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Veel harivaid videoid tervisliku toitumise teemal:

Diseases Don't Just Happen

Chocolate, Cheese, Meat, and Sugar -- Physically Addictive Foods

Kuna Youtube's on need jupitatult, siis samad videod Google Video's tervikuna:

Diseases Don't Just Happen - How Healthy Living Style Prevents All Diseases (Lorraine Day)

Lorraine Day, M.D. developed severe advanced cancer and almost died - which became her supreme motivating factor for finding out how to get well. She recovered by natural methods, without chemotherapy, radiation or mutilating surgery. In the process of her research, she discovered that there are known causes for virtually every disease, even though this is never taught to doctors in medical school.

Chocolate, Cheese, Meat, and Sugar - Physically Addictive Foods

Neal Barnard MD discusses the science behind food additions. Willpower is not to blame: chocolate, cheese, meat, and sugar release opiate-like substances. Dr. Barnard also discusses how industry, aided by government, exploits these natural cravings, pushing us to eat more and more unhealthy foods. A plant-based (vegan) diet is the solution to avoid many of these problems. Neal Barnard is the founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).