esmaspäev, 22. veebruar 2010

Triip Rilleputs aasta ajakirjanikuks - ÕU JEE!!!

Väljavõte Postimehe veebist.

Valigem jah, Triip Rilleputs aasta ajakirjanikuks, see heerõu, kes pani oma ülemuse lapse nuhkima oma lasteaia vanemate järgi ning paiskas kõik kuuldu massitiraažis trükki.

Või mida ütleks selle kohta ajakirjandusõppejõud ja Postimehe kõuts-raiter Priit Pullerits?!

8 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

Murelik, mis toimub?! Miks sa ei pane kolm kommi järjest igasse postitusse? Lugejatele ei jõua muidu su message kohale ju!!!

hullumaja puhvetipidajanna Ira

Anonüümne ütles ...

Triip Rilleputs? Ja olete pahased, et Liina Lepik teid välja viskas, kuna ikkagi olete ju ajakirjandusväljaandest ja teil peaks olema samad õigused teiste ajakirjanikega? :) See blogi on ju ajakirjandusväljaanne?

Kas tegemist on juhusliku näpukaga või on tegemist ikkagi lihtsalt täieliku alla igasuguse sitablogiga?

Anonüümne ütles ...

Sitablogi ja Hullumaja Puhvet on see juba tükk aega. Ma ei saa aru Innost, kes lubab hulludel siin nõmetseda ja neid välja ei viska nii nagu tehti tema endaga ja Irjakesega Stenbocki majas. Visati välja nagu sitt ihust!


Anonüümne ütles ...

Nõrku ja jobusid ei austa keegi!


Anonüümne ütles ...

Triip Pillerputs on veel parem. Sama hea kui Urro ja Türja.

Lahe. ütles ...

Neegrid dzunglist suudavad tagada endile tasuta elektri aga Eestlased mitte...
Maailma vaeseima riigi fenomen.
Minu vaatevinklist on maailma ajaloos tähsaim sündmus,oluliseim kui Vancouveri olümpia mängud ja mis tahes sündmused mida peavoolu meedia on teinud tähtsaks on Mali elektrituulikute ehitamise kursused:

Mali is considered to be one of the poorest nations in the world.
Mali is considered to be one of the poorest nations in the world.

Furthermore, this robust wind power project provides an economical means of providing electricity as well as local capacity building in a sustainable manner. This project tests a business model enabling the supply of environmentally friendly and healthy electricity to the rural population of Mali. The pilot project is getting a business model up and running that provides benefits in three different ways: people, planet and profit.

* People: Give opportunities to the rural population of Mali by giving them access to electricity, technical training and technical work opportunities.
* Planet: Protect environment by eliminating the needs of conventional energy use.
* Profit: The project will not only benefit from a concept that is profitable but most importantly opens up the possibilities to develop an electricity market that has been absent until now.

The wind turbine is made of very basic materials that are almost all available in Mali. However a few parts might need to come from outside Mali, like magnets. Yvonne and Baba take care of investigating the local supply chain needed for constructing a wind turbine. As of today it seems that only magnets are not locally available.

The wind turbine is made of very basic materials that are almost all available in Mali. However a few parts might need to come from outside Mali, like magnets. Yvonne and Baba take care of investigating the local supply chain needed for constructing a wind turbine. As of today it seems that only magnets are not locally available.

The wind turbine is made of very basic materials that are almost all available in Mali. However a few parts might need to come from outside Mali, like magnets. Yvonne and Baba take care of investigating the local supply chain needed for constructing a wind turbine. As of today it seems that only magnets are not locally available.

The wind turbine is made of very basic materials that are almost all available in Mali. However a few parts might need to come from outside Mali, like magnets. Yvonne and Baba take care of investigating the local supply chain needed for constructing a wind turbine. As of today it seems that only magnets are not locally available.

Jutu uba on selles,et maailma vaeseimas riigis korraldati kursused kus õpetatkse välja harimatud inimesed ehitama väikesevõimsusega elektrituulikuid ja kasutatakse materjale mida leidub dzunglis...

Kui neegrid dzunglist suudavad korraldada kursusi väikesevõimsusega elektrituulikute ehitamiseks ja ehitavad väikesevõimsusega elektrituulikuid siis miks Eestlased ei korralda samalaadseid kursusi?

Neegrid dzunglist suudavad tagada endile tasuta elektri aga Eestlased mitte...
Elektrit ju saab tasuta,vaata: ütles ...

Neegrid dzunglist suudavad tagada endile tasuta elektri aga Eestlased mitte...
Maailma vaeseima riigi fenomen.
Minu vaatevinklist on maailma ajaloos tähsaim sündmus,oluliseim kui Vancouveri olümpia mängud ja mis tahes sündmused mida peavoolu meedia on teinud tähtsaks on Mali elektrituulikute ehitamise kursused:

Mali is considered to be one of the poorest nations in the world.
Mali is considered to be one of the poorest nations in the world.

Furthermore, this robust wind power project provides an economical means of providing electricity as well as local capacity building in a sustainable manner. This project tests a business model enabling the supply of environmentally friendly and healthy electricity to the rural population of Mali. The pilot project is getting a business model up and running that provides benefits in three different ways: people, planet and profit.

* People: Give opportunities to the rural population of Mali by giving them access to electricity, technical training and technical work opportunities.
* Planet: Protect environment by eliminating the needs of conventional energy use.
* Profit: The project will not only benefit from a concept that is profitable but most importantly opens up the possibilities to develop an electricity market that has been absent until now.

The wind turbine is made of very basic materials that are almost all available in Mali. However a few parts might need to come from outside Mali, like magnets. Yvonne and Baba take care of investigating the local supply chain needed for constructing a wind turbine. As of today it seems that only magnets are not locally available.

The wind turbine is made of very basic materials that are almost all available in Mali. However a few parts might need to come from outside Mali, like magnets. Yvonne and Baba take care of investigating the local supply chain needed for constructing a wind turbine. As of today it seems that only magnets are not locally available.

The wind turbine is made of very basic materials that are almost all available in Mali. However a few parts might need to come from outside Mali, like magnets. Yvonne and Baba take care of investigating the local supply chain needed for constructing a wind turbine. As of today it seems that only magnets are not locally available.

The wind turbine is made of very basic materials that are almost all available in Mali. However a few parts might need to come from outside Mali, like magnets. Yvonne and Baba take care of investigating the local supply chain needed for constructing a wind turbine. As of today it seems that only magnets are not locally available.

Jutu uba on selles,et maailma vaeseimas riigis korraldati kursused kus õpetatkse välja harimatud inimesed ehitama väikesevõimsusega elektrituulikuid ja kasutatakse materjale mida leidub dzunglis...

Kui neegrid dzunglist suudavad korraldada kursusi väikesevõimsusega elektrituulikute ehitamiseks ja ehitavad väikesevõimsusega elektrituulikuid siis miks Eestlased ei korralda samalaadseid kursusi?

Neegrid dzunglist suudavad tagada endile tasuta elektri aga Eestlased mitte...
Elektrit ju saab tasuta,vaata:

Anonüümne ütles ...

23 veebruar 2010 2:03

ega iid ise seda Triip Rilleputsu välja mõelnud. See tegelane oli kunagi Mart Juure tehtud Ekspressi lisas Kranaat üheks tegelaseks.