teisipäev, 2. oktoober 2018

Head mähkmed, halvad mähkmed (Juuli peal testitud)

Et asja puust ja punaseks teha, siis siin on pilt halbadest mähkmetest ja headest mähkmetest. Vasakul olevad Huggies'e DryNites'id tekitasid meie kuueaastasele angelmani sündroomiga Juulile jubeda lööbe, nii hullu, et ta ei saanud öösel magada, ja lausa karjus valust, kui pissis, paremal aga Libero SleepTight'id, mida kasutama asudes lööve kahe päevaga ära kadus. Juuli on nüüd Liberotega juba kaks ööd rahulikult maganud, meist Innoga rääkimata.

Huggies'e mähkmeid on palju kritiseeritud ja kui toksida Google'isse märksõnad Huggies ja rash, siis tuleb välja palju informatsiooni selle kohta, kuidas nende mähkmete kasutamine on ühele või teisele lapsele vaevusi põhjustanud. Huggies'e firma on seda ka ise tunnistanud, paludes Facebookis peredel kogemusi jagada. Vastukaja on olnud tohutu, toon siit vaid kaks näidet:

I have 2 boxes of huggies that I don't want to use anymore due to mt son having an on going rash pretty much his whole 8 months of life. I am ver sad & frustrated about this. I have spent a lot of $ on different creams even RX . I will be takin them back to the store & exchanging for a different brand. I am ber un happy bout this.

My godson just got a horrible rash yesterday morning. And my cousin not knowing about all this huggies thing happening she continued to use the huggies the rest of the day. Bythe night the rash turned into a huge blister. Someone asked her and the brand of diapers she had on and directed her to stories about the same thing with other babies. This is so scary that it has happend time after time. And it has been happeni g for soooo long. When i had my son his first week i used huggies on him and he got a rash really fast i never use them again and i never again plan on using them again on my daughter. Something needs to be done about thus cause it is affecting our lil ones.

My 2 yr old son has the worst rash on his bottom after wearing the Huggies lil movers Plus size 4 from Costco. He was screaming and it's seems to be a chemical burn not a regular diaper rash. What is In These diapers?? Says they're 12 hour protection and I believe these are new. We now have a huge box that he can't us. He cries when I change him it's very sad & I do change him very frequently! What's wrong with these diapers???? Please help! Thanks.

My daughter had never had an issue with any type of diapers until I tried Huggies little movers. She is 16 months old and as soon as the diaper was wet she stopped, grabbed at the front of the diaper and started screaming in pain. When I took the diaper off she was red with blisters all along the front. It was horrible.

Jne jne. Te panete pildi kokku. Inimestel ei ole ühegi teise mähkmega probleeme olnud, aga nii kui nad on beebile alla pannud Huggies'ed, hakkavad õudused juhtuma. Ja meil jagatakse neid puuetega lastele!!! Isegi ei jagata, 120 mähkme eest tuleb välja käia ca kümme eurot.

Mis neil Huggies'e mähkmetel täpselt viga on, et nad lapsed sedasi piinlema panevad, mul tuvastada ei õnnestunud. Võib-olla see, et neid pleegitatakse klooriga nagu ka Pampers'i omi? Või kunst- ja lõhnaained? Ei tea. Aga Liberod võtsid lööbe ära, nii et neil seda probleemi, mis Huggies'el on, pole. 

Mina olen igatahes õnnelik, et probleemi põhjusele jälile saime. Juuli on rõõmus, ei süga end enam maniakaalselt ja vehib õnnelikult kätega. Inno saab jälle rahus tööd teha. Bliss! Tänu Liberole!

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