neljapäev, 15. mai 2008

Broken windows

So we're back and received the first "good news". Our house in Tartu, my grandfather's house we've been restoring to make a small literary café has been vandalized. Again. Someone had broken the windows. Thrown a stone? A champagne bottle? Don't know but it makes me sad. Sad to live in Estonia, be an Estonian. Free speech is not appreciated here. And if you speak out, you better face the consequences. Bitter consequences, that is.

So now it is the windows. A while ago it was the mailbox. Someone, ahem, how shall i put it... dropped his or her fecal into it. I don't know which of our articles caused this kind of outrage but i'm pretty sure it had something to do with our blog. I've lost interest in blogging in estonian because most comments that we receive are cruel, defamatory and just plain stupid. I feel that i become smaller and dimmer just by reading them. And so i've decided to stop writing in estonian. Well, maybe not entirely because i do feel guilty in front of our fans who do not understand english but here i have to follow my heart's advice. I just can not be proud of being an estonian now.

I don't even know if i want to live in our country where you get punished for speaking your mind. I'd much rather live in Texas. I love Dallas. I love that "don't mess"-attitude. Then again, i love Barcelona too, for its dirty bohemian air. My friends in Barcelona have asked me how i can live in Estonia, they themselves fleed a loooong time ago. Lived a couple of years in Lisbon and then moved on to Barcelona because to their mind even Lisbon was not free enough. But i don't understand how you can live in Estonia, they shrugged. My lil' patriotic heart protested then that oh no, we are just fine, people will change, we'll change them. Well, we tried hard but the sad, tragic truth is that you can not change people who do not want to change. A slave might not be particularly happy at the sight of the first rays of sun on his first day of freedom. Or even his first years of freedom. There's resentment. American blacks have been free for almost a half of a century now but they still carry resentment, they still bear a grudge. Take reverend Jeremiah Wright for instance who kind of wrecked Barack Obama's campaign, or so they say. He has no love for America. When i listened to the old reverend, i kind of felt for him. I felt that there was a former slave who'd waited for his moment to become a master so impatiently and now that he had the chance to actually become one, through his friend Obama, he overreacted and almost ruined it for the blacks to become masters in a country where they had once been slaves.

We, estonians, can identify with American black people because we too were virtual slaves in our own country when we had to join the USSR. We had it worse though because we had been masters of that country and that added to the shame, a shame that has become unbearable, now that we're free and able to contemplate it. We blame the russians although these ordinary russian working men and women who we treat like second-class-citizens had nothing to do with the occupation. They didn't kill our grandparents. Maybe their grandparents did kill our grandparents, but i think that the times when you were right to blame father's sins on his son are well and truly over. A great part of my father's family was slaughtered by the soviets during the 40s, my father's cousin was thrown into the fire while still alive, my father's uncle's family was shot because the uncle had given bad vodka to the russian soldiers, my grandfather was put on an animal wagon and taken half way to Siberia from where he had the luck to escape and come back home, my father was imprisoned for 8 years in Vorkuta for hiding a resistance fighter in his apartement. Men of mother's kin were mobilized into soviet army and their graves are unknown... There's more but I don't carry any hatred for the russians. My father told me that when he was in a prison camp, his best friends were the russians. Even he did not hate the russians. He taught me that there are animals among all nations.

There are an awful lot of animals among estonians too. The Bronzenight reignited our hatred for the russians because they reacted violently against our government's decision to remove the Bronzesoldier. In America i met some estonians who'd fleed there from the soviets when they were little kids and they said good, serves them right. Our president Toomas-Hendrik Ilves is one of these estonians. He does not understand Estonian history because he looks at it with a perspective of a runaway slave. He's just like a little boy who's managed to avoid the beating and now shakes a fist at the beater. I'll show you!!

Estonians who fleed the soviets during the 40s did not become free. They became runaway slaves. They had it better than, say, for example, my father who had to try hard to get himself accepted into Tartu University when he came back from Vorkuta, he was almost 30 then, but they, the slaves that had run, lost their identity and connection to The Story. Their book was burned, their thread was cut. They can never consider a russian a friend because they have never had any russian friends. So they had it better, somehow, because they lived in a free world but they could not shake a slave out of them. Just like American blacks have not been able to shake slavery out of them. President Ilves said to Suomen Kuvalehti that he does not want to talk of the russians on the day of our independence. Why? Can't russians as part of our nation be included into the celebrations? His words sound like a slave saying that he does not want to talk of his former master on the day of his great escape.

I think that you become truly free only when you'll be able let go of the categories slave-master, only when you understand that you don't have to flee in order to be free because freedom is innate. You only become a slave if you let someone enslave you, if you submit yourself to the will of others. I think it would be good for us, estonians, to have one russian as a friend. For Toomas-Hendrik Ilves i think it's crucial to have a russian friend. Dimitri Klenski, anyone? Maybe you could even teach him some russian?!

The windows are still broken and i think that there'll be more broken windows. We can mend them but for how long?

12 kommentaari:

Edmund ütles ...

Sorry to hear about the broken windows. Whoever committed that vandalism act, is an uncultured douche of the highest order. And that's putting it very mildly.

Boy do I sometimes resent those Estonians. Fucking rabble! JMKE had an excellent song about their mentality on their "Õhtumaa Viimased Tunnid" album. The message has not aged one iota! Or as George Carlin would say: "People are fucking dumb!" Especially the Estonian rabble, low class, slave race. Fuck them.

By the way, I disagree that emigration is a continuation of slave mentality. Most of those who fled to the West, did so to save their fucking asses from being roasted by the big Joey boy made of steel* leading the USSR back in the day. Don't confuse survival with slave mentality. What if someone would try to kill you? Then you'd highly likely flee as far as possible from this country. I know I would.

*yes, Stalin was derived from "steel".

Irja ütles ...

I'd flee, for sure, and tell you the truth, i'd be ashamed of it. I'd be ashamed that i don't have the courage to take up arms. My father was prepared to die for his country. I wish i could the same when fate has it.

I think that what constitues a free person is a courage to stand up for what you believe in. I think that Jesus showed us great example. He was free. Conviction is sexy. Fleeing aint. Submitting yourself to someone's will is kinda slavish i think.

Edmund ütles ...

Well I dunno Irja. I don't think we really can all be brave warriors. You and Inno seem to be heavy-duty crusaders and while it has paid off in a way, I still think that sometimes keeping the low profile is a better idea. If you don't have the strength to be a powerful warrior or a crusader, then you have to be good at stealth. Survival is survival, not a pissing contest who's the toughest.

Irja ütles ...

I agree, the slave's instinct is to survive. Otherwise it'd overthrow its master, kill him etc. It is much safer to be quiet in order to survive. Those in the frontline will be killed first. Or they'll bring change, depends if they win or lose.

I've been a slave in the bast, done what pleases other people. There's no shame in it. It's just boring, at least for me. Challenging the accepted ways, turning things over is risky but it's also fun.

Edmund ütles ...

Normally I think both of you have interesting views, but that's blatantly insulting to call majority of the people who don't have the strength or resources to crusade, as slaves. I think it's a lapse of judgment on your part because it's annoyingly elitist. And that so called "slave" part of me says 99,9% of those who prefer to fight fail badly and die.

The reason you and Inno are so powerful is that you're competent. And that's what the real problem is, the real problem. Most people who wind up in submission aren't necessarily slaves or cowards, they're incompetent. They don't know how to swing the system and how to control the risks coming with it. Would you really prefer if all our incompetent people who aren't sharp journalists or skilled lawyers would commit mass suicide instead, just because they don't know how to defend themselves against those who attack them?

Irja ütles ...

I like your point and i agree that i am elitist. I truly admit to that. Maybe that comes from having some noble blood :). I say what i think and sometimes i sound like a medieval night preaching the code of chivalry.
Or modern Joan of Arc, come to think of it! But i also like when people who disagree with me have wise thoughts.

Yes, probably people are incompetent. Then again, the elitist me wants to teach them how to be more courageous. I also think that there are times when you have to stop fighting. When quitting can be courageous. You don't have to be Hector, you can be Aeneas. Flee and create your own kingdom, your own Rome.

Edmund ütles ...

And which is why I don't think it's entirely bad so many Estonians fled the country. A lot of the refugees in places like Canada and Australia, they got together and formed their own communities of Estonians abroad. They could stick together in countries where they weren't thrown into jail for not toeing the party line.

Irja, so you admit you're an elitist. And that apparently comes from noble blood. I also think that you've always been a bit over the top too, even before meeting Inno. Allow me to indulge in a rather puerile, or even voyeuristic trip down the memory lane. My first exposure to the very name of Irja Vaher was a poem about sex published in Eesti Ekspress 6 years ago. What was striking to me was a combination of an erotically charged subject matter and an accompanying photo that suited the content of the poem in terms of displaying the sexiness of the author. There was this youngish slim cute girl in a short skirt smiling and how open she was when she would write poetry like that! Then again, didn't you think that some people might perceive you as slutty or licentious based on that presentation? Even at the stage when you apparently still tried to please others? While it didn't shock me, it was still a bit over the top overall, and possibly even a bit dramatic. Would you also consider yourself as eccentric? Also, I tend to think that display of sexual openness for women is kind of like barking up the wrong tree. You probably have intended to be a courageous freethinker breaking taboos. I bet few males thought: "Wow Irja's so brave and a true feminist hero" when they read your poem six years ago. It was more likely that the usual reaction was *hurr, what a hottie, hurr*. That, or "What a tasteless slut pretending to be a postmodernist poet!" depending on your placement on the puerile-puritan scale. My 2 cents.

Wow, that was clearly off topic! Within the seven comments worth of dialog we went from vandalism to sexuality, while exploring the bravery and emigration dilemma. Who would've thought.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Tunnen Teile lõhutud akende pärast kaasa. Tänan, et olete olemas ja olete julged ning isepäised. Vaikiva ajastu loomiseks ei põlata ära ühtegi vahendit.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Njah. Inno-Irja, te ei avalda seda kommentaari niikuinii, kuid väikseks teile saadetud mõtteavalduseks ikka.
Ühest küljest on kurb, et Eestis aknaid sisse loobitakse, sest vägivald pole lahendus. Teisalt - mis eristab verbaalset vägivalda füüsilisest ja kumb valu on hullem, ihuline või emotsionaalne? Mu kadunud vanaema tavatses öelda, et igal tülil on alati kaks poolt. Kas teil pole vahel pähe tulnud mõte, et oma tõerääkimisega võite vahel kellelegi teenimatult haiget teha? Ajakirjanikuna peaks Inno teadma, et absoluutset tõde ei ole olemas (jätame igasugu pedofiilid ja muud sellised loomad kõrvale, neile pole õigustust), on eluseikade erinev tõlgendamine. Ja alandanud ning mõnitanud olete siin blogis paljusid, kel jätkub "jultumust" maailma asjadest isemoodi ehk teist erinevalt aru saada. Varem või hiljem muutub kellegi emotsionaalne valu füüsiliseks agressiooniks ja siis ongi aknad sees ning s..t postkastis. Mis omakorda rikub teie tuju rohkem, kui soovite siin välja näidata. Nii ongi Eestis üks väike tigeduse nõiaratas juures, mis ei tee kedagi õnnelikuks.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Ega sellepärast,et maffia kimbutab teid te ei pea häbi tundma olla Eestlane.Me eestlased oleme läbi elanud erinevaid diktatuure ja praegu oleme maffia diktatuuri all.
17 aastat on tehtud meie rahvale ajupesu ja alles nüüd on tunda mingisugust sõnavabaduse teket,meie sõnavabadus on lapse kingades.
Pööbel on ära väsitatud igasuguse hämamisega,demagoogiaga,puru silma ajamisega jne.
Kas teate kui paljusid kommenteerijaid hirmutatakse ja jõhkralt sõidetakse neisse sisse?See on kole. Kommenteerimine ei ole veel saanud normiks.
Delfis ja mujal vast pooled komentaarid kustutatakse.
Maffia jõhkralt võitleb kommenteerijate vastu,neile on kommenteerijad pinnuks silmas.
Kallikesed Inno ja Irja,te olete alles alguses,kõik hea on veel ees.
Eks muidugi väsitab selline vastik surve,puhake veidi, käige Nuustakul ja küll ükskorda hakkab päike paistma ka meite maal.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Akende lõhkumine kipub juba kriminaali alla ja miilitsate teemale.
Praegu on Eestis kuum teema Raivo Aegi edutamine.Siin tuli välja üks pisike asi.Tema CV-st puudub paar aastat,on üks paari aastane auk,keegi ei tea millega Raivo Aeg tegeles need paar aastat.
Ei taha Raivo Aegi solvata,ei tunnegi teist. Lihtsalt on lõbu lõõpida sel teemal ja palun ette vabandust Raivo Aegilt kui ta vaeseke peaks solvuma.
Vaadake,miilitsad vahatevahel pidid korda saatma väga musta tööd.Nad pidid täitma surmanuhtlust.Asi väga karm.
Surmamõistetu viidi tushi alla ja siis vaene politseinik pidi tulistama ta surnuks.
Kes teab millega Aeg need kaks aastat tegeles.Äkki kõmmutas surnuks neid surmamõistetuid.
Kuidas siis ikkagi saab olla nõnda,et KAPO juhiks saab isik kelle minevikku ei teata?

Irja ütles ...

sm - i do remember THAT poem, it's one of my best... And no, i didn't think that i might be perceived as a slut. I didn't think at all what people might think of me. Then, when the poem was published, some of my female co-workers would not say "hello" to me. I guess they perceived me as sluttish...

The essence of freedom and also of feminism to me is not caring what other people think of you. You can be a housewife and be perfectly content. Or you can be a woman on the barricades. The important thing is to enjoy what you are doing. And keep doing that.

That said, i do think that i'm eccentric. And i like it!