Näksip ajab küll vastu, et Pihl valetab ja tema ei käinud Luual Villuga nõu pidamas, aga palun, kas te usute sellist hülgemöla? Ei no Pihl on Pihl ja tema taktikad on vaieldavad, Viru hotelli turvamees ja vene luuraja nagu ta on, aga kui ta midagi sellist välja öelda võttis, siis inff oli kontrollitud ja õige.
Nii et küll see Näksip ikka Luual käis ja küll tehti ka sauna ja küll arutati ka olukorda riigis. Reform läheb nüüd ju omasuguste ülburite, s.o Rahvaliiduga kokku ja kus sa siis jätad nende vaimse liidri Luua-Villuga nõu pidamata. Nii et käis, käis ja kuidas veel!
Ja pidagem meeles, et Villu kohtusaaga ei ole kaugeltki lõpuni käimata. Postimees võis talle küll trellid näo peale joonistada, aga see ei tähenda, et mees ka Ringkonna- ja Riigikohtus süüdi jääb. Ehk siis: Villust võib veel ministergi saada.
Kui läeb libedalt, ma mõtlen. Ja miks ta ei peaks minema, kui Rein Lang on nüüd nii justiits- kui siseminister ning tema suur sõber Märt Rask on Riigikohtu esimees. Küll korraldab nii, et Villu saab vähemalt Riigikohtus õiguse.
Pole paha!
P.S. Vasta ka küsitlusele, mis arvad, kas Ansip käis Luual Villuga nõu pidamas või mitte!
19 kommentaari:
Kus ta siis käis Luual, kui ei käinud. Postimehes kinnitas Ansip ju selge sõnaga - pole käind. Mis udu te ajate, et käis. EI KÄIND! Mees ISE ju tunnistas! Mida veel? Mis keeles peab veel kinnitama? EI KÄIND!!!
Kus sa oled Inno? Ansip teeb homme avalduse! Tee kärmelt küsitlus: a. tuleb devalveerimine, b. valitsus astub ise tagasi, c. jne
Ei ta hoopiski käis salaja South Pacific-ul(ma ep tea kuidas see on eesti keeles).
Ajakirja New International artikkel selle kohta:
China has merged capitalism with communism to form a powerful new economic system.All countries now feel its impact.Chris Richards reports from the South Oacific.
The mango tree spreads large and lush.standing at the centre of this village,it has pride of place.Huits on stilts surround it.Under its branches,protected from sun,the villagers of Lalok in Papua New Guinea(PNG)collect to talk and make decisions together.Like the tree,their community is strong-democracy is growing.
It looks like paradise here.Children run across the beach laughing to greet our six-metre dinghy after its sea-crossing.Tall palm trees swaying softly on t´he edge of the beach rim the rainforest.Yet living in paradise has its price.
The villagers miss the opportunities that education could bring.They want to increase their income by selling their cocoa and coconuts,bamboo and bananas,taro and yams.They want the longer life that doctors can offer.A road could provide the missing link to schools,hospitals and markets.It need not be long-it is only around 35 kilometres to Madang,the regional capital.And,says the Coastal Landowners Association Chairperson,John Yong Botti,the Chinese should pay to build it.
The other villagers,seated in a circle around the mango tree,nod in agreement.It is only fair.Over the next 20 years the Chinese plan to take significant resource wealth from this party of PNG.The $1.37 billion Ramu Nickel mine will produce 31,150 tonnes of nickel and 3,300 tonnes of cobalt each year for the next 20 years.
From the mine/site in Kurumbukari,they will send the ore down a 135-kilometre pipeline to processing plant on the coast,then load it on chips bound for China.
This is China's largets investment in the South Pacific,just one in a global empire of mining ventures feeding its appetite for growth.As the world's biggets consumer of stainless steel (using more than the US and Japan combined) nickel alloy is critical.Nickel is also a key component of rechargeable battery systems used in electronics,power tools and transport-important as the share of China's exports shift from textiles,clothes and shoes t6o more profitable hi-tech products.
For Papua New Guinea,the Ramu Nickel venture is its biggest construcyion project,adding and estimated eight to ten per cent to the national economy every year.
But for the people of Lalok it's hard to see the benefits.
The pipeline passes over their land,cutting through fruit trees and vegetables crops.Each clan has been paid up ro 400 kina($146),but it is not enough.'How much compensation should be given for this?' asks John Yong.
Botti ashe points to the mango tree.' They are giving a lusy 10 to 20 kina($3,66 to $7.33).If the mango tree is there,we will continue to sell the fruit and get the money.But if the tree goes,that income goes with it.'
As they talk in the sunshine,it is clear that they have been left in the dark.When they raise their concerns with the mining companies,they are told to ask the Government.but the Government isn;t answering.
Then there are the environmental
concerns.I'm no expert but the waste disposal method proposed by the project's managers sounds laughable.After the bickel and cobalt are processed,five million tonnes of tailing waste each year will be siphoned into pristine Astrolabe Bay.Sinking to depth of 150 metres,the exposed waste will
lie in a deep ocean basin.
Ei viitsi teha vigade parandusi.)))
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ole ettevaatlik selle lugemisega...
saad peedistatud ja ajupestud..
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kas homoinno on juba järgmised rubriigid läbinud;ansip on homo, reiljan on homo`? või on see lähiajak plaanis. teil käib ju plaat ringi. ainult nimi vahetub.
Ega Andrus totaalne lollpea nüüd ka ei ole. Muidugi käis ta luual aga omast vabast ajast ja ilma julgestuspolitsei auto jms. Mees teab väga hästi Jüri võimalusi ja seega orgunnis lõksu. Teada võid aga tõestada ei saa. Õigemini, Jüri saaks tõestada küll aga sellega tõnbaks omale jama kaela.
Kas Luua on mingi vinge paik vää?
Loomulikult käis Ansip Luual.
Peab ikka küll päris lihtsameelne olema,kui veel seda Ansipit uskuda,pärast kõike tema valetamisi.
Ma ei mäleta ühtegi Ansipi suust kuuldud lubadust või öeldut,mis oleks tõeks osutunud.
Kõik on osutunud bluffiks,mis on riigile ja rahvale väga olulise tähendusega olnud.
Kui Ansipi silmad ei pilgu,siis ta valetab,mis ongi olnud tema normaalne olek.
Pigev pingeline olek,et mitte vääratades seda valetamist paljastada,on selle krampis oleku põhjus.
Kui Tallinnast mööda Piibe maanteed Tartusse sõita, on Luua ju enam-vähem tee peal. Ansip võiks nüüd mõelda mõistukõnele a´la "tulnukas"...
tere. ma ei taha tegelt üldse seda teemat kommenteerida, aga lihtsalt ükspäev koju sõites märkasin teid oma kodulinnas Rakveres. kas vastab tõele, et kolisitegi siia päriseks elama? kui jah, siis väga vinge.. loodan, et teete selle linnakese elu veidi kirjumaks.
see kõik selleks, aga miks te oma kohtu-lugu ikkagi kajastada/kommenteerida ei taha ?
ano 20.42 - irja täna ju kusagil ütles, et neil on tähtsamatki teha kui kohtuasja kommenteerida. Nüüd ma sain aru, et see tähtsam tähendab selle välja selgitamist, kas Ojulind on kana või kalkun. Õige ka, mis on selle kõrval saamata jäänud kaks milli või maksmist vajavad menetluskulud.
Elame siin juba alates eelmise aasta suvest. Tasapisi oleme end sisse seadnud ja eks varsti hakkame ka kohalikus elus osalema :).
Ärge naerge. On äärmiselt oluline selgitada välja, kas Ojulind on kana. Või kalkun. Või hoopistükkis jaanalind. Kõik kohtuasjad kahvatuvad selle teadmise kõrval.
Oluline on ka teada mikspärast ma jälle ei saanud kommenteerida...seda muidugi mitte kohviku pidajate süül...
Tegin side kontrolli ära väikese kommi näol s.o. saatsin ära ja see ilmus teie kommentaariumis ja siis kukkusin trükkima pikka kommentaari...aga seda ei saanud ära saadetud...juba teist korda sedasi...eila juhtus esmalt...
Selle artikli kirjutan lõpuni vast homme...
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A report comissioned by the Mineral Policy Institute in Sydney,Australia,concluded:
`While it is remotely possible that the disharge of 100 million tonnes of mine tailing into Astrolabe Bay may have no impact at all,this is exceedingly unlikely.´Following public outcry,governments have comissioned another study to make this system safer.But in an area prone to earthquakes and high seas,locals fear that whatever improvements are made the waste will find its way to their shores.The Impact on marine life-and therefore on human health-could be catastrophic;fish are a major source of protein for more than 80,000 Papua New Guineans whose lives depend on the sea.
Come with me and see,says Letani Robin,a community facilitator for Lalok village.
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Letani takes me by boat to the end of the pipeline at Basamuk,where
the processing plants are being built.As we walk up the road from the once beautiful coastline,the dirt road disappears under curtain of limestone dust each time a truck goes by.Coughing,Letani worries for the workers and local residents.By 2002,and estimated on million Chinese were suffering pneumoconiosis-the debilitating work-related lung disease caused by the inhalation of dusts.This problem is being exported to Basamuk´s shores.
Cultures are colliding here.To the outrage of the people of PNG,media and locals report that Chinese workesr for the Ramu project have been brought into the country illegally in shipping containers along with ´comfort women´to service them.Standing at the main gate of the workers´compound,we read the sign of ´welcome´-the company rules for all those who pass through its gates.No alcohol.No drugs.No women.No families.No littering.No removing company property.No betelnut.Betelnut is a staple for PNG people.Once the green nut is peeled and chewed it turns the mouth,lips and teeth red.´It makes us feel happy and tell stories´,explains Letani.
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Red is colour of health,happiness and prosperity in China.I wonder what the Chinese here make of the red smiles of welcome from people like Ruth Kapi.Ruth is a storeholder at the Basamuk market.She´s married to a landowner but her relatives work here,building the factories for the nickel to be processed.When I ask her about the benefits of the plant,she strides off,waving me to follow.´They employ our people doing menial work for 170 kina(USD61.90)a fortnight,´she scoffs.And-despite promises to the contrary-these locals have not been hired to do the more lucrative contract work.The equipment,materials and pipelines used on the site are all stamped´Made in China´.
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Ruth points to the sides of what looks like a pit and explains that it used to be a mountain.She takes us to the flats where the mountain´s rocks are now being crushed to make concrete blocks for factory walls.It gives the phrase´taking their land´new meaning.Ruth points to the crusher and explains how the machine has eaten the leg of one of her relatives.He now has a stump below the knee.The company paid him 500 kina(USD182) compensation.
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