Sahin: järgmisena võtab Reformierakond vastu Villu Reiljani
Liiguvad jutud, et järgmisena võtab Reformierakond oma ridadesse lisaks Tarmo Männile ja ka teise Rahvaliidu alustala: Villu Reiljani. Ning Reiljani suhtes algatatud kohtumenetlused raugevad õigesse erakonda astumise tõttu.
What a shocking story from Tallaght Hospital. Over 58,000 X Rays which were never reviewed by a consultant radiologist and at least two life threatening illnesses were misdiagnosed.
The main reason is that the Health Minister, Mary Harney, did not insist there were sufficient radiologists employed. Then she literally added insult to injury, by doing nothing back in December when she was made aware of this and when reports on the scandal first emerged this week.
Mary Harney is part of a political class whose philosophy is akin to the French aristocracy before the 1789 Revolution: namely, that they have a divine right to rule.
Harney’s party, the Progressive Democrats, has collapsed and she has no popular mandate. She hold ministerial responsibility for public health solely because she is Mary Harney, a member of the elite political class.
She has made it known that she will not stand in the next General Election, so she does not have to fear any future popular backlash.
This total disregard for the democratic principle of ‘representing the people’ explains why she feels no compulsion to resign or be accountable for her mistakes.
The harsh truth is that she does not really care about public health. Her main interest in taking stewardship of this government department was to create opportunities for private medicine. Mary Harney’s mandate comes from big business – not from the people.
Harney is only one example of how democracy works in Ireland. In a recent RTE studio discussion, the presenter Pat Kenny asked rhetorically, ‘But doesn’t democracy mean that we elect people to DO things to us?’
It was a novel but accurate description of how democracy works in Irish capitalism.
Two years ago on 24 May 2007, parties went before the people with manifesto outlining their policies. Virtually all of them claimed that the Celtic Tiger boom would continue and made various promises about how its largesse would be distributed.
The date was significant because it occurred at a tipping point where it was already clear to those who held private economic data that the boom had run out. DKM consultants, for example, tracked housing sales for the construction industry on a monthly basis – and this private costly data already indicated that the boom was over. No doubt this data was available to the main political parties.
(DKM, by the way, was owned by the economist Colm McCarthy who decided to jump ship to the public sector when he got an academic job in UCD. Ironically, he used that position to write one of the most vindictive documents ever produced on public sector cutbacks.)
Once the election was over, the manifestoes were simply torn up and cutbacks, pay reductions and bank bail outs became the order of the day.
Despite the fact that the governing parties have no mandate for their programme of social vandalism they announced that they did not care. Cowen told the population that he was staying in office until at least 2011 – for their own good, naturally.
He was able to display this contempt for popular opinion because of the assistance offered by the Green Party. They won their Dail seats because they claimed to be opposed to Fianna Fail – but, without the slightest embarrassment, promptly joined FF in government , under the pretext that they had important work to do in saving the planet.
This illustrates another feature of Irish capitalist democracy: all parties currently in Dail Eireann are willing to coalesce with each other. So you will never know in advance if your vote will be used to prop up a right wing party that you hate.
The only certainty, is that you will be ruled by either Fianna Fail or Fine Gael who come from the same political gene pool.
Even the former IRA soldiers in Sinn Fein have decided to join this system of political musical chairs. At their weekend Ard Fheis, a mere 50 people were found to vote for a resolution committing them to avoid supporting either Fine Gael or Fianna Fail in government.
Two conclusions can be drawn from this sad little story of Irish democracy.
First, as Vincent Browne so eloquently put it in his Irish Times column, ‘the only hope is that those who want a radically more just society… form a left alliance’. In other words, that a new political organisation emerges to challenge the Tweedledum – Tweedledee nature of today’s Irish politics[H1] .
The Socialist Workers Party is totally committed to that project and has demonstrated that in practice through its involvement in the People Before Profit Alliance – which is the only left alliance that currently exists in Ireland.
Second, within such an alliance there will be debates and here we could go even further than Vincent Browne.
If as he advocates we want a society where there is a minimum income of €20,000 and a maximum income of €150,000, we will need to create a great movement of people power that will culminate in a revolution.
By what other possible means could a Tony O Reilly or a Denis O Brien be persuaded to accept a ‘mere’ yearly income of €150,000?
After all, even their talking puppets in the political parties, insist on their divine right to rule. So how much more insistent will the real money masters be on maintaining on their privileged lifestyle.
Knocking them off their opulent pedestals will require a little more activity then merely voting at the ballot box.
Eksmuidugi nüüd kirjutab Irja nagu juba kunagi varem kirjutas, et tema tahaks kangesti Ingridi lapsed endale võtta, et siis koos nendega joonistada ja neile ette lugeda (mis siis, et üks laps juba kõva teismeline), aga kuri kohus ei anna.
tegija, 15.03.2010 10:39 se on ülekohus meestele ju
Nii-nii, 15.03.2010 10:41 Mina leian,et ei pea kysima. Miks? Sest siis tõuseb kindlasti ka varguste protsent. Hetkel võiks siis appi tulla riik ja hiljem siis vanemalt selle välja nõuda. Kus kohats peaks töötu saama selle raha? Arvan,et ka enesetapu protsent siis kindlasti ka tõuseks :(
eerik savi, 15.03.2010 10:44 Alimentidega on minu arust üldse kohatult sooliselt mehi diskrimineeritud... see jäänuk tuleks välja juurida - ega siis mees ka kõigis maailma hädades süüdi ole, et peab 7 nahka koorima.
ehk, kuni mehi rõhutakse, pole eriti mõtet udutda soolisest võrdõiguslikkusest...
joodik, 15.03.2010 10:45 Lapsele ei anna punast krossigi, kõik lasen kõrist alla! Las eit mässab lastega, ise on loll, et lasi endale lapse teha!
tegija, 15.03.2010 10:52 naised võiks ka maksta meestele aliment ja naised veel hullemad
õ, 15.03.2010 11:31 muidugi ei tohi, aga kättemaksuhimulised kibestunud eided sellest aru ei saa
husu, 15.03.2010 11:37 mul pole niigi palju raha et sõita last vaatama. kust need alimendidki kätte saax
Päris huvitavad sahinad liiguvad Urro ja Türja peas. On see nüüd "tervisliku" toidu, kummiliimi või valge viina mõju? Või peaks kaastundest mokaotsast naeru kõhistama ebaõnnestunud "nalja" üle?
Aga miks sa ikkagi alikaid ei taha maksta? Ma arvan, et ise kyll tahaks kui lapsed oleksid.Ja siis veel irvitad, et hahaa, Ingridil läheb ka sitasti ja sissetulekud kokku kuivand :D Ja samal ajal vahutad vihast, et sinult ka abi kysitakse. Minuarust see "votolenniikõvameeset lihtsalteimaksa" lapsik :) 11:50 again.
Aga Päälinnas on päälikul uus nõunik, Paadami Juhan on nimi. Eks Päälik vihastas koledasti, et Lenna ei saanud Eurovisioonile ja nüüd siis teeb Paadam oma Päälinna Eurovisiooni. See ei ole "sahin".
olen eelmisega nõus. kui ei oleks nii tugevat keski propagandat reformi vastu, siis ehk valiksin tuleval aastal kedagi teist. rahvast koondab ikka ühine soov eedikule vastu astuda.
22 kommentaari:
Te polegi kommenteerind:
What a shocking story from Tallaght Hospital. Over 58,000 X Rays which were never reviewed by a consultant radiologist and at least two life threatening illnesses were misdiagnosed.
The main reason is that the Health Minister, Mary Harney, did not insist there were sufficient radiologists employed. Then she literally added insult to injury, by doing nothing back in December when she was made aware of this and when reports on the scandal first emerged this week.
Mary Harney is part of a political class whose philosophy is akin to the French aristocracy before the 1789 Revolution: namely, that they have a divine right to rule.
Harney’s party, the Progressive Democrats, has collapsed and she has no popular mandate. She hold ministerial responsibility for public health solely because she is Mary Harney, a member of the elite political class.
She has made it known that she will not stand in the next General Election, so she does not have to fear any future popular backlash.
This total disregard for the democratic principle of ‘representing the people’ explains why she feels no compulsion to resign or be accountable for her mistakes.
The harsh truth is that she does not really care about public health. Her main interest in taking stewardship of this government department was to create opportunities for private medicine. Mary Harney’s mandate comes from big business – not from the people.
Harney is only one example of how democracy works in Ireland. In a recent RTE studio discussion, the presenter Pat Kenny asked rhetorically, ‘But doesn’t democracy mean that we elect people to DO things to us?’
It was a novel but accurate description of how democracy works in Irish capitalism.
Two years ago on 24 May 2007, parties went before the people with manifesto outlining their policies. Virtually all of them claimed that the Celtic Tiger boom would continue and made various promises about how its largesse would be distributed.
The date was significant because it occurred at a tipping point where it was already clear to those who held private economic data that the boom had run out. DKM consultants, for example, tracked housing sales for the construction industry on a monthly basis – and this private costly data already indicated that the boom was over. No doubt this data was available to the main political parties.
(DKM, by the way, was owned by the economist Colm McCarthy who decided to jump ship to the public sector when he got an academic job in UCD. Ironically, he used that position to write one of the most vindictive documents ever produced on public sector cutbacks.)
Once the election was over, the manifestoes were simply torn up and cutbacks, pay reductions and bank bail outs became the order of the day.
Despite the fact that the governing parties have no mandate for their programme of social vandalism they announced that they did not care. Cowen told the population that he was staying in office until at least 2011 – for their own good, naturally.
He was able to display this contempt for popular opinion because of the assistance offered by the Green Party. They won their Dail seats because they claimed to be opposed to Fianna Fail – but, without the slightest embarrassment, promptly joined FF in government , under the pretext that they had important work to do in saving the planet.
This illustrates another feature of Irish capitalist democracy: all parties currently in Dail Eireann are willing to coalesce with each other. So you will never know in advance if your vote will be used to prop up a right wing party that you hate.
The only certainty, is that you will be ruled by either Fianna Fail or Fine Gael who come from the same political gene pool.
Even the former IRA soldiers in Sinn Fein have decided to join this system of political musical chairs. At their weekend Ard Fheis, a mere 50 people were found to vote for a resolution committing them to avoid supporting either Fine Gael or Fianna Fail in government.
Two conclusions can be drawn from this sad little story of Irish democracy.
First, as Vincent Browne so eloquently put it in his Irish Times column, ‘the only hope is that those who want a radically more just society… form a left alliance’. In other words, that a new political organisation emerges to challenge the Tweedledum – Tweedledee nature of today’s Irish politics[H1] .
The Socialist Workers Party is totally committed to that project and has demonstrated that in practice through its involvement in the People Before Profit Alliance – which is the only left alliance that currently exists in Ireland.
Second, within such an alliance there will be debates and here we could go even further than Vincent Browne.
If as he advocates we want a society where there is a minimum income of €20,000 and a maximum income of €150,000, we will need to create a great movement of people power that will culminate in a revolution.
By what other possible means could a Tony O Reilly or a Denis O Brien be persuaded to accept a ‘mere’ yearly income of €150,000?
After all, even their talking puppets in the political parties, insist on their divine right to rule. So how much more insistent will the real money masters be on maintaining on their privileged lifestyle.
Knocking them off their opulent pedestals will require a little more activity then merely voting at the ballot box.
töötu vanem võiks saada lapsed enda juurde sest tal on aega oma lastega olla- ja töölkäiv vanem annaks siis neile söögiraha:)
Eksmuidugi nüüd kirjutab Irja nagu juba kunagi varem kirjutas, et tema tahaks kangesti Ingridi lapsed endale võtta, et siis koos nendega joonistada ja neile ette lugeda (mis siis, et üks laps juba kõva teismeline), aga kuri kohus ei anna.
11:50, on küll kommenteerinud:
tegija, 15.03.2010 10:39
se on ülekohus meestele ju
Nii-nii, 15.03.2010 10:41
Mina leian,et ei pea kysima. Miks? Sest siis tõuseb kindlasti ka varguste protsent. Hetkel võiks siis appi tulla riik ja hiljem siis vanemalt selle välja nõuda. Kus kohats peaks töötu saama selle raha? Arvan,et ka enesetapu protsent siis kindlasti ka tõuseks :(
eerik savi, 15.03.2010 10:44
Alimentidega on minu arust üldse kohatult sooliselt mehi diskrimineeritud... see jäänuk tuleks välja juurida - ega siis mees ka kõigis maailma hädades süüdi ole, et peab 7 nahka koorima.
ehk, kuni mehi rõhutakse, pole eriti mõtet udutda soolisest võrdõiguslikkusest...
joodik, 15.03.2010 10:45
Lapsele ei anna punast krossigi, kõik lasen kõrist alla! Las eit mässab lastega, ise on loll, et lasi endale lapse teha!
tegija, 15.03.2010 10:52
naised võiks ka maksta meestele aliment ja naised veel hullemad
õ, 15.03.2010 11:31
muidugi ei tohi, aga kättemaksuhimulised kibestunud eided sellest aru ei saa
husu, 15.03.2010 11:37
mul pole niigi palju raha et sõita last vaatama. kust need alimendidki kätte saax
Siis rauges Urro jõud...
Päris huvitavad sahinad liiguvad Urro ja Türja peas. On see nüüd "tervisliku" toidu, kummiliimi või valge viina mõju? Või peaks kaastundest mokaotsast naeru kõhistama ebaõnnestunud "nalja" üle?
Inno sahistas käega püksis ja tõmbas sealt välja sellise "uudise"! Käivad jutud, mai äss.
Stiililiselt meenutab muidugi kunagist Kroonikat ja selle peatoimetajat...
ten point to 15 märts 2010 12:42
Nalja teed või. Milleks reformile see pätistunud alustala. Ta sobib Eediku tiiva alla justnagu rusikas silmaauku.
Urro ja Türja, kas te uues kohas tööd ei peagi tegema - keset päeva lööte aega surnuks sellise jama sodimisega oma isiklikku blogisse?
See pole enam InnoIrja blogi, see on ammu juba rohkem Elektrihullu isiklik blogi!
sähkömies, elämä on laiffi...
Aga miks sa ikkagi alikaid ei taha maksta? Ma arvan, et ise kyll tahaks kui lapsed oleksid.Ja siis veel irvitad, et hahaa, Ingridil läheb ka sitasti ja sissetulekud kokku kuivand :D Ja samal ajal vahutad vihast, et sinult ka abi kysitakse.
Minuarust see "votolenniikõvameeset lihtsalteimaksa" lapsik :)
11:50 again.
Aga Päälinnas on päälikul uus nõunik, Paadami Juhan on nimi. Eks Päälik vihastas koledasti, et Lenna ei saanud Eurovisioonile ja nüüd siis teeb Paadam oma Päälinna Eurovisiooni. See ei ole "sahin".
Aga Jaan Kundla, vist enne Reiljanit?
Reform on tõeline pätterakond. Kusjuures seadustatud.
Võrreldes kesikturuerakonnaga on Reform malbe inglikoor. Mitte et see neid kuidagi välja vabandaks.
olen eelmisega nõus. kui ei oleks nii tugevat keski propagandat reformi vastu, siis ehk valiksin tuleval aastal kedagi teist. rahvast koondab ikka ühine soov eedikule vastu astuda.
Edgar on cool man, ta annab tasuta kartuleid jälle milli eest!
õnnelik kesik
Truud penid peavad ikka peremehe paid välja teenima, orjad jäävad orjadeks, määäääää
eelmisega nõus, ega paarike seda kätt hammusta, mis neid toidab.
kas mitte etkar villuga kera pakti ei sõlminud???
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