
Väljavõte Äripäeva veebist.
Äripäev kirjutab, et peaminister Andrus Ansip jättis oma USA visiidi ära, kuna "leidis, et sisepoliitilised küsimused on hetkel tähtsamad kui välispoliitilised". No mida juttu?!
Tal oli kindel plaan minna USAsse koos transiidi-alase delegatsiooniga. Sellest kirjutas kohvik juba mitu kuud tagasi.
Nii on lood.
13 kommentaari:
Jah, ja kui te poleks keski, vaid reformi palgal, siis kindlasti oleks maadevahetuse kohtuasi ainult teie kohviku teene, ja vanalinna korteriskandaalid ja kõik muu, mis vähegi võimuvõitluses tähtis - no tule jumal appi, see teie maanja krrrrandioosa näikse aina süvenevat, ja sealjuures hirmuäratava kiirusega.
Ja ikkagi ei saa ma aru, miks ei võiks kohvik kanda uhkelt nime "ONANEERIV AHV"?
Proovige parem neid hotelle edasi.
Ilmselt läks lugu jälle täkkesse.
läks täkkesse jah, sest ilmselt riivas see skisofreenikutel teatud ajuosa. peale selle on skisod äärmiselt yhtehoidvad ja moodustavad ringkaitse, lausa lambist, sageli põhjuseta. eestis paistavad nad rõhuvas enamuses olevat.
arvan, et elamisväärse eestikeelse riigi saaks siis, kui paarkymmend tuhat (hypoteetiline arv) allesjäänud tervet inimest rändaks välja ja asustaks kusagil algul koloonia, hiljem riigi. praegusest riigist asja ei saa, sest skisod on ja jäävad veel kauaks enamusse.
senikaua elan eksiilis, aga see eest tervete seas.
ken taur
Ma vahete vahel võisin kirjutada pika kommi.)))
Samal teemal mis on ka kivi Keskerakonna kapsaaeda on ajakirja Business ja Finance artikkel:
Amid calls for innovative policies,Alan Dukes explains why there is no subsrtitute for fiscal common sense as a bedrock of growth.
Every fiscal crisis produces demands for "innovative" or "imaginative" policies to
"get the economy moving again".
This usually means that the government is accused of being obsessed with"balancing the books" to the detriment of other,more important,considerations.Listening to the debate,I am reminded of the old saying:"been there,done that,bought the T-shirt".
I have rarely seen a working example of a policy that can deliver in the absence of,at least,a convincing move in the direction of fiscal common sense.
I can understand the emotion and the concern which underlie calls for innovation and imaginatio,each of which is always both necessary and welcome.The problem is that they typically call for mote public financing.
Today,the underlying emotion and concern are more changed than ever because of righteous indignation at the alleged improvidence of bankers and the lackadaisical performance of regulators.
Moral indignation is an intoxicating brew but not a great aid to good decision-making.
I recently listened with some moral sympathy to Jack O´connor of Siptu inveighing against the Government´s obsessive(in his view)concern with"the books" and the process of "prostrating ourselves at the feet of the international financial markets".
Heady stuff,but it doesn´t solve any problems.Siptu,Ictu and Ibec have all recently argued the need for imaginative and creative measures.They have been gloriosusly unspecific.They have hinted at expenditure measures of unspecified kinds.They support the idea of an "enterprise fund" of Euro 1bn.
In the absence of any specification to the contrary,it seems that this would have to be borrowed(from the financial markets before which Jack O´Connor doesn´t want us to "prostrate" ourselves).They haven´t said which billion euro of programmed borrowing this should replace-and it would inescapably have to take the place of borrowing for some other implicit or explicit purpose.
The reality is that,even before any "creative,innovative or imaginative" measures that might be proposed,we will already be borrowing to the limits of our capacity(and beyond)in the years immediately ahead.Good,creative,innovative or imaginative policy ideas might marginally reduce the cost of borrowing:they are unlikely to increase our capacity to do so,or the wisdom of doing so.
To me,the most frustrating aspect of the financial bind in which we found oursevles in the 1980s was the simple fact that servicing the national debt ate up the equivalent of the entire proceeds of the income tax system.As Minister for Finance,I was taxing people heavily simply to service debt,without having the leeway to fund any creative policies.
We should not lightly head there again,but there is areal danger that we will repeat that self-inflicted crucifiction.To put it in less dramatic terms,pump-priming involves the acceptance of short-term thirst to produce an abundance of supply in the medium term.
Sorting out the problems of the banking sector,however uncongenial that might be,is alarge part of the pump-priming we have to do today.Wherever we might lay the blame for those problems,it is an inescapable fact that there are only just over for million of us to provide the necessary resources,however we might distribute the burden.
until we resolve that problem and prime that pupm,nothing else will have any great or lasting effect.Let us,by all means,have real debate about burden sharings but let us not pretend that there is any magic wand that will reduce the size of the burden or alleviate the need to persuade people and institutions outside the State to trust us enough to lend us the money to do all this.
Part of the process of persuading others to lend us the money is to convince them that we have a plan to reduce our dependence on borrowing to get out of the hole in which we find ourselves.
That has to come before the creative or imaginative things we might do.
They all know that if we were not in this hole,we could do creative and mutually profitable things with borrowed funds:we have done such things in the past but we have alse done stupid things that got us into the hole in the firts place.
not only that ,we have (ironically)to convince the international capital markets that we are not in danger of repeating the kind of misjudgement that has resulted in their problems as well as our own.
at the end of theday,we must bear in mind the lesson of the 1980s and 1990s which is simply that there is no substitute for fiscla comon sense as the essential bedrock of growth and prosperity.the rest is icing on the cake-toothsome but insufficient on its own.
ei jõua vigu parandada
Vargad ahju!
Sama täkkesse kui tolle lolli või pahatahtliku kunstniku töö.
Hispaania kunn külastas Eestit möödunud nädalal ka kohvikus avaldatu mõjul, hahahaaa
Ma käisin hommikul Inno ja Irja kohviku mõjul sital. Päeval kaks korda kusel ja õhtul põgusalt ka oksendamas. See viimane oli eriti hea. Aitäh, Inno ja Irja!
Nujah, te ju "nõunikud" "igal" alal!
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