teisipäev, 6. aprill 2010

Krista Lensin - kas uus Ingrid ;)?

No nüüd on see siis selge. Kroonika peatoimetajaks saab ikkagi Krista Lensin. Seekord siis naine. Tea, kas seepärast, et naised on õelamad ja kättemaksuhimulisemad?

Margus Müili Kroonika oli muidu täitsa loetav, aga kohati liiga pidulik. Sära ja särtsu jäi väheseks, aga eks see tulnud sest, et Margus on ise kultuuriinimene ja üritas ka Kroonikat elitaarsemaks teha.

Ingridi Kroonika oli jällegi täis mesilugusid ta enda tuttavatest. Oli tunda, et ajakirjanik teab väga palju, aga lihtsalt ei räägi midagi. Et kogu toimetus on täis tohutu põnevat infot, aga seda lihtsalt ei anta lugejatele välja. Sellisel seltskonnaajakirjal, mis annab kogu aeg mõista, et teab kole palju, aga ei räägi midagi välja, ei ole aga mitte mingisugust mõtet.

Nüüd siis Lensin. Anname talle nö sada päeva ja vaatame, millega ta hakkama saab. Särtsu paistab tädil jaguvat, kuid kas ta suudab seda ajakirja panna ja lugejatele jagada? Saab näha. Ma isiklikult oleks pannud peatoimetajaks Anu Saagimi, kasvõi vägisi. Teinud talle pakkumise, millest ta poleks saanud keelduda. Sest Anu tehtud Just! oli minu meelest legendaarne. Inno jällegi arvab, et Marii Karell tegi väga head Naistelehte. Samuti on ta jätkuvalt seisukohal, et eesti parim seltskonnaajakirjanik on Inga Raitar. Inga tehtud Naised on ka minu meelest hetkel eesti parim nädalakiri.

Igal juhul paistab üsna pea, kas Lensinist saab uus Ingrid. Kes treib ajakirja rea mesilugusid oma tuttavatega ja teeb siis hästi salapärase näo pähe.

31 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

Selgub, et Türj hoolib ka Ingridist. Treib siin isegi lugusid oma abikaasa eksist.

Kas vastab tõele, et teil on Ingridist raamitud pildid suures toas seinal?

Anonüümne ütles ...

Aga kas sul, Urruaugu-Nörti alias Triin Põldra, on oma iidolist Ingridist raamitud pildid seinal? Anna aru!

Anonüümne ütles ...

"Naised" Eesti parim seltskonnaajakiri... irw-irw. Aga muidugi kui mõni leiab, et "kolmas silm", nõia-Ellad ja Murutari pläraläralood "hobuseemandatest" on "parim seltskond", sel juhul tõesti.

Anonüümne ütles ...

to 21:37

Kas Urruaugu-Nörti pole mitte Türja klitshka? Sa ajad ikka midagi lootusetult sassi.

Ja kes on Triin Põldra? Mida see tegelane siia puutub?

Anonüümne ütles ...

Kuidagi hambutuks on see blogi muutunud... Kommentaarid kaasaarvatud. Enam vist ei viitsigi lugeda.

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...

Brian Lenihan has dropped another bombshell: the entire tax take for a whole year from VAT and income tax is to be squandered on bailing out banks.

Last Tuesday, he announced that another €22 billion would be poured into Ireland’s zombie bank network.

Sometimes these figures are so mind boggling that it is hard to get a grip on what they really mean. So think of it this way:

1. This is the budget for the whole health service for a year and a half. It is like closing down all our hospitals and medical centres just to help the bankers.

2. It will cost each family a total of €27,000. That debt burden will be stuck on them for years to come.

In September 2008, Lenihan and Cowen made a fateful decision to guarantee the €440 billion in loans that Irish banks had taken out.

This government guarantee ensured that rich speculators would not lose a cent – we, the people, would pay for their gambling.

Anglo-Irish Banks had over €70 billion in bad debts but the bankers and the political elite covered this up.

Now the FF-Green government are propping up a zombie bank so that their crazy guarantee will not be called in. If they had any concern for people’s welfare, they would never have signed that guarantee. But they only care about their fat cat friends.

Anglo Irish was not the only culprit. In just one year, in 2007, at the height of the Celtic Tiger boom, the Irish banking system was borrowing €150 billion from international money markets. This was the equivalent of the whole Irish economy for a year.

Their motive was pure greed. The more the banks took in, the more they could operate like drug pushers.

They stoked up the housing market, got people to take out huge mortgages – and then raked in the profits.

Their actions have brought ruin to the Irish economy – yet they want working people to pay to clean up their mess.

They are only getting away with this scam because the political elite are puppets who dangle on their strings. Sometimes they don’t even bother to hide how close they are.

The secretary of the Irish Bankers Federation, for example, is Pat Farrell – the former General Secretary of Fianna Fail.

The elite act like an aristocracy of money who just do what they want. And our only answer must be like the peasants of yesteryear: REVOLT.

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...


But first we have to deal with the traitors in our own midst. On the same day that Lenihan revealed his new bank robbery, the ICTU union leaders announced an historic betrayal of public sector workers. They want to collaborate with the Fianna Fail-Green

Party government to cut 17,000 public sector jobs and have their members lose the working conditions they built up over decades.

The draft public sector agreement would:

* Compel some to work an extra hour a week.

* Force hospital workers to work anti-social hours without overtime

* Give managers the right to redeploy workers to any part of the public sector

* Introduce ‘management by stress’ by tying increments to performance indicators

* Cut the pensions of new staff and force them to work until they are 68

The union leaders want to give up the fight to reverse the pay cuts and the pension levy. And the shocking thing is that they have nothing to show for it.

Under this deal, workers will get NO general pay rise before 2014 even though inflation is set to rise. Allied Irish Bank has already raise its interest rates – on the same day that it got more billions from the Irish taxpayer!

So young people in particular will face mortgage hikes – with no extra pay for THREE years.

Public sector workers are only getting a vague promise of some money from the savings made by these huge productivity concessions.

There is no figure on that money, there is no definite commitment; and the government has a get out clause ‘if the economic situation deteriorates’.

This is a major loophole because the budgetary situation has deteriorated each quarter for the past year and a half. And the more the government operates its slash and burn economics, the more it will do into the future. So the vague commitment

to giving workers some savings is about as good as a Fianna Fail election promise.

This scandalous deal has been put together by the ex Fás chairman Peter McLoone and other union leaders who want to get back into a cosy club with bosses and government officials.

There is a huge mood of anger sweeping the country – but it has no outlet. The organisations that should stand up for workers are now led by collaborators.

Our only alternative is to build a huge grassroots movement from below.

That can start with the coming together of militant trade unionists, community activists and people who have been made unemployed through this government’s policies.

A first step in this will be the formation of a National Right to Work Campaign which has the simple message: Bail out Jobs and Services – Not Bankers.

The launch meeting for the Right to Work Campaign takes place on Saturday 22nd May at 12pm in the UNITE Hall, Middle Abbey St.

If you want to see a new grassroots movement, then make sure that you get your union branch or community organisation to support this conference.

If you want to see more protests in the meantime please contact us and we will help you organise.

Our aim is to build a huge movement that can mobilise thousands for militant action on the streets.

We have to start by organising – it is the only way to build a movement than can drive this government out of office.

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...

Dublin Bus Victimise Trade Unionist
Eugene McDonagh, an executive member of the National Bus and Rail Workers union, has been sacked from his job in Dublin Bus. Eugene has been a driver for twenty one years. He has a clean safety record and was only sick once - because he was assaulted while at work. He has consistently won an attendance bonus. In every way, he was a model employee but his crime was that he was also a decent trade unionist.
Traditionally, bus drivers had a right to a say on their schedules. If their routes were changed, management had to first discuss it with the drivers. Far from this leading to any ‘inefficiency’, workers were treated with a bit of respect and morale was high. Drivers also knew more about traffic on their routes and could make constructive suggestions,
Last year, Dublin Bus went on the offensive and pushed through a deal where this traditional right was lost.
On two separate occasions, drivers voted to reject a deal but were finally pressurised into accepting it on the third time. The deal was due to be implemented on Sunday 26th April 2009 but drivers In Harristown were upset when they found that new rosters unilaterally imposed on them. Eugene McDonagh sought to negotiate on behalf of his members on this matter with the management and agreed to come in on a Saturday, on his day off, to do so.
But the management refused all attempts to settle the matter. In other garages, extra time was given to settle similar disputes like this.
Faced with a fragrantly provocative management action, some drivers refused to drive their buses and a two and a half day unofficial strike occurred. As a good trade unionist Eugene McDonagh stood by his members and eventually negotiated a settlement, where it was agreed there would be no disciplinary action. Within a month, however, the management sent letters to about 30 staffs threatening them with disciplinary and legal actions. Workers were told that they could be sued for ‘damages’ caused to the company by the strike. Each worker was then taken in for interview and told that the only way to avoid being sued for damages – and for many that could have meant the loss of their family home- was to name an ‘instigator’ of the strike who had ‘pressurised’ them into taking action.
Despite this pressure, only two drivers agreed to make statements naming Eugene McDonagh. One of those drivers was held for four and a half hours for an interview before signing his name to a statement.
He subsequently withdrew that statement – but it was, nevertheless, used in kangaroo court proceeding to convict Eugene McDonagh. Despite many drivers clearly indicating that Eugene McDonagh did not cause the strike, he was tried and convicted by a vindictive management on the word of one man. They have only been able to get away with this disgraceful action because his own union colluded with them. The NRBU was founded as a militant breakaway many years ago but today it works closely with Dublin Bus management.
Instead of ballot to take official strike action against the oppressive disciplinary proceeding launched against Eugene McDonagh and the other drivers, it launched its own spurious investigation. The whole case indicates the deeply repressive regime that is now being developed against active trade unionists. A section of the boss class (employers) want to break unions and will even try to drive decent people like Eugene McDonagh out of work.
The agenda of Dublin Bus is to cut further bus routes and reduce its service.
We appeal to all our readers to do everything they can to rally support for this victimised trade unionist.

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...

In five different venues, thousands will gather to make known their feelings about this rotten government:

* In Clonmel, thousands will march over the downgrading of the local hospital.

The following day several more thousand will march in Ballinasloe to save their hospital.

* In Waterford, the Green Party will be met by a series of protests to expose their hypocrisy in propping up the Fianna Fail government. Groups who are already lined up to stage protests at different times include: community organisations; anti-water charges campaigners; protesters for the right to work.

* In Dun Laoghaire, people will march over the closure of a local library in Sallynoggin.

* Outside Castlerea prison, Shell to Sea campaigners will gather to protest at the jailing of Pat O Donnell.

These protests have not been co-ordinated – their occurrence on the same day is purely coincidental. But it also reflects a deep rage at a government which is acting as a social vandal, destroying our society. The Fianna Fail-Green Party government has no mandate to bail out banks, cut wages, savage our public services. The only constituency they are now answerable to seems to be his wealthy elite who want to make Irish society pay the cost of their economic crimes.

In order to hold onto power the government is increasingly using censorship and repression. RTE and the corporate media will barely report these protests. Like the old USSR-style propaganda machine, they play down opposition to their system. The media is used, mainly, to foment opposition against people who are fighting back.

This week, for example, RTE used the desperation of people outside the passport office in Dublin to whip up hatred of CPSU members taking industrial action. Before that TV3 ran a scandalous programme on the Shell to Sea campaign presenting them as terrorists.

The other weapon of the state is repression. Big business men like Sean Fitzpatrick or Willie McAteer from Anglo-Irish Bank are only arrested – but a decent hard working fisherman, like Pat O Donnell, is jailed because he wanted the natural resources of this country to be controlled by the people.

Meanwhile, a member of the executive of the NRBU, Eugene McDonagh has been sacked from his job by a state company because he was a decent trade unionist who stood by workers taking strike action.

This government is going to war with its own people – and it is time we start to co-ordinate our actions against it.

We need a huge movement of people power to drive them out of office. If they don’t listen to the ballot box, our only option is social revolt.

Remember: this government is about to hand over ANOTHER €9 billion to Anglo-Irish Bank and billions more to AIB and Bank of Ireland.

That is money that is robbed from workers who have been hit with pay cuts - and from our public services.

We urgently need a national demonstration on the Dail that has an explicit aim: Drive Them OUT.

The union leaders, who should have called this demonstration long ago are trying to stitch up a deal, to sell us all out. Instead of acting as fighters, they want to secure their position as collaborators.

The movement of people power must now come from the grassroots. That why it is most urgent that all those involved in these protests come together and name a day when we all take mass direct action to drive the bankers' government out of office.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Kurat, miks siin lastakse elektriku ingliskeelsel läbul vohada, tundub jah et Tyrjodel on juba kohvikust poogen, suretavad oma tegevusetusega selle lihtsalt ja vaikselt välja...


Anonüümne ütles ...

Inno, uuri parem seda kust sai Keskerakond täna miljon krooni, mis ta IDEA le maksis. Kõik kolm pangaarvet olid arestitud. Miljoni jäi ikka võlgu, mille Edgar ajatas ja tegi maksegraafiku. Kust tulevad erakonna rahad? Ja miks tehakse miljonite eest valimisreklaame, keegi peab ju selle kinni lõpuks maksma, KES?

iluspoiss, alias lollpoiss

elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...

Oluline on millist nikupukki ta kasutab oma liiderliku armastuskire rahuldamiseks:)))
http://elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com/2010/04/nikupu- kid.html

Inno ütles ...

Ma sain aru, et Kesk sai eelarvest raha, mis erakondadele ette nähtud.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Karell olnuks vast parem valik Raitarist. Raitari häda on see, et tema näeb ennekõike ennast protsessis, mitte protsessi. Eks ole see suurmal-vähemal määral kõigi naispeatoimetajate viga. Karellil siiski justkui vähem. Aga Lensin?...hunt seda teab. Eks aeg näitab.

Anonüümne ütles ...

6 aprill 2010 21:46:

Urruaugu-Nörti = andetu luuletaja ja blogija Triin Põldra = Inno ja Irja stalker = parandamatu skiso ja emo

Anonüümne ütles ...

See Irja tõdemus, et naised on õelamad ja kättemaksuhimulisemad kui mehed, paistab Tähismaade pere blogist kujukalt silma. Kui siin on kirjas midagi tõeliselt räiget kellegi kohta, siis võib olla kindel, et alla on kirjutanud naispool. Eriti käib see Ingridit käsitlevate kirjutiste kohta - v...viha pidada selle asja nimi olema.
Irja, sul ei tasu nüüd näha vaeva vastusega stiilis "paistab, et kõik teised tunnevad meid paremini kui meie ise" - antud blogi põhjal on olnud suurepärane võimalus teid tõesti suurepäraselt tundma õppida.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Under the name diamorphine, heroin is prescribed as a strong analgesic in the United Kingdom, where it is given via subcutaneous, intramuscular, intrathecal or intravenous route. Its use includes treatment for acute pain, such as in severe physical trauma, myocardial infarction, post-surgical pain, and chronic pain, including end-stage cancer and other terminal illnesses. In other countries it is more common to use morphine or other strong opioids in these situations.

In 2005, there was a shortage of diamorphine in the UK, due to a problem at the main UK manufacturers.[23] Due to this, many hospitals changed to using morphine instead of diamorphine. Although there is no longer a problem with the manufacturing of heroin in the UK, many hospitals there have continued to use morphine.

Diamorphine continues to be widely used in palliative care in the United Kingdom, where it is commonly given by the subcutaneous route, often via a syringe driver, if patients could not easily swallow oral morphine solution. The advantage of diamorphine over morphine is that diamorphine is more soluble and smaller volumes of diamorphine are needed for the same analgesic effect. Both of these factors are advantageous if giving high doses of opioids via the subcutaneous route, which is often necessary in palliative care.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Diacetylmorphine is used as a recreational drug for the transcendent relaxation and intense euphoria it induces. Anthropologist Michael Agar once described heroin as "the perfect whatever drug."[25] Tolerance quickly develops, and users need more of the drug to achieve the same effects. Its popularity with recreational drug users, compared to morphine, reportedly stems from its perceived different effects.[26] In particular, users report an intense rush that occurs while the diacetylmorphine is being metabolized into 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) and morphine in the brain. Diacetylmorphine produces more euphoria than other opioids upon injection. One possible explanation is the presence of 6-monoacetylmorphine, a metabolite unique to diacetylmorphine. While other opioids of recreational use, such as codeine, produce only morphine, heroin also leaves 6-MAM, also a psycho-active metabolite. However, this perception is not supported by the results of clinical studies comparing the physiological and subjective effects of injected diacetylmorphine and morphine in individuals formerly addicted to opioids; these subjects showed no preference for one drug over the other. Equipotent injected doses had comparable action courses, with no difference in subjects' self-rated feelings of euphoria, ambition, nervousness, relaxation, drowsiness, or sleepiness.[27] Short-term addiction studies by the same researchers demonstrated that tolerance developed at a similar rate to both diacetylmorphine and morphine. When compared to the opioids hydromorphone, fentanyl, oxycodone, and pethidine/meperidine, former addicts showed a strong preference for diacetylmorphine and morphine, suggesting that diacetylmorphine and morphine are particularly susceptible to abuse and addiction. Morphine and diacetylmorphine were also much more likely to produce euphoria and other positive subjective effects when compared to these other opioids.[27]

One of the most common methods of illicit heroin use is via intravenous injection (colloquially termed "slamming" or "shooting up"). Heroin base (commonly found in the UK and Europe), when prepared for injection will only dissolve in water when mixed with an acid (most commonly citric acid powder or lemon juice) and heated. Heroin in the US is most commonly its hydrochloride salt, requiring just water to dissolve. Users tend to initially inject in the easily accessible veins in the arm, but as these veins collapse over time through damage caused by the acid, the user will often resort to injecting in other veins.

Recreational users may also administer the drug through snorting, or smoking by inhaling its vapors when heated; either with tobacco in a rolled cigarette or by heating the drug on aluminium foil from underneath.[28] When heated the heroin powder changes to a thick liquid, similar in consistency to molten wax, and it will run across the foil giving off smoke which the user inhales through a tube, usually made from foil also so that any heroin that collects on the inside of the tube can be smoked afterward. This method of administration is known as chasing the dragon (whereas smoking methamphetamine is known as "chasing the white dragon").

The onset of diacetylmorphine's effects depends upon the route of administration. Studies have shown that the subjective pleasure of drug use (the reinforcing component of addiction) is proportional to the rate at which the blood level of the drug increases.[29] Intravenous injection provides the fastest and most intense rush[30] within 7 to 8 seconds. Intra-muscular injection produces a relatively slow onset of 5 to 8 minutes. Snorting or smoking reaches peak effects within 10 to 15 minutes.[31] If taken orally, the effects take approximately half an hour to set in, with an absence of a rush.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Diacetylmorphine is used as a recreational drug for the transcendent relaxation and intense euphoria it induces. Anthropologist Michael Agar once described heroin as "the perfect whatever drug."[25] Tolerance quickly develops, and users need more of the drug to achieve the same effects. Its popularity with recreational drug users, compared to morphine, reportedly stems from its perceived different effects.[26] In particular, users report an intense rush that occurs while the diacetylmorphine is being metabolized into 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) and morphine in the brain. Diacetylmorphine produces more euphoria than other opioids upon injection. One possible explanation is the presence of 6-monoacetylmorphine, a metabolite unique to diacetylmorphine. While other opioids of recreational use, such as codeine, produce only morphine, heroin also leaves 6-MAM, also a psycho-active metabolite. However, this perception is not supported by the results of clinical studies comparing the physiological and subjective effects of injected diacetylmorphine and morphine in individuals formerly addicted to opioids; these subjects showed no preference for one drug over the other. Equipotent injected doses had comparable action courses, with no difference in subjects' self-rated feelings of euphoria, ambition, nervousness, relaxation, drowsiness, or sleepiness.[27] Short-term addiction studies by the same researchers demonstrated that tolerance developed at a similar rate to both diacetylmorphine and morphine. When compared to the opioids hydromorphone, fentanyl, oxycodone, and pethidine/meperidine, former addicts showed a strong preference for diacetylmorphine and morphine, suggesting that diacetylmorphine and morphine are particularly susceptible to abuse and addiction. Morphine and diacetylmorphine were also much more likely to produce euphoria and other positive subjective effects when compared to these other opioids.[27]

One of the most common methods of illicit heroin use is via intravenous injection (colloquially termed "slamming" or "shooting up"). Heroin base (commonly found in the UK and Europe), when prepared for injection will only dissolve in water when mixed with an acid (most commonly citric acid powder or lemon juice) and heated. Heroin in the US is most commonly its hydrochloride salt, requiring just water to dissolve. Users tend to initially inject in the easily accessible veins in the arm, but as these veins collapse over time through damage caused by the acid, the user will often resort to injecting in other veins.

Recreational users may also administer the drug through snorting, or smoking by inhaling its vapors when heated; either with tobacco in a rolled cigarette or by heating the drug on aluminium foil from underneath.[28] When heated the heroin powder changes to a thick liquid, similar in consistency to molten wax, and it will run across the foil giving off smoke which the user inhales through a tube, usually made from foil also so that any heroin that collects on the inside of the tube can be smoked afterward. This method of administration is known as chasing the dragon (whereas smoking methamphetamine is known as "chasing the white dragon").

The onset of diacetylmorphine's effects depends upon the route of administration. Studies have shown that the subjective pleasure of drug use (the reinforcing component of addiction) is proportional to the rate at which the blood level of the drug increases.[29] Intravenous injection provides the fastest and most intense rush[30] within 7 to 8 seconds. Intra-muscular injection produces a relatively slow onset of 5 to 8 minutes. Snorting or smoking reaches peak effects within 10 to 15 minutes.[31] If taken orally, the effects take approximately half an hour to set in, with an absence of a rush.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Kohvik võõrkeelseks! Jätkake samas vaimus! Tuld vaenlase pihta!


Anonüümne ütles ...

Tegelikult on ikka mõned mehed ka vastikud vinguvad ja kättemaksuhimulised vt. Inno kirjutisi.
Ja muidugi meeeldiks teile ajusaagim rohkem- saaks äkki jälle mingit maitsetut paska avaldada teie sulest.

Anonüümne ütles ...

Modern English
Early Modern English (1500-1800)
Towards the end of Middle English, a sudden and distinct change in pronunciation (the Great Vowel Shift) started, with vowels being pronounced shorter and shorter. From the 16th century the British had contact with many peoples from around the world. This, and the Renaissance of Classical learning, meant that many new words and phrases entered the language. The invention of printing also meant that there was now a common language in print. Books became cheaper and more people learned to read. Printing also brought standardization to English. Spelling and grammar became fixed, and the dialect of London, where most publishing houses were, became the standard. In 1604 the first English dictionary was published.

Sarah Connor

Anonüümne ütles ...

Urro ja Türja, vile käis - kas juulis ikka <a href="http://www.24tundi.ee/?id=246806>Seligeri laagrisse</a> sõidate, Ansipi verise terrorirežiimi poolt tagakiusatud vabade ajakirjanikena enda raskest elust KaPo kurja silma all rääkima?

Anonüümne ütles ...

Mis kehvasti, see uuesti - sorri:

Urro ja Türja, vile käis - kas juulis ikka Seligeri laagrisse sõidate, Ansipi verise terrorirežiimi poolt tagakiusatud vabade ajakirjanikena enda raskest elust KaPo kurja silma all rääkima?

Anonüümne ütles ...

Ultrapaukpommuudis! Õhtulehte ei saa kommida näiteks Evelyn Sepa teemal. Kolm korda proovisin kirjutada, et see uus kutt kes on 15 aastat noorem on gay ja et Peeter Rebane on ka gay, kellega Evelyn presidendi ballil eelmine aasta käis. Süütuid komme anona saab aga lõtkuga panna...WTF!!!


Anonüümne ütles ...

Tsekkisin uuesti Õhtulehe kommentaariumi, neil on blokeeritud sõnad GAY ja HOMO! Kommid kus need sõnad on sees, ei lähe läbi! Proovisin sõna LILLA ja see läks läbi, nad on veel noored ja lollid, kes ei tunne zargooni...IRW! Tsensuur on tööle hakkanud, nõuka aeg on tagasi!!!


Anonüümne ütles ...



Anonüümne ütles ...

Pederast läheb ka läbi!


elektritsaabtasuta.blogspot.com ütles ...


Saatsin laiali seda postitust n.n. spämmisin ja tagasi tuli selline vastus,ühelt kõrgelt raamatukogu töötajalt:


Soovite avaldada oma kommentaari "Eesti kultuuriinimestel on oma süü
selles,et Eestimaa külad on tühjad ja rahvas on küüditatud väljamaale...
jne" raamatukava.wordpress.com lehel

Praegusel kujul ma seda ei avalda, kuna ma ei näe sellel kommentaaril
seost ei "Kevade" ega "Metsluikedega". Samuti tahaks kommentaar keelelist
kohendamist ja lõpuks, kui ausalt öelda, ei saanud ma jutu mõttest väga hästi aru...
Sellisel kujul kõlab kommentaar nagu nõuakaaegne propaganda, et kõiges maailma hädades on süüdi rahvusvaheline imperialism ja loovintelligents...

Rahulikku kevadet!

Saatsin talle postituse Harimatud neegrid on taganud endile elktri tasuta jt. postitusi,ma pole talt enam vastuseid saanud...

Kõrgele raamatukogu töötajale ei lähe korda tühjad külad,töötus ja väljamaale küüditatud eestlased...

Muideks,need pered kes elavad väljamaal ja lapsed õpivad võõra keelega koolides...need lapsed on meie rahvusele kadunud...
Euroopa liidu seaduste järgi peaks saama igas keeles haridust...aga Eesti lapsed Iirimaal ei saa Eesti keelset haridust...
Eesti lapsed Iirimaal peavad õppima inglise keeles...

Anonüümne ütles ...

Aga kas Urruagu-Nörti ise ka ikka läeb sinna Seligeri laagrisse?

Anonüümne ütles ...

Krista Lensin on lõpetanud Moskva Riikliku Plehhanovi-nimelise Majandusiinstituudi majanduse erialal